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  • Birthday July 5

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  1. For future reference, you should include the Cloud Streaming part, or other Xbox service, to more specific. In Microsoft's infinite wisdom, they have been throwing the Xbox brand into everything gaming related, so just saying Xbox doesn't really mean much on its own any more. Once upon a time it just meant the physical console, now it covers their entire gaming division, gaming subscriptions, cloud streaming and the consoles.
  2. They don't work through the Xbox Cloud Gaming streaming service though, if that's what twofivexray is referring to.
  3. With either 48 or 64 GBs of memory, that part shouldn't be an issue, no. MSFS is written for x86 CPUS, not ARM ones like Apple Silicon or the Snapdragon processors in the upcoming Windows laptops, which is what people will be thinking of. Windows 11 for ARM CPUs, however, does have an emulation layer to run Windows x86 applications, which may work to run the sim under Parallels or VMware Fusion (free for personal use). This emulation layer does seem to work well for other applications. I'm just not sure how well it would run with the multiple layers between the hardware and sim.
  4. I don't know for certain how well it would work using Parallels, but I wouldn't expect it to run well, if it runs at all, especially if you have a MacBook with 8GB of RAM. Parallels and the Windows guest would need a good chunk of RAM, and then the Windows guest needs to emulate the sim (the Windows guest would be the ARM version of Windows). The Apple Silicon CPUs also share the RAM with the GPU, so even with more RAM you could run into memory issues. An Xbox would likely run better.
  5. The next Local Legend is out, the C-46, for those interested in something a little older. https://www.flightsimulator.com/microsoft-flight-simulator-releases-local-legend-17-the-curtiss-c-46-commando/
  6. You can check the Xbox service status at the site below. https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status
  7. You should be able to copy over the contents of the packages folder, but will still need to reinstall the base application. During the install you can point it to where the Official and Community folders are located. See the guide below. https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/7059727103260-How-to-move-Microsoft-Flight-Simulator-to-a-new-PC
  8. Not sure the reviews that used to be on the front page of the old Flightsim.com site would show in a user's forum post history. @Adrian K, or maybe @Nels_Anderson, might be able to help. Actually, some articles going back to 2018 might be found the Featured Articles forum, way down at the bottom. Unfortunately, it looks like almost are are posted under Nels' account, so it's a bit harder to find articles by the original author. https://www.flightsim.com/articles-vb/featured/
  9. For 4k, you will need an HDMI cable rated for 4k@60Hz. Older HDMI cables from several years ago won't handle it properly. Think the ones you want are called Premium High Speed. The link below has some info on a couple options. https://www.cnet.com/tech/home-entertainment/best-hdmi-cable/ Yes, you will need to scale the graphics back. RTX 3070s aren't really aimed at 4k gaming, which is pretty demanding on the GPU.
  10. What resolution is your TV, 1080p or 4k?
  11. Have you checked the drive for file system corruption? Or the drive SMART health?
  12. Looks like the Aerodynamic Visualization (CFD) setting has been enabled. Look under Options->Assistance options->User experience.
  13. Update downloaded, installed and ran fine for a quick flight for me. Perusing through the thread I'm assuming you're referencing over at Avsim, and half of it is people just talking about the update being available and their download experience (seems to be better than some previous updates), and complaints about the Dune loading screen. Some have had problems, but not sure I would categorize it as a dumpster fire.
  14. Don't forget to swing by the Marketplace for the free A320neo from iniBuilds.
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