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Blog Entries posted by kevgardner83

  1. kevgardner83
    Buying a house is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. It is a big commitment and not something that you should rush into on the spur of the moment. On the other hand, if you think about it too hard, trying to anticipate every possible contingency, you may wind up with a case of analysis paralysis and miss the opportunity to buy a house when it would be most beneficial for you.
    Your readiness to buy a home depends on a number of complicated factors. Here are some important considerations you should way before you decide to take this enormous step.
    Financial Matters
    Few people can afford to pay for a home purchase with cash. Most people have to take out a mortgage loan. Banks want to make sure that they are loaning out money to people who are likely to pay it back. They look at multiple complex financial factors to make this determination:
    - Credit score
    - Income
    - Debt
    - Savings
    Lenders do not only look at each factor individually. They also look at the relationships between them, such as debt-to-income ratio. It can be difficult for you to do these calculations yourself, so it may help to use a mortgage qualification calculator. Just keep in mind that you may qualify for a higher mortgage than you can afford, so you should not take out a bigger loan than you need if indeed to decide to buy a house.
    Job Security
    There is no worse feeling than to purchase a house you love only to end up struggling to keep up with the mortgage payments because you've lost your job. At that point, the house can feel like a heavy burden, a trap from which you cannot extricate yourself without causing injury. Sometimes job loss happens without warning, but if you have reason to believe that your position could be in jeopardy, hold off on purchasing a house until you feel that your situation is more stable.
    Life Goals
    Can you see yourself living in this location for years to come? Are you ready to put down roots? If you think that you may have to move in the near future because of a job or other commitments, it may not be worth it to purchase a home right now. On the other hand, if you've decided that you'd like to stay in your location permanently and have the means to do so, it may be appropriate to purchase a home.
    The longer you stay in a home, the more equity you build in it. That plus rising property values should allow you to make a profit from the sale of your home if and when you decide to move. However, you would have to stay for a number of years to make it worthwhile to sell.
    Interest Rates
    Interest rates for mortgage loans fluctuate periodically. You want the lowest rate possible because what seems like a relatively incremental increase of a percentage point or less could cost you thousands of dollars more over the life of your loan. Interest rates can change without warning, and the rate you qualified for upon preapproval may not be available when you are ready to borrow. This should not cause you to rush into a decision, but it is something to keep in mind when you are making your decision.
    Housing Market
    The market favors buyers when there is enough inventory available that supply outstrips demand. If you wait until a buyer's market, you may be able to negotiate a better purchase price or terms that are more favorable to you. On the other hand, you may have to wait a long time before market trends shift.
    Buying a home can be a rewarding investment. However, buying a house at the wrong time could have long-lasting, unforeseen consequences.
  2. kevgardner83
    When it comes to the Internet of Things, the laptop computer was at the vanguard of the revolution. Decades after its inception, it is still one of the most valuable and versatile tools in computing. To be sure you get the most out of your money when purchasing a new laptop, here are some important factors to consider.
    1. The Environment in Which You Will Use Your Laptop
    Because a laptop computer runs on a battery, you can theoretically use it anywhere, indoors or out. Practically speaking, however, not all laptops are well suited to all environments. If you plan to take your computer out into the field frequently, you need a rugged laptop that is able to stand up to weather exposure and other harsh conditions.
    2. The Manufacturer
    There are many different kinds of laptops sold under many different brands. It's not the brand that matters so much as the manufacturer. You need to be sure that the company that produces your laptop stands behind it and will repair or replace it if something goes wrong shortly after you purchase it. Some manufacturers are better in this respect than others.
    3. Your Budget
    The price of a new laptop can be thousands of dollars on the upper end of the scale. However, you do not have to pay that much to get a quality computer. Before you start looking at different types of laptops, you should make a budget to determine how much you can afford. You should also determine what you need from a laptop, i.e., the capabilities that it absolutely has to have. That way, you do not spend more than you have to buy more laptop than you actually need. If all you require is basic functionality, you can purchase a bare-bones laptop for a couple hundred dollars.
    4. The Battery Life
    If you plan to always use your laptop in the same place, an indoor location with an electrical outlet within easy reach, you do not need to give much consideration to your laptop's battery life. However, if that is all you want, it would probably be cheaper and easier to purchase a desktop computer instead. Part of the reason to own a laptop is to gain mobility, for which you need a reliable battery that lasts for at least seven hours at a time. Manufacturers may exaggerate their battery life, so make sure to verify the claim with an objective and knowledgeable third party.
    5. The Specifications
    New computers are designed to be customized in a myriad of ways. It would take too long to detail all the options you may have when it comes to ordering a new laptop. Just remember that you have many choices when it comes to what process your new laptop uses, how much memory it has, what kind of display it uses, etc.
    6. Ergonomics
    Laptops are specifically built to be compact; that's one of the reasons why people like them. However, it is possible to find a laptop with a full keyboard that provides adequate space between the keys so you can type comfortably without making fat-finger typos. You should also pay attention to the distance that each key goes down when you press it. This is known as key travel and, ideally, your laptop keyboard should provide plenty of it. The cursor should provide smooth movement with a touch without jumping around the screen. If you intend to use your laptop for work, it is more efficient not to have to take your hands off the home row to navigate around the screen. Therefore, look for a laptop with a nub or a pointing stick between the H and G keys, which gives you another option for moving your cursor.
    There is only so much room that a laptop keyboard can offer without losing compactness. In the interest of ergonomics, you may want to consider a separate keyboard and mouse that connect via USB.
  3. kevgardner83
    What is gluten intolerance, also known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity? While it is similar to Celiac disease or a wheat allergy in that it is a condition where one cannot tolerate gluten, it is distinct from these conditions because the effects are less severe and not related to the immune system.
    Far more common than the other conditions, NCGS affects about six percent of the population, or 18 million people. On the other hand, roughly one percent of people have Celiac disease and less than one percent have a wheat allergy.
    Keep in mind that if you think you need a gluten intolerance test, your doctor may want to do a biopsy to test for Celiac disease as well in order to rule it out. There's a chance they will also test for a wheat allergy too, which involves a skin prick test and/ or blood test.
    Gluten Intolerance Symptoms
    How do you know if you should get tested? Well, if you experience any of these symptoms after eating or drinking products that contain wheat, barley or rye, you could have NCGS:

    Bloating, gas, and/or abdominal pain
    Diarrhea and/or constipation
    Nausea and vomiting
    Fatigue, headache, and/or brain fog
    Anxiety and/or depression
    Joint pain, skin rash, and/or anemia

    Keep in mind that these symptoms may persist for a few days after eating even a small portion of gluten.

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms
    Keep in mind that irritable bowel syndrome, a very common condition affecting approximately 12 percent of the population, causes many of the same symptoms. IBS is still being researched, but it is thought to be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, and can appear in different ways.
    Before you schedule an appointment to get tested for a gluten intolerance, it's always a good idea to test out an elimination diet first for at least six weeks. If your symptoms don't significantly improve, you may just have IBS. However, research indicates that about half of those with IBS may also have NCGS.
    Celiac Disease Symptoms
    Many of the symptoms of NCGS are also caused by Celiac disease. However, there are some unique, rare symptoms that may also occur in those who have Celiac disease:

    Joint pain
    Mouth ulcers
    Acid reflux and heartburn

    Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disorder caused by a specific gene. This causes the body to respond to gluten like a virus, and those who suffer from it can experience permanent damage to their intestinal lining. Because of this, it is also linked to the malabsorption of nutrients due to the damage in the small intestine.
    Wheat Allergy Symptoms
    A wheat allergy is similar to Celiac disease in that it is a response by the immune system. However, it responds to wheat and all wheat proteins, gluten included. The one good thing about having a wheat allergy as opposed to Celiac disease is that the negative effects on the digestive tract are not permanent.
    Perhaps the biggest risk for those with a wheat allergy is anaphylactic shock, a rare but life-threatening allergic reaction. Symptoms of anaphylaxis are throat and mouth swelling, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, dizziness, and pale and/or blue skin. To avoid a fatal contact with wheat, people who have this allergy must carry epinephrine (brand name: EpiPen).
    It's important to know that not just bread products contain gluten. Beverages, sauces, meat products, and many processed foods that you wouldn't expect can contain gluten. For example, ketchup, mustard, barbeque sauce, mayo, soy sauce and gravy are some condiments that could contain gluten.
    Other less-suspecting places where you can find gluten: alcohol other than beer like vodka, bourbon and mixed drinks; other drinks like chocolate milk, coffee creamer and flavored coffee; snacks such as flavored potato chips, granola bars and candy bars; and processed food like lunch meat, cheese slices and french fries.
  4. kevgardner83
    Breakfast is an important meal for adults and kids alike. Unfortunately, many families rush around in the mornings while trying to get ready for school and work, giving them little to no time for breakfast.
    If your children aren't getting breakfast or have to settle for a quick, unhealthy alternative, their grumbling stomachs are sure to be a distraction while they're trying to learn. They may also have difficulty paying attention and concentrating. It's proven that kids do better in school when they have breakfast, so it's crucial to make sure your children are getting a healthy morning meal. Here are four breakfast options to try.
    1. Cereal
    One of the fastest and easiest choices is cereal. It's best to avoid options containing added sugars and processed grains. Instead, stick with cereal that is loaded with protein and fiber. Fiber helps with gut health, whereas protein keeps your kids fuller for longer.
    Cheerios is a popular heart-healthy choice your kids are sure to love. Some kids might find the flavor a little too bland. However, you can make it more enticing by adding strawberries, blueberries, or bananas slices. Including almonds, granola, or dried fruit can also make a significant difference in taste.
    If any of your children have gluten allergies, you may need to rethink giving them Cheerios. If you Google the question, "Are Cheerios gluten free?" you'll find out that there is no such thing as a gluten-free oat. Make sure you consider your children's health before making any breakfast decisions.
    2. Eggs
    If you're looking for the ultimate tasty, versatile breakfast option, eggs might just be the answer. You're sure to find a type that pleases your kids, as the possibilities range from scrambled, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, or sunny-side-up eggs. You can also sneak some vegetables into the meal if you make omelets.
    Additionally, eggs don't take too long to make. If you get up 30 minutes earlier, you can make breakfast and have a sit-down meal with the family.
    3. Yogurt
    Kids love desserts and often try to get this after-dinner snack before their main meal. Yogurt is appealing because it almost seems like a dessert even though it's not. Try to find options that are low in sugar and fat.
    Several meal ideas incorporate yogurt. Add it to granola and fresh fruit to create a parfait or oatmeal for a creamier texture. Yogurt also pairs well with french toast and pancakes.
    A winner among kids is the yogurt banana split. To make this tasty treat, simply cut a banana in half lengthwise, add a layer of berries, and apply a few scoops of yogurt. Finish the product off with another layer of berries, granola, and nuts. This delicious breakfast will give your kids a variety of vitamins and minerals, keeping their minds and bodies strong all day long.
    4. Smoothies
    Try as you might, you probably won't be able to have a sit-down meal every morning. Occasionally you'll run short on time and have to give your kids something for on the go. A smoothie is a perfect drink for these situations.
    By blending the right combination of fruits and vegetables, you can create a naturally sweet smoothie that's rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Consider adding plain yogurt, milk, peanut butter, or almond milk for extra protein. Additionally, chia seed, oats, vanilla extract, and cinnamon can give a smoothie a better flavor.
    Keep your children's minds sharp and bodies strong by providing a healthy breakfast. Because there are various nutritional options, your kids won't ever get bored. Starting this wellness habit early in your children's lives will help them stick with a health-based morning routine as adults.
  5. kevgardner83
    Do you have to stop earning income and clients when the evening hits? Are you eager to broaden your hours but don't want to sacrifice that essential shuteye. Sleep is vital, and if you're running a business, you may feel like you aren't going to get it. However, there are ways to keep your operations going and allow yourself to sleep. Consider implementing the following four strategies to keep your establishment available even when you're clocking out for the night.
    1. Invest in the Right Online Website
    Many customers have the time to look for services and items after they finish for the day. After all, they're often working during the day too. Therefore, you could miss out on clients. But you also shouldn't have to answer the phone at midnight.
    To minimize interruptions and connect to a broader office, you should embrace online life. Websites permit people to find a location quickly and efficiently. In addition, the site supplies information about your past projects, current services and overall cost. It's you without being you!
    Therefore, splurge on a website that allows others to clearly and quickly learn about you and your operations. Build your content to demonstrate integrity and trust.
    2. Have Customer Service Round the Clock
    So shoppers can see what you have to offer, but what about if they have questions? They want answers right away. You're asleep. How can you help?
    Once people find your website, they have the chance to connect to you via your business email address or read through answers provided by help desk software. Face it. People tend to ask the same questions over and over again. You can predict what they're going to request. So, get ahead of those inquiries and build that information into your frequently asked questions section!
    What are the common problems? List it. What materials do you tend to use? Note it. Demonstrate forethought and competency.
    3. Rely on Online Scheduling Tools
    No, people don't have to call you to book an appointment. Your online site could have this capability. How easy it that? People click on the box. They see the times you may available. They might even list the project or service they need. With a few clicks these customers have set a time to see you, and you didn't have to stir or get out of bed to hunt down that phone.
    4. Have Staff in Different Time Zones or Round the Clock Operations
    Some companies have major projects come up in the middle of the night. You don't want to forfeit that chance, but yes, you need rest. So, you could hire various crews to man phone lines or head out to worksites while you are getting set for the next day.
    For instance, a restoration company may not be able to wait the next morning to manage an overflow. Homeowners need someone to connect with them immediately. A skeleton or night crew could attend to the immediate situation. You could take over the in the morning, relieving them.
    What about online sales at night? If you operate an online retail business, people may need to reach you in their own time zones. Have someone man those lines for you because you don't want disgruntled customers posting things online for others to read. You want a professional service agent within that time zone to work through the concerns.
    Yes, you can make money while you sleep. This possibility requires prep and investment. Build an online system that takes much of the work out of your hand but empowers clients to learn about you and book appointments. In addition, consider having staff available while you sleep.
  6. kevgardner83
    Every type of company must work towards meeting positive customer experiences in order to establish a good reputation and attain profitability. Because customer satisfaction is so important, businesses need to be attentive to keeping their customers happy. A company's emphasis on customer satisfaction needs to be prominent from the very first point of contact. For many companies, customer engagement begins online. The websites which companies use to engage their customer base need to offer satisfactory features and functionality in order to create a positive first impression, convert inquiries to sales, and deliver outstanding customer service.
    Speed Is Essential
    people may become understandably frustrated when they are trying to use a website that has markedly slow load times. In some instances, the speed of the Internet connection that a person is using to access the site may be the culprit for slowly loading pages. Nevertheless, people have a natural tendency to hold websites at fault. Speed must be a key consideration throughout the website design process, and companies need to monitor this aspect of sites infrastructure continuously. Failing to offer fast load times could give people the perception that a company is poorly managed or does not care about allocating resources to optimize visitors' use of a site.
    Help Must Be Readily Accessible
    When people want help making an order or troubleshooting an issue, they want reasonable assurance that a company cares about helping them. Furthermore, they want access to the information that they are seeking or a resolution to the problem that they are seeking help with in a timely manner. People who are buying products and services online value having access to the instant availability of what they want in a website. People should not have to do any searching in order to find out what they need to do to get help. Good website design will ensure that contact information is conspicuous. A fillable form to initiate a help request may be advantageous. Also, people will appreciate having access to help desk software integrations that facilitate immediate assistance.
    Customers Need to Feel Valued
    It is important that companies convey how much they value their customers. A website should include information highlighting the paramount role of customer satisfaction and companies core mission and values. Soliciting feedback from customers on a website is a tactful way to show people that their opinion matters. Featuring reviews on the landing pages for specific products or testimonials about a company’s services could be advantageous because this practice inspires customer confidence and may help prompt people to make a transaction.
    A Site Has to Make a Strong Visual Impression
    people like to see well-crafted and detailed visual cues on a website. Not only does the layout need to be aesthetically pleasing, it must also help people form their own positive mental pictures. Imagery should evoke positive sentiment, and visual depictions of products have to reflect a high level of attention to detail. The quality of graphics and photographs is particularly critical to people who are purchasing products online. They want a clear idea of what they are getting, and they do not want to have to worry that the product which they receive will not match their expectations.
    If customers are not satisfied by their interactions with a company, they will not be willing to continue giving it their business. Likewise, negative reviews from people who have had a less than optimal experience could be a strong deterrent for potential new customers. In effect, expectations about what a company can deliver will prompt them to seek out products or services from a competing business. A well-designed website can lay the foundation for good customer engagement and consistently excellent reviews that can help companies achieve their maximum profitability.
  7. kevgardner83
    Are you tired of wasting time on small tasks, like bookkeeping or appointment scheduling? Before you hire someone to do that for you, look at some software options. Then, you can still save time but keep your business small.
    One of the first types of software that can reduce busy work is an accounting program. Some tools let you sync your bank accounts so that the software can import your transactions. You'll still have to review them and clarify that they are for your business, but you can save time.
    You may even find accounting tools that track your mileage. If you drive a lot for work, you can download the coordinating app to your phone. Then, it will track how far you drive for your business.
    Social Media Management
    Social media management software can do a lot of things. Some are simple and only let you plan and schedule content. However, other programs will rotate through the posts you add to your library, so you don't have to constantly create and schedule new posts.
    You can even find programs that let you view all of your social accounts in one place. Then, you can track how different profiles are performing. You'll know if you need to get rid of a platform that isn't bringing you results.
    Help Desk
    The right help desk software is another excellent piece of tech to use. Without a program, your employees would have to manage a help desk manually. They would need to be on call when customers or other employees need help with something.
    However, the right software can help everyone save time. People can get their answers when they need them, and IT employees won't have to work all of the time. Then, you can save a bit of money in the process.
    Appointment Booking
    If you book a lot of appointments, you should use a booking program. You can set up your calendar and mark when you are or aren't available to meet with people. The software will populate a link that you can send to potential clients.
    They can book a time that works for them. You won't have to email back and forth trying to find a time that works for both of you. Plus, some appointment tools will create Google Calendar events or even set up a Zoom link for virtual appointments.
    Project Management
    Another tool you can use to cut out busy work is a project management tool. You can set it up for different teams, so everyone has access to the information they need. These programs also let you upload files, so you can attach important documents.
    Then, people can consult the project management program when they have questions. That can save you a lot of time answering common questions or solving problems. Some tools are free, but you can pay for more features.
    Cloud Storage
    You may also want to invest in some cloud storage and coordinating software. That way, you can upload documents to the cloud to access them from any device. Apple, Microsoft, and Google all have cloud storage with software you can use.
    This can keep you from having to use email or a USB drive to transfer files between computers. It's a good option for teams working on the same files. But individuals can also use it if they have a desktop and laptop that they use for work.
    If you run a business, you have a lot to think about. Instead of boring yourself with busy work, consider some software you can use to save time and energy. Then, you can focus on more important tasks to grow your company.
  8. kevgardner83
    Parenthood is difficult as it is, but careers that frequently take you on the road or away from home can make a complex job even more challenging, both for you and your family at home. As a pilot, it can feel like an insurmountable task to focus on both your family and your work responsibilities at the same time and give equal attention and care to both of these important roles.
    Fortunately, it’s not impossible to rock your role as a parent while maintaining a career as a pilot. With careful planning and mindful moves, you can balance the demands of your job and family life to make the most of each position wherever you are in the world.
    Be Proactive
    If you know you’ll be away for several days, it’s better to get ahead of the time apart with some proactivity rather than try to make up for your absence at home when you get back.
    From scheduling special one-on-one dates with each of your children to making sure they have a way to make it to all dentist and sensory processing disorder test appointments, making a family calendar can help you to stay organized and involved with everything that goes on at home so you can keep one foot in each world at the same time, even if just in spirit.
    Keep In Touch
    While you may not be able to make lengthy phone or video calls to your children while you’re up in the air, it’s important that you use the time you do have while you’re away to reach out and stay connected to your children in whatever ways possible.
    Go out of your way to set up times to play games over the internet, video chat to ask about how school is going or send personalized photographs or postcards from each destination you visit through your work.
    Support Your Teammate
    Whether your spouse or partner is holding down the fort while you’re away or your children are staying with a friend or family member, it’s important to make sure whoever is caring for your children has whatever they need to be most successful when you’re not there to lend a helping hand.
    However you choose to help to meet the needs of your children and their caregiver, from ordering meals ahead of time to hiring sitters to give him or her a much-needed break, anything you do to help your family as a whole benefits your children two-fold.
    Maximize Time at Home
    Though it may feel as if you’ve lost valuable time with your children, studies have revealed that kids benefit more from quality time rather than just a large quantity of time with their parents. When you finally make it home after a long trip away, make sure to spend valuable time with each of your children to show that you missed them and want to remain connected, both while you’re at work and when you’re at home.
    Learn Their Love Languages
    Does your youngest ask for a big hug when you first walk in the door? Is your oldest interested in souvenirs and trinkets from faraway places? Take some time to learn the ways that each of your children gives and receives love and find ways to speak to them in their unique love languages.
    When you communicate with your children in a way that makes them feel really seen and appreciated, it will make the distance easier for all of you to manage.
    Prioritize Balance
    A pilot’s career can be demanding, but so is fatherhood. Whenever you can, try to make small changes that allow you to maintain a more even balance between the responsibilities of your work and home life. Staying connected to the values that drove you into both roles will lead to a more fulfilling, enriched life where you can be the best you can be no matter what.
  9. kevgardner83
    Being a pilot is demanding work. Human beings are meant to be on the ground, but pilots are in the air for hours on end several days a week. As a pilot, you're exposed to changes in pressure and altitudes as well as a lot of noise. If you come down with a cold or other illness you could cause an accident putting many lives at risk.
    That's why it's vital for pilots to be in the best shape possible. The rigors of the job demand far better physical fitness than other occupations. Here are some ways pilots can stay healthy.
    Build Your Gut Bacteria
    The biggest portion of your immune system resides in your gut. Some call it the third brain because it has such an effect on your health. Your intestinal tract is loaded with bacteria, some of it good and some bad. Good bacteria help your body break down and digest food. They repair the damaged tissue in your body and allow you to take in the fatty acids that give you energy. Bacteria also regulate your blood sugar and keep your cholesterol levels down meaning you'll have a healthier heart.
    Having healthy bacteria is also vital for fighting off viruses that invade everyone's body from time to time. You'll be less sick if you build up the healthy bacteria in your body. Consume foods and drinks loaded with probiotics such as yogurt and kombucha. Also include green superfood powder in your morning smoothie for your best optimal health.
    Eat a Clean Diet
    Clean eating means avoiding foods with chemicals and dyes as well as preservatives. The typical western diet has become disastrously unhealthy in the past few decades, leading to overall poor health for most people. A good rule of thumb is to not eat anything people wouldn't have eaten a hundred years ago. In other words, consume plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Get as much of your nutrients from the actual plant rather than the processed version.
    Exercise Daily
    Exercising daily is also vital for good health. Not only will you keep your weight down, but by being physically fit, you can avoid a lot of health problems including high blood pressure and diabetes. A fitness program prevents cancer and arthritis. It helps to ease mental problems such as depression and anxiety. You'll have more energy and sleep better at night.
    Get Plenty of Sleep
    Without enough sleep, you won't feel your best and you'll be vulnerable to illness. You'll also be unable to think as clearly. Get proactive about making sure you get sufficient sleep. An hour before bedtime, turn off all notifications on your phone and avoid watching the news or reading about current events. Read a book or listen to relaxing music.
    Instead of worrying about the future think of ways you can prepare for the worst. Write them down and then push those thoughts from your mind. Also, if possible, spend at least 10 minutes outside in the sun to soak in some rays and get that much-needed Vitamin D. It will help you sleep better.
    Take Supplements
    No matter how healthy you try to eat, you're likely not getting the nutrients your body needs to work at its best. Because of modern farming methods, the food that's grown today doesn't contain nearly the nutrients it had a century ago. Also, as you age, your body doesn't absorb nutrients like it once did.
    Be sure to take vitamins every day, including vitamins B, C and D. Also take fish oil. along with potassium, magnesium and iron to help you stay healthy and strong.
  10. kevgardner83
    If you are like most Americans, you probably brew or purchase a cup of coffee each morning. This caffeine can provide a jolt that you need to get through the day. Research also shows that caffeine may improve liver health and possibly stave off Parkinson's disease.
    Still, too much daily caffeine can be harmful. Most healthy adults can safely ingest up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day. This equals approximately 10 cans of soda or four cups of coffee. However, your specific tolerance of caffeine often varies based on genetics.
    Drinking a daily cup of joe or attending a coffee tasting event is thus fairly harmless for most people. However, individuals who take anti-anxiety medication, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or suffer from high blood pressure should avoid caffeine.
    If taken in excess, caffeine can also be dangerous even for healthy individuals. It could cause insomnia, heart palpitations, dehydration, increased anxiety and acid reflux. To avoid these negative consequences, follow these tips for limiting your caffeine intake.
    1. Start Slowly
    If you drink six or seven cups of coffee per day, you will probably have trouble quitting cold turkey. Abrupt removal of caffeine from your diet could also lead to withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue and headaches.
    Instead, start cutting back your caffeine habit slowly. Drink smaller cups or eliminate one cup a day over a several-week period.
    2. Try Decaf and Other Alternatives
    Decaffeinated coffee is another option for those having trouble kicking their addiction. You probably will not taste the difference, and you will not have to worry about the side effects of caffeine. You may also want to try dandelion root coffee, which is as rich as traditional coffee is without any of the caffeine. Even espresso shots contain less caffeine than a regular cup of coffee does.
    Tea is a healthier choice, as well. A typical cup of green tea has just 25 milligrams of caffeine, and a cup of black tea has 47 milligrams. A cup of coffee, meanwhile, can contain 75 to 165 milligrams of caffeine. You could even try herbal teas that contain no caffeine at all.
    3. Journal
    People who are trying to lose weight often write down what they eat each day. This helps them see exactly what they are putting into their bodies and makes it easier to adjust their diet.
    The same principle works when trying to cut down on caffeine.
    When keeping track of your caffeine consumption, remember that this substance is not just found in coffee. It is also commonly found in energy drinks, chocolate and soda. Caffeine even appears in some energy bars and pain medications. Read labels carefully to find out the exact sources of your caffeine intake.
    4. Understand Your Cravings
    You likely drink caffeinated beverages for specific reasons. Perhaps you crave coffee when you are overly stressed or tired. Identify exactly what situations cause you to reach for the caffeine. Then, when those situations occur, come up with an alternative way of dealing with them. For instance, you could do some yoga or breathing exercises instead of reaching for a cup of joe.
    A few cups of coffee or soda each day can keep you awake. Yet too much caffeine can make you jittery or affect your ability to sleep at night. If you are worried that your daily caffeine fix has become an addiction, try slowly cutting back by switching to decaf or tea. Keep track of your caffeine consumption and your daily habits, as well. After all, you cannot reduce your caffeine intake without knowing when and how you consume it. By following these steps, you should develop a healthier relationship with caffeine.
  11. kevgardner83
    A long-haul flight is one in which you travel a distance of more than 2,200 miles. Flights like these may last eight hours or 18 hours. Either way, it is a long time to spend in an enclosed space. Nevertheless, long flights do not have to be unpleasant. There are things you can do to make the trip easier.
    1. Get on the New Schedule
    If you'll be arriving at your destination when it is morning local time, try to sleep on the plane. Find out about the benefits of weighted blankets and bring a travel pillow. Avoid distractions by bringing along earplugs or a sleep mask to shut out the light and noise of the cabin.
    2. Stay Hydrated
    Dehydration can be a serious medical issue. You may not think there is much chance of it on a plane, but the cabin can be a very dry environment and when you are there for eight hours or more, it is hard to predict what may happen to you. Staying hydrated can be a challenge because liquid restrictions make it harder to bring water onto a plane, but there are things you can do to remain in compliance with the rules while getting the fluids you need.
    There is no rule about bringing an empty travel mug or water bottle on a plane. When the flight attendants start coming around with beverages, you can store your water for later so that you have it between times that they come along with the carts, which they will probably do several times during the flight. Another option is to buy a bottle of water at the airport and not open it until you are on the plane so officials can tell it hasn't been tampered with. Be sure that you only drink water on the plane as caffeine or alcohol do not help dehydration and actually make it worse.
    3. Stretch Your Legs
    Flying carries with it a risk of your blood pooling in the veins of your leg. This could form a clot, resulting in a potentially dangerous situation called deep vein thrombosis. Getting up every two hours or so to walk around the cabin or doing some gentle stretching exercises in your seat can help prevent this by aiding circulation.
    4. Bring Your Own Snacks
    Bringing your own snacks can help to stave off hunger that may occur in between the times that flight attendants serve meals on a plane. It also ensures that you have something that you like if the entree is not to your taste or it is served at an odd time because you are traveling to a distant time zone.
    5. Don't Bring Too Much in Your Carry-on Luggage
    It is embarrassing to pack a big carry-on bag and then have trouble fitting it into the overhead compartment. If the airline allows you to bring a piece of carry-on luggage and a personal item, the contents of the carry-on should be essentials that you would need on an overnight trip, while your shoulder- or handbag can contain things that you anticipate needing during your flight.
    6. Wear Comfortable Clothing
    Make sure that the clothes you wear will be comfortable in the air as well as on the ground. For example, high altitudes can make your feet swell, so do not wear shoes that are too tight. Wear closed-toed shoes as these are preferable should there be an emergency. Airplane cabins can be chilly, so make sure you dress in layers.
    A long flight lasting many hours can be challenging, but if you prepare ahead of time, it can be just as enjoyable as any other part of your trip.
  12. kevgardner83
    Lack of sleep most notably affects memory and productivity, but it can also make your physical body more prone to ill-health. Good sleep gives your body, mind, and even your emotions a chance to rest, process, and naturally restore. If you are having trouble sleeping, consider the following factors to see if you can get the rest you need by making a few simple adjustments in your life and sleep environment that could dramatically improve your sleep.
    Stress and worry is probably one of the greatest disruptors of sleep. Stress produces cortisol, which is a wake-up hormone that tells the body to get up and get things accomplished.
    One of the biggest things that keeps people up at night is financial worry. If you are under stress due to financial issues, meet with a financial advisor, advocate, or coach and find creative ways to consolidate debt, reduce expenses, add income, and in general decrease your stress over money. If credit cards are causing you problems, reduce your number of cards to just one really good low-stress one such as an American Express credit card.
    Family and relationship stress is another top stressor for many people. Finding an effective counselor and support circle are essential to overcoming this kind of stress. Self-care and regular exercise are also essential ways you can decrease your stress level daily. Make sure you are prioritizing taking care of yourself through a healthy diet, sufficient physical activity, and engaging in activities that fulfill you.
    Light signals natural sleep-promoting biochemicals, primarily the hormone melatonin, in your body to switch off or decrease production. It also affects your circadian rhythm, which regulates when your body is wakeful or restful. Make sure to turn off lights inside the bedroom. Even nightlights and small lights from electronic devices can be disruptive.
    Invest in good light blocking curtains for any windows in the bedroom. It may be strange for you to be in such a dark room at first, but after your body adjusts to the new light level you will most likely find yourself enjoying a deeper, better sleep experience. It may take a few weeks for your body's circadian rhythm and melatonin production to shift once you have eliminated sources of nighttime light from your bedroom.
    While it can be tempting to catch up on work, email, or internet searching before you go to sleep, research indicates that setting phones, tablets, and computers aside at least a couple hours before your intended bedtime will greatly improve the quality of your sleep. Additionally, while the allure of a late-night movie or vegging in front of the television is a common way for many people to wind down for bed, if you are looking for better sleep, switch off the shows and opt for a book or magazine instead.
    Some people even recommend unplugging bedside lamps, which can emit a low flow of electric current when plugged in. Some ultra-sensitive sleepers find this makes a difference in quality of sleep. Remove electronics like televisions and computers from your bedroom, or turn them off and unplug them as well.
    Set yourself up for deep, restorative sleep by getting into the right brainwave state before sleep. Guided relaxation and visualization are great ways to enter the relaxed state of mind that will promote the best sleep possible. You can also find binaural beats and other music tracks that utilize frequencies to encourage the best brainwave state for sleep. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research has some excellent recordings that help you achieve the brainwave state necessary for good sleep.
    Other adjustments to diet and lifestyle, including regular physical exercise, may impact your sleep in a positive way. You will most likely want to consult with a health professional who is a sleep specialist if you are unable to achieve the sleep you need after making changes that are known to affect sleep quality.
  13. kevgardner83
    The law and legal processes can both be complicated, particularly if you've never been involved in it before. Attorneys who have yet to amass much experience and clients who have never needed to hire a lawyer before can benefit from tips related to various legal processes. Here are five things you should know when getting involved in the litigation process.
    1. Learn about the Stages of Litigation
    There are several stages involved in litigation, some of which may happen out of order or not at all depending on the type of litigation you're involved in and the initial trajectory of the case. Litigation will typically begin with an investigation, then move on to the pleading, discovery and pre-trial stages. Once those stages are complete, a trial or settlement may occur. Which occurs depends on the outcome of those three stages. If your litigation ends with a settlement, then that is typically where the process ends. If your litigation goes to trial, then you may have an opportunity to enter the appeal stage.
    2. Know Who You Should Expect To Work With
    Key players in any legal setting include lawyers and their clients, whether those clients be plaintiffs and defendants or simply two people or groups attempting to reach a legal agreement, such as a contract or a divorce. In most cases, there will also be a judge involved. Depending on the type of litigation you're involved in, you may also work with court reporters Spokane, a clerk, jurors, a bailiff and court interpreters. You should try to determine who will be involved in your case and what each person's role will be before litigation begins.
    3. Review All Documentation And Records
    If you're the client, you need to be prepared to gather all the documentation and records your lawyer requests and provide them to him or her. If you're the attorney, you need to know exactly which records and paperwork to ask your client for and what things you need to gather on your own. Then, carefully review all of the documentation you gather. You need to determine whether the documentation, as well as the rest of your evidence, is authentic, reliable, and relevant to the case. You shouldn't discard anything that doesn't meet the above categories or that isn't immediately useful, though. Instead, you should set it aside and carefully label or organize it so that you can access it later if the need ever arises.
    4. Stay Organized
    Being organized is important for most things, but it is particularly vital for those involved in any type of litigation. Not only do you need to keep your materials, arguments and correspondence organized, but you also need to stay on top of your opponent's movements. Make sure you have a solid system of organization and that your client understands the importance of staying organized. You should also keep detailed records of all preparations and correspondence you participate in for future reference.
    5. Consider Your Case's Strengths And Weaknesses
    Doing this will rest entirely on your status relating to the case. You'll be looking for different strengths and weaknesses if you're the plaintiff or defendant in a criminal case than you would if you're involved in civil litigation. Think about how persuasive your evidence and arguments are. Do you have enough information? Are your arguments well-organized and eloquent? Do you have any insight into the arguments your opponent will utilize and how you can plan to exploit any weaknesses in those arguments? Knowing your weaknesses will help you prepare to compensate for them and knowing your strengths will help you to bolster them.
    Always pay attention to what those who have more experience than you have to say, especially when it comes to legal processes. If you're involved in litigation for the first time in any capacity, you should be prepared to do what you can to help while letting those with more experience take the helm.
  14. kevgardner83
    Few factors affect your general health more than your sleep quality. Poor sleep can lead to physical problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. You probably know that a lack of sleep can affect your mood and ability to perform at work.
    With so much depending on the quality of your sleep, it is vital to make good bedtime habits a part of your health regimen. Good sleep hygiene includes going to bed and waking at regular intervals every day. It also includes avoiding electronics at least 30 minutes before bedtime. If you have trouble falling asleep, you can try a warm bath or incorporate aromatherapy into your nighttime routine.
    Signs of an Old Mattress
    Another critical factor of high-quality sleep is the mattress on your bed. Signs that you may need a new one include:

    A sore back when you wake up
    Inability to get comfortable in your bed
    Frequent waking, tossing, and turning

    The general rule of thumb is that a mattress lasts between five and 10 years. If yours is approaching the end of its life cycle, you can use some of these mattress shopping tips.
    Finding the Right Size
    While shopping for a mattress, the first thing you should consider is the size you need. Your lifestyle may have changed since the last time you bought one. Perhaps you moved to a different home, and now you can accommodate a larger bed. If you have downsized, you may no longer need a big bed.
    Take measurements of your bedroom so that you can shop for the correct bed size. You don't want to find out too late that your new king-sized bed blocks the closet door.
    Considering Mattress Firmness
    Today's mattresses come in a range of styles and firmness levels. You can find everything from soft to extra-supportive. The level of support you require depends a lot on elements such as the position you sleep in, medical considerations like back problems, and even whether snoring is a factor.
    Your mattress firmness is a joint decision if you sleep with a partner. You can even opt for a mattress style that allows you to adjust the support on each side, making it easy for you and your partner to find the optimal support level.
    Shopping for Mattress Types
    The most common types of mattresses on the market are innerspring, adjustable air and memory foam.
    An innerspring mattress is the most common. It has metal springs inside that support your body as you sleep. It is the most cost-effective choice.
    An adjustable air mattress allows you to control firmness by adjusting the air level inside. This style allows you to change the amount of support on each side, giving individuals the choice of firmness. Many come with a warranty that lasts between 10 and 30 years. They are generally higher in price than other mattress types.
    Someone who needs extra support can benefit from a memory foam mattress. This type of mattress can also be more costly than other types, but its advantages include relief from pressure points and a cooling option on some varieties.
    A hybrid mattress combines the advantages of an innerspring with a memory foam mattress. It offers more support than a traditional memory foam mattress, making it an excellent option for those who don't want a soft bed but like the advantages of memory foam.
    Finding the Right Store
    If you have the opportunity to shop for a mattress in person, don't pass up the chance to try one out for yourself. Lie down on the bed as you would if you were sleeping on it. Try a few different positions. You may be surprised by what type you find most comfortable.
    Buying online is another attractive option. You can have your mattress delivered to your door. If you purchase online, be sure to check for return and restocking fees in case you change your mind.
    Finding the perfect mattress can be time-consuming, but the nights of blissful sleep make it worth the work you put into shopping.
  15. kevgardner83
    Spending time in the sun has many benefits including increasing your serotonin levels, producing vitamin D and lowering your blood pressure. It can also give you a glowing tan. However, there are also dangers from too much sun exposure such as the heightened risk of skin cancer and premature aging. That being said, there are steps you can take to make sure you are taking care of your skin even when in the sun. If you’re looking to get a great tan this summer, here are some ways you can do that while still protecting your skin.
    Use the Right Sunscreen and Reapply It Often
    Many people use tanning oil when they’re trying to get a tan, but if you want to tan with less risk of damaging your skin, use sunscreen that is broad spectrum, meaning it blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Look for a sunscreen that is SPF30 that blocks these rays and remember to reapply it every two hours. By doing this, you can safely be in the sun and slowly tan instead of trying to do it all at once.
    Don’t Use Tanning Beds
    Never use tanning beds. Tanning beds are very bad for your skin, speed up your skin’s aging and significantly increase your risk of skin cancer. This is because they generate large amounts of high intensity UV radiation. Subjecting your skin to this is a terrible way to try to get a tan. If you want a tan year round when tanning outside isn’t an option, try fake tan instead of dangerous tanning beds. You can also look into pool builders in Las Vegas so you can lay out in the sun next to the pool on a lounge chair instead of in a tanning bed that can damage your skin.
    Limit Your Time in the Sun
    Spending too much time in the sun puts your skin at risk of being damaged by the UV rays. So next time you want to spend the whole day in the sun, make sure you’re finding shade throughout the day too so that you give your skin a break and you reduce your risk of sunburn. This can help your tan last longer as well. Also remember that the sun is hottest between 10am and 4pm, so avoid laying in the sunlight for too long during those hours. If you will be in direct sunlight during these hours, make sure you are wearing sunscreen and something to cover your skin.
    Include Supplements and Antioxidant Rich Foods in Your Diet
    There are some supplements and foods that can help you get a healthy tan as well. For example, taking a beta carotene supplement can help protect your skin from UV radiation and help with your skin health. There are also lots of foods that can help you keep your skin healthy and protect it from the sun. Foods that have the antioxidant lycopene may help your skin’s ability to protect itself from the sun. It’s found in some red fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, red carrots, grapefruits, papayas and watermelon.
    Hydrate Your Skin
    Part of getting a great tan is making sure you take good care of your skin after you’ve been in the sun as well. When you are spending time in the sun, make sure you are drinking enough water. Also, make sure you are hydrating your skin after you’ve been in the sun. This will soothe sunburn and help you avoid inflammation and blistering. Hydrating your skin after being in the sun will also help your tan last longer.
    Spending time in the sun is fun and relaxing and has many benefits for your mental and physical health. However, it can also be dangerous for your skin’s health if you don’t go about it the right way. If you want to spend time in the sun and get a great tan, use these ways to get a great tan while still protecting your skin.
  16. kevgardner83
    As summer approaches, many people turn their attention to moving more and feeling more energized. Here are seven supplements that can help you achieve your best health ever in time for this summer.
    1. Vitamin D
    Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients that you probably didn't realize you should be supplementing. Vitamin D is directly linked to bone health since it helps the body absorb the calcium needed to support bone development. It has also been associated with improved cardiovascular function and regulating testosterone levels in men.
    Unless you spend time outdoors every day without sunscreen — which is dangerous because it can lead to increased rates of skin cancer — you may not be getting enough of this crucial vitamin. So, you can choose to contact swimming pool contractors Oklahoma City to ensure you get enough sunlight or talk to your doctor about adding a supplement.
    2. Magnesium
    Magnesium is more than a super-efficient fire-starting material; it is also an important nutrient that helps support several body systems. For example, low magnesium levels have been associated with weak bones and irregular blood pressure. It may also contribute to mood changes, such as irritability and increased anxiety.
    In addition, magnesium plays a role in how well your body handles the heat. Too little in your system can lead to muscle cramps, spasms and twitches. Consider adding a magnesium supplement, especially if you plan to be out in the heat for prolonged periods.
    3. Whey Protein
    While many adults consume sufficient amounts of protein through their diets, there are times when that may not be the case. For individuals who cut back on heavy meals and eat more veggies in hot weather, that can lead to a deficiency. Try tossing a scoop of whey protein into a fresh smoothie to ensure you get the recommended daily allowance on most days. If you aren't sure how much protein you need, the USDA has a handy online calculator that provides personalized numbers.
    4. Coenzyme Q10
    As you age, the production of Coenzyme Q10 slows down. That can be problematic since it is associated with energy production at the cellular level. In fact, some research shows that supplementation can help with conditions ranging from cardiovascular disease to neurodegenerative disorders. If you have concerns about these conditions, it might be a good idea to consider adding a Coenzyme Q10 to your daily routine.
    5. Probiotics
    There is a lot of talk about gut health, and probiotics are a big part of that conversation. These live cultures help repopulate depleted gut microbiome, leading to healthier overall systems. As medical experts find more and more things the gut is responsible for, this becomes increasingly important.
    There are several ways to get probiotics into your system. Many people choose to include a daily supplement. However, you can also increase the amount of probiotic-rich food you eat. Fermented foods and yogurts are excellent examples that are delicious on their own or incorporated into your favorite recipes.
    6. Fiber
    Sticking with a focus on gut health, fiber is another key nutrient. In addition to supporting your microbiome, it can also help you feel full longer after eating meals and may reduce blood sugar spikes from certain foods. There are tons of great fiber-rich foods available, including fruits, vegetables and many whole grains. Fiber supplements are another easy way to ensure you get enough each day.
    7. Zinc
    Zinc may have more of a reputation for helping with cold-weather illnesses, but it has a lot of other purposes, too. If there is too little of this essential nutrient in your system, you may notice levels of testosterone dip leading to unexplained weight gain and fatigue. Zinc also plays a role in regulating blood sugar by affecting insulin sensitivity, so a chronic deficiency may make you more likely to develop diabetes. Plus, since you lose zinc through sweating, the summer is a prime time to replenish it.
    Supplements fill an important role when you don't get enough nutrients through diet alone. Depending on your diet, you might consider adding zinc, magnesium, fiber, probiotics, vitamin D or protein supplements to support healthy body systems.
  17. kevgardner83
    It takes a lot to pull off international competition. Cities and countries plan endlessly, anticipating a drastic influx of patrons, many of whom have never crossed into the location's borders before. Groups must contemplate plenty of questions. How much transportation does an area need? Is there enough room and lodge available? How can the city play host to a vastly unique and broad crowd? It's plenty to think about and plan.
    However, despite the long hours and conversations, a bid for the Olympics gives a country more than a chance at making a part of history. The selected nation has the opportunity to enjoy an economic lift, fusing funds into several significant areas. The following are four key ways hosting Olympic games brings financial perks to a country.
    1. It Boosts Construction Jobs
    Governments must consider several critical physical factors when hosting the Olympics. Do they have the facility for the games? If not, they need to build them, and so the saying "build it and they will come" proves pretty accurate in this regard. Nations must spend time determining where each event is to occur and if that spot has the current design and utilities.
    Countries may take out pool loans to construct their lap areas. Leaders meet with architects to re-design stadiums and other venues. In return, the building takes place, providing a significant increase in the construction industry. Businesses receive additional contracts, hire workers and require more supplies. Thus, the worker industry sees a vast elevation in revenue.
    2. Governments Enjoy Better Tax Revenues
    The national budget often derives from available tax revenue. This collection comes from several sources. Citizens usually pay an annual tax from their salaries and money raised through business sales. When hosting the Olympics, a country could witness growth in these areas.
    When more people have jobs and contracts, more fellow citizens can pay into the government funds; thus, taxes increase. They also have extra cash to splurge on their interests. They may buy homes, remodel or splurge on particular items. These things are taxed.
    In addition, people spend money on several things during the games. They buy tickets to see the fun, travel on local transportation systems, eat at restaurants and purchase souvenirs. These activities and items are taxed, drawing in a more significant income. Therefore, hosting a mass group of people better the country's spending opportunities. The nation has the chance to put that back into the land and business industry, furthering the development and industrial enhancements.
    3. It Encourages Tourism to the Area
    Many people travel specifically to watch the Olympic competitions. According to NBC Sports, 206 countries participated in Tokyo's 2020 summer games, with over 11,000 athletes traveling to take part in the event. That is a lot of people paying for their room, board and food. When open to the public, this number goes up dramatically, drawing in large crowds from around the world. Hotels and transportation receive an extensive infusion of cash as they welcome tourists.
    In addition, television advertising highlights the destination's locale, showcasing various towns and industries. Viewers see the land's beauty as well as interesting cultural points. This showing encourages others at home to see the nation as a possible destination for future travels. People sitting at home may not have the chance to get out to the national competition, but they have vacation time and dreams. The exposure could lead to an increase in upcoming excursions!
    Hosting the Olympics is a source of pride for a nation; however, this feat may also prove quite lucrative. By agreeing to welcome over 200 countries, a government benefits in many ways, from seeing an influx of travel to spurring more jobs within their community. In addition, viewers don't know what you have to offer. But seeing the games on television adds excitement and interest that could compel people to move the location to their bucket list.
  18. kevgardner83
    With each new technological advancement, the global markets become more intertwined. International shipping allowed global corporations to diversify holdings and source components from one country, assemble products in another, and sell items in a third. Online shopping has increased the interconnectivity of global economies by allowing individuals to purchase items from nearly anywhere, as long as they pay for shipping. So, how do goods go from manufacturers in one country to end consumers on the other side of the world in days? The answers lie in global supply chains and the logistics of international shipping.
    Global Supply Chains
    Sourcing goods and materials worldwide is easier now than ever before in history, even with all of the international laws and regulations surrounding imports and exports. This ease is because of how strong global supply chains can be with the right transportation management system to streamline communication and tracking between business partners in your chain. Many manufacturers and retailers will have multiple business partners for sourcing materials and transporting them at different journey stages. This diversification of partners can help keep the flow of goods steady when seasonal weather or natural disasters disrupt logistics in one part of the world.
    Ports and Customs
    More goods are transported by sea than by any other method, meaning that the items you buy or sell will have passed through ports and customs at some point in the supply chain. Major seaports in every country have crews working around the clock to offload cargo ships as they come in and load them up with more items to move. Shipping containers full of raw materials, fresh produce or items packaged for retail stores are lifted from cargo ships by cranes and stored at the ports until the cargo has passed through customs. The containers are lifted onto trailers or rail cars for the next leg of the journey. Cargo container ships can carry tens of thousands of containers at a time. Each year, they will make multiple trips through shipping lanes, representing billions of metric tons of goods transported globally.
    National Logistics
    For logistics inside a country, from a port to an inland processing plant or retailer, for example,
    most goods transportation is done by semi-trucks and cargo trailers. Sometimes the shipping containers are moved from the port to an inland distribution center by rail, but more locations are accessible by roadway than railway in modern times. Using national logistics in your business model means partnering with national logistics companies and long-haul truckers to drive cargo thousands of miles at a time. Smaller shipments, or lighter-weight ones, are also shipped by air within and between countries, allowing orders to arrive in a fraction of the time. Innovations in trucking hubs and self-driving AI technology promise to revolutionize national logistics by allowing truck drivers more safety and shorter trips, thereby increasing the number of loads moved each year.
    Local Delivery
    Trucking companies handle logistics concerns once goods reach a local distribution hub or warehouse. Larger loads will use semi-trucks with differing sizes and numbers of trailers, while smaller ones will be transported by box truck or delivery vans. It is more cost-effective for most retailers to contract longer trips with trucking companies offering deals for less than truckload orders and sharing trailer space with neighboring businesses or multiple franchise locations. Shipping and delivery companies will often contract out truck space with local businesses to bring smaller cargo loads to a retail store while delivering packages to other locations on the same route.
    Having options for the transportation of goods on the global, national and local scale has led to more interconnected trade and supply chains, with the globalization of the markets and e-commerce leading the way. The more robust your system for managing transportation and logistics for your company, the easier it is to streamline shipping and communications between business partners to quickly and effectively get your supplies to you and your finished goods to your customers.
  19. kevgardner83
    When young people finally come of age and are old enough to pursue the dreams they had as children, they may choose to pursue something else because the original dream seems too distant. Take flying as an example. A young boy dreams of someday being a pilot. As a child he collects model airplanes, in his yard he envisions himself soaring through the air transporting soldiers to an exotic country. Then he graduates high school and finds himself pursuing a business degree. What was it that made him change his dream?
    Perhaps it seemed too impossible. Yet, becoming a pilot is much easier than one might think. You could become a pilot in a faster time than you could get your bachelor's degree. If your dream has been to become a pilot, your dream is within reach.
    Decide What Type of Pilot You Want to Become
    First, you need to know what type of pilot you want to be. Do you want to fly your own aircraft? Aircraft can actually be affordable, starting at around the same price as a new car when purchased used. If you purchase a used aircraft that needs some work, you can also purchase used aircraft parts to spruce it up a bit. Or, you could opt to become a commercial pilot and fly someone else's plane.
    Other than age requirements, there's nothing holding you back from becoming a pilot. Here are some different types of pilots and steps to becoming one.
    1. Airforce Pilot
    Becoming an airforce pilot is the most affordable avenue because in this path you get paid to become a pilot rather than paying an instructor to help make you one. The airforce does require pilot trainees to hold a bachelor's degree, but the training itself is accomplished in a matter of just a few months. Plus, you'll get to travel to exotic places in specialized aircraft private and commercial pilots will never reach. If you want adventure, this may be the right path for you.
    2. Private Pilot
    If you want to fly for leisure, there is no special Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) education requirement other than flight training and logging hours with an instructor. You'll need to pursue a private pilot's license which will provide you with everything you need to know to fly a single-engine aircraft. You also need to be at least 17 years of age.
    There are flight schools all over the country eager to help new students reach for the sky. If you're going to become a private pilot, just keep in mind you're going to need your own craft, so decide what type of craft you want to fly. They come in all shapes and sizes.
    3. Commercial Pilot
    To fly with passengers aboard your craft you'll need to upgrade to a commercial pilot's license as well as have celebrated your 18th birthday. Do you need a degree to become a commercial pilot? It depends on the airline. If you're going to be flying regionally only, or for a private company, you probably don't need a secondary education. If you're going to fly for a major airline, you'll need at least a 4-year degree. Some require a degree in a related field while others just require a degree in any field.
    Becoming a commercial pilot starts with getting your private pilot license. From there, you move up to training on bigger planes like the Boeing 747.
    Many people think becoming an airline pilot is for the elite or well-educated. This simply isn't true. Becoming a pilot is within everyone's reach, whether they want to fly for fun or fly to get paid. No matter what type of pilot you want to eventuallly become, you'll need to start with training for a private license. This means your first step is finding flight schools near you, then touring them, and finally deciding which one is right for you.
  20. kevgardner83
    Mountain biking is a great way to enjoy some fresh air and stay physically fit. However, riding rough terrains is different than just biking around your neighborhood. Mountain biking requires a bit of extra effort. Just gaining experience alone will not improve your skills. Here are five ways to become a better mountain biker.
    1. Boost Your Fitness and Overall Health
    Mountain biking itself is exercise, but becoming a strong mountain biker requires additional fitness beyond what you get from rides. Many professional bikers do weight training when they are not riding. You should similarly add strength training into your daily regimen.
    Maintaining your overall health is important, as well. Eat a balanced diet, and use supplements or the Thrive patch to give your body more nutritional support.
    2. Improve and Maintain Your Equipment
    Even the best mountain bikers look mediocre on poor-quality rides. You thus need to make sure your bicycle is fit for tough journeys.
    You do not have to shell out thousands of dollars on a premium bicycle, either. Just performing basic maintenance will improve your riding and prevent nasty falls. Knowing your bike is in top shape will also give you confidence on the trails.
    Before your next ride, check for any parts that are broken, cracked or even just worn. If you can't fix the defects yourself, bring your bike to a local shop for repairs.
    Pay special attention to the tires. Tires with insufficient air pressure or improper tread will hurt your overall performance.
    You should also ensure the chain is lubed, the brakes are consistent and smooth, and the shifts work properly. You may additionally want to learn how to adjust the bike's suspension. You should initially ensure the sag and air pressure meet the manufacturer's standards. However, don't be afraid to use slightly different settings if it makes you feel more comfortable.
    3. Go Slowly at First
    If you are first starting out or want to get back to the basics, you should ride half-speed and focus on your technique. Once your body gets used to the correct angles and body position, you can start to bike at a faster pace.
    4. Learn Some (Useful) Tricks
    Tricks are not just cool maneuvers that can impress your friends. They also come in handy on the bike trail.
    Wheelies, for instance, can help you avoid small barriers on the ground. Even just knowing how to put less pressure on each wheel should give you a smoother ride. For a traditional wheelie, put one pedal in the up position and shift your weight onto the back wheel. Then push down on the up pedal while pulling the handlebars.
    You should also learn how to hop up into the air on your bike. Just compress your body, push down on the bike and then pull up your legs and arms. Learning this skill should improve your bike handling.
    5. Ride With Better and More Experienced Bikers
    Look for mountain biking groups in your area and join your fellow bikers on a ride. Pay specific attention to those who have more experience riding or those who are simply better than you are. See how they handle tough terrains and how they adjust their stances when going downhill or uphill. You can then apply these skills during your solo rides.
    If there are no mountain bikers in your area, you can always study the techniques used by the pros. Search online for slow-motion videos of professional bikers in action.
    To get the most out of your mountain biking trips, follow the above steps. These tips should help you ride better so you can have more fun.
  21. kevgardner83
    Trying to shed some pounds while stuck inside can leave you feeling frustrated. However, it doesn't have to be a confusing process. Learning about what tactics or methods you can use to get moving and help jumpstart your weight loss can help you make the best choices possible for your lifestyle.
    1. Use Your Stairs
    It can be hard to work out when you do not have any way to get to a gym or any workout equipment at home. However, in most houses you do have something that can allow you to get your heart rate up and work out: your stairs. Walking is one of the easiest ways to exercise, and going up and down your stairs works just as well as any elliptical or stair climber machine. Setting aside time during the day to break a sweat on your stairs is a cheap and fun way to exercise and eventually lose weight.
    2. Choose Your Snacks Wisely
    Since you are likely not going out to eat as much outside the house, you are probably storing more snacks and food ingredients than ever in your pantry. Although this is helpful for making homecooked meals, it can also mean you are more tempted to snack on and buy unhealthy food. Continually eating bags of potato chips or tons of candy can cause you to gain weight.
    In order to keep your snacks healthy, you may want to pre-make them the day before. This can help you have something healthy to grab when you are hungry, instead of looking for the first available tasty treat. You can even look up thrive reviews if you want a source for more nutrients that is easy to use.
    3. Play Around
    While playing around on the schoolyard at recess may be a distant memory now, it does not mean that you cannot use the same kinds of games to break a sweat and exercise. Getting active outside near the front or back area of your house can help you get fresh air and get a workout in. Kicking a soccer ball around your yard with your children or doing jumping jacks are two methods that you can use to have fun and work out.
    4. Get Dancing
    As long as you have a television and a way to hear music, you can put on a dance party for yourself and anyone else in your house. Dancing is a great way to get your heart rate up and your body moving, and even a half-hour of vigorous dancing can leave you feeling great afterward. Pick a music video or use a video game with a workout option, and you can enjoy moving and dancing.
    5. Drink Plenty of Water
    While it may seem tempting to crack open a can of soda that is sitting around your house in the fridge, you should stick with water as your main drink of choice if you are trying to lose weight. Having a water bottle sitting on your desk or near you as you go about your day can help remind you to drink more. Getting refills during the day has also never been easier!
    6. Start With a Solid Breakfast
    Rushing to get out of the house in the morning may have left you skipping breakfast, which can ultimately harm your weight loss goals and make you eat more later on. Now that you are home, you can add in foods that have more protein or other healthy ingredients like oatmeal, fresh fruits, and whole milk, to your first meal of the day. With a bit of extra time in the morning and a bit of effort, you can transform your normal breakfast into one that can help you stay full longer and avoid eating junk food.
  22. kevgardner83
    If you're a pilot, you're well aware of the different sources of stress you may be experiencing. Fatigue, the potential for rapidly changing conditions, and the sheer responsibility for hundreds of lives can all weigh heavily. Rest assured. You're not alone. Though being a pilot is a high-prestige job, it comes with many intense stressors. It's normal to feel an occasional sense of being overwhelmed.
    Fortunately, there are specific things you can do to help mitigate stress and shore up your reserves. Read on for several actionable ideas.
    1. Get Relief
    Make sure that when you prepare for your flights you are completely clear-headed. It's essential that you bring full alertness and vitality to your work. Your life and the lives of your crew and passengers depend on it. To keep a clear head and to reset their energy, pilots often take extended time off to recharge with friends and family (not to mention solo). Needing some resources to help you kick back and let down? Do a search using terms such as San Jose dispensary to find helpful resources.
    2. Get Rest
    Fatigue is an issue for many pilots, and it's easy to understand why. Long work shifts, the necessity to concentrate for extended periods of time, and the challenges of relaxing when off work for short periods of time all contribute to a sleep deficit. When you're home, do your best to catch up on as much sleep as you can. Take naps during the day as necessary. Establish a going-to-sleep routine that you can also apply during layovers.
    3. Reach Out
    Don't hesitate to reach out for help and companionship. The support of family and friends can help keep you grounded and provide a healthy perspective. Going to see a therapist is helpful for many pilots for processing the stresses of the job and getting assistance for mental/emotional health issues. Also, consider seeking out the resources of groups such as Peer Pilot Support to receive assistance from people who understand you.
    4. Stay Flexible
    Stay in close contact with your colleagues in the aviation industry to determine if your current placement is the right one for you. Even if you're satisfied with your airline, work conditions, and benefits, there might be other settings that'll be a good fit down the line. This can give you more of a feeling of control over your career path, decreasing stress.
    5. Make a Plan
    Retirement planning is critical, no matter what stage you are in your career. The feeling of having multiple positive options will go a long way toward boosting your morale and agency regarding your financial future. Seek out helpful online articles, and ask your pilot colleagues for advice. It's a great way to bond and also feel calmer about the trajectory of your vocation.
    6. Stay Strong
    Good physical health is inextricably linked to good mental and emotional health. Set up a sustainable physical exercise and healthy eating plan that keeps you in good shape and your spirits high. If you're sufficiently rested, there's nothing like a good workout to defeat stress. Also, consider some sort of mindfulness practice; meditation, prayer, or practices like tai chi can make a positive impact on your serenity.
    7. Stay Current
    Be savvy and aware of the various factors that may be impacting your well-being as a pilot. Invest in relevant continuing education experiences that you can leverage to improve your life and the lives of those you work with. That way, you'll have a deeper well of resources to draw from and the ability to spot trends, opportunities, and possible obstacles more readily. Also, you'll gain valuable up-to-date knowledge on which to base key decisions that will affect your career and stress level.
    Being a pilot comes with unique issues that affect your experience of stress. Consider these suggestions to feel more supported, rested, and vital as you navigate your career.
  23. kevgardner83
    Throughout the history of man, people have yearned to fly – but it is doubtful that even 100 years ago anyone would have thought that air travel would have evolved to what it is today. Here is a quick history of how air travel has evolved through the years.
    It Can Be Used for Many Purposes
    Air travel at its very basic started out with man just wanting to get into the air, whether just to see what it felt like or to see if it could be done. However, soon after people realized that airplanes were here to stay, true visionaries began to see all the ways air travel could be used, for war, for mail delivery, and eventually to make it much easier for people to get to where they wanted to go.
    As early as 1918 airplanes were being used to fly mail across the country. It was dangerous work, with no radios or instruments to help guide the pilot, and flying could only be done during the daytime. Now, of course, flying mail and cargo across the country is not only much safer for the pilot and crew but much faster and more efficient. Often cargo is placed in passenger planes, but there are also all-cargo planes. The industry has seen a boost in recent years as ordering online is such a common practice, and people are always in a hurry to receive what they’ve ordered.
    Measures to ensure that the cargo gets to its destination in one piece have improved as well. Pressurized cargo planes are used to carry livestock, special planes are built to carry heavy items such as cars and construction equipment, and cargo planes are outfitted so that perishables can arrive at their destination in tip-top shape. An item that is vital for the safety of the cargo plane crew and for the protection of the cargo is cargo straps. Not just any strap will do – they have to be sturdy and tough to keep the cargo in place and withstand the movement of the plane. Cargo is less likely to be damaged when ancra straps are used to strap down cargo.
    It Is Much Safer Now
    We’ve all seen the film of the Hindenburg’s last flight in 1937, catching on fire as it landed, which quickly put a stop to rigid airships and paved the way for airplanes to take center stage as the way to transport people through the air. Of course there are always going to be accidents, but the odds of dying on an airplane are projected to be 1 in about 3 billion. This rate is so low because of advances in technology, highly trained pilots and crew members, and a multitude of backup systems to help if something does go wrong.
    It Is a Little Less Fun Now
    If there is a downside to modern air travel, it is that it is no longer the “event†it used to be. In the 1930s as commercial air travel was really becoming popular among the more wealthy, the comfort of the passenger was the main goal of the airline. The staff was attentive, the seats were plush and comfortable, and there were even sleeping berths available for overnight flights. Some flights even had a chef who would come out to greet the passengers and then serve them their meal. Passengers knew flying was a special treat as well, and it was common for people to put on their nicest clothes for the trip.
    Air travel is such a common thing now that it is not as exciting as it used to be. However, the upside is that it is more efficient, faster, and does a very good job of just getting people, mail, and cargo where they need to go, which, after all, is the main goal. Looking back at the past century makes you wonder what changes are in store for this evolving industry in the next hundred years.
  24. kevgardner83
    The profession of an airline pilot can be an exciting career choice. There has been a level of glamor applied to the role of the pilot. The pilot has control of the plane, the satisfaction of providing safe travel, and traveling to see new places. With the exciting side of piloting a plane, there is also the reality that the pilot’s work is a physically and emotionally demanding job even for people in the greatest of health. Diabetic pilots face increased challenges, and here are three guidelines to help them manage the disease and their career.
    Pilots Need to Understand Medical Emergencies
    When a plane takes off, the pilot and crew take responsibility for the lives of the passengers and themselves. A pilot with diabetes faces many potential health issues during flight. The most important is a medical situation where the pilot can lose consciousness if the pilot's blood sugar drops too much. Another impact of diabetes is blurred vision. The eyesight impact is more gradual but sometimes can hit quickly based on diet or other external conditions.
    Pilots proactively prepare to handle medical emergencies of all kinds while in the air. Time is of the essence without immediate access to medical personnel on the ground. As for diabetes, pilots prevent their potential diabetic episodes through multiple steps. Diet is the most critical step. Balancing carbohydrate intake is essential. Another essential step is a wearable continuous glucose monitor to track blood sugar fluctuations. A third important step is moving around frequently to increase blood flow and prevent blood clots.
    Pilots Need to Have Extensive Training
    When a pilot is proactive about diabetes control, the pilot is in a position to handle all of the flight responsibilities. A pilot will spend many hours learning about how the plane responds to different factors. In addition to flight, the pilot is also responsible for being the head of the flight and controlling any problem situation that arises. When a pilot is needed to handle a role outside of the norm, such as an unruly passenger, the pilot cannot be worried about a diabetic episode.
    The pilot's training extends to radio communications, steering the plane, weather reports, and monitoring instruments. Beyond these items, the pilot must also anticipate risks, select safer routes as needed, and handle mechanical failure as needed. The many roles can lead to high stress, which leads to stress management as a critical role for the pilot. Stress can be hard on the body and the immune system. As a result, stress can adversely impact diabetes.
    Pilots Need to Find a Consistent Routine
    All people with diabetes need to find a daily balance with diet, exercise, and medicine. Any changes to routine can be damaging, so most diabetics are creatures of habit. A pilot will face a work schedule with a combination of flying and work while not in the air. A diabetic pilot may be asked to fill in for another pilot, breaking the routine and impacting blood sugars.
    Diabetes is labeled as a disability, and pilots with diabetes face an uphill battle to prove they are safe and able to fly a plane. The prevailing perception has been that a diabetic pilot on insulin is more susceptible to an in-flight episode, so diabetic pilots on insulin could only fly private planes. The FAA has made some changes that have made it easier for a diabetic pilot to fly commercial airliners.
    Piloting a plane will continue to be an exciting job but will constantly evolve as the world changes. The world is a less patient place, and people are stressed. Taking a flight is seen as an escape from the demands of reality. The pilots accept this responsibility to lead people through the getaway for a couple of hours. Many factors will serve as obstacles, but steps are in place to help control diabetes and lessen its impact on the pilot.
  25. kevgardner83
    The job of being a pilot comes with a lot of stress, fatigue and being away from home for extended periods. Not only does the job require long hours, but the effects of jet lag from moving between different time zones can mess with circadian rhythm. If you are a pilot, ensuring that you are getting adequate rest and relaxation is of utmost importance, not only for your own health but for the safety of your passengers as well. Methods of recovery can be different from person to person, but there are a few in particular that work better than others and have varying degrees of effects on the body and mind.
    Here are some ways that a pilot can recover after working long hours.
    Use Red Light Therapy
    In this day and age, too much time is spent indoors and exposed to "blue light" (the kind of light you get from screens). The lack of sunlight is a problem for the body and mind.
    Thankfully, there is a relatively new and innovative way to take care of your body at a cellular level, called red light therapy. Utilizing methods backed by scientific research, red light therapy makes use of your body's natural ability to absorb light and fill it up with all sorts of vitamins and the good stuff your body would normally get from the sun. Since it's conveniently available to use indoors, you don't have to take into account the weather or time of day if you want to get the benefits of sunlight.
    Using red light therapy at home can vastly improve your overall health. Some of the benefits include:
    Inflammation and pain relief
    Sleep optimization
    Improved blood flow
    Mental acuity
    Recovery, Healing and Performance
    The devices which transmit the red light are available in a variety of different options, from wall mounts to mobile stands. These are also modular, so you can mix and match.
    Get Enough Sleep
    Sleep is one of the most important things that you can do for your overall health. If you do not get enough sleep you will not be able to function at an optimal level. A lack of sleep results in weight gain, high blood pressure, mood swings, memory loss and a whole host of other issues. Getting high-quality sleep will change your day and positively affect your attitude.
    Get Adequate Exercise
    The importance of physical movement not only benefits the body but also the mind. Exercise can improve clarity, focus and overall energy levels. It doesn't have to be an overly intense workout regimen, either. Even getting a little exercise each day is better than nothing at all. Going for a simple walk can do wonders for the mind, and enhance one's perspective. Staying in shape will allow you as a pilot to have more stamina and be able to focus on getting your aircraft safely from place to place.
    Take a Hot Bath or Shower
    A good way to relieve sore and aching muscles is to take a dip in the bath. The warmth of the bath can relieve tension in the muscles and make one feel a sense of tranquility. There are a number of different bath salts one can use to enhance the experience as well. If baths aren't your thing, then a nice hot shower will do the trick.
    Take a Vacation
    Sometimes, all you need is a nice, relaxing vacation. Whether you're sipping margaritas in Hawaii or touring a breathtaking cathedral in France, sometimes a change of scenery is all you really need to regain your mental clarity and achieve a heightened sense of appreciation for the good things in life.
    A pilot's job is not easy and being at the top of your game while flying is important for your own health and the safety of your passengers. Getting adequate recovery is just as important as doing the job itself, so make sure you don't neglect it.
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