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Blog Entries posted by kevgardner83

  1. kevgardner83
    In this information age, communication and the sharing of data are constantly improving at a fast rate. This equates to easier everything, most of the time, but nothing is perfect. People and businesses are vulnerable because when everything exists on the same digital grid there is always the chance that private information can be affected. Netizens, companies and institutions that do business online must be wary of all types of malware, designed to do all sorts of nefarious things. Data security is important, especially at airports, which are humming with digital information.
    Protecting an Airport's OT Is Not a Small Task
    The OT (operational technology) in the aviation sector is vast, and malware could create a crippling scenario in an airport. With information traveling to and from so many sources, the logistical problems that could occur range from headache scenarios to jeopardous scenarios. If, for instance, the baggage handling technology has been affected, it's a problem that could very well be remediated quickly, assuming that some red flags go up before baggage headed for Denver ends up in Singapore. The real question that administrators would be considering, though, is how many other workstations had been subject to cyberattack. At this point, do they risk data corruption or manipulation in the air traffic control tower? When facing the potential of a communication breakdown between pilots and controllers, the risk of shutting down becomes acute. The right data security system could prevent such a scenario from happening.
    Protecting the Client's Sense of Autonomy Is Important
    People want to feel like they are in control. This could mean arriving three hours early for a flight or triple-checking the itinerary regarding those connecting flights. The computers used to verify people's identities and status must match the information that they have. If a single flight information display system, for instance, changed the data on the screen so that none of it was correct, people would immediately become confused and begin seeking resolution. This confusion would be confounded because the staff probably wouldn't have immediate answers for the issue, and would still need to communicate the correct airlines, times and destinations to the passengers.
    Protecting Consumer Information Is Vital
    If the customers' experience is tarnished, for any reason, business could suffer. Besides protecting itself from cyberattacks, the airport's administration must ensure that all of the consumers' personal information that passes through that electronic space is incorruptible, and remains unobtainable to hackers. There are systems that are engineered to diminish the risk of cyberattack. Fido authentication can have a tremendous effect on both the consumers' vulnerability as well as their sense of vulnerability. Fido authentication replaces the one-dimensional, password-based login scenario with a login experience by which users establish their identities with a that was initiated upon registration. This system removes the risk of password-dependent attack vectors like credential stuffing and keylogging.
    Protecting the Wi-Fi Is Essential
    If you picture a busy terminal, with people moving around and waiting for boarding instructions and such, how many cell phones do you count? Every device that taps into an airport's wi-fi is a potential target for malware. Looking at it from a different perspective, somebody installing malware into a system would certainly get a lot of information to mine by running through the wi-fi of a large airport. Unless the airport is determined to apply protections designed to thwart such attempts, there is no reason to think that this problem will ever go away.
    Protecting Virtual Data Is Everybody's Business
    With hundreds of thousands of commercial flights happening every day, virtually everybody is flying at some point in their lives. It is a necessity of the business world. People bring physical baggage and a digital presence. They rely on state-of-the-art equipment and trained professionals to take them safely and efficiently where they need to go. By protecting data security, the airport is protecting its clients. A traveler is happiest when most relaxed, and the peace of mind that comes from security generates equanimity. Just like there are metal detectors and X-ray machines that keep harmful elements from physically being on premises, data security needs to be applied to the OT to keep cyber crime out.
  2. kevgardner83
    The hotel industry is one of the most competitive industries in existence. Whether for business or leisure, a traveler has what seems like unlimited options at their disposal when they're seeking out a room in a busy city or popular destination. As a hotel operator, it's up to you to ensure your hotel catches that traveler's attention. Working with a great marketing service is one way to lure them to your advertisements, but if your reviews aren't top notch, or even poor, that potential guest is going to scroll on by.
    What's the best way to pack your rooms with happy guests? It's simpler than you might think. Besides clean sheets on the bed, an amazingly friendly, accommodating, and well-trained staff is really all you need. Here's why.
    1. Above and Beyond
    Everyone has received service in which the provider just wasn't that into you. Maybe they sighed to let you know how put out they were, or maybe they didn't make eye contact because their mind was on how bad their day was going. How did that make you feel? Like a bothersome burden, right? Don't let this be your staff.
    When a guest has a need, a well-trained hotel staffer, such as those at Marriott Providence, should go above and beyond to meet that need. If a guest needs a bar of soap, just dropping a bar of soap at the door is nice and it meets that guests expectations, but a staffer who also introduces him or herself and includes a couple of extra hand towels will be well remembered, even years later. It stands to reason that when the same guests who received this excellent service are in the area againr, they're going to want to stay where Jacques or Stephanie treated them like royalty rather than a burden.
    2. Friendly Faces
    Walking into an attractive hotel is nice, but walking into an attractive hotel with attractive faces is even nicer. Numerous studies have proven how powerful a smile can be to other people. Not only are smiling faces perceived as more attractive because they appear more healthy, they are also inviting. They tell the onlooker, "This person is approachable." You may also know from experience, they have the power to change moods.
    Imagine a packed lobby with weary travelers. Now imagine the staff helping get those travelers are exhausted as well and their patience that's wearing thin is also being worn on their faces. Do you think that helps the situation? Now, imagine the same situation, except this time the hotel staff is pleasant, patient, accommodating, and even more importantly, understanding. It makes a big difference for the travelers.
    Last, don't forget–smiles are contragious. This is as important to your staff as it is to your guests. When your staff sees their co-workers smiling, it makes them feel happy and confident as well.
    3. Recommendations and Ratings
    It doesn't matter what role your employee plays in the operations of your hotel. From the kitchen to the laundry room, your employees will at some point come in contact with guests. With the right training, your employees will know their part in improving the profits of the hotel.
    Your guests will leave their stay always remembering the hotel with the friendly staff. Even more importantly, they'll leave tell their family and friends and they'll leave wonderful online reviews. Did you know word of mouth is still the most powerful marketing tool at your disposal? The best part is it's free.
    There are so many avenues to running a hotel. Having a happy and friendly staff is only a minor part of the whole picture, but it's also major when it comes to booking rooms. Look into having everyone from the maintenance department to human resources trained in how to interact with guests. If they can be associated back to your hotel, they need the training. Training isn't a one-time event. If you need to train once a week, the increased profits will cover the expense. Smiles are a luxury you should never overlook.
  3. kevgardner83
    Preparing for a career in the aviation industry requires significant time, training, patience, and dedication. While some individuals believe they can learn the basics of flying in a short period, there are crucial skills they must master to become successful. Read on for several factors about the industry and what you should consider before taking action.
    Enroll in a Reputable Training Program
    A program with significant positive reviews and an exceptional reputation is wise to consider joining. Although some certification courses are expensive, you can become eligible for student loans if you meet specific criteria. Also, an accredited school has established partnerships with organizations in the industry.
    Stay Patient and Be Communicative
    Radio communication is only one method to convey messages. Other procedures are also critical when interacting with staff personnel and other students. It would be best to consider talking openly with a qualified trainer. In addition, knowledgeable questions and requests for additional examples or explanations are necessary to understand a specific concept.
    Learning to fly requires the ability to process valuable information. Therefore, a student must understand how to handle flying and become familiar with safety guidelines. If you struggle with technical detail, inquire about additional resources or other learning approaches.
    Participate in Ground and Flight Practice
    While studying and training include practicing basic and advanced techniques in the cockpit, much of the work also takes place on land. However, not everyone knows the difference. Ground lessons teach airplane operation theory and several other aviation-related topics. The purpose of the practice is to help you pass a critical assessment on land. In contrast, flight methods are essential to pilot an aircraft efficiently.
    Professional aviators must analyze the weather, check an aircraft to ensure safety, plan expeditions, and review aeronautical charts to become familiar with airspace. If you’re aiming for a private certificate, a test ride with a certified examiner is only part of the process.
    Acquire Medical Documentation
    A medical certificate ensures that no severe complications prevent aircraft operation. Even if your goal is to obtain private commercial or private pilot documents, a first-class medical certification is wise to pursue. In this case, you know that your health check is approved and won't prevent you from achieving your goals.
    Watch Weather Forecasts Consistently
    Weather forecasts are vital to learning about dangerous conditions to avoid. Listen carefully to a particular report, especially meteorology highlights, instead of gathering information about temperatures or impending rain. You can also participate in online conversations or follow detailed forecasts. Additionally, reading critical data is essential for safe flights, mainly when traveling long distances. Preventive measures are also necessary to prevent risking your safety and life.
    Learn Proper Radio Transmission Tactics
    Aspiring aviators must concentrate while using a radio transmitter in a professional situation. Communication is crucial when practicing safety measures and performing specific techniques. Another vital point is to speak when necessary, but also minimally.
    While traffic controllers are often busy, other specialists could be waiting to use the frequency. Therefore, learning how to use the receiver and take direction can help you avoid disrupting the process. Although your input is valuable, it is best to know when to provide such, depending on the circumstance.
    Remember Your Purpose of Becoming a Pilot
    Students tend to advance if they are committed to a regular schedule. However, every individual is different, and each experience with an instructor varies. Also, personal life events, illness, or harsh weather can be significant interruptions in a student’s life. While air travel coaches are proficient at working around such frustrations, some students lose their motivation, mainly after hitting a learning obstacle during a flying lesson.
    Planning time for study while still focusing on student and family responsibilities is necessary. Individuals who understand that training can be complicated and frustrating are more likely to handle distractions.
    With the proper training, you can gain the required skills and expertise to become a proficient pilot in the aviation career field. Not only are lessons valuable, but they can also provide the preparational knowledge necessary to succeed.
  4. kevgardner83
    The airline industry is like most others in how it requires entities operating within it to build reliable supplier networks. Maybe you're in the airline sector and need to build an existing supplier network. Alternatively, you might be tasked with starting from the ground up as a representative of an entirely new airline. In any case, these tips will help you find reputable suppliers and gain momentum.

    Perform Online Searches With Relevant Keywords
    The internet is a good starting point as you look for airline suppliers. Begin by considering what specific supplies you need, whether they are airplane seats or luggage compartment doors. Next, think about whether the region of the country or world where the supply chain partner operates is a factor that matters to you.
    These preliminary steps will help you enter queries that are most likely to give useful results. In the same way some companies specialize in automotive SEO to help car-related websites rank highly, services exist for the airline sector.
    If you spend significant amounts of time researching online, consider starting a spreadsheet of potential online suppliers. Keeping all the site addresses and other relevant details in one place helps you save time by going straight to the most beneficial sources later.
    Attend Industry Trade Events
    Sometimes it's difficult to gauge aspects like quality or durability when only reading content. That's why attending trade events is often an excellent way to find new airline suppliers. You're most likely to get the best outcomes by doing some research beforehand and finding out which companies will be at upcoming shows. Then, when you get booth location information, plan your schedule to prioritize those vendors.
    Some companies will even let interested parties schedule booth meetings in advance. That way, you can rest assured that representatives from the business have set aside time just for you. Make the most of those time slots by coming to the meeting with a list of specific questions.
    You can also often learn more than expected by wandering around the event grounds and speaking to people from unfamiliar companies. During those conversations, be sure to mention some of the specific characteristics you'd hope to find in a new airline supplier. Doing that will set expectations before a potential business relationship forms.
    Read Airline Industry Publications
    Subscribing to or regularly reading magazines and journals meant for the commercial aviation industry could also help you find leads on new suppliers. Reading the advertisements in them can help you become familiar with some new brands. After that, you could take the initiative to learn whether those companies could help meet your needs.
    The publications may also have classified ads sections. Then, you could create an advertisement briefly discussing your supply requirements and inviting company representatives to get in touch.
    Some of the non-promotional content in the magazines could steer your search, too. For example, you might read an article about how a certain airplane instrument panel supplier now uses data analytics in its warehouse. Becoming aware of the company that way could encourage you to at least visit their website and see whether the company is worth contacting.
    Use a Procurement Portal
    There are also specialized procurement portals aimed at the airline industry. You can use them to browse gigantic databases of companies offering certain categories of goods.
    This method of finding suppliers often requires paying a fee to access the content. However, since the material available is often so vast, the price may be well worth it.
    Bear in mind that cold calls to airline suppliers typically won't get you very far, especially when contacting large suppliers. However, the information shown in a procurement portal could give specifics that are not widely available, such as the contact details for specific representatives.
    Finding airline suppliers requires dedicated and ongoing efforts. However, these tips will make it more likely that they'll pay off. That's true whether you're creating a supplier network for the first time or broadening an existing one.
  5. kevgardner83
    Being a pilot can be a very tough job for anyone. Of course, flying commercial airplanes has its benefits. You get to see many new places and meet new people. The job can be relaxing, as you're sitting on a comfortable plane enjoying the air conditioning and other accommodations. Not to mention the great salary and benefits. But again, it can prove to be a stressful job as well.
    There is a lot of stress that comes with flying a plane and being responsible for the lives of everyone on board. Also, the job of a pilot can come with a tough work schedule, sometimes requiring you to work night shifts, and other times, needing you to do layovers and early morning shifts. Because of the stressfulness of the job, pilots definitely need their downtime. Luckily, it's not uncommon to find a pilot enjoying their day off. But if you think about it, what does a pilot actually do when they are not flying a plane? How do they spend their days off? Here are five things that pilots do when they are not working.
    1. Getting Ready for Their Next Flight
    It shouldn't surprise you that even on their day off, they might still be working a bit. Pilots have to get ready for their next flight. They have to understand their destinations, how much gas they will need and how many souls will be on board the plane. They actually don't just show up, hop in the pilot's seat and fly to a destination. Because of the way that the workforce is going today, many pilots are enjoying a hybrid workplace, where they work a bit from home or a hotel room and also in person on the plane.
    2. Being a Tourist
    Next, you can probably imagine that while they are in a new location that they might have never been in, a pilot will want to venture out and take in some of the cultures. This could be a new state in America or an entirely new country. They play the role of the tourist well and enjoy their surroundings on many occasions.
    3. Getting Much-Needed Rest
    Again, because of the craziness of a pilot's schedule, they are always looking for any chance where they can get some much-needed rest. Many times, they might find this rest in a hotel room where they are spending the night in a new location. When their shifts are always changing, it can be hard to get a good night's sleep. However, a pilot needs to be well-rested in order to fly a plane, so they do what they can to find rest.
    4. Exercising
    A pilot sits in a pilot's chair for much of their work. Because of the nature of the job, where they are constantly sitting, there is a huge need for a pilot to enjoy some quick exercise as well to stay healthy so that they can on flying planes. Exercise for a pilot can be found in many ways. You might find them exercising in their hotel rooms, at the hotel gym, or the local gym down the street. In order to stay in good shape, you can count on a pilot getting some much-needed exercise, as well.
    5. Looking for Family Time
    It's no secret that pilots spend a lot of their time away from their families and friends. The nature of the job requires them to be physically away from them for weeks at a time. Because of this, many pilots are trying to figure out ways that they can meet up with their families when they're enjoying their days off. You might find them flying coach or first-class themselves to get back to their families or traveling by car to get home.
    Although the job of a pilot might be stressful and can seem overwhelming, there is always room and time for a pilot to get their downtime. It's interesting to think of the other ways that pilots might enjoy their days off.
  6. kevgardner83
    Pilots face many of the same risks as drivers of automobiles. There is the risk of damage to the plane and injury to the passengers. Insurance can help mitigate these risks and protect pilots from financial ruin if a disaster should happen.
    What Pilot Insurance Is
    Pilots who fly for a living are usually covered by their employer's policy. However, independent contractors and people who fly as a hobby need to purchase their own insurance. Pilot insurance provides liability protection for any injuries or property damage you may cause to another party while operating your plane. An insurance professional can review the conditions and coverages of various policies, such as nonforfeiture.
    Student Pilots
    Student pilots usually fly someone else's plane, so they need a non-owners or renters liability policy. These policies protect students if they cause injuries or property damage while taking lessons. It is a good idea to have this coverage even when the flight school has an insurance policy, because the school's policy may have a subrogation clause that allows the insurance company to seek reimbursement from the student pilot. Additionally, the aircraft owner may try to collect the deductible and loss of use costs.
    Students may also have a difficult time renting aircraft without insurance because many fixed-base operators require students to have an insurance policy to rent their planes. Being a named pilot on an owner's policy may not be enough to protect a student pilot, because in many cases that protects the owner of the aircraft, not the student pilot. Additionally, even if a student is covered by the flight school's policy, the limits of the policy may not be high enough to cover a serious accident.
    Pilot Instructors
    The owner's policy may not cover pilot instructors while they are doing checkrides. Pilot instructors need their own insurance to ensure they are protected.
    Professional Pilots
    If you are a professional pilot who flies non-owned aircraft to increase your hours, you need pilot liability insurance to make sure you are covered if you cause any injuries while flying. This insurance may also be a good choice for independent contractors who don't work for a specific airline.
    Aircraft Schools
    Aircraft schools need commercial general liability, property, premises and other insurance to protect themselves in case students are injured while flying or the school is found to be liable for injuries or damage caused by students. Aircraft schools also need other types of business insurance, such as workers' compensation.
    What Pilot Insurance Covers
    Pilot insurance does not provide coverage for the owners of aircraft. Instead, it provides liability protection for people who fly other people's planes. The policies pay for damages to third parties caused by the pilot's negligence.
    If you cause damage to someone else's plane, such as a collision while taxiing down the runway, pilot insurance may cover the damage to the other plane. If a student pilot damages a plane owned by the instructor, then the student's non-owner liability policy may cover damage to the owner's plane. If a hobby flyer crashes a plane owned by the pilot and injures or kills a passenger, an aircraft liability policy may pay for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, funeral expenses and other damages suffered by the passenger or the passenger's family.
    Types of Aircraft That Can Be Covered
    Many types of aircraft may be covered by pilot insurance. Examples include helicopters, experimental aircraft, light sport aircraft, ultralights, kit planes and vintage and antique planes.
    Life Insurance
    Because flying is a risky activity, some insurance companies charge higher prices for life insurance for pilots or exclude them from the death benefit if they die while flying. However, not all insurance companies charge higher rates for pilots, so it may pay to shop around.
    Pilot insurance provides pilots who fly planes they do not own with financial protection if they cause an accident that damages property or injures another person. Most pilots who fly other people's planes can benefit from obtaining pilot insurance.
  7. kevgardner83
    While some people get a pilot's license strictly for recreational purposes, others intend to make flying their career. If you intend to make your living by flying, you've probably thought about becoming a pilot for one of the major airlines or for the military. These are certainly career options available to you, but they are not the only ones. Take a look at some of the career options available to you as a pilot that you may never have thought of.
    1. Freight
    There are many goods that need to be shipped by air to retail locations managing their sales pipeline or directly to consumers. Freight pilots transport these goods from one place to another so they are ready for the next leg of their journey. This is a pilot job that would allow you to work nights, if you prefer, and to avoid dealing with passengers if you are not a people person. However, you would have to learn all about the cargo you were carrying.
    2. Air Ambulance
    As an air ambulance pilot, you fly patients for medical reasons. Sometimes these are non-emergency patient transports, but more often, you are flying patients to the hospital in emergency situations when it is not possible to transport them by road or you are delivering organs for transplant. Becoming an air ambulance pilot can be a demanding job but it can also be an extremely rewarding one. It is considered one of the most important pilot jobs.
    3. Aerial Firefighting
    Another way in which you can save lives with your pilot job is to become an aerial firefighter. This is a pilot who helps to extinguish wildfires from the air by dumping water and slurry on them from a water bomber or an air tanker. With the incidence of large and damaging wildfires increasing, demand for aerial firefighters is likely to remain high.
    4. Charter Flights
    A charter flight is one that passengers hire exclusively to transport them from one location to another on demand. If you start your own charter flight company, it can give you more flexibility to take charters only when you want to fly. It also gives you the freedom to set your own dress code.
    There are different types of charter flights. Those that transport tourists around their vacation destinations are sometimes called air taxis. As implied by the name, these mean shorter flights, which helps to make this job more flexible.
    5. Business Jets
    Business jets are similar to charter flights in that they are hired by specific passengers. They fly prestigious executives to and from important meetings around the globe. In some respects, this is similar to a charter flight, except that you may fly longer distances. Another difference is that, when you fly a business jet, you are expected to make arrangements for your passengers to reach their destination upon landing, which means planning ground transportation as well as filing flight plans. If you are an organized person who likes planning and scheduling, this could be a good job for you. It can be less stressful than being an airline pilot because you typically have some downtime before you have to turn around and fly your passengers back to their origination point, and it can be a good way to see exciting destinations from around the world.
    6. Ferry Flying
    Ferry flying may sound similar to charter flights, but it is not. Ferry flying does not involve transporting passengers, as air taxi does. Instead, you are flying a new plane, often a smaller craft, to its permanent base of operations. This can be an adventure because, once the plane arrives at its destination, it may only fly short flights but, in order to transport it, you may fly it a much greater distance than it was originally intended for. This means that you have to take multiple stops along the way.
    Making a career as a pilot does not necessarily mean that you have to deal with passengers on a big airline or enlist in the military. There are flying career options available that better suit your personality and preferences.
  8. kevgardner83
    The Importance of Customer Feedback for Your New Business
    Getting a new business up and running can be challenging. In order to contend with competitors and make your business profitable, you need to be attentive to feedback from your customers and use it strategically.

    Bring in More Business With Positive Feedback
    When people aren’t familiar with a business but they are interested in buying its products and services, they may feel some understandable hesitation. If a business is still establishing its reputation, people aren’t sure about what to expect. Of course, the way that a company’s employees represent it and the professionalism that they convey may make people more willing to take a leap. However, good presentation and strong marketing alone may not be enough to win over customers. Presenting claims about what your business has to offer could fail to impress if they aren’t corroborated by independent reviews.
    Feedback from customers on your own website in addition to third party review sites can be a driving force in people’s decision making process. They’ll feel motivated to work with your company when they can reasonably expect that they’ll have a satisfying experience as a customer.
    It’s also important to remember that old fashioned word-of-mouth praise of your business can be exceptionally helpful in expanding your clientele. This is particularly important if your business provides specialty services or sells unique products. In general, people like to ask friends and family when they need to get services that they have never needed before. For example, people are more likely to want feedback from someone who they know and trust when they are in need of something that will be costly or complex. Getting good feedback from people who had positive experiences working with you can generate customer referrals and boost your revenue.

    Improve Your Sales Process
    New businesses are still perfecting multiple aspects of how they connect with customers and close sales. While their employees may have general experience in sales or even specialized experience in your business’ industry, each company is unique. A sales process is largely based on a company’s unique attributes, environment, and target base of customers.
    Feedback from your customers enables you to identify what your team is doing well. Using precise metrics such as a customer effort score equips you to emphasize the most relevant points when you give your team members supervisory feedback. In effect, you can use customers’ observations and input to enhance your team’s sales process and get more consistency in your sales outcomes.
    Budget Smartly
    It is reasonable to anticipate that not all of the feedback you get in your early days will be positive. However, poor feedback has some utility. Business owners can make an effort to address specific problems that diminish the quality of customers’ experiences.
    Negative feedback can be especially useful when new business owners review and refine their budgets. Owners can apply input about what customers value most to use their resources on what’s most important. They may be able to avoid allocating too much of their business’ operating budget on things that won’t really help with marketing or sales.
    Give Investors or Funders Confidence
    A new venture typically needs an infusion of capital from a third party who is not involved in its day-to-day operations. Businesses need to be able to provide continual reassurance to the individuals or business entities who have given them access to startup capital that their daily operations are going according to plan. Likewise, small businesses applying for loans to expand their operations need to demonstrate professional competence in order to win over lenders’ competence.
    Feedback from customers is a good way to show investors and funders that a business’ leadership is taking it in the right direction. In fact, reviews of a business can make an eye-catching addendum to a loan application along with other supporting materials such as a business plan and market analyses.
    Ultimately, businesses need to make customer satisfaction a constant priority in how they operate. Creating good relationships with customers and applying their insight towards better relationship building are integral to small businesses' success.
  9. kevgardner83
    Artificial intelligence has been changing nearly every aspect of the way people live their lives, from controlling the thermostats in their homes to helping their doctors choose a treatment plan. It is also having a big impact on how the air travel industry operates.
    Flight Planning
    Most airline flights can travel one of several different routes. Dispatchers are responsible for selecting the best routes based on weather, air traffic and wind speeds. Dispatchers are now assisted by AI technology in selecting routes. Because the AI can utilize technology, such as deep learning chips, to process more information in less time than a human dispatcher, these suggestions help make air travel more safe and efficient.
    The AI system being used by airlines for route selection is called Flyways. It was created by Airspace Intelligence. Rather than controlling flight path selection, the software makes suggestions and human dispatchers make the final decisions. Flyways utilizes machine learning to identify weather threats and other potential issues before humans can. This makes it possible for pilots and dispatchers to avoid last-minute changes.
    How Flyways Works
    Flight dispatchers plan the routes of all commercial flights. The dispatcher chooses the various waypoints a flight will pass over and then sends that plan to Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers, who decide whether to approve the route. Flyways uses data from previous flights and current and predicted conditions to compare millions of different route possibilities.
    It runs this process every few minutes for every flight. When Flyways determines that a plane should be rerouted due to a safety or weather issue, a red box lights up on the dispatcher's screen. If the flight should be rerouted for fuel efficiency purposes, a green box lights up and if a flight is scheduled to travel through restricted airspace, a purple box lights up. This technology helps dispatchers avoid problems that the dispatcher can not see.
    History of Flyways
    CEO and co-founder of Airspace Intelligence, Phillip Buckendorft, was inspired to create Flyways after visiting a flight dispatch center. He observed that dispatchers were often using paper printouts to read weather forecasts and decoding strings of letters and numbers on a federal website to get wind speeds. His idea was based on his previous work for a self-driving car company.
    Alaska Airlines was the first company to agree to a six-month trial of the program, which began in May of 2020. During the trial, the program was able to reduce flight times and fuel usage for 64% of the airline's flights. It averaged a savings of 5.3 minutes for each flight, which resulted in using 480,000 fewer gallons of fuel and eliminating 4,600 tons of carbon emissions.
    Alaska Airlines is now expanding its use of the Flyways system to all flights. Depending on how much the company is paying to use the software, it could stand to save millions of dollars due to shorter flight times and reduced fuel consumption.
    Affect on Air Industry Jobs
    For the most part, AI technology is being used to complement the work done by people in the airline industry, rather than to replace human workers. However, because technology can make workers more efficient, there are some instances where fewer employees are needed to do the same amount of work.
    For example, the number of employees required in the cockpit of a commercial aircraft has been reduced from five to two and many companies have replaced call center employees with chatbots. However, human workers are still needed to train and supervise the bots and answer questions that are too complex for them. The transportation industry is currently facing a labor shortage that automation and AI may help address.
    While AI technology isn't always harmoniously integrated with human workers, in the case of the airline industry, it shows promise for making flights safer, more efficient and better for the environment. It is likely that technology, such as Flways, will continue to be expanded throughout the industry.
  10. kevgardner83
    Flying gets you places, but it could also impact how you feel. After all, you're sitting in close quarters with people you don't know for perhaps hours at a time. You may be concerned that the person next to you could have a cold or the flu, something that could keep you from living your best vacation or work trip. These worries have some validity. Remember something important, though. Your actions influence your health far more than someone else's.
    If you're ready to book that flight, do it. Just remember to prepare yourself before you go. A few preparation steps could be all you need to remain fit and feel good. The following are some tips to keep you at the top of your game.
    1. Add Extra Support
    Fortify your body with the nutrients it needs to feel strong and fight off any invaders. While you could take a multivitamin, it's essential to focus on things that specifically maintain the health you have. Vitamin C helps your body fight off infections, so consider taking it to arm yourself well. The Cleveland Clinic recommends eight vitamins, including vitamins D, A, E, as well as iron and zinc.
    In addition, a strong gut can assist in supporting your healthy digestive system, so add a beneficial probiotic food supplement to your daily routine. These supplements add beneficial bacteria to your stomach to help maintain a healthy gut flora.
    2. Sleep Well Before You Fly
    When you close your eyes at night, the body enters a refresh period. Systems rest from the day, recharging to tackle whatever you encounter. This stage includes the immune system, which works hard during daylight hours to keep you feeling good. When you meet unpleasant germs, it defends against them, allowing you to stay on top of your work or fun.
    So, if you're concerned about viral exposure on a plane, try to get a good eight hours of slumber before you head to the airport. Several environmental factors could help with making this happen. Turn the temperature down to between 65 and 72 degrees since the body sleeps better with the cold. Make sure all lights are off, including that of the television. Above all, stop electronics or anything stimulating long before bedtime. Wake up that morning ready to conquer the day and take care of anything organisms that could come near you.
    3. Focus on Hygiene
    No matter where you are, hygiene habits influence your health. If you want to stay strong and energetic, your body should spend less time battling other organisms. Pack some small personal items; they must work with the to keep on hand. Small sanitizer bottles or hand wipes, for instance, are easy to stow in your carry-on bag. Wipe down surfaces frequently. In addition, don't touch your face often. It's easy to let those fingers get distracted. If they pick up germs, they enter through the nose, mouth and eyes. Keep busy with a book or something to look at.
    4. Skip the Drinks
    During the flight, many people imbibe in a drink or two. After all, there isn't much to do. You might as well enjoy yourself, right? Well, that glass of wine may taste good, but the alcohol could impact your body's immune response, lowering it during the flight. Also, when people drink, they relax, letting down their guard. While you don't want to fret, you don't want to lose control, making choices that don't fit your overall health goals.
    Stick to water. You're less likely to have a headache later, and it's better for your overall system, washing away toxins and keeping your systems running smoothly.
    This year, don't fear flying. The plane is your ticket to going somewhere new and experiencing something fun. Yes, you can get to your destination and be healthy. It comes down to your actions before and during the flight. Think ahead about what to bring with you and how you plan to behave.
  11. kevgardner83
    So, you're on target for a healthier you, eating well, sleeping better, and working out, and now you want a goal, a challenge. In short, you want a triathlon. If you are wanting to complete a triathlon but don't have a lot of time to prepare yourself for the event, following these tips can help you reach your goal on a restricted time budget.
    1. Work Hard and Rest Hard

    Working out is important to preparing for any physical challenge, but don't underestimate the power of a good rest. If you do not have at least one rest day built into your training schedule you are missing out on the restorative benefits of allowing your body time to integrate and recuperate. When you allow your body to rest you will be able to face the challenge with adequate energy levels.
    2. Fuel Your Body Properly

    Especially when you are training hard, it can be a challenge to make sure your body is getting all of the nutrition it requires. Be sure to adequately supplement during the entire period that you are preparing for a triathlon, and don't forget to have nutrition on-hand at the actual event as well. You may want to look into patch style nutritional supplementation, just be sure to read reviews like thrive reviews, and choose one that fits your body's needs.
    3. Stretch Your Body

    It can be tempting to just focus on swimming, biking, and running when preparing for a triathlon, but your body and your performance level will benefit immensely from cross-training. This means adding activities that move your muscles and joints in different ways, therefore reducing repetitive strain injuries while at the same time building overall performance of your body. One of the best cross-training activities for a triathlete is yoga. It builds strength and flexibility as well as body awareness, all of which greatly reduce your risk of injury. Incorporate a little yoga daily into your training regimen.
    4. Up Your Running Game

    Sometimes it's not about running more, it's about running smarter. Change up your running routine to incorporate sprints and hill running 2–3 times per week. Running up hills is one of the best ways to increase your stamina and get ready quickly for a competition. Sprints also help you get in shape faster and they work your muscles differently than distance running, which again helps to avoid injury and build your muscles for all-around performance.
    5. Use Swimming Restoratively

    Not every trip to the pool needs to be an intense workout. Try to use swimming as a recuperation method by following a hard run or bike ride with a gentle swim at the pool. When using swimming as a restorative exercise focus on your breathing and stretching your body. Your breathing should be calm, deep and steady, so slow your pace down accordingly. With each stroke, stretch and relax your muscles in a way that feels good to you. Not only will this help you recuperate from a hard run or bike ride but it will still help you train for the swim, even if it's not an intense swimming workout.
    6. Train While You Work

    If you have a flexible work schedule that allows you some time working from home, consider training on an indoor bike or treadmill a couple days of the week so that you can take your work with you. As unappealing as it may sound to work while you workout, with the right setup you might actually enjoy it. Choose exercise equipment that has a generous platform to place a laptop or other items you may need for work. Also, it's best to plan a moderate workout when multitasking like this and save your intense running and biking for another time.
    If you still don't feel ready for the triathlon when the day arrives, just keep training and choose a different triathlon to complete at a later date. You could also consider still doing the triathlon, but at a slower and gentler pace. Or, if teams are allowed, just do one of the events as part of a team instead of all three.
  12. kevgardner83
    If you're anything like the majority of the world, this past year has exhausted you. Between work, home life, and the other stresses and pressures of society, it's incredibly easy to get tired. Fortunately, there are ways to help boost your energy in this coming year. If you're struggling to make it through your average day without being exhausted, it may be time to look into some solutions.
    Energy-Boosting Supplements

    One way you can help build some extra energy is through supplements. When your body doesn't have the proper nutrients, it tends to show in your energy levels. You'll find that you're more exhausted, food isn't giving you energy like it used to, and no amount of caffeine can get you through your day. While you could sit down and figure out exactly what nutrients you're missing, that takes a lot of time.
    A much easier way to fill in the gaps in your nutrition is through nutritional supplements. Systems like Le-vel Thrive can help you balance the nutrients you need without the hassle of getting a full physical done. If you're worried about taking supplements to help increase your energy, you can look at their reviews. For instance, Thrive reviews are full of countless people who have seen an increased amount of energy and stamina, better sleep, and even calmer moods. Simplifying your nutrition with supplements could help give you more energy as the new year sets in.
    Cleaner Eating

    Another consistent way you can help to boost your energy is through your diet. The foods you eat have an immense effect on your energy, as they fuel each of your body's systems. When you eat unhealthy foods too regularly, your body will slow down and your energy levels will crash. This lower energy leaves you tired and sluggish all day, no matter how much you sleep. If you want to help increase your energy, you need to look at what you're eating.
    While unhealthy foods are often delicious, they have an adverse on your body. Fortunately, you can usually substitute a less healthy meal for something a little more nutritious. Adding things like fruits and vegetables in your diet help give your body some extra energy, leaving you more alert and focused. Even the way you cook your food can have an impact on your body. For example, foods that have been steamed or baked are often more healthy than those that have been stewed or fried. Making sure you're eating healthy foods prepared in a healthy way for your body can help give you more energy.
    Increased Exercise Levels

    Finally, getting enough exercise will help you keep your energy levels up. Keeping your body moving delivers extra oxygen to each of your cells, helping them work faster to give you more energy. The more you work out, especially on a regular basis, the more used to this increased output your body will be. This will help you have better endurance levels and even more stored energy. Of course, working out regularly tends to help you lose weight too. When your body burns excess fat, it uses it as fuel for more energy, putting you in a cycle of increased stamina and reduced exhaustion.
    On top of directly helping your body create more energy, exercise also helps you by making sleep easier. When you're working out regularly, your sleep will be directly influenced. You'll find you sleep better, fall asleep easier, and wake up more refreshed than ever. Getter better rest everytime you lay down will help you feel less exhausted and worn down at the end of every day. Making sure you're including enough movement in your daily routine will have a large impact on your regular energy level.
    Overall, you don't have to go through this next year worn out. If you feel like you're dragging your way through every day, make the effort to increase the amount of energy your body produces. Small lifestyle changes will help you feel better and more alert as you go through your day.
  13. kevgardner83
    If you are traveling for work, the trip may be part of the stress. Even if you are taking a vacation for the purpose of relaxation, the trip can be stressful. Stress can affect your immune response, which can put you at risk of contracting infectious diseases. Regardless of your purpose for traveling, sickness can interfere with it. Here are some types to make air travel safer, healthier, and more relaxing.
    1. Decompress Before Getting on the Plane
    Because travel can be stressful, you should do your best to reach the airport in a state of relaxation. Get a good night's sleep the night before and try some self care games in the days leading up to your departure. Avoid adding extra stress on the day of your departure by budgeting plenty of time to get to the airport and get through security. This may mean a long wait at the terminal, so bring a book or something with which to occupy yourself when you get there.
    2. Clean Your Shoes
    The flight crew and airline personnel do their best to keep the interior of a plane as clean as possible. You can help by cleaning your shoes before leaving for the airport to avoid introducing more dirt and germs into the environment of the plane's interior. This is not only for your benefit but for all your traveling companions as well, passengers and crew alike.
    3. Wash Your Hands
    Most bacteria and germs are spread by skin-to-skin contact with other people or by coming in contact with surfaces contaminated with germs and then transferring them to the mouth, eyes, or nose when touching the face. Washing your hands frequently helps to keep them free of germs and protect you from disease.
    If you are unable to wash, hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol is a good alternative. However, there are limits to the size of a bottle of hand sanitizer you can take on a plane and, regardless of the size of the bottle, bringing hand sanitizer onto a plane adds some time to the security check-in because of the separate screening required for the individual bottle.
    4. Disinfect Your Seat
    Perhaps even more valuable than hand sanitizer is a small package of alcohol-based wipes. You can use these to clean off the armrests of your seat as well as the seat pocket and the tray table in front of you. The tray table specifically is known as being one of the most germ-ridden places on an airplane. You can also use the wipes to clean your hands in lieu of hand sanitizer, and there may be fewer restrictions on them. Nevertheless, the TSA officer has the final say as to whether the items are allowed on the flight.
    5. Stay Hydrated
    Dehydration can cause unpleasant symptoms such as cramps, fatigue, and headache. Not only that, but the air on a plane is considerably drier than outside or in most buildings. Sometimes the relative humidity can be less than 10%. This can cause the mucous membranes, the tissues that line your nose, mouth, and throat, to dry out. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it also puts you at greater risk for infections. You can bring an approved empty water bottle with you when you go through airport security and fill it up from one of the available drinking fountains when you get to the gate.
    Remember that not all beverages are hydrating. Avoid diuretics such as caffeine and alcohol that actually promote dehydration by leaching water from your system.
    6. Synchronize Your Sleep To Your Destination
    If you're flying across several different time zones, you may experience jet lag, a feeling of fatigue and disorientation due to the time difference. If you can figure out what time it will be when you arrive at your destination, you can plan your sleep accordingly. If you will be arriving at night, try to stay awake on the plane so that you will be ready to sleep when you reach your destination.
    On the other hand, if it will be morning at your destination when you arrive, try to sleep on the plane so you will be well rested and ready to face the day upon disembarking.
  14. kevgardner83
    Everyone needs a team that they can depend on. This is true in just about every area of life. When you are in school, you count on your classmates and instructors to help get you to the next level you want to be at. Even at home, the family dynamic acts as a team to make the home operate, and you depend on your family team to make things work.
    This is probably most true at work. You are the manager, who is the one that the entire team comes to for guidance and advice on what to do next. But your team really is very crucial to the success of the company, even if they don't feel like it themselves. If they don't, that's where you come in. It's actually the job of the manager to make the employees feel like they matter so that they can have the tools they need to take the company to the next level.
    However, there are just many managers out there who still have room for improvement when it comes to managing a team. Here are the four best tips to being a great employer that your team can depend on.
    1. Communicate as Often as You Can
    Now, some managers don't consider this a very important aspect, but in order to create a better employee experience, there has to be much communication from the manager. Really, the manager acts as a hub of information and resources that the employees can access anytime they need. This means that the manager needs to be a communicator. There are many people out there who just have trouble communicating, and they don't really want to be the center of attention and information. But speaking is just something that you're going to have to do in order to be an employer that your team can fall in love with.
    2. Focus on Professionalism
    Some managers make the mistake of not separating professionalism from personal matters. To them, work is another place where they can be the same person that they are on the outside. While it's true that you will have some of the same characteristics of your personal life, you should remember that work is a professional place. Do not take things too personally and don't be afraid to hurt someone's feelings with healthy criticism. Although some people might like to think so, the workplace is not a setting primarily for fun and kicking back. It should first be looked at as a place to make profits and improve professionally.
    3. Set Clear Directions
    Remember also to set clear directions for your team. It is good to leave no room for confusion, so this means that you might want to write your instructions down. When a manager cannot be clear in what they're trying to communicate and doesn't really operate with a sense of direction, this will confuse the employees and make them look elsewhere to get their information. If you want to be a source for your employees, be clear in your ways.
    4. Recognize Employees
    Don't forget to acknowledge your employees in all kinds of ways. First, be sure that you're telling them when they're doing a good job. Praise them for their performance and make them feel like what they do matters. Also, they will enjoy it when you give them advice on how to become better. This will show them that you are monitoring their performance and care about their role. When you don't tell them when they're doing wrong, they will think that it doesn't matter what they do. Just remember to recognize them every step of the way. It would also be a good idea to recognize them publicly.
    In order to be a better employer, it doesn't have to be that complicated. By doing these tips, you can be on your way to creating a better work environment for yourself and your wonderful team.
  15. kevgardner83
    How much and what cargo airplanes can carry differs depending on the situation. Many types of planes have certain features that allow them to carry more weight than others. Certain laws have banned specific items from air shipment as well. By considering and measuring these features and keeping legalities in mind, shipping professionals can determine how much and what kind of freight can be carried via the air.
    How Much The Plane Can Carry
    Information on how much the plane can carry is usually available via the operating manual. This is, of course, determined by the thrusting power of the vessel and how much it weighs. This weight is subtracted from the total amount that the plane's engines can carry. What is left is what's known as the 'empty weight' or the number of pounds in various items that can be placed on an aircraft for it to fly its course without any difficulty. When calculating how much can be in a payload (the total of objects being shipped) for freight audit and other purposes, however, it's not just the 'payload' that is put into the equation. The weight of any fuel that will be pumped into the plane as well as the pilot and any passengers needs to be calculated as well. Thus, if a certain plane can carry around 160,000 pounds and it weighs about 80,000 pounds and the fuel has a weight of 40,000 pounds, this leaves 40,000 pounds that can be utilized for pilots, passengers and cargo.

    Where Certain Items Can Be Placed
    All planes have a center of gravity or CG. This is a place near the middle of the plane which pilots and shipping operators can ascertain by examining each particular model's manual. With this knowledge, they can determine where certain products must be placed in the aircraft based on their weights. The amount doesn't necessarily have to be the same near the nose, tail, or on either side of the plane. What matters is that the objects are placed in such a way that stops the vessel from tipping too much to the front, back, right or left.
    If the cargo is loaded in an incorrect way, the pilot may have a difficult time controlling his or her flight. When the tail of the plane is too heavy, any issues such as body spinning or engine stalling become very difficult to recover from. If the nose of the plane is too heavy, the aircraft might be impossible to land safely. Thus, if certain items are too heavy or light to fit perfectly with the many other items in specific locations, then they simply cannot be placed on that aircraft.
    What Items They Are
    These days, cargo-specific aircraft can ship a wide variety of different things. They can ship toys, foods, animals, mattresses, and even cars. However, there are still multiple objects that have been determined as unsafe for aircraft to ship for various reasons. Lithium-ion batteries or anything that contains and utilizes them have been determined as unsafe. This is due to the fact that most aircraft fire safety systems cannot douse the blaze of a fire caused by this particular form of battery and thus the safety of the plane and its crew would be severely compromised. Anything that emits toxic or infectious gasses or substances, such as certain chemicals and medical samples, is also not allowed without many precautions being put into place. If any containers of the substance were to break, the crew of the plane could be in life-threatening danger.
    Cargo planes can be an excellent way to ship products from one location to another, but they're not infallible. Their weaknesses should be kept in mind when deciding how to ship their products. If a business or individual needs to ship things that are considered dangerous or of weights that are vastly various, then air shipping may not be the optimal choice.
  16. kevgardner83
    Many businesses deal with the task of purchasing plane tickets for their employees, customers, or both. Sometimes, the market for air travel is hard to understand from an outsider's point of view. Fortunately, there are a few ways available to help people get a better understanding of how the sales of this type of product can fluctuate over time. Technology now allows the average person to get an understanding of data without needing to go to college for years to learn complicated numerical patterns. When you look for the right type of help to get a better grasp on the trajectory of your sales, you will have more peace of mind about doing business in the future.
    Get Acquainted With the Data
    Nowadays, most businesses rely on the help of data science to get a better understanding of their business as a whole. Data analysis can help a business know where the best location is to place their company, and can also tell them the best type of clients to direct their business toward. Using data analyses can even help business owners understand who is the best type of person to hire to work in their company. There are many companies and associated technology available out there that mines data to analyze for many different purposes. When you call on the help of an analysis professional, the sky's the limit as to what you can learn from the science of data. One way that data can help a business is with the study of sales metrics. When you call on a professional who can help you better understand this type of science, you may see a benefit to your business.
    Be a Better Bookkeeper
    If you've run your business for several years already, then you should have a good record of all the sales you've made since day one. When you go back through your files and take a look at when your customers made purchases the most over the years, then you can have a better understanding as to which time of year you have the most revenue. Doing the same kind of bookkeeping for what purchases were made the most and for when they were most prolific can also help you get an idea of how you can predict the same patterns for future sales. When it comes to plane tickets, you can look for patterns to see what times of the year people purchased them most. When you use software to control your books, you can see if there's a feature for taking a closer look at the data.
    Use Your Findings To Boost Your Business
    When you can finally say that you know when your customers purchase which products the most often, then you can start to make sense of their spending habits. When you can understand the ebb and flow of your sales a little bit better, then you can make predictions to increase future sales. You can always incentivize your customers when you know they're going to spend a lot of money. Offer discounts to people who purchase multiples of the same items, and give incentives to people who buy from you often. Repeat business is the best kind of business, and the more you keep the same people coming back the more income you'll be guaranteed to make. People who are going to buy something even if there's no incentive will be pleasantly surprised when you tell them that they are going to receive an extra discount. When people unexpectedly receive free stuff from regular shopping trips, they will return to pledge further business to you.
    When you can use technology to not only understand your sales but be able to predict them too, there's no limit to what you can do with the data. Giving incentives to loyal customers will keep them coming back, and it will ensure you have a successful future.
  17. kevgardner83
    Airline pilots always seem to have a certain air of mystery about them. Regular people might wonder what these highly-trained individuals do in their spare time and even when they are in the cockpit of a plane. They also might wonder about the reasons why a person became a pilot in the first place, and if they love their job or if they find it stressful. Here is a look at some of the things that make airline pilots tick.
    Music Preferences
    The FAA does allow pilots to listen to music while they are flying, provided the music does not pose a distraction. What music each pilot enjoys comes down to personal preference, but a station such as 107.5 FM is probably enjoyed by many pilots. It is easy to imagine these pilots on a long flight filling the hours by listening to some of the most current hits on the radio.
    Listening to a ballad by Adele can be a relaxing experience, but it can provide enough stimulation to keep the pilot alert. Pilots also will have access to talk radio on sports topics and politics as well as a variety of podcasts. The pilots also have the ability to quickly silence the radio if they need to talk with someone, make an announcement or engage in any other activity.
    Training Requirements
    The level of training a pilot needs depends upon the job. Commercial pilots require a very high level of training that involves everything from medical certifications to a minimum amount of air time. The Federal Aviation Administration is responsible for establishing the training requirements for pilots, and these can be broken down into several areas:

    Pilot study materials
    Pilot schools
    Air carrier training
    Simulator training
    Training research

    The end result is a pilot who can handle a wide range of emergencies. This includes dealing with dangerous stalls and managing turbulence on long flights.

    Famous Pilots
    While nearly all pilots provide excellent services to their passengers, a few pilots become well known due to unusual circumstances. There are many famous pilot lists that name pilots who have done something extraordinary in their careers. Most people will recognize these well-known pilots:

    The Wright brothers, credited with ushering in the age of aviation
    Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic
    Paul Tibbets, who flew the Enola Gay and dropped the Hiroshima bomb in WWII
    General Chuck Yeager, who gained fame as the first person to break the sound barrier
    Tom Cruise, who played a pilot in "Top Gun" and earned a pilot license in 1994
    Harrison Ford, who has held a pilot's license for over 40 years

    Aviation history is full of pilots who accomplished remarkable feats. Beryl Markham was the first woman to fly solo from Europe to North America, accomplishing the flight by barely making it to the Canadian mainland. James Salter served as a pilot in WWII and later wrote about his experience in novels.
    Interesting Facts
    Being a pilot is no ordinary job as these people hold the lives of many people in their capable hands. They also have a few unique traits that might not be all that well known. For example, many pilots keep photos of their loved ones in their pilot hats. It is just a reminder that this is a potentially dangerous job and they want to be reminded of those closest to them.
    Pilots also come with a few added powers. Many can write fines and they can even write a person's will. The former is presumably in case someone misbehaves while in the air, and the latter is because sometimes people fall seriously ill on a flight and might not have their affairs in order. Pilots must also take good care of themselves while in the air and therefore should avoid eating certain foods when on the job.
    Pilots make many sacrifices to keep their passengers safe. They lead interesting lives in many respects.
  18. kevgardner83
    The life of a pilot can be one of high-flying adventures. You get to travel to new places, see the world from up above, and best of all, you get paid to do it. Becoming a pilot comes with years of training and certifications, no matter what type of equipment you fly. Make sure you are protecting all of that hard work by keeping a solid grip on your finances. To help, here are five financial management tips for pilots.
    1. Prepare for Unexpected Turbulence
    An important first step in managing your finances is to build up an emergency fund. This should contain enough money to cover your expenses for three to six months, in case you are unable to work or have a large unexpected bill. It can also help you get home if you find yourself stranded somewhere on your travels. Set up a new savings account to hold this fund- one that you won't be tempted to raid easily for non-emergency things. You could even have a portion of your pay deposited directly into the account each paycheck to help you save. Having a full emergency fund will give you some peace of mind as well as much more than zero trust that you are prepared for anything.
    2. Take Off With General Savings
    Once you have an emergency fund in place, you can start saving for general use. This could be a new video game console, a dream vacation, a new car, a new house, or anything else that you want to purchase. Having an emergency fund already in place means that your general savings account won't have to be drained by unexpected expenses. If you work for a commercial airline, your employer may have their own credit union that offers special rates on savings accounts to employees and their families. Start by looking there, and enjoy being on the fast track to hitting your savings goals.
    3. Keep Climbing With Investments
    Investing your money smartly can help you boost your savings and income. You could start with specialty accounts with low risks such as high-yield savings accounts or CDs. If you feel brave, you could also invest in the stock market or cryptocurrencies. It all depends on how much risk you're willing to take on. Remember that every investment comes with some risk, so do your research to find the best options for you.
    4. Cruise Along With a Monthly Budget
    No matter what your salary is, planning and sticking to a monthly budget can make all the difference. Start by listing out all of your regular expenses. Things like rent or mortgage, utilities, grocery bills, gas, insurance, and other recurring bills should be listed first. Then, build in some extra money for fun things like going out with friends, new clothes, or other entertainment. Make sure that you aren't spending more than you are earning each month. Do your best to stick to your budget, but don't be afraid to adjust it if your financial situation changes.
    5. Plan for Your Final Landing
    As great as a career as a pilot can be, it does come with an expiration date. In the US, commercial pilots must retire by age 65. Private pilots and Air Force pilots don't have such an age restriction, but no one can keep flying forever. It would behoove you to start planning for your retirement as early as possible. Not only will this give you more time to save, but it will also let you take advantage of years of compound interest.
    Getting a new perspective on your finances as a pilot is very important. Start by developing good savings habits, then take advantage of compound interest to boost your savings and disposable income. Don't forget to plan for your retirement as well. Taking control of your finances can help ensure that you can live comfortably for the rest of your life.
  19. kevgardner83
    The sophistication of artificial intelligence (AI) over time can lead to an increase in the effectiveness of services across many industries. The airline industry is one such area of the economy that will become better with the implementation of future ai systems. This technology can be utilized in multiple services across various air travel companies. Below, you will find multiple examples of such uses.
    Customer Service
    AI programs, such as those made with wafer scale integration, can make airport environments and services much more satisfying for customers in several ways. It can take feedback from travelers, organize the data from all of the complaints or praises, and determine which aspects are causing customers the most frustration, such as in booking flights or checking in. The program can then alert the necessary officials to this pattern and it will be fixed.
    Helping customers with problems on their journeys is another application. Software such as chatbots can assist in problem-solving and answering questions, which makes workers less likely to be overwhelmed by the multitudes. Other types of programs can track the baggage of voyagers and quickly scan their important documents at security checks.
    By analyzing the spending habits, AI can predict different data points and use them to make it easier for airlines to reduce waste and raise their ticket sales. By determining what individual passengers will purchase on their flights, suggestions can be made as to what and how much of certain foods should be brought onto each unique flight. Less food will be wasted in this way.
    Analyzing the metrics of ticket sales can prove fruitful as well. By looking through the data of different purchases, the most popular flight routes and the likelihood of certain individuals buying a ticket at particular prices can be predicted. This can help airlines know where they need to increase flights and how much they can sell tickets to certain customers in order to get the most profit.
    Plane Function Optimization
    Airplanes can be flying in their most optimal conditions and less revenue is lost from mechanical failures when AI programs are placed into the machinery of aircraft. Using information that tells software about issues that have occurred with different parts and how long they usually remain in good function, potential breakdowns can be predicted and technicians can be alerted to and fix these problems before they happen.
    Fuel optimization is another area that can benefit. The amount of fuel used on particular flights can be matched with the altitudes, distances, times, and weather. Then pilots and route planners can determine what actions would use the least amount of fuel.
    Staff Management
    As flights can be optimized for the best routes and actions, so can the crew and staff of companies be organized in a way that makes them work at their most productive and legal levels. Workers have to be given schedules that will give them enough time to sleep in between shifts. Their vacation times and off-days need to be considered as well. Then there's the whole matter of matching different levels of skill so that a pilot that is too inexperienced isn't scheduled to fly an entire route alone.
    Before, this had to be managed by professional schedulers alone. In the modern-day, lines of code can be written which can take all this information about employees and use it to make the best possible shifts for them. With the scheduling taken care of, human workers can be placed into other areas where they can perform tasks that are more important and less repetitive.
    Placing AI technologies into airline systems will not only make the jobs of airline crew members, technicians and other workers easier, it will also give airline passengers a better journey experience. This should be worth some of the hassles that airline companies will have to go through as they slowly integrate the technology into their various business processes.
  20. kevgardner83
    To the average consumer, aircraft do not seem to change much over the years. You have probably flown in an airplane that still had ashtrays for smokers, even though smoking has been banned aboard commercial flights since 1988. Yet, planes do change, and they must change. With the lifespan of a commercial aircraft between 20 and 30 years (due to metal fatigue), hundreds of planes must be retired each year. In case you have not noticed, that is a lot of material to have to put somewhere. With so much concern centered around the environment in recent years, what happens to these giant hunks of metal and circuit boards once they are taken out of commission? Here are a few uses for old airplanes.
    Desert Storage
    No matter who owns the aircraft, be it an airline or a private individual, aircraft are expensive investments. Small, single-engine aircraft start at around $15,000, while larger intercontinental airplanes run into the hundreds of millions. You also have to add storage, fuel and maintenance costs, which are exponentially higher than those of an automobile.
    With so much invested, especially as the size increases, you want to store an aircraft safely. If you have traveled through the southwestern portion of the United States, you have likely seen an aircraft storage yard or two. Humidity is the enemy of preservation, and the desert not only provides plenty of dry air but also plenty of space.
    Airplane Recycling
    Airplane metal fatigue may make the plane unsafe for flight, but that does not mean the entire craft is beyond reuse. When an aircraft is retired, it can be parked in a giant desert yard while it awaits the process of aircraft recycling. During the recycling process, it will be harvested for parts that are still useful. This could include everything from the engine to the interior. Even the metal is recyclable. Some recycling companies estimate that up to 85% of planes can be recycled and used elsewhere.
    The Secondary Market
    Can an airplane that has been retired be resold to a private buyer? The answer is an easy yes.
    Not all retired aircraft have lived out their estimated 165,000 hours of flight time. There are many reasons an aircraft may become grounded. It could be that newer aircraft have better fuel economy or that the owner needs to upsize or downsize.
    There are plenty of aircraft that are flight-worthy yet grounded, and they are eligible to be sold to the highest bidder.
    It is also worth mentioning that not all countries have the same aviation regulations. An aircraft that an airline may find is no longer suitable for their needs in the United States may easily be maintained and flown in another country. There is no universal aviation standard for what types of parts an aircraft must be fitted with.
    Other Uses
    With a cabin sturdy enough to handle the pressure of air travel, an airplane is fit for more than a ride in the sky. Creative owners have converted aircraft bodies into hotel rooms, bed and breakfast boutiques and even restaurants. In Colorado Springs, Colorado, diners at the aptly-named Airplane Restaurant can actually eat inside a decommissioned Boeing KC-97 tanker.
    You can also find many iconic aircraft models, whether used for transporting civilians during an earlier decade or used during times of war, in museums throughout the world, including at the Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson, Arizona.
    Many things can happen with an aircraft once it has been decommissioned. These giants of the sky can't simply be stripped and crushed like cars for metal recycling. Their large bodies are still home to costly and valuable parts. While there may be thousands of aircraft flying the skies daily, you can be sure that they will be replaced by thousands of newer aircraft in another thirty years, which means thousands more will inhabit those desert yards throughout the world.
  21. kevgardner83
    There are many different types of advertising and marketing techniques available these days. Some of the tried and true strategies you have always used may still work, but it is never a bad idea to consider new ways. If you are in the airline business or responsible for marketing for an airline company, you should read this article for tips.
    Consider Email Marketing
    Most adults and even older children have an email account, if not several accounts, that they check daily or multiple times a day. These same people probably have a need or interest in taking an airplane somewhere. Because of this, email marketing is definitely something that you should consider. There are several ways that email marketing can be achieved, depending on what your goals are.
    You may want to email recent customers surveys and feedback on their flights. Emails give you a way to communicate with current and potential customers. You can use it to collect data, improve sales, and reach many people at the same time. Email is a great way to display current and future campaigns as well. Sending emails out promoting your business can also lead to website traffic and interaction.
    Take Advantage of Social Media
    Once you spend some time on social media you will learn that a major part of posts and hashtags is relevant to travel and tourism. This means people are taking selfies of themselves at the airport, on the plane, and once they have landed. Influencers may even show their plane ticket to their followers to show them where they are headed to.
    It is in your best interest for your airline to have a strong online presence. This is a great way to communicate with potential customers and display any sales, perks, or amenities that you offer. You could hire influencers to promote and sell your airline for you. Find someone who has a large following and enjoys traveling by plane to represent you.
    Celebrate Your Loyal Customers
    Even though you probably believe that your airline is the best choice for travelers to choose, you still must acknowledge that customers do have many choices to choose from. When you have customers who continuously choose you, you should find a way to show your appreciation. This is where loyalty programs come in very handy and cause you to stand out from the competition.
    Loyalty programs are also a wonderful incentive to bring customers from other airlines over to you and encourage them to stay forever. A loyalty program could include earning free flyer miles when they fly so many times or so many miles with your airline.
    Push Perks for Your Passengers
    What type of amenities do you offer that you are proud of? Do you have free or available wi-fi for your passengers to use? Do you have tv screens that include different tv shows, movies, maps, and music for your customers to enjoy? Do you have or should you consider offering snacks and beverages to passengers mid-flight?
    If you have a deep cleaning routine that makes you stand out from the other airlines, be sure to spread the word about this. Whatever it is that you offer and do better than the rest, let the public know. When you roll out a new amenity, make sure that you market it and advertise it.
    Handle Your Finances
    As any business out there, airlines need to charge enough money per ticket to be able to pay their bills and still make a profit. If you do plan on increasing your prices, you might give some thought to letting customers know in advance with the right wording.
    Be sure to spend money in the right places. For example, customers will not mind paying more money for a ticket from a certain airline when they can tangibly see where the money is going. Many travelers are willing to spend more for a better experience. However, customers can also tell when the cost is not worth the product. Invest your money wisely.
  22. kevgardner83
    Life can be hectic, and depending on the job you work, it’s not uncommon to deal with high stress. Even if you have the job of your dreams, there are going to be times where stress shows up. Unfortunately, many people think ignoring the stress will make it go away. The truth is, if you don’t know how to unwind and decompress, the stress will continue to build.
    Stress does a toll on the body, and if you’re living with mounting pressure and not doing anything about it, your body could be aging, and your focus could be going downhill. If you want to be the best version of yourself, then managing your stress should be high on your list of priorities. Your body and mind will thank you if you take the time to unwind and destress. Below are a few tips to help you let the stress melt away.
    Make Your Home Yours
    Whether you live in an apartment or own your own house, your home should be a place you look forward to spending time in. Even if you have a roommate, you can still make your room a space you want to be in. Enjoying your home and letting it be a reflection of yourself gives a feeling of satisfaction. You can’t relax in a space you hate. Focus on having a space in your home that is away from distraction, light a candle, or use an AiroPro battery to set the scene for you to breathe and unwind.
    Your space should be a place you can do the things you love. If you’re itching to get away and read, clear your room of distractions and make your environment a cozy place you’ll want to stay and read a book in. Facilitate a space that will help you feel inspired and happy. Whatever your hobby is, you can make a space unique and yours. After all, you deserve it.
    If you have children and find the house in disarray throughout the hours you’re home, take time to put in place structure and downtime. Don’t underestimate the power of routine. There is less stress in knowing what comes next and what to expect. Implement a steady bedtime so you can have a few hours to release that stress in the evenings. Sometimes it’s as simple as grabbing decorative baskets and letting the kids toss the toys in before heading to bed. Make cleanup easy and less stressful, then take those evening hours to unwind. Your space should be one you love and enjoy, schedule time to be in it and appreciate it.
    Give Meditation a Chance
    Managing your emotions will help you manage your stress. Meditation allows the body to focus on the breath and calm your mind. Racing thoughts before or during bed are a common issue for many people. Meditation helps. It may feel strange at first but give it a chance and feel your body’s blood pressure lowering and your mind drifting to a calmer place.
    With today’s technology, there are so many meditation apps you can try on your smartphone from, Headspace, Calm, to Insight Timer and more, your options for finding the right meditation app are endless. Take time to try mediation and form a new daily habit that will help you be the best you.
    Do Something Kind
    You live in a world of technology and self-absorbed marketing. Sometimes the stress and pressure of comparison can take a mental toll. Remember other people out in the world wish they were where you are at this moment.
    There is a certain satisfaction in helping people. When nothing is easing your stress, take the focus off you and do something kind for another person. It doesn’t matter who the person is that you help, so long as it comes from a genuine place. There’s nothing that boosts the mood more than helping the people around you.
    Taking time to make your home a place you want to be in, using meditation for your mind, and doing something kind for someone else, will help that stress melt away.
  23. kevgardner83
    Pilots must be well rested to focus on their job – which is to fly a plane. Before a pilot gets in the cockpit, they need to pay attention to how they feel. If the pilot is not well-rested, it can pose a huge threat to passengers and other pilots in the air. In fact, being well-rested is one of the essential things a pilot can do before flying. It is understood that most pilots go through several time changes and must engage in long flights. Because of this, rest is not always top of mind. After all, fatigue will only worsen as they fly, so it is a good idea to take a few preventative steps. Keep reading for some tips to help beat pilot fatigue and stay safe while in the air.
    Drink Plenty of Water

    If a pilot is dehydrated, especially while in the air, it’s not a good thing. In fact, they are more likely to become dehydrated while in the plane’s cockpit than when they are on the ground. Because of this, pilots need to ensure they drink enough water. If a pilot avoids drinking water, it will make pilot fatigue even worse, so it is best to drink as much as possible. It’s also smart to follow a person’s own rules when it comes to drinking water. For example, if they feel thirsty, drink. Even if someone doesn’t feel thirsty, they should still drink. Try to avoid sugary drinks, like soda, because the air in these will make cases of dehydration even worse.
    Follow a Consistent Sleep Schedule

    Consistent sleep isn’t always easy for pilots. Traveling to different time zones can impact a person’s sleep schedule significantly. Because of this, it may be beneficial to try natural sleep supplements. It will be easier for a pilot to get the needed seven to nine hours of sleep per night with these. Even though this can be challenging, along with natural sleep aids, a pilot can try to wear earplugs, use a sleep mask, and spend time outside during the day. These tips are going to help a pilot get more consistent sleep.
    Eat the Right Foods

    Food is fuel. The right food provides energy. A pilot needs to make sure they are eating when they need to and consuming the right foods. Pilots need to always eat at the right time and in the right amounts. Eating a healthy diet is a great way to fuel the body properly. It can be difficult to avoid processed and sugary foods while on the go, but eating healthy foods will help a pilot stay more alert and more energized than something full of sugar. There’s no question that life as a pilot is demanding, and the body must get the right amount and right type of food. This should include plenty of carbohydrates, proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Right before a flight, it is smart for a pilot to eat foods that are full of complex carbohydrates. Some examples of these foods include oats, beans, potatoes, lentils, and pasta.
    Avoid Excessive Amounts of Caffeine

    While many people enjoy coffee in the morning, pilots need to use caution when it comes to drinking it. Too much caffeine may result in sleep deprivation. It’s a good idea to use tea and coffee to boost energy during the day, rather than something that a person is dependent on to make it through the day. Excessive caffeine can even affect other aspects of your life such as increasing your anxiety, causing headaches, and even harming your teeth. To avoid these risks and have a healthy mouth and healthy mindset, avoid overdoing it on the caffeine front and brush your teeth daily.
    Staying Alert

    Pilots have demanding jobs. While this is true, they still need to regulate their sleep schedule to ensure they do not get tired while in the cockpit. After all, the dangers of a fatigued pilot are extremely high and can result in devastating outcomes. Use the tips above to remain alert and awake regardless of how far the pilot has to go. Being informed will help any pilot remain alert and aware of what is going on at all times.
  24. kevgardner83
    Taking your dog on a plane can be nerve-wracking for you both if you have never done so before. Many dogs are nervous on trips, and if you cannot be next to your furry friend, you're likely not sure what to expect. Despite how nervous you both might be feeling, there are ways you can mitigate the stress and uncertainty. These suggestions can help you and your pet feel better equipped before you take your flight together.
    Determine the Purpose of Your Flight
    First, ask yourself what you need to take your flight for. Are you moving? This would be an excellent reason to bring your pet with you. However, if you are going on a vacation or some type of visit, you might be better off boarding your dog somewhere. This can be less stressful for the dog and it is one less thing for you to worry about.
    Another option is having a pet sitter come to your home. It all depends on what you would feel most comfortable doing and what you think would be best for your pet. Just be aware you don't necessarily have to take them with you if you think it would be too taxing for them.
    Find Out the Airline Requirements
    If you do need to take your dog with you, find out what the airline requirements are. Different airlines might require a vaccination, vet visit, or other types of stipulations. This is especially crucial if you are flying from one country to another or you are going to a state that imposes certain guidelines on dogs, such as Hawaii. Find out where your pet can fly. Will they be in the cabin with you or in the cargo area? If you have a small dog, it might be possible for them to fly in the cabin, usually in a specific type of pet carrier that can go under your seat. If you don't have one, sometimes the airlines sell their own specific brand of this carrier. Make sure to call first to find out if they have one, and find out what the measurements are so you can feel confident that your dog will fit in there.

    Make Sure To Research the Airline
    Once you know what airline you are going to fly on, make sure you do research around it. Find out from other pet owners what their experiences are with this airline. Was their pet safe? Did they feel everything was handled properly or were their issues? If your pet will be flying in cargo, it is normal to have additional concerns. You might feel more comfortable with a private jet or learning about autonomous flight options near you. Researching the airline can help you understand what to expect before you pay for your trip.
    Take Your Dog To the Vet
    Anyone who is planning on flying with their dog should know that going to the vet is usually a requirement before you get on the plane. Many airlines require some type of checkup to determine that the dog is up-to-date on vaccines and healthy. You can also ask your vet if it is possible to get some type of medication for your dog if they get sick while traveling or are otherwise prone to motion sickness when in a car or plane.
    Flying with your dog might seem like an overwhelming experience, but it is possible for you to both feel ready before doing so. Make sure you know the reason why you want to take your dog with you. If you are going on a vacation, it might be easier to look into other options. You should also find out what the airline has when it comes to requirements, and where your dog will be flying. Make sure you research the airline and you know what to expect. Finally, take your dog to the vet to determine they are healthy enough for a trip.
  25. kevgardner83
    You may think that reusing old aircraft parts is a bad idea, but if it is done correctly there is no reason why plane parts can’t be recycled for a new purpose. Recycling parts instead of throwing them away not only helps to cut costs but it is also better for the environment, as it keeps these parts out of landfills. Beyond this, though, aircraft parts are being put to use in some very creative ways. Here are just a few ways that plane parts can be reused.
    Stripping the Aircraft
    Airplanes can typically be used for 20 to 30 years, but after they are retired they can cause many problems. Around 600 aircraft per year are “retired,†and that means that something has to be done with them. Some may be stored to be used as reserve aircraft or they may be used for training or in safety tests. However, most are scavenged for the thousands of parts that make up the craft, in a process that can take up to 2 months to complete. Over 85% of the aircraft can be recycled. Used aircraft parts of all sizes and purposes can very often be used in new planes, but don’t worry – these parts are checked to ensure they can be used again safely. Engines and landing gear may be reused in another plane to help keep the costs of building a new plane down. Wires, electronics, and other parts can be broken down and used to make circuit boards and televisions. Aluminum makes up a large part of an airplane, and this is a material that is easily recycled for use in other products (including items that aren’t airplane-related).
    Once the aircraft has been stripped of all reusable and recyclable parts, the shell can still be quite useful: an example is the Boeing 737 that was sunk into the ocean to help create an artificial reef. Efforts are also underway to convert old airplanes into “supertrains†that can run on tracks that are suspended high off of the ground.

    The Art of Aircraft Parts
    For those who love the aviation industry, enjoy having a piece of history, or just like a good conversation piece, there are plenty of options out there. Artists, antique dealers, and furniture makers have found creative ways to reuse aircraft parts that would otherwise go to waste.
    Reusing airplane parts as home decor is a way to appreciate the craftsmanship and the skill that was used to create the materials originally. Old gauges can be used for table-top sculptures; propellers can be used to make coffee tables, ceiling fans, or bar stools; old seats can be crafted to make brand new (yet retro-looking) chairs for your living room; and even engine parts can be polished and put to good use. Entire houses have been made from old planes, and there are even hotels made from old planes that are increasingly becoming popular. If a home made from a plane sounds like it may be a bit out of your price range, you can get a purse or wallet made from the fabric of an old airplane seat or a luggage tag made from the skin of an old plane. These items are becoming easier to get, too – they are available on sites such as Etsy and you can even find a whole store dedicated to such things in the Seattle-Tacoma airport.
    Aircraft recycling is a fairly new industry, but an important one as more and more airplanes retire. Recycling can help to keep the costs of building new craft down (as well as saving a lot of energy and effort), keeps tons and tons of material out of landfills, and makes use of parts that are still functioning properly. The industry of using old airplane parts for more artistic purposes is growing as well, and it is a way for everyone to have their own little piece of aviation history.
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