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7 Ways To Relieve Stress As a Pilot



If you're a pilot, you're well aware of the different sources of stress you may be experiencing. Fatigue, the potential for rapidly changing conditions, and the sheer responsibility for hundreds of lives can all weigh heavily. Rest assured. You're not alone. Though being a pilot is a high-prestige job, it comes with many intense stressors. It's normal to feel an occasional sense of being overwhelmed.


Fortunately, there are specific things you can do to help mitigate stress and shore up your reserves. Read on for several actionable ideas.


1. Get Relief

Make sure that when you prepare for your flights you are completely clear-headed. It's essential that you bring full alertness and vitality to your work. Your life and the lives of your crew and passengers depend on it. To keep a clear head and to reset their energy, pilots often take extended time off to recharge with friends and family (not to mention solo). Needing some resources to help you kick back and let down? Do a search using terms such as San Jose dispensary to find helpful resources.


2. Get Rest

Fatigue is an issue for many pilots, and it's easy to understand why. Long work shifts, the necessity to concentrate for extended periods of time, and the challenges of relaxing when off work for short periods of time all contribute to a sleep deficit. When you're home, do your best to catch up on as much sleep as you can. Take naps during the day as necessary. Establish a going-to-sleep routine that you can also apply during layovers.


3. Reach Out

Don't hesitate to reach out for help and companionship. The support of family and friends can help keep you grounded and provide a healthy perspective. Going to see a therapist is helpful for many pilots for processing the stresses of the job and getting assistance for mental/emotional health issues. Also, consider seeking out the resources of groups such as Peer Pilot Support to receive assistance from people who understand you.


4. Stay Flexible

Stay in close contact with your colleagues in the aviation industry to determine if your current placement is the right one for you. Even if you're satisfied with your airline, work conditions, and benefits, there might be other settings that'll be a good fit down the line. This can give you more of a feeling of control over your career path, decreasing stress.


5. Make a Plan

Retirement planning is critical, no matter what stage you are in your career. The feeling of having multiple positive options will go a long way toward boosting your morale and agency regarding your financial future. Seek out helpful online articles, and ask your pilot colleagues for advice. It's a great way to bond and also feel calmer about the trajectory of your vocation.


6. Stay Strong

Good physical health is inextricably linked to good mental and emotional health. Set up a sustainable physical exercise and healthy eating plan that keeps you in good shape and your spirits high. If you're sufficiently rested, there's nothing like a good workout to defeat stress. Also, consider some sort of mindfulness practice; meditation, prayer, or practices like tai chi can make a positive impact on your serenity.


7. Stay Current

Be savvy and aware of the various factors that may be impacting your well-being as a pilot. Invest in relevant continuing education experiences that you can leverage to improve your life and the lives of those you work with. That way, you'll have a deeper well of resources to draw from and the ability to spot trends, opportunities, and possible obstacles more readily. Also, you'll gain valuable up-to-date knowledge on which to base key decisions that will affect your career and stress level.


Being a pilot comes with unique issues that affect your experience of stress. Consider these suggestions to feel more supported, rested, and vital as you navigate your career.


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