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Everything posted by Kapitan

  1. To feel the amazing of MSFS you need to fly it more than once or twice with good fps (which requires a good rig) Once you get that thrill of flying over a planet that looks more fascinating than anything before, together with clouds, mountains, water, cities, shades and incredible well done default airplanes and IFR FMC flying You think...what BUGS? If you dont feel it....its no point explaining. Youtube doesnt express it i sim since FS4 and was an addon developper for FS9 Patches? We had the first one a week after launch and the second is promised anytime now. What other petty primitive version had this commitment?
  2. oh dear...and they keep coming to look at our garden! and they are not even P3Dv5 or FSX simmers, they are FS9, obviously they have tech limitations that ties them to it.
  3. An easy request to the Zendesk that can be quickly done by MS team is to turn the TAXI ASSIST less exagerated. First, we dont need those brick walls forming a square in the stop spot, we know where to stop and besides the airport worker is directing us with his own signals. Second, the blue arrows, it really makes the sim sluggish. A tiny microscopic blue arrow at 100 meters intervals would be enough
  4. There are no bugs in functionality. The ones that exist are normal and should be fixed You are fed by bad midia (users that dont know how to use autopilot, install, configure joystick, setup waypoints, fly their way around) in short, BAD PILOTS Interesting and the good thing is that MSFS2020 is less forgiving with poor flying skills. That means "more realistic" If you ever decide to jump into MSFS make sure you know how to fly and how to use your OS/computer want an example? check the 2 last posts of this thread https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?325173-%C2%B4Free-Flight%C2%B4mode-unavailable-crashing just follow any thread with problems and you will see it gets solved in the user side or others say everything is normal on their side.
  5. Downloaded, checked and deleted all the 747 liveries. How can people have a quality standard that would accept the name printed backwards. That shows how the level of simmer`s has gone into a mass of dont-care Is it a SDK bug? Well if there are no properly done repaints dont post them, I wouldnt allow it if were a file moderator, and dont use them. Remember the days when simmers were simmers and aviation lovers if a repaint had a little detail wrong the author would be requested to correct it
  6. I have yet to see a video of autopilot not functioning properly in the 747 or Airbus. Fuel Consumption. The C152 has 14 gallons in each tank I set it to 2 gallons each Took off from KMIA heading 300 climbing at 75kts to 5000ft then maintained 95kts with mixture 40% Engine died 15 minutes later at about 35 miles. There was still one gallon in each tank. So it consumed 2 gallons total for a 15 minute flight including take-off and 35 miles range at clear conditions. I glided a bit with engines off to compensate take-off/climb consumption. With full tanks range gives 3 hours and 15 minutes and could possibly go 455 miles which is perfectly consistent with real life Edit: in the Airbus theres absolutely no doubt it functions properly because i fly it everyday. The 747 i have flown less, though Im an expert in the 747-200 cause I flew it with my father as captain and learned all the systems back to front (INS included)
  7. Yes, and understandable so. I bought the game thru MStore As everybody knows, you must login. First day downloading the game i was using Google and I was logged on to google Download was failing Of course! Opened Edge, log on to Microsoft and it all went smooth
  8. Totally agree the avatars needs more type plurality and placing one in the cockpit seat shouldnt be difficult (Though must be fps hit) but you could make him disappear like the yoke: send him to take a passenger seat
  9. Glad to hear Luckily you were smart enough to find the problem and solve it Wish this thread be read by everyone To those crying out with disgraceful claims of "sim broken" or "not ready" remember: the problem is always on the user's side
  10. Yes, absolutely! I challenge anyone to replicate an error and post it in youtube, carefully showing all steps that lead to the bug, honest video.
  11. All cities, with the exception of hand crafted are done with autogen buildings. Despite autogen being better than previous versions, its still too random. As time goes by, all cities will have remakes by users. In just two weeks if you go to the right websites there are already hundreds of landmarks for different cities. Thats the future of scenery. Landmarks. The scenery itself (terrain, coastlines, rivers, elevation) is fine as per satellite, the scenery addon you will start seeing are just landmarks, first the most notable, later every building, and most will have to be free. Users are adding few improvements each. Later on someone will compile all work done for Dallas in a single package. Just be patient. The future is promising.
  12. Well said Kurt It all comes down to one thing: They are talking without trying it (in a decent PC/monitor)
  13. When I press someone about autopilot working perfectly and its probably their skills that need some studying they come with the far fetched excuse that the alleged problem occurrs when "saving and re-loading a flight" Guys, thats not "saving a flight" like it existed in other versions, thats "saving a panel state", a completely different feature that is only present in complex payware. Saving a flight means that next time when you load it the plane will be at the same location with the same flight plan ready to start again. Anyway, its not a justified reason to say "autopilot doesnt work"
  14. Rickbarnes: Bugs are normal as per any version, they are related to comfortable features, like a fourth way to Pause or Instant Replay, not to functionality. You are entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine.
  15. I fly everyday on several planes. Autopilot works perfectly. The fact is the majority dont know how to use an autopilot because they wrongly assumed the "easy version" of previous sims was authentic and got used to using it incorrectly. I dont do videos thats why I have to resort to someone that does it for me. Anyone saying the autopilot doesnt work must do the following: "learn pilot basics" this is video will help if its an airline the autopilot also works perfectly, just watch the channels of DRAWYAH and 320 SIM PILOT
  16. To be fair, neither in real life a cockpit in itself gives that information. You must pull your charts, your ipad, flightplan is filed in advance at the local airport or from home, as in PC you would use Simbrief, Littlenavmap, etc. You can check the ils frequency in windows mode as consulting a chart. Its a good practice by all pilots to have their smartphone or ipad with the sid approach ils, star and airport map of the route your flying
  17. "320 Sim Pilot" channel is a real Airbus pilot doing tutorials for the A320Neo and explaining the differences with real life, which are few. and previous aug 18th he was flying an XPlane Airbus, which he says has better simulation of failures, MS still doesnt. But leaving that aside, he has chosen the A320Neo as the best simulation for the real plane
  18. I love it, have a PP license For the Airbus I follow the videos from A320 Sim Pilot, a real Airbus Pilot, and he is very impressed with the capabilities, even thou not everything is simulated yet But leaving that aside, we are different. I have the sim. You dont. I sim since FS4, up to XP11 and P3D You so far I read, dont have MSFS2020 (for whatever reason but the usual is PC specs) and you also said you have no intention of buying it Fine, its up to you. Everyone should be happy Now, defending a position of a software you dont owe due to tech limitation, and try to assure everyone its not worth it... is like the Esopo fables: The fox said the grapes were sour and he never really wanted them
  19. Thanks, useful info The flightplan should be available in the dropdown menu in flight, like in previous versions
  20. Likely you ran out the the battery. Did you leave the sim running with the plane engines off and radio and systems and on and went to macdonalds? Battery dies
  21. Well said DRAWYAH You are one of the top youtubers of MSFS, i love your complete flights with full FMC, very useful insights about each plane Congrats!
  22. I think marketplace should be only for Asobo and MS, they should develop addons since its a long term contract year they have the team and time to do it, besides improving the games core with patches
  23. Its everywhere in Microsoft site the minimum spec is the GTX family. Yours is a GT, wont run
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