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5 Tips for Becoming a Better Mountain Biker



Mountain biking is a great way to enjoy some fresh air and stay physically fit. However, riding rough terrains is different than just biking around your neighborhood. Mountain biking requires a bit of extra effort. Just gaining experience alone will not improve your skills. Here are five ways to become a better mountain biker.

1. Boost Your Fitness and Overall Health

Mountain biking itself is exercise, but becoming a strong mountain biker requires additional fitness beyond what you get from rides. Many professional bikers do weight training when they are not riding. You should similarly add strength training into your daily regimen.

Maintaining your overall health is important, as well. Eat a balanced diet, and use supplements or the Thrive patch to give your body more nutritional support.

2. Improve and Maintain Your Equipment

Even the best mountain bikers look mediocre on poor-quality rides. You thus need to make sure your bicycle is fit for tough journeys.

You do not have to shell out thousands of dollars on a premium bicycle, either. Just performing basic maintenance will improve your riding and prevent nasty falls. Knowing your bike is in top shape will also give you confidence on the trails.

Before your next ride, check for any parts that are broken, cracked or even just worn. If you can't fix the defects yourself, bring your bike to a local shop for repairs.

Pay special attention to the tires. Tires with insufficient air pressure or improper tread will hurt your overall performance.

You should also ensure the chain is lubed, the brakes are consistent and smooth, and the shifts work properly. You may additionally want to learn how to adjust the bike's suspension. You should initially ensure the sag and air pressure meet the manufacturer's standards. However, don't be afraid to use slightly different settings if it makes you feel more comfortable.

3. Go Slowly at First

If you are first starting out or want to get back to the basics, you should ride half-speed and focus on your technique. Once your body gets used to the correct angles and body position, you can start to bike at a faster pace.

4. Learn Some (Useful) Tricks

Tricks are not just cool maneuvers that can impress your friends. They also come in handy on the bike trail.

Wheelies, for instance, can help you avoid small barriers on the ground. Even just knowing how to put less pressure on each wheel should give you a smoother ride. For a traditional wheelie, put one pedal in the up position and shift your weight onto the back wheel. Then push down on the up pedal while pulling the handlebars.

You should also learn how to hop up into the air on your bike. Just compress your body, push down on the bike and then pull up your legs and arms. Learning this skill should improve your bike handling.

5. Ride With Better and More Experienced Bikers

Look for mountain biking groups in your area and join your fellow bikers on a ride. Pay specific attention to those who have more experience riding or those who are simply better than you are. See how they handle tough terrains and how they adjust their stances when going downhill or uphill. You can then apply these skills during your solo rides.

If there are no mountain bikers in your area, you can always study the techniques used by the pros. Search online for slow-motion videos of professional bikers in action.

To get the most out of your mountain biking trips, follow the above steps. These tips should help you ride better so you can have more fun.


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