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Everything posted by Kapitan

  1. It is obvious and more realistic than other sims Want cold and dark? Start at the parking gate Where in the history of the human kind did you see a plane in the runway with cold and dark? Thats the problem, you are too used to the other sims, welcome to a BETTER sim If you start at the runway its because the plane is ready for take off and you past the before start checklist. In other sims there is a menu on some paywares to make it cold and dark, thats a cheat! If you want to turn it cold and dark again even if you are at the runway just use your hand and pilot abilities and switch off everything.
  2. Just as there is a group MOD doing wonderful improvements in the Airbus 320 Neo, I wish the 747 will be tackled next. Its badly needed. One thing that shouldnt be too difficult is change the cockpit light colors to a tone of red, and green in the FMC I have enclosed two photos of real night 747 cockpits compared to a third from MSFS2020
  3. For all those heroes tweaking the Airbus and perhaps they will target the 747 next and addons in general: The possibility to turn OFF the duplicate copilot MFDs, FMS or Garmin. This would save a lot of fps and improve performance. Right now they are all on without a switch to turn them off
  4. We all want realism and fidelity to the real machines. In GA single engine, i dont know of any payware in previous simulations that is more realistic than the default C152 In airliners, the default A320Neo Airbus (with added Mod upgrade) has more functionality than most paywares from the other sims. So i killed your arguments regarding planes. On scenery this is what happens: Once you get the chance to see earth like it really is with terrain, coastlines, mountains, etc in MSFS2020, you just cannot go back Because the pleasure and eye relaxing view of flying over a coastline or elevation area that depicts the landscape is... what stimulates you to start a flight. Even if in IFR you seldom look outside, you want a sim that in case you do look...its real
  5. I hope you get your refund And next time you think about getting a complex simulator do your homework first, sign up to forums and spend a couple of months asking questions and learning, because the way you look to me with just two posts, is that you bought the sim in the hype and thought its just like an arcade-game over. ....and then you come with the game like a baby crying to his parents? : "daddy..it doesnt work" im seeing so many of you first time posters in a forum ranting against the sim when its you that havent got the slightest idea about anything! Go back to Freefire, Fortnight or GTA. This is a simulation of an actual ractivity-profession, demands studying and training You know, ever since it was anounced that it was going to be on xbox i knew this would rain everyday
  6. Works perfectly Autothrottle requires SEVERAL things for it to work properly, among them the position of the trottle levers, bank angle, yaw damper, current speed and plane config...many factors can make it become erratic or disconnect. You really need to take lessons, its not something to write in a post. You can take lessons with this kid, he makes great flights.
  7. Just made a flight today with FMS in the Airbus (upgraded with the MOD) EKCH-ENGM using Simbrief to generate the flightplan and fill the FMC with the additional data such as Flex temperature, TOW, wind en route, etc and landed safely, another hour successfully looged in the book No problems with waypoints, just proper flying If you doubt its working perfectly watch this video by a young kid
  8. Funny i think its the best of all default planes, and i can fly it with my fingertips. Super smooth and at the same time feeling the pitch of flap point, gyro torque and nature vectors The trim is always best to configure the 2 closest buttons to the joystick, so your thumb can easily adjust it as you grip the stick I took my PP license on it, first solo etc
  9. How come i have a GTX1060 with just 3gb vram and its calm and silent with low fan in 1920x1080 i5 7600 16ram here, so maybe there is a bottleneck somewere Did you jnstall Ge force Experience? Did you do the windows settings (process running in backwards, etc?) Did tou check your startup Bios to see any goodie can be enabled there?
  10. Features like this always existed in other sims, decided against when saw it installs a server to make the connection between the map and the sim, usually affects performance
  11. More, the default planes are modelled better than most paywares in the other simulators. funny reading posts here of guys complaining the C152 wont start and they havent opened the fuel valve below their feet (because they have never been in a real one, too much Xplane perhaps) or Ctrl-E In Msfs2020 all make sense In the first week i heard guys complaining how to start cold and dark... Obviously if you start the plane in the runway its ready for take off. Want cold and dark? set it in the gate. In the other sims you select from the menu an option for cold and dark....what kind of realism is that? "an option from the menu??" The Airbus with the Mod tweak already has a start up procedure with Ecams working APU etc that is more realistic than expensive paywares on the other sims. The way the plane move slightly on air (by default) without addons, the nature forces that will slowly be used by developers in FDEs , everything is better in the new sim, and will get even more
  12. I am afraid of turning Live traffic on for the excess of radio talking The ATC takes so much talking to say a simple thing...always full sentences, full call id, formality, tlow speed talk that prolongues the dialogues and replies into never ending chatt, annoying. Real life contacts are much more simplified, vocabulary and tons more of useful information. I wonder if a change my com frequency in the plane will I mute ATC?
  13. He has the settings for that input wrongly selected in Options.
  14. You must open the Fuel Valve below your feet Guys...there is a thing called "checklists" you knoew? they exist for a reason
  15. yes theres is a setting in Options/General do disable instruments and all visual clues outside yea turning developper mode on displays fps
  16. Not only clouds, the whole window view from inside the cockpit is too bright. It is true that in real life it can get very bright but the sim is too much. On external view all is normal Its like if the contrast is maxed to white
  17. Hi second time poster, yes, as you found out yourself the good thing about the DEFAULT airbus in MSFS2020 is that the flight plan you do before even starting the sim in the main menu populates the FMS, while on other sims you have to pay what? .,....90 dolllars for the Ultimate to have a more decent Airbus? think so This sim was released last week and already fantastic as it is When Xplane was released back in 2010 it was more like Fs2002 with graphics that could not make complete spheres, they all had corners like squares. They took 8 years to improve it. Xplane graphics were so bad they limited visibility automatically to very near the plane in the early years, so you constantly flew in foggy conditions. But already the MSFS2020 is superior to any Airbus from any other sim if you use the MOD version, which allows for reallistic startup and Eicas buttons Ecam pages, Apu, fuel consumption, etc https://github.com/wpine215/msfs-a320neo Keep flying, in 1 or 2 years MSFS2020 will have improved in such an extent Airbus real pilots would be required to have MSFS2020 hours Watch the videos A320 Sim Pilot, a real Airbus pilot, and he will tell you all about the FMS and why he now only flies MSFS2020 (though he was an Xplane reviewer before MSFS2020)
  18. MSFS2020 does exactly that Logbook flight duration origin dest one take off one landing, or if you ceashed just the take off complete and you have a score according with experience flight hours
  19. Indeed, for an airport from a region you would seldom fly or dont have interest in going... I wonder if Heathrow in MS is this size also or there is a difference in modelling
  20. Its up to you The objective in life is to have fun You can wait and watch TV, or you can fly in the other sims. Having fun? Good I am making one flight a day in MSFS2020 and having fun also I enter here to see quickies for stuff like if a reduce manual cache would get a faster load etc Enjoying the best sim around in 2020. I learned to fly the Airbus which in previous versions was discarded for having a fake autopilot and so on... Am I expecting more? of course Always, seasons, better trees, moving passengers, better weather, dynamic atmospheric wind tunnel acting on the plane etc.
  21. Guys, didnt you read other posts on this subject The update will be available tomorrow. And note that files like this (prepared to updated but still greyed out) will happen often since updates are always released on Thursdays as Asobo MS have said So just wait just wait
  22. the problem is that there is no "East Coast" or West Coast. These are names given by you but there are nowhere to be found. They are coded inside manuacache.ccc
  23. Are you sure? cause i have 200 GIG of rolling cache and 100. gig of manual cache and the sim takes the normal time to load as everybody else, one minute until "press a key" and then 2 to the menu plus anorher 2 to fly How do i reduce the cache files?
  24. Anyway, tomorrow there is a big 79 GIG update from MS The first of many to come, and things will be sorted and the fde WILL make use of nature forces simulated by Meteoblue (They are the guys) So lets ride on the best sim ever so far
  25. Me too Commecial PPL Piper twin Navajo and Cherokee for 20 years Its the best flightsim of all of those who existed Until last month i was flying Xp11 and P3dv4.5 I understand the bugs and fixes required but can see its potential. Sim Pilot Airbus (Real Airbus pilot) also agrees with me, and he has made lots of flights in Xplane prior to MSFS2020, check his channel
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