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6 Tips for Buying a New Laptop



When it comes to the Internet of Things, the laptop computer was at the vanguard of the revolution. Decades after its inception, it is still one of the most valuable and versatile tools in computing. To be sure you get the most out of your money when purchasing a new laptop, here are some important factors to consider.

1. The Environment in Which You Will Use Your Laptop

Because a laptop computer runs on a battery, you can theoretically use it anywhere, indoors or out. Practically speaking, however, not all laptops are well suited to all environments. If you plan to take your computer out into the field frequently, you need a rugged laptop that is able to stand up to weather exposure and other harsh conditions.

2. The Manufacturer

There are many different kinds of laptops sold under many different brands. It's not the brand that matters so much as the manufacturer. You need to be sure that the company that produces your laptop stands behind it and will repair or replace it if something goes wrong shortly after you purchase it. Some manufacturers are better in this respect than others.

3. Your Budget

The price of a new laptop can be thousands of dollars on the upper end of the scale. However, you do not have to pay that much to get a quality computer. Before you start looking at different types of laptops, you should make a budget to determine how much you can afford. You should also determine what you need from a laptop, i.e., the capabilities that it absolutely has to have. That way, you do not spend more than you have to buy more laptop than you actually need. If all you require is basic functionality, you can purchase a bare-bones laptop for a couple hundred dollars.

4. The Battery Life

If you plan to always use your laptop in the same place, an indoor location with an electrical outlet within easy reach, you do not need to give much consideration to your laptop's battery life. However, if that is all you want, it would probably be cheaper and easier to purchase a desktop computer instead. Part of the reason to own a laptop is to gain mobility, for which you need a reliable battery that lasts for at least seven hours at a time. Manufacturers may exaggerate their battery life, so make sure to verify the claim with an objective and knowledgeable third party.

5. The Specifications

New computers are designed to be customized in a myriad of ways. It would take too long to detail all the options you may have when it comes to ordering a new laptop. Just remember that you have many choices when it comes to what process your new laptop uses, how much memory it has, what kind of display it uses, etc.

6. Ergonomics

Laptops are specifically built to be compact; that's one of the reasons why people like them. However, it is possible to find a laptop with a full keyboard that provides adequate space between the keys so you can type comfortably without making fat-finger typos. You should also pay attention to the distance that each key goes down when you press it. This is known as key travel and, ideally, your laptop keyboard should provide plenty of it. The cursor should provide smooth movement with a touch without jumping around the screen. If you intend to use your laptop for work, it is more efficient not to have to take your hands off the home row to navigate around the screen. Therefore, look for a laptop with a nub or a pointing stick between the H and G keys, which gives you another option for moving your cursor.

There is only so much room that a laptop keyboard can offer without losing compactness. In the interest of ergonomics, you may want to consider a separate keyboard and mouse that connect via USB.


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