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Everything posted by Kapitan

  1. did you watch the video? can you confirm the cenario so i replicate here...You loaded the flight plan prioir in the sim and it wont track the waypoint after takeoff hitting the autopilot in gps mode?
  2. i found out that the so called manual sceneries we create giving a name like "France" for a region, actually dont exist in the path directory. its embedded in a file called "manualcache.ccc" cause they are all in my C:/ and i would like to move it to a ssd drive
  3. I know that within the game you can disable the online mode in the list of world servers under your avatar But if you are not connected to internet can you start the game? I tried starting without being logged to my microsoft account and either asks me for a disc or enters the loop press a key to start So i guess you need internet to start
  4. by paying a fee per month I believe you dont own the sim, only essential Content is installed in your drive, so that goes against the need of owing it to tweak it. But I understand if tou have kids that just want to try it and they play other pc games and usually change their minds fast on interests from one game to another a pass is a good idea
  5. ok, true for trial is ideal. Its that being a simmer, I dont try a sim, I go for it Its my hobby. If MS releases a sim I buy it, i dont "try it out to see if i will like it" even if i dont have the computer specs for smoothness, i'll have it and run it at minimums. Its the MS saga and my main hobby, cannot turn it away we all know flightsims dont come perfect part of the hobby is tweaking to your windows specs (other programs interfering) and machine. They are all different. Its not a console Its a manipulative sim that makes the hobby fun So the first months there always frustrations of some kind. If you pay a dollar to try it, if you want a no-issues sim, you will be disappointed and should interrupt the pass? I know I wouldnt do that...will keep it for the next years
  6. i used FS9 for 4 years I used FSX for 12 years. 5 dollars a month is 60 a year, the price of the standard version, the one i am using You arrived at a place of regular simmers, this is our hobby. We are not here just to use it for one year then go to Fifa, Racing or Fortnite Pass? Most Flight Simmers dont play other games.
  7. no, its bad. I explain I have an i5 7800 you see that number? its not i5 or i7 what matters, its the second number you have 3570...too low the i5 7800 is specially for gaming. Because it has Bios features like IVT and XMP that multiplies the speed. Plus having a Freesync monitor with this cpu helps a lot So never think the power is in the cpu model i7, many i5 are more powerful than a lot of i7
  8. I believe its intentionally left on. Come to think its a new sim with features never available before If the tooltips are OFF many will put them OFF and then post in forums that things are not working. Example: Airbus autopilot I couldnt guess that you can press above the buttons for "managed" by fmc or press below for "selected" input. I dont like the tips but now understand they are there for are a good reason At least for some time until we are all very familiar with everything
  9. its fantastic no issues people crying you will see everyday You go into the FSX forum today and you will still find posts of people struggling how to do things. Forums are for that purpose. People seeking help. Like hospitals. If you live inside a hospital you would think everybody is sick Many people healthy out there flying.
  10. there are 2 selections you MUST act to enable live weather, first in Weather, click the live weather square box then in the drop-down menu list, make sure Live Weather is selected and not Clear Skies
  11. I wouldnt say its annoying, i leave the room for the kitchen and when Im back its ready If that bypass shortens the time...ok, otherwise no advantage if screens are gone but you have to wait same time in front of a black screen
  12. watch this video, all of it, but at 9:55 it addresses your question
  13. But do use a another Sim in its pure state without SPs and of course a default plane
  14. I agree its a pitty not to allow the 747 fmc to save flight plans just as the expensive Pmdg or Aerosoft do. But...since when we had a default plane that could do this? Neither you can save a panel state for any default I think we are not balancing what we used to have versus what we have today and what are logical commodities and comfy features that usually come with more complex addon. The default plane (airliner) loads the flightplan you selected in the main menu, and that yes can be saved. Whatever changes you make in-flight vanish with that flight. I see much coherence there.
  15. No Stutters here, enabled hyperthreading or IVT if available, Freesynch monitor, no stutters and smooth with a i5 7400 gtx1060 3g vram at 1980x1080 with all sliders at high You know what, you have two options: a) buy it if you want the best sim b) dont buy it and just watch videos in youtube of all the people that are happy flying the choice is yours. eventually if like simming you will
  16. When you are used to a specific knowledge, a different mode code restrains you from starting the learning curve from zero. Too much Leave to the new guys starting fresh on that language. Its common in computers
  17. And according to the real world Airbus pilot the plane in MSFS2020 is working perfectly well. He has many videos in this current week, suggest you watch them
  18. Im not so sure Is the Autothrottle on?, is the Climb sign displayed? is Lvl Thrst sign displayed? Pay very atention to the green/blue signs on top of the HSI display, its there you will know what mode the autopilot is performing. Because both the speed selector and heading selector have two possible modes, clicking upwards is to engage fmc selection or autothrottle (climb-to/go/etc), and clicking below to pursue the selected value. And the position of the thrust levers are also very important, they must be full forward (max power), for the autopilot features to work properly, if they are idle or low the autopilot settings disconnect (and a security anti-stall should take over) I think you spent many years (since fs9) flying the wrong way in totally fake Airbus panels. Now that they are bringing a more realistic we must study and learn to fly it as it should. I am doing that right now, Im used to Boeings but not Airbus. There are videos on youtube from a real Airbus pilot that will help
  19. Do yourself and everyone a favor so this can be solved post Print screens of where it shows the throttle joystick is configured
  20. exactly, tons of reasons...and ALL of them on the user-side And they all start by saying "my system is top spec, fast internet and win 10 updated" everything perfect on his side. Yeah...right you know what? dont believe you Go back and search for your problem in your side Its there
  21. Just as the Apple Store has free and pay apps the sim Marketplace should be a place for both I maybe wrong but i suspect MS want to separate and just put cash earining stuff in the marketplace A big mistake, because many people will seldom look at it. If it had freeware you always get inside to check and who knows... you might decide for a payware...
  22. This joystick repetition should in a sticky pinned with pictures to show where and how to config
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