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Blog Entries posted by kevgardner83

  1. kevgardner83
    If you have diabetes, then you know that keeping your blood sugar in the proper balance is crucial to good health and well-being. Out-of-control blood sugar can lead to problems such as damage to your internal organs, including your heart and your kidneys along with damage to your vision. You can even wind up with gum disease and lose your teeth.
    Many people have a blood sugar imbalance and don't even realize it. If you're getting fungal infections or struggle with infertility your blood sugar may be either too high or too low. Other signs include putting on belly fat and craving sweets, so have your blood sugar checked by your doctor. He may recommend that you check your blood sugar daily. If so, here are some of the top technological ways to keep track of your blood sugar.
    Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)
    A continuous glucose monitor, also known as CGM, is a sensor that is inserted just under your skin that measures your glucose every 15 minutes all day and all night. It looks like a small disk attached to a person's arm and allows patients to read their glucose levels either on their smartphones or on a CGM receiver. With the instant information you get with a CGM, you can learn how different foods impact your blood sugar levels. You can also find the best exercise to make your blood sugar drop if it's too high and the best foods to increase low blood sugar levels. Also, you can easily tell if your blood sugar is starting to get low and remedy it before it becomes a problem.
    One of the downsides of a CGM is that it isn't always as accurate as a manual blood sugar test. You also need to listen to your body and don't simply rely on your CGM. The monitor is attached to your body at all times, feeling like a needle that's constantly under your skin. It can get in the way and be accidentally torn off.
    Smart Insulin Pen
    With a smart insulin pen, you can inject insulin and the system keeps track of your dosage. it also sends you reminders and reports as well as alerts when there is an issue. These handy pens will tell you how much insulin to inject and when to inject it. it will also monitor the quality of the insulin you're taking. This is helpful for those who have trouble calculating the right dosage. It keeps you from taking too much at one time and becoming hypoglycemic. It's also less expensive than an insulin pump.
    Insulin Pump
    An insulin pump is a small device between the size of a pager and a cell phone that you keep with you at all times. A tube runs from the pump to underneath your skin. The pump, which you usually wear on a belt, holds a reservoir of insulin that goes into your body at regular intervals, making it easy to take your insulin at set times throughout the day and night. The pump itself can last for years, but the tubing and insulin reservoir must be changed on a regular basis. With an insulin pump, you won't have to inject insulin several times a day, avoiding those painful needles. You'll have improved blood glucose levels and face less of a risk of severe hypoglycemia. You can exercise with an insulin pump without having to worry about your blood sugar dropping too rapidly.
    Diabetes can be a serious illness with disastrous consequences if it's not kept in control. Thanks to modern technology, however, maintaining your blood sugar is easier than ever.
  2. kevgardner83
    As a business owner, you should do what you can to protect the environment. You can do your part by recycling your used equipment and reusing things.
    Here are four key reasons why recycling equipment is a big deal:
    1. It Saves Energy
    Recycling equipment takes less energy than manufacturing new products from scratch. In fact, recycling just one computer can save enough energy to power an entire household for six months.
    In short—recycling business equipment can save energy in many ways. It can help reduce the need to produce new products, which require energy to extract raw materials and manufacture and transport them. Second, recycling can extend the life of products and components, meaning they need less energy to operate. Finally, recycling can help businesses avoid landfill costs and associated environmental impacts.
    2. It Reduces Pollution
    Recycling equipment is an excellent way for companies to reduce their pollution output. This can include everything from office furniture to electronic devices. Recycling old equipment not only reduces pollution but can also save businesses money on disposal costs. In some cases, businesses can even make money by selling their old equipment to be recycled.
    Another way businesses can reduce pollution is by using recycled materials in their products. This includes using recycled paper, plastic, metal, and glass. By using these materials, businesses can help reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills and incinerators. Additionally, using recycled materials can often be cheaper than using new materials, which can always save businesses money.
    Finally, businesses can reduce pollution by reducing their energy consumption. This can be done by using energy-friendly appliances, turning off lights and computers when they are not in use, and setting thermostats to an efficient temperature. By reducing energy consumption, businesses can save money on their utility bills and help reduce pollution.
    3. It Saves Resources
    It takes a lot of resources to mine the metals and manufacture the plastics used in new products. When you recycle equipment, you’re conserving these precious resources.
    In addition, recycling equipment reduces the amount of pollution caused by mining and manufacturing. Every time you recycle a piece of equipment, you’re helping to keep our air and water clean.
    When you recycle business equipment, you're conserving precious resources and which reduces pollution. It's great for the environment and excellent for your bottom line.
    4. It Saves Money
    Recycling equipment can save businesses money. By reusing materials and components, businesses can avoid the costs of buying new products. In some cases, recycling can even generate revenue, as businesses can sell scrap materials or recycled products. Not only do you save on the cost of buying new products, but you can also get tax breaks for recycling.
    Of course, you save money in a number of ways when you choose to recycle. First of all, you don't have to pay to dispose of the equipment in a landfill. Second, recycling businesses often give discounts for equipment that is still usable. Finally, recycled equipment often works just as well as new equipment, so you don't have to worry about buying new products.
    One of the easiest ways companies can recycle is by just reusing their equipment. This can be done by refurbishing it or using it for parts. Another option is to recycle the materials that the equipment is made from. This can be done by breaking down the equipment and separating the metals, plastics, and other materials. These materials can then be sold or donated to recycling centers. All of these factors make recycling business equipment a great way to save money.
    As you can see, there are many reasons to recycle your used equipment. So next time you’re ready to upgrade, make sure to recycle your old gear instead of throwing it away. You’ll be doing your part to help the environment—and your bottom line.
  3. kevgardner83
    Let's face it, flying is an insanely convenient form of travel, but it comes with its fair share of hassles. You could live ten lifetimes before meeting someone who genuinely enjoys the process of air travel, from security to customs. But thankfully, experienced travelers have tackled most of the major issues and have come up with ways to overcome them.
    Lack of Entertainment
    Say you've prepared so well for this flight that you can't imagine having a moment of boredom. But with all the books, movies, and in-flight WiFi in the world, you'll most likely have that moment during the flight when you regret not packing XYZ thing. Especially with how often the in-flight entertainment is broken on economy flights, you might find yourself trying to nap more often than not. Do yourself a favor and download a few episodes of a really exciting podcast and pack a book you know you'll want to read. This isn't the time to pack that Lincoln biography or learn about how to create a good runbook - you can save that content for your layover.
    Cramped Seating
    Hands down one of the worst aspects of commercial flight is the cramped space. Unless you're lucky enough to be very short, your legs are going to get cramped and it's unlikely that you'll be comfortable when you attempt to take a nap. That's why experienced flyers will tell you that maximizing your legroom is of the utmost importance. You might not need that entire tote bag full of books and snacks - try grabbing what you need before tucking the rest away in the overhead compartment.
    In addition, it might be possible for you to move to another seat if you're craving your own elbow rest. Asking politely can get you a lot more than most people imagine during flights. Lastly, don't forget to get up and stretch, especially on those long flights.
    Flying Anxiety
    Even the most experienced flyers will occasionally experience fear and anxiety while in the air, especially when there's unusual turbulence or unexpected noises. Fear of flying is extremely common, but there are a few things you can do to help yourself feel empowered and get on flights without a panic attack. First of all, if you have a prescription for anxiety, make sure you've taken your medication that day. Your doctor might be able to provide you with something stronger for the flight if your fear is debilitating.
    But for those without medication, learning some mindfulness meditation techniques can go a long way towards keeping you calm during takeoff. Others find it more helpful to distract themselves with loud music or conversation. Don't be afraid to experiment and find out what will help you in these situations.
    Bloating, dry skin, and that general feeling of ick that comes from flying are all generally caused by one thing - dehydration. Even if you remember to bring your water bottle and refill it after security, it can be tough to remember to drink it. Plus, you have the added component of having to climb over your seatmate to get to the bathroom.
    No matter how inconvenient it might be, however, it's vitally important to stay hydrated. Issues like UTIs and kidney infections are severe consequences of dehydration, and nobody wants to wind up with a kidney stone on vacation. Combat that dry airplane air by setting a reminder on your phone to drink water every half hour - you might be surprised by how much better you feel once you arrive. Remember to take good care of yourself and find ways to make your travels a lot more pleasant.
  4. kevgardner83
    If you're a professional in the world of investing, or at least an interested party, you're in luck entertainment-wise. There's a wide range of movies that tackle this subject, many of which are critical darlings. So, if you want to start a watch list, here are three iconic movies that focus on investing.
    1. Wall Street
    When audiences think of investment movies, Wall Street is probably the first film that comes to mind. There's a good reason for this. Not only is Wall Street immensely quotable and iconic, but it also provides a compelling look at the world of investing. The movie centers around Bud, a young man who idolizes Wall Street legend Gordon Gekko. In order to begin working for Gekko, Bud decides to deal in insider trading. While this garners him a partnership with Gekko and extreme wealth, it also makes him hurt a lot of people. Predictably, this results in suspicion and a slow moral downfall. However, Bud manages to come to his senses and realizes what he's doing. Unlike many other movies that focus on character downfalls, Bud is given a second chance in the end. Other than the main message surrounding ethics in investing, Wall Street has important advice for those entering the industry. Mainly, be careful who you deal with and know what you're doing. You should understand things like asset based lending before you dive in.
    2. The Wolf of Wall Street
    The Wolf of Wall Street is a fairly new movie led by Leonardo DiCaprio. Sure, the movie is mostly remembered for its drug-fueled parties and an insane amount of swearing. However, it still has an important message about investment to share. The main character, Jordan Belfort, is a Wall Street stockbroker who loses his job on Black Monday. Due to his talented pitches, he manages to amass a small fortune and create his own company. Jordan's schemes allow him to trick investors and mask the company as successful. This con plunges him into a world of sex, drugs and money. Of course, this ultimately ends in an intense downfall. By the end of the movie, Jordan is divorced from his wife, loses custody of his daughter and ends up in jail. While you may get caught up in the gorgeous visuals and comedy, there are some important messages to take in. Most importantly, the movie stresses the dangers of getting caught up in success, especially when that success comes at the expense of others. However, it's also a great display of sales techniques. If you're interested in investment banking, you'll definitely want to pick up some of Jordan's tricks.
    3. American Psycho
    American Psycho is, undeniably, the odd man out on this list. While the film does focus on the world of investment banking, it isn't your usual money-based flick. Instead, this horror classic is full of mental breakdowns, vicious murders and extremely gory scenes. The movie centers around Patrick Bateman, an investment banker who seems to be living the good life. He has a high-level position, his wife is rich and he attends parties with gorgeous women every night. However, the monotone and lifeless nature of this culture drive him to murder. At first, Patrick sticks to killing prostitutes and homeless men. Unfortunately, his extreme hatred and jealousy of a coworker leads him to kill said man, which only drives him further into a frenzy. Eventually, he goes completely off the rails and even confesses to his crimes. Despite this, the movie ends with nothing changing. Is this extremely graphic and gory? Sure. Does it still have an important message about the world of investment? Definitely! No matter how crazy Patrick gets, he can't seem to escape his monotone existence. Everyone is expected to be obsessed with the unimportant and disinterested in truly living. In order to thrive in the world of investment, you need to stick to your values.
  5. kevgardner83
    Customer trust and loyalty to your brand are key factors in the success of your business. One of the best ways to build a high level of trust is to offer superb customer service. Check out these ways that you can provide your customers with excellent online support resources to improve the user experience and gain a positive reputation.
    Evaluate Your Resolution Time
    There is nothing more frustrating to your customers than experiencing a problem and spending an extended time trying to find the answer or waiting to speak to a representative. Use a customer effort score survey to evaluate how quickly your customers can find a resolution to their problems. This is a good way to gauge where you are excelling and any areas that may fall short and need improvement.
    Extend Your Service Hours
    Be reachable to your customers. Service hours should extend beyond typical business hours and include the evenings and weekends. Having 24/7 customer service availability is a sure way to endear your customers to your business. They will feel appreciated and valued when they know they can reach out at any time for help.
    Offer Multiple Support Options
    Online support is a fantastic approach to customer service. It is fast and efficient. However, providing a single option limits accessibility for some of your customer base. Instead, offer a range of contact options to suit any need.
    Live chat is a great way to connect with a customer and provide real-time support to any concern they may have. You can also implement a call-back system where a customer can request a return call during a certain time, or as soon as a representative is available to eliminate long holding times. Email support is another great option to consider. Allow customers to create a support ticket identifying the area where they need assistance. Have a system in place to respond to tickets within a specified time frame.
    Be Transparent
    Transparency is essential to build trust in your business. Your website and apps should be designed for ease of use and simple clarification of facts. Present your company's ideology, practices, community involvement, and any other important details where they are simple to find. Your customers have a right to know who you are and what your goals are so they understand what they are supporting. You can provide your backstory for greater interest and deeper connection as well.
    Include Resources
    Provide online resources where customers can find fast answers to the most commonly asked questions and concerns. An FAQ list is always helpful. If you offer a product or service that has many features or complex workings, consider posting instruction manuals or video tutorials demonstrating the proper method and function. These types of resources can be invaluable to your customers.
    Prioritize Consistency
    Another essential characteristic of a trustworthy business is consistency. Develop a strategy for your customer service and business functions that you implement company-wide so all employees follow the same rules and guidelines. This makes it less confusing if a customer needs to contact you multiple times. They will understand and recognize the process and be able to complete their inquiry quickly.
    Feature Testimonials
    Testimonials from happy customers, especially video testimonials, are an excellent way to inspire brand loyalty and trust. Include a selection of testimonials on your website or app to give potential customers a feel for what they can expect by making a purchase from you.
    Ask for Feedback
    Ask for, and analyze, customer feedback. The responses you receive can be important for updating your policies and practices to better serve your customers.
    With the right approach to online support, you can offer customers a highly satisfying and rewarding experience with your company. Make an effort to go above and beyond to show your customers that they are valued and any problems they experience will be made right as soon as possible.
  6. kevgardner83
    It's no secret that most people have a short attention span. This creates a challenge if you are attempting to grow your business and get more customers interested in your brand. To make progress, you must find a way to stand out and capture attention with your message. Once you have your audience hooked, you can present them with more information about your brand and the products and services you have on offer. Follow these tips to get started.
    Measure Customer Experience
    There are some excellent tools available to help you accurately measure CX and get a good feel for how your company is performing. Reviewing the scores and feedback that your customers provide about the experience they had are invaluable tools to create better solutions moving forward. When you know what is and is not working, it's much easier to take action to make corrections where needed.
    Inspire Strong Emotions
    You only have a second to get a potential customer interested in your brand. Make your limited time count by putting every effort into capturing your audience's attention with engaging and exciting content that inspires strong emotions. Focus on the positive. You want to be memorable. A shocking image or bit of information may direct focus your way, but might not necessarily keep it. Aim to instill a feeling of joy and happiness in your customers. You want them to associate these feel-good emotions with your brand so they are eager and curious to find out more.
    Provide Value
    It may be difficult to command the attention of a distracted audience, but it's even harder to keep that attention unless what you offer provides real value. Your products and services should be of high quality and deliver on what you have promised. Do product testing and constantly look for ways to improve so that everything you offer is highly desirable.
    Communicate Clearly
    Communication is key to a successful marketing campaign. The information you present must be easy to understand and to the point. Limited attention spans mean that your potential customers may dismiss your content and move on to something else rather than attempt to figure out what you are trying to say.
    Deliver your message in small chunks of information that are easy to absorb while on the go. So much of your brand's audience will likely come across your content during a fleeting moment while waiting in line or another time-sensitive activity. After you have drawn them in, you can offer more robust information that goes into greater detail. Work on a progression of content that makes sense and eventually leads to inviting the customer to make a purchase.
    Personalize Customer Experience
    Use available data to create a customized experience for your customer. Direct them to products that may interest them so they are immediately invested in what they are seeing. This is an effective strategy that can produce excellent results.
    Offer a Reminder
    Once you have captured a customer's attention, take the necessary steps not to lose it. Email marketing can be highly effective at this. Provide your audience with the opportunity to sign up for your email list so they can be notified about exciting new products or sales you are running. Send out a periodic newsletter with interesting information and a hook, such as a discount, to remind your customers about your brand and invite them to learn more or make a purchase.
    Final Thoughts
    When you learn to pay attention to how you are communicating with your customer base, you can improve your strategy to be more engaging. The right techniques help to make your brand unforgettable as you build a loyal audience.
  7. kevgardner83
    If you've ever been in a courtroom for whatever reason, you may have noticed a person off to the side of the jury box or witness stand typing away on a machine. This person is the court reporter, and they play a vital part in the function of the courtroom and the justice system. Here's everything you need to know about court reporters.
    What Do Court Reporters Do?
    Being a court reporter might seem like a pretty cushy job. After all, aren't they just writing down everything that's said in the courtroom? While creating transcripts of court proceedings is the majority of a Denver court reporters job, they're also in charge of ensuring that these records are accurate, unbiased, and preserved for later reference. Without their help, the court would be unable to guarantee that an accurate record of what went on during trials, depositions, and other proceedings was being kept.
    Steno Machines
    The machine you see court reporters typing away on is called a "steno machine", or a stenotype keyboard. Rather than being a typewriter with a straightforward keyboard, steno machines are special tools that allow court reporters to type in a form of shorthand. Rather than typing one letter at a time, the stenographer can press several keys at once to create words more quickly than they would be able to do on a normal keyboard. As you can imagine, this type of writing is tricky and can take several years to learn how to do properly. But it's enormously helpful as it allows court reporters to type the words as they hear them, and in some cases, the steno machine's screen will be projected on a larger screen for the court's benefit.
    Another method of court reporting is for the reporter to wear a mask that causes their voice to become muffled, allowing them to relay what they're hearing to text-to-speech software on their computer. Without causing a disturbance, the reporter can easily transcribe the proceedings and then create a written transcript of their documentation afterward. This method allows for a quicker training period than stenography.
    Becoming a Court Reporter
    Because this job holds so much responsibility and requires a high level of specific skills, many states have rigorous standards for their court reporters. You would have to obtain a license, which means going through an educational program where you'd learn all the ins and outs of reporting, as well as how to use the steno machine.
    Once you're able to meet the licensing requirements (usually a certain level of words per minute), you'll receive your certification and go on to be hired as either an independent court reporter or be employed by a specific court. It can be an exciting job with a good salary and excellent benefits and ensures a certain level of job security as court reporters are always in high demand.
    Career Advancement
    You might think that becoming a court reporter is a one-and-done situation, but it's actually a career that offers a decent level of mobility. By acquiring additional certifications after the initial licensing process, reporters can become qualified to do more specific types of court reporting, such as broadcast captioning. If you wanted to take your career in a different direction, you could also become a consultant or acquire the right certification to teach court reporting yourself.
    There are tons of different types of court reporting out there, so there are many opportunities to continue improving and building on your skills and expanding your career horizons. It's an interesting career choice that many finds offers opportunities for excitement and a sense of fulfillment as a vital part of the justice system.
  8. kevgardner83
    Are you thinking of homeschooling your child? Perhaps you're already homeschooling but are looking for new ideas. Staying active is essential not only for meeting the curriculum requirements but for having a healthy and happy student. Luckily there are plenty of ways that you and your child can stay active even when the weather is rainy or cold.
    1. Have Your Homeschooler Join a Sports Team
    If your homeschooler loves sports, have him or her join a local sports team. Doing so not only provides your little one with plenty of exercise and socialization, but it can also count as his or her physical education requirements for homeschooling. Grab some youth baseball gloves and head down to the local recreation center to join a Little League team. If there isn't one in your area, see if you can find other homeschooling parents who would like to have a pickup game once a week or so.
    2. Go For a Walk or Run Together
    Spend the morning or early afternoon exploring your neighborhood together by going for a walk or a run. There are several benefits to going this route. If you're the type to go for a run, it will help your homeschooler to run out some of their energy before you start your lessons for the day. If you'd prefer a more leisurely pace, going for a walk can be combined with science or basic mathematics by having your child look for specific plants or animals or by having him or her count how many of a specific item you see during your walk.
    3. Join a Gym or the Local YMCA
    Another great way to get your child's physical education requirements in while helping them run out of energy is to join a local gym or YMCA. Your kiddo will love spending time on all the cool exercise contraptions at the gym and depending on how old your child is, you may even be able to join an exercise class or two together. For a more family-oriented environment, check out your local YMCA. In addition to plenty of exercise equipment and classes, they often run children's programs and usually have pools for those who love to go swimming. Many YMCAs also offer discounts for low-income families, making them a good choice if you're on a tight budget.
    4. Let Your Homeschooler Check Out Virtual Reality
    When the weather is cold or rainy, you'll still need a way for your homeschooler to let out some of that extra energy. Why not invest in a virtual reality set? Your kiddo will love it because he or she will get to play video games during school time. You'll love it because you won't have to trek out into the rain or snow to help him or her get physical activity in. There are a wide variety of kid-friendly games that let your kiddo jump around, dance, and more. Just remember to clear a safe space so nobody trips and falls.
    5. Head To a Playground
    Helping your homeschooler to stay active is often as easy as heading to the local playground. Let your son or daughter run, jump, and climb to his or her heart's content while you relax with a book or even get up and play with them. Is the weather cold? Check your local area to see if there are any indoor playground options available. This way, your kiddo can still exercise without the worry of getting too cold.
    Whether you're going for a walk or trying out the latest virtual reality game, physical activity is important for maintaining overall health as well as for ensuring happy mental health. Be sure that your homeschooler is getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.
  9. kevgardner83
    A lot of people dream of one day becoming the CEO of a successful company. But what does it really take to make it to the top? While there's no one guaranteed path to the top, there are certain things you can do to increase your chances of making it to the top of your field. Here are four tips for working your way up in a company:
    1. Get Noticed for Your Hard Work
    If you want to be looked at for promotions and advancement opportunities, you need to make sure you're noticed for your hard work. One way to do this is to volunteer for extra assignments and projects, even if they're outside of your normal scope of work. This shows that you're willing to go above and beyond and that you're eager to contribute to the success of the company.
    Your boss is always looking for top performers to give them big projects and assignments. To get noticed by your boss, you need to be able to demonstrate that you're a top performer in your field. An efficient way to showcase your ability is by using lead management software to help you keep track of your leads and customers. By keeping track of your leads and customers, you can show your boss that you're organized and efficient in your work. Additionally, you can show your boss that you're proactive in follow-up and follow-through by using lead management software. By being a top performer in your field, you'll be sure to get noticed by your boss and given the opportunity to take on bigger projects.
    2. Build Relationships with the Right People
    It's not just about who you know. It's about who knows and respects you. So if you want to move up in a company, it's important to build relationships with influential people, both inside and outside of your organization. These relationships can open doors for you and help you get your foot in the door for opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach.
    3. Stand Out From the Crowd
    In any organization, there will always be a lot of people competing for limited resources. So if you want to get noticed and increase your chances of getting ahead, you need to make sure you're offering something unique and valuable. This could be a new skill set, a fresh perspective, or simply a willingness to go the extra mile. Here are a few tips to flex your skills:
    Always be on the lookout for opportunities to showcase your skills and abilities. If you see a chance to take on additional responsibility or demonstrate your expertise, seize it. This will not only help you stand out from your colleagues but also impress your boss and build your credibility.
    Make sure your boss is aware of your successes and accomplishments. Whether it's sending a quick email update or stopping by his or her office to chat, keep your boss aware of what you're doing and how you're contributing to the team.
    Don't be afraid to speak up and offer your opinion. When you have a great idea or see a potential problem, don't keep it to yourself. Share your thoughts with your boss, and be prepared to back up your ideas with facts and logic.
    4. Be Patient
    Climbing the corporate ladder takes time, so it's important to be patient. If you're passed over for a promotion, or an opportunity doesn't work out, don't get discouraged—just keep working hard and expanding your skillset. Eventually, your hard work will pay off, and you'll be in a position to take your career to the next level.
    Following these tips won't guarantee that you'll make it to the top, but they will certainly increase your chances of success. So if you're serious about moving up in a company, start putting these tips into practice today.
  10. kevgardner83
    Your business has been very successful, and your marketplace is clamoring for more. You would like to bring more products to market, or perhaps you would like to increase production of what you currently offer. It looks like a good time to grow your business, but you see an opportunity for growth that must happen more quickly than you've been able to manage organically. It is time to consider a merger. Bringing in another company to either supplement or complement your own can be a way to fast-forward your company into the future. Choosing the right partner can be tricky, however. There are many factors to consider in order to find just the right fit.
    Factors to Consider
    1. Will They Contribute To Our Business Strategy?
    Any company you consider should contribute to your business strategy. Do they increase market share, or bring a new source of clients? Do they introduce your company to a new location or geography?
    2. Do They Have The Right Products and Compatible Technology?
    Do their products and services complement your company's offerings? Do they have the right technology, from lead management software to accounting packages, it would be best if their tech is up-to-date and that it can merge with yours.
    3. Are They In a High-Growth Market and Positioned To Succeed?
    Before you consider a merger, be sure you understand their market. Are they in a market that will grow in the near future, or are they in a market that will wane? Is their company positioned for long-term growth, sporting innovative products and the infrastructure necessary to bring those products to market? Choosing a company that looks great on paper but is not positioned well for the future is not a good candidate for merging.
    4. Do Our Two Companies Share a Business Culture?
    For your two companies to merge effectively you need to share at least some common ground. Do you share a business sector or marketplace? Maybe more importantly, do your two companies share a culture? If your company is all about a fun environment and offline team-building and their company is all about strict rules and regulations, joining the two may be more complicated than would be effective.
    5. Is the timing good?
    It is important to consider the timing. Are both your companies in a place where they have the capacity to complete a merger? The best time for merging is when all other things are going well, and the management teams can focus on building your new venture quickly and efficiently.
    Once you have identified a potential partner what is the next step? Take the time to fully examine their finances. While you are doing your homework, look for evidence that your future partner has:
    Evidence of steady growth
    Product diversification and a history of innovation
    A strong management team that meshes with yours
    A business strategy that contributes to your own
    We Merged - Now What?
    Once you have found a potential candidate and you have agreed to a merger, how do you translate your excitement about working together? Be sure to carefully craft your first day to set your venture off on the right foot and ensure your future success.
    Your "Day 1" Announcement
    The first day of your combined companies is an exciting day. The most important thing for day one is to control your message, both internal and external. Internally, your employees will be nervous about their roles in the new venture. You will want to reassure them that their role in the new venture is secure and important, and to build some excitement about what will come next. Externally you will want to let your customers know what is happening. If you do not have a strong communication team, consider reaching out for outside help to craft a press release letting the public know what is happening and what they can expect from you in the future.
    Growing your business, especially by merging with a like-minded company, is an exciting opportunity for you and your employees. By taking the time to be careful about your decisions and your communications you will be sure to find success.
  11. kevgardner83
    The world is so big! There are so many places to go and amazing things to see. Traveling is good for you, in so many different ways. Whether close to home or traveling abroad, here are reasons you should travel the world right now.
    Traveling is Good for the Soul
    Traveling can be a healing experience. It can calm you and refresh you. It’s easy to get stuck in the day-to-day grind. When you’re very focused on work and maintaining your routine, it’s easy to forget the things that matter. Taking a trip somewhere new with someone you love can help you remember what’s important. To travel to revive your soul, try taking a relaxing retreat. Bali has great yoga retreats and a long history of meditation that’s set in a scenic backdrop. You’ll find yourself while visiting beautiful beaches and taking volcanic hikes.
    Traveling Helps You Unwind
    In addition to the fact that traveling can soothe your soul, traveling helps you unwind. Taking a break from your day-to-day routine to recharge is important to your mental health. Those who take the time to vacation and unwind often come home more productive and happier than when they left. That feeling of motivation can last for a long period of time too. To unwind, try a beach getaway. Island Cay at Clearwater Beach is a great option to relax. Enjoy the beautiful white sand beaches of Clearwater. Relax in the sun with a rum-infused cocktail. Plus, you’re just a quick drive from the many attractions in Orlando. Who doesn’t love a trip to a theme park?
    Traveling Broadens Your Horizons
    Traveling to see the world can be more than relaxing though. It also broadens your horizons. The world is so big! There’s so much to see. Taking the time to explore the world will change you for the better. To travel for horizon-broadening, try a trip that takes you across Europe. Visit beautiful cities like Venice, Rome and Barcelona. There’s so much history, culture and amazing food. Venice is especially noteworthy as a city that sits on water. Travel by gondola instead of car as you explore. See lace or glass made by hand. Take in the history that inspired so many artists and writers.
    It Gives You New Experiences
    Seeing the world also means new experiences. This is your chance to go on an adventure. Pick a far flung destination and explore. What you’ll learn about other cultures will change the way you see and experience your world. Try traveling to Thailand for a truly special adventure. Ride elephants, visit street markets and visit beautiful beaches. Thailand also has a rich religious heritage. Visit ancient Hindu temples so beautiful, you’ll stand in awe.
    You’ll Learn Something New
    While on a far flung adventure, you’re sure to learn something new. You’ll likely learn many new things, actually. While exploring, take the time to understand and learn the culture of the people who call your vacation spot home. Whether you’re a hiker or love a good museum tour, you can learn about the place you’re visiting while on your trip. If you’re hiking, learn why the mountains are there and how people have lived in them over time. If you love museums, visit and learn all about the artistic culture of your chosen destination. Take a walking tour on your trip as well. College students often lead them. These tours are a great way to learn about local favorites, as well as the history of the area.
    Travelings Means Trying New Foods
    Of course, traveling also means getting to eat new food and trying new drinks from all around the world. No matter where you are, take the time to eat local cuisine. Explore fine wine in cities that are known for wine. Eat like a local and you won’t leave unsatisfied.
    With so much to do and see, you should start planning your trip today!
  12. kevgardner83
    In this digital age, you can do almost anything online. While there are plenty of time wasters on the internet, you can also better yourself with tools on the web. One of the ways you can improve your life with the internet is through finance management. The following ways are some of the most popular online tools for financial development available online.
    Credit Score Monitoring
    Perhaps the most popular online financial tool is credit monitoring. Nowadays, multiple companies offer credit score insight for free on their website. While there is a common misconception that knowing your credit score will damage it, that isn't always true. When you monitor your credit scores through reputable sites such as Experian or Credit Karma, you don't have to worry about your score falling. Having some basic digital skills could help you keep tabs on your credit and ensure greater peace of mind. Monitoring your credit has more benefits than letting you keep an eye on your money. When you know your credit scores, you can spot signs of identity theft early and cancel your cards before things get out of hand. While it may not be possible to completely safeguard against identity theft, monitoring your finances can help give you the best chances of success.
    Automatic Saving
    Another online financial service that many people have started using is automatic saving. While saving manually can be easily forgotten, setting up an autosave service ensures that you always have money going into your savings account. These autosave features appear in many online banking portals, as well as via budgeting services such as Cleo or Mint. In many cases, you can customize your savings entirely. If you want to save ten percent of your paycheck the second it hits your bank account, autosave can do that.
    Along those lines, you should have a dedicated savings account. While you could keep your savings in cash, having a savings account that gets yearly interest will keep your money growing. Many starter savings accounts have a very low interest rate, such as .05% a year. While this doesn't feel like that much money to gain, you're still gaining money without doing anything. As your savings grows, you can move it to a higher-interest account where you'll see more return on your savings. By regulating your savings with every paycheck, you can keep your assets growing.
    Tax Filing Assistance
    Finally, online assistance with filing yearly taxes has become incredibly popular in recent years. No matter what you do for work, you have to file taxes every spring to show you paid income tax all year. Many people equate tax season with stress, but online tax assistance has taken the tension out of yearly filing. By enlisting the help of services such as TurboTax or H&R Block, you can file your taxes from home with the use of templates, saving you stress and annoyance. Depending on how complicated your tax situation is, certain services can even have a tax expert do your taxes for you. You simply send in your forms, and they'll do the rest. You'll no longer have to worry about whether you're getting the best refund possible. One benefit to these tax prep services is that they can help you after tax season is done. During the rest of the fiscal year, they can help organize your finances, offer advice, and even help you get your taxes set up early. No matter what your financial situation looks like, consider enlisting the help of a tax prep service.
    Overall, taking care of your finances online can help save you time and stress. There are many services designed to help you manage your money from home.
  13. kevgardner83
    The internet is a vital tool for any business today. Whether you are doing online marketing, building your webpage, or checking your email, this service allows you to reach a wider audience and makes your job simpler. Selecting the right organization to partner should align with your budget as well as the options that it offers. Here are a few providers who would work for your company.
    Your company is on a budget and you are looking for a quality provider for your internet. Verizon is a well known brand that has an option for small businesses that is easy on the finances. They utilize 5g network slicing to offer fast speeds and reliable equipment at an affordable price. They have several tiers to choose from, and most of them come with unlimited data. This works well if you have employees that carry cell phones. One downside is that it is in only nine cities at this point. You may have to wait to get this deal until it reaches you unless you live in that area.
    Comcast Internet
    Another affordable option for your small business is Comcast. It is also an ideal choice if your business relies heavily on clear videos or frequently downloads data. There are multiple levels that fit into the budget of every organization and have locations nationwide. The fiber optic cables that they provide ensure that you have one of the fastest operating systems around. They have a reputation for being one of the quickest on the market. One drawback is the language of the contract that you will commit to. You must commit to many months with them. If you choose to cancel, the fee can be quite costly.
    One advantage that you supply to your employees is the option to work from home. This gives them flexibility in their schedule and helps reduce their stress. Centurylink is one of the few organizations that supports this idea and can keep you connected to your staff. It can facilitate cloud computing, which stores your data on an offsite server. To access this information, the members of your organization log on from wherever they are to this system. This provider has both DSL and fiber optics that can serve a wide range of clients. However, their faster speeds are isolated to larger populations. If your company is in a smaller town, you can expect to wait for your search results.
    Google Fiber
    Google is a worldwide company, but has only scratched the surface of this market. They can accommodate both large and small businesses with little variance in the price or speed. It works well with other services that it offers and can be your one-stop provider for a multitude of the things that you require. It adapts to the cloud well as this company has their own for their clients. However, to stay ahead of the competition, it remained isolated in a few larger areas. Unless your organization is located in one of these cities, you will need to find an alternative solution for your internet needs.
    You own a large corporation that requires a high speed solution for your internet needs. AT&T, a well known brand for decades, can provide this to you for a price. They boast some of the fastest downloads for organizations that employ many people. It is adaptable to the cloud and can do all this with small term contracts or without one altogether. However, to get these features, you must pay a large fee, which can be a challenge for a smaller company. They do offer other levels that may be more suitable for your budget but the processing will be slower. Like many of the tech businesses, it is available in a limited number of areas.
    You may struggle with understanding how to set up your internet service or how to repair it if something happens to it. One distinct advantage to Spectrum is that someone is there around the clock to assist you. You can try it for a month to see if you like it before you commit to it. While it is meant for small or middle sized businesses, anyone can partner with them. However, their prices may be too much for your budget, especially if you have less than a dozen employees. You will want to ask for a quote before you agree to collaborate with them so you can determine if you can afford it. You want access to the internet to make things simpler for your staff. It allows them to communicate with your clients and each other better, market your products, and to do research. There are many providers that can help you with this. They can provide you with the tools that will make your company successful.
  14. kevgardner83
    After working hard and giving it their all, your child comes home with a great report card. Accomplishments like this deserve to be rewarded. Here are nine ways to celebrate your child's achievement.
    1. Heap On The Praise
    Do not underestimate the power of praise. Every child loves to hear that their parents are proud of them and appreciates being recognized for working hard. Hugs and kisses are good too.
    Words of praise can be extra-powerful when your child overhears you telling family and friends of their big accomplishments. Let them hear you bragging a little bit and they will know how proud you are.
    2. Indulge In a Sweet Treat
    Sweets are a traditional way to celebrate life events, and a great report card is no exception. Whether you go to your favorite bakery or treat yourself to cookie delivery Provo moms know that a sweet indulgence can create a celebratory moment that your child will remember for a long time.
    Alternatively, you can mark the occasion with your child by baking a treat together. A homemade cake and frosting is a memorable way for your whole family to celebrate.
    3. Let Them Stay Up Late For a Movie Night
    A movie night is a special event that kids will remember. If your local theatre isn't running a movie they are looking forward to, letting them choose a film to watch at home with popcorn and staying up past bedtime is a fantastic way to reward hard work.
    4. Go Out for Pizza
    Instead of the usual takeout, treat your child to a trip to the pizza parlor to eat at the restaurant. Bonus points if there is a video game or jukebox for your child to enjoy while you wait for their favorite pie. The excitement of a fun restaurant that is super kid-friendly is a great way to celebrate.
    5. Grant Extra Screen Time
    Whether your child prefers video games or streaming shows, extra time with their screens is a reward they can all appreciate. If your child has limits on electronics, letting them break the rules for a day can be a powerful treat.
    6. Hit the Bookstore
    Give a scholarly reward for scholarly achievement and hit the bookstore. A new book is a great way to remind them of their hard work and achievement every time they see it on the shelf. For extra credit, inscribe the front page with the date and the reason why you bought it, creating a keepsake they can cherish forever.
    7. Enjoy a Family Game Night
    Kids love to play games, especially when the whole family is involved. Gather everyone together and let your young scholar choose a favorite game or two for the family to play together. The joy of choosing any game they want, especially if they usually have to compromise with siblings, can be a memorable treat for your child.
    8. Give Them Some Money
    While some moms might consider this bribery, giving money as a reward for achievement is not a new idea. For children who are saving for a big purchase, or who have a college savings account, this could be a truly appropriate gift.
    If you are uncomfortable with the idea of a cash reward, you can turn it into a teaching moment by making it an opportunity to contribute to charity. They could use their money to buy something for a child in need, or they could research charities online and find one that resonates with them.
    9. Throw a Party
    While at first glance this might seem excessive, inviting a few of your child's friends over could be a great way to acknowledge a great year-end report card. Whether you have an afternoon playdate or a sleepover party, a joyful event involving all of their friends will certainly make it clear to your child that their year of hard work is being recognized.
    Everyone, adult and child alike, appreciates being recognized for hard work. Make sure your child knows that you are proud of them by celebrating their achievements.
  15. kevgardner83
    Thinking of buying a new home? Follow these simple steps to prepare yourself. By determining what you can afford, what you are looking for, and who you will work with, you will be ready to put a deal together as quickly as possible.
    Understand Your Current Financial Picture
    A home is most likely to be the most expensive purchase you will make in your lifetime. Knowing how much money you can afford to spend is an important first step in the homebuying process. Start your journey to a new home by focusing on your financial picture.
    How much income do you have? Of course, you will consider your job salary, but don't forget any income streams, including alimony, investment income, rental properties, side jobs.
    Create a tally sheet of all of your expenses. Some things to take into account: car payments, credit card debt, insurance, medical bills and prescriptions, utilities and groceries. Also be sure to allow some money for discretionary spending on clothes, entertainment, travel, and holidays. Be honest with yourself here; if you do not accurately capture your expenses and overspend on your house you will find yourself with hard decisions to make later.
    Calculate your anticipated downpayment. Proceeds from selling a current home can be included here, as well as any gifts you may get from friends and family, in addition to your savings.
    Understand Your Housing Market
    The second step is to understand your housing market. Doing research to understand what kinds of homes are available, as well as what kinds of neighborhoods, will help you zero in on what you want. Having a basic understanding of the real estate climate in your area will be helpful as well.
    What type of home are you interested in? Even an older single-family home will cost more, both to buy and carry on a monthly basis, than new construction townhomes Salt Lake City markets confirm. Consider costs when deciding on the type of home you'd like to own.
    What is your desired neighborhood? Would you like to be in the city near the action, or in a quieter suburb? Would you prefer to be closer to work or closer to your kids' school? Focusing in on a neighborhood can help you decide how to spend your budget.
    What is happening in your marketplace? Is it a buyer's market with lots of inventory, or a seller's market where the number of buyers is higher than the number of listings? Understanding the market conditions in your area will give you a sense of how quickly you will have to make decisions, and how willing a seller may be to negotiate with you.
    Understand Your Homebuying Team
    No one buys a home alone. Assembling a great team of people who can provide the help you need to close your deal is essential. Consider asking friends and family for references, as word of mouth is a valuable tool for finding the best service people.
    Choose a realtor to work with. Your realtor stands to make a fair bit of money, so do not be afraid to ask questions, or even interview more than one before you decide on who to work with. The home buying process, even when it goes perfectly smoothly, is fraught with stress and full of tension-filled moments, so take the extra time to find someone you feel very comfortable with.
    Choose a mortgage broker or banking institution. Your realtor may have someone to recommend and your friends and family may have worked with someone they found especially helpful. Establishing a relationship early will allow you to have a mortgage preapproval before you begin looking at homes. This is especially important in a seller's market, where deals may be made very quickly.
    Choose an attorney or title company. Money changes hands through agents, and who those agents are vary state by state. If your location requires an attorney, look for someone who charges a flat fee to handle your closing.
    Having these factors handled will ensure that you are ready to choose a new home and make your deal come together.
  16. kevgardner83
    Are you struggling to get people to come to your spa? You may want to use the internet to help attract local customers. Then, you can get more business than ever before.
    Show Up in Search
    One of the ways your spa website can drive business is by showing up in search results. When someone searches for a spa in your city, your site may come up. As long as you use local keywords in your website title and on pages, you'll have a good chance of showing up on the first page.
    A potential customer may click on your website to learn more about your services. Then, if they like what they see, they can book a session. If you didn't have a website or didn't get search traffic, you would have lost out on that customer.
    Build Your Email List
    Email marketing is a great way to build trust with current and new clients. You can add a lead magnet to your website to encourage signups when people visit the front page. For example, you might offer a unique coupon code for first-time customers.
    Or you might offer a checklist for what to bring for a spa day. Think about things that can help get people to trust you and want to visit your spa. Then, you'll be able to send emails alerting people about special discounts or other offers.
    Connect to Social Media
    You can also promote your social media accounts on your website. Then, customers can follow you on platforms like Instagram or Facebook. Social media is a great way to build more trust and stay on top of peoples' minds.
    Even if someone isn't ready to visit your spa, they may want to follow you. Soon enough, they will want to book a session, and they'll think of you before other local spas. Plus, you can use social media to offer customer service on the go with a 5G core connection.
    Answer Questions
    People like to know that you know what you're doing. A great way to show off your expertise is to answer common questions on your website. You might do this by creating an FAQ page where you answer questions you get frequently about your business.
    Another option is to set up a blog on your website. Each blog post can answer a question in more detail, so people can learn to trust you. Plus, you can optimize blog posts for different keywords. Then, your site can show up for more searches besides local spas.
    Make Booking Easy
    If you want to get more clients, you have to make the booking process easy on them. Most website platforms let you integrate an appointment booking system. That way, you can set up appointments automatically, and customers can choose times that work for them.
    You won't have to get people to call your office to book a session. And you won't have to email back and forth to settle on an available time. You and your employees who offer special sessions can set up calendars so that customers book appointments on their own.
    Include a Contact Form
    A good business website will have a contact form that customers can use. Sure, you may have a booking page, but people may have a question before they book. A new client may want to know about the specifics of a service you offer.
    Having a contact form makes it easy for people to submit their questions. The questions will go to your business email, and you can respond accordingly. Then, you may be able to ease someone's mind and get them to book a spa day with you.
    Running a spa takes a lot of work, and it can be hard to get consistent clients. Fortunately, having a good website can help by getting more web traffic and making it easy to schedule an appointment. Then, you won't have to work as hard to keep your business running.
  17. kevgardner83
    One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to teach your kids about internet safety. By talking to them about the dangers and how to stay safe online, you can help keep them safe from predators, scams, and other online threats.
    Here are some tips for teaching your kids about internet safety:
    1. Start Early
    The earlier you start speaking to your kids about internet safety, the better. They’re still learning about the world around them, and it’s important to include internet safety in that discussion. In fact, with ransomware and cyber threats on the rise, the earlier you start the conversation, the better. Kids are growing up in a world where technology is a huge part of their lives, and it is important to make sure they are aware of the dangers that can come with using the internet.
    Some things you should discuss with your kids include:

    Never give out personal information, such as their name, address, or phone number, online
    Not talking to strangers online
    Being careful about what websites they visit and what information they share on those websites
    How to protect themselves from cyberbullying or other forms of online harassment

    2. Make it Age-Appropriate
    When it comes to internet safety, it's important to talk with kids about what they're doing online and how to stay safe. Not all kids need the same level of information when it comes to internet safety. Tailor your conversations to fit your child’s age and level of understanding. But what's the right age to start that conversation?
    Experts say that different talks can be appropriate for different ages. For toddlers, parents should keep an eye on what websites their children are visiting and make sure they're not giving out personal information. As kids get older, parents can start talking about things like cyberbullying, scams, and more sensitive topics.
    3. Be Honest
    It’s important to be honest when talking about internet safety. Don’t sugarcoat the dangers or make it sound like everything online is bad. Instead, give them an accurate picture of what they might encounter and how to stay safe.
    4. Keep the Conversation Ongoing
    Don’t just have one conversation about internet safety and then forget about it. The world of the internet is always changing, so it’s important to keep the conversation going. Talk to your kids about new apps, games, and websites they might be using, and remind them of the rules you’ve talked about before letting them go online.
    5. Set Rules
    It’s important to set rules for your kids when it comes to internet safety. Establishing boundaries and limits on what they can and can’t do online will help keep them safe while they’re surfing the net. You should consider setting rules about the following:

    What websites they’re allowed to visit
    What information they’re allowed to share online
    What kind of communication they’re allowed to have with strangers
    How much time they’re allowed to spend online each day
    It’s important to be clear and consistent with your rules and also enforce them consistently. This will help ensure that your kids are safe.

    6. Monitor their Use
    Monitoring your kids’ use of the internet is another important way to keep them safe. Keep an eye on what they’re doing online and who they’re talking to. If you see anything that seems concerning, talk to your kid about it and investigate further.
    7. Use Tools to Help Protect Them
    There are a number of tools available to help protect your kids online. These include parental control software, firewalls, and filters. Use these tools to help keep your kids safe while they’re online.
    8. Teach them How to Report Problems
    If your kid encounters a problem or someone they don’t feel comfortable with online, teach them how to report it. They can report problems to you, their teacher, or a trusted adult.
    By following these tips, you can help your kids stay safe online and protect them from the many dangers that exist on the internet.
  18. kevgardner83
    If you are technology savvy and have chosen Computer Science as your college major, it is good to know that you will never have a shortage of jobs. Our world is leaning more and more towards remote work, and many businesses are adding online platforms for employee and customer use. Some jobs may better suit a person fresh out of college, while others may require more years of experience. You can read this article for some of the careers that are out there for Computer Science degrees.
    Information Security Analyst
    As more and more companies and businesses begin to build websites and keep most of their data online, they must also be diligent about safety and security. When you keep sensitive or private information on your computer, it is your responsibility to keep that information guarded. This may be your client's financial documents or top-secret business practices.
    Many business owners are choosing to hire professionals to keep their online documents safe. One way that they may prefer to do this is to minimize cloud visibility. It could be your job, as an Information Security Analyst, to install and maintain software to ensure the privacy of your company's data. You must be someone who is trustworthy and pays attention to the details to be successful in this position.
    Artificial Intelligence Engineer
    This career may involve you having a specialty or more job experience than others. An AI Engineer is someone who will develop a computer algorithm that is capable of learning and retaining new information. The goal is to create a machine that is able to have some of the same skills as human beings. In order for this to work, you must be familiar with the duties that this robot will be completing.
    For example, many restaurants are starting to introduce robot chefs, bartenders, and servers. In order for these robots to perform in the best and most realistic way, they must be programmed to do so. To be an Artificial Intelligence Engineer, you must be creative, hard-working, enjoy analyzing things, and be a team player.
    Video Game Developer
    This career can be entry-level as long as you possess a passion for video games. Behind every single video game, is a person or group of people who are coding and designing everything about the game. This can include games people play on their personal computers, televisions, handhelds, or all of the above. Each of the previously mentioned devices may also need a different algorithm or compatibility, requiring a knowledge of all types of games.
    In order to be successful as a video game developer, you want to make sure that you are creative, familiar with all new video game trends, a great team player, and very analytical. You will be responsible for creating and evolving game characters, design, sound, and leveling up. A person who enjoys games and is naturally competitive would most likely enjoy this job.
    IT Project Manager
    An Information Technology Project Manager is a person who helps to plan, create a budget, and maintain a corporation's IT department. When a new project is created, it will be your job to monitor the progress and report it on a regular basis. You may be in charge of a team, and responsible for ensuring that each member does their part.
    You will need to create timelines and have contact information for all stakeholders involved, and communicate with each of them on your advancement. In order to be successful in this career, you have to be able to multitask on many assignments at once, have great communication skills, creativity, and be a self-starter and a leader.
  19. kevgardner83
    Eating yummy food is a worldwide pastime. It makes people happy to munch on their favorite comfort foods, indulge in fancy full-course meals or visit their favorite neighborhood bistro for some local cuisine. Some people enjoy cooking their food as much as eating it. The history of cooking is learning how to prepare delicious goodness from raw materials with ever-improving appliances and utensils. Employing cool kitchenware is part of the joy of the culinary experience. There are lots of modern kitchenware out there that demonstrate fabulous function with a pinch of jollification.
    1. Smart Coffee Maker
    A good coffee maker can perk you up. A countertop-sized device with the ability to brew many different styles of coffee and espresso gives folks barista-style options at home. A coffee maker with smart technology allows users to connect the appliance to their phone connected over wifi or Bluetooth. That means that pre-programmed settings for any style of drink can be activated via phone from any room in the house.
    2. Digital Air Fryer
    This nifty piece might as well be restaurant equipment, for all the things that you can do with it and the speed with which you can do them. If you want to make restaurant-quality french fries, wings, onion rings and a slew of other goodies, the air fryer's swirling top-down hot air technique can do it. A dehydrator feature can take the moisture out of herbs, fruits, veggies, meats and fish for super-flavorful snacks that will last. The digital piece will allow for more cooking functions than a manual model. Common preset cooking channels include baking, air frying, reheating, roasting, grilling and much more.
    3. Bluetooth Electric Smoker
    Electric smokers will still give you that smoked flavor that you're looking for. They allow the cook more control than a grill and the Bluetooth feature allows the smoker to communicate with the app on your phone. Through your phone, you can monitor the food as it's cooking, adjust the temperature, set timers and program different preset cooking instructions.
    4. Smart Toaster
    In a rush? The signature feature of the smart toaster is that it toasts things in a fraction of the time as regular toasters. The touch screen is intuitive and the slots are extra wide to support all of those thick breakfast foods that couldn't fit before.
    5. Automatic Pot Stirrer
    Sometimes you can get a bit overwhelmed in the kitchen and as you're doing three or four things at once, you may forget something. The automatic pot stirrer allows you to set it and forget it, as they say. Battery-operated, a charge can last four ten or more hours and these stirrers can adjust to many sized pots. Adjusting speeds is simple and this gadget can truly save you from some stuck-to-the-bottom accidents.
    6. Food Processor
    If this one doesn't grab you quite like the others, you're not giving it its due. A good food processor can chop food into various cuts, convert into a blender and a juicer, too. Some have over two dozen different processing capabilities. They save time and energy, promote healthy eating habits and make multi-tasking in the kitchen less stressful. Models include sensors that monitor the temperature of the food in the bowl. One setting for boiling water would naturally be set higher than that for boiling milk. Indeed, some models are programmed to understand the best cooking times and temperatures for different ingredients.
    7. Automatic Composter
    Composting is a green finish to the cooking process, and automatic composters make it easy. They are small and quiet, and capable of shrinking food waste down to a tenth of its size in a matter of hours. Odor-canceling mechanisms are in play as well as options for processing animal and dairy products.
    Cooking and eating food brings so much joy to people; it's a trend that will never die. As constant improvements make cooking tools more dynamic, the process is improved, to everybody's benefit.
  20. kevgardner83
    Nobody enjoys getting injured. When you experience an injury that impacts your daily life, it can set you back several spaces during a time when you are already very vulnerable. It can interfere with your ability to cook, clean, exercise, bathe, and even perform crucial tasks that you do for employment. Even aside from the logistics, being injured is painful and tiring at best. You may be looking for some ways to make the process go by faster. Luckily, there are a few things you can do in order to streamline the healing process.
    Eat Right
    Interestingly enough, your diet plays a large role in the duration of your recovery time. Food is fuel, and by eating certain foods you can help your cells rebuild and recover from damage. Calcium-rich such as dairy and leafy greens help to rebuild bone mass. (Don't forget that vitamin D is also necessary in order to absorb calcium!) The protein found in meats and fish can help to rebuild muscle tissue. Fatty fish, soybeans, and some nuts contain omega-3s that reduce inflammation. Choose your meals depending on what injury you have sustained, and you may end up recovering faster.
    Use Stem Wave Therapy
    This type of therapy is a non-invasive, FDA-approved method of healing musculoskeletal injuries. During this treatment, sound waves are emitted by a stem wave therapy machine toward injured portions of the body. This improves circulation and promotes quicker healing. This procedure is cost-effective and low risk, with no chance of leaving scarring and no need for anesthesia. In addition to acute injuries, stem wave therapy can also help to treat chronic pain.
    Keep Moving
    When you are injured, it is important not to completely stop all movement. For a few days (depending on the nature of the injury), you should likely rest and allow the wound some time away from motion, but too much rest can actually be very bad for healing. When you restrict movement for a longer period of time, it can be difficult to get back into your usual activities and sustain your limitations for longer. Ask your physician about exercises you can do to regain and improve your range of motion.
    Hydration is an important, key factor in almost every area of life. When it comes to injuries, dehydration can really impact your ability to heal. Drinking enough water will help you to rebuild muscle tissue that is injured when you are wounded. Hydration is also generally good in order to maintain the general functioning of the body's systems and flush out toxins. When you experience an injury, don't forget to stay hydrated to ensure that you recover as quickly as possible.
    Sleep is another essential that can make or break your healing process. Sleep deprivation can hinder the body's ability to heal. Without enough sleep, your body loses some of its ability to produce an inflammatory reaction that is necessary for recovery. This also decreases its ability to make certain hormones that can aid in injury repair. You may feel more tired when you sustain an injury, and that is perfectly normal. You should listen to your body and allow yourself to rest as much as you need so that you can recover quickly.
    An injury can take a lot out of you. It can make daily tasks more difficult and drawn-out as well as eliminate your ability to do certain things altogether. If you had the choice, you would speed the process up as much as possible. So why not try to implement some of these tips to see how they help you in your journey to recovery?
  21. kevgardner83
    Today's world is on-the-go. Nowadays, people spend an average of 5 hours per day on their phones or tablets. As a result, the smartphone has become more useful than ever, providing easy access to work, school, entertainment, shopping, and banking options.
    As a business owner, it's probably safe to assume most of your customers likely own or use a mobile device daily. So here are just a few reasons why your company needs a mobile-friendly website.
    It's a Better Way to Browse
    Have you ever tried browsing a department store using the desktop site on a smartphone? If you have, then you'll know how quickly a shopping experience can turn frustrating. You have to deal with too-small icons, zooming in, and constant scrolling to find what you're looking for. Those things make it hard to find what you need, and they can quickly lead to a customer abandoning ship.
    The best way to avoid this for your customers is to provide a mobile user experience that suits their needs. That experience should include intuitively-designed apps and websites with mobile responsiveness. This will put the content your customers want to see on their screen with little effort.
    It's Where Your Customers Are
    In 2021, e-commerce accounted for $469.2 billion worth of sales. $359.32 billion of that was completed on mobile devices.
    Incorporating a mobile-friendly user experience into your business and marketing plans is essential if you want to increase sales or engagement. Designing content for a desktop site is necessary, of course, but having content that responds to a mobile site will reach your customers where they spend most of their time.
    Fortunately, creating a mobile responsive website isn't complex. Most content management systems have built-in functionality for this. If you hire someone to manage your online footprint, they'll be able to handle it for you.
    It'll Make You Competitive
    Everyone is online these days, including your competition. And, helpful as the internet might be, it makes comparing products infinitely easier than it would've been pre-smartphone. So, you need to take every step possible to ensure you're not falling behind. This includes a mobile website.
    A mobile website and app will help keep you on par or even in front of your competition. Customers, especially newer ones, will likely expect you to have mobile capability. If they're comparing options and see that your competition is mobile-user friendly and yours isn't, they may not give you a second look.
    It'll Boost Your Visibility
    A mobile website will also boost your online visibility. In a day and age when an online presence is expected, boosting yours with an excellent mobile user interface will help increase your visibility to your target audience.
    A streamlined mobile experience will also make it easier for users to share your content on other platforms. And most importantly, mobile-friendliness is a factor for SEO ranking on Google. In other words, a mobile-responsive website will help you rank higher in Google search results when someone does a search related to your content.
    It'll Hold Customers' Attention
    The internet is filled with distractions, and online shoppers are no stranger to them. Whether it's due to poor attention span, a long to-do list, or forgotten errands, people will flit from one app or website to another constantly. Your goal is to get them to stay on your page and ingest your content before moving on to their next task.
    That means you'll need a site that loads quickly and is user-friendly. Both of these are hallmarks of a good mobile website. In addition, streamlining your content and appearance is an excellent way to bring in new clients and retain your existing ones.
    Final Thoughts
    As the e-commerce world moves further into the 21st century, it's crucial for business owners to follow suit. New technologies and capabilities emerge regularly, and it's wise to take advantage of those that'll help give your business a boost. This is especially true when it comes to your clients' mobile experiences with your company.
  22. kevgardner83
    When making purchases for your company, a corporate credit card is a valuable tool. Before you get one, however, there are several factors to consider.
    1. Business Credit and Corporate Credit
    There is a difference between corporate and business credit cards, although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably in casual conversation. Corporate cards are issued to C corporations, S corporations and LLCs and have annual revenue requirements; for example, a corporate American Express credit card requires annual revenue of $4 million.
    If you are a sole proprietor or freelancer, you are not eligible for a corporate card, but you can apply for a business credit card. In either case, you must have a good business credit score. This is different from your personal credit score.
    If your business is relatively new, you may not have built up a solid business credit score, even if your personal credit is good. In this case, you can apply for a secured credit card, which requires a cash deposit as collateral. A secured business credit card will help you build your business credit score.
    2. Rewards
    Many corporate cards offer rewards, which can offset some of your business expenses. For example, if you or your employees frequently travel for work, look for cards that offer airline miles. You may also choose to use cashback rewards on gift cards and other perks for employees.
    3. Special Promotions
    Some cards offer low introductory interest rates or special financing options on large purchases. If your business is relatively new and operating on a tight budget, these special offers can help your business grow.
    4. Employee Cards
    When contemplating your options, consider whether your employees will need their own cards for business expenses. Bear in mind that some card issuers charge a fee for multiple cards, although some offer them at no extra cost. You should also consider what security features are offered, such as spending limits.
    5. Tracking and Reporting
    Corporate credit cards make it easy to track business expenses. Many issuers provide advanced tracking and analytical tools to help you keep track of where money is being spent. These are especially useful if you have many employees making corporate purchases. When considering opening an account, review the tools and resources offered to make sure they will work for your company.
    6. Liability
    Corporate credit cards offer three liability options to determine who is responsible for the debt. If you plan to issue cards to employees, you should consider these options carefully.
    The first and most common option is corporate liability. The corporation assumes all liability for the debt, and the bill is sent directly to the company. Employees do not need credit approval to use the corporate card.
    The second option is individual liability. The employee receives the bill and makes the payment, then requests reimbursement from the company. This can help discourage unauthorized purchases. However, it requires the employee to receive credit approval.
    The third option is joint liability. Both the employee and the company are liable for the debt. This means the card issuer can pursue either the company or the employee for an unpaid balance, and past due balances may appear on the employee's personal credit report.
    7. Fraud Protection
    Under the CARD Act of 2009, certain protections are mandatory for personal credit cards, including fraud protection. However, the laws that protect consumers do not apply to business accounts. While most corporate cards offer fraud protection, you should review the terms and conditions carefully before applying.
    Corporate credit cards are a necessity for most large businesses. Review your options in detail before opening an account to ensure that you choose the best card for your company's needs.
  23. kevgardner83
    Any business, no matter the size, can be a target for hackers. Losing secure data is never a good thing, and if a company isn't careful, it can ruin their trust with customers and employees if their information is stolen. It's essential for companies to ensure their workers and customers can trust in who they do business with.
    These days, if you're left in a cyberattack scandal, your brand name, and reliability tanks. You may be asking how you can protect your business from hackers? Here are four ways:
    1. Educate Your Employees
    One of the most critical things you can do to protect your business from hackers is to educate your employees. Your employees are one of your largest assets when it comes to security. Teach your employees what is ransomware and how they can prevent it. Ransomware has become a serious cybersecurity threat in recent years, as these cyber attacks have increased in frequency and sophistication.
    Ransomware can be spread through phishing emails, malicious websites, or drive-by downloads. Once it infects a system, it can quickly spread to other connected devices. Ransomware attackers typically demand payment in cryptocurrency, which makes it difficult to trace and track them. Victims of ransomware attacks can face significant financial losses, as well as the loss of important data and files.
    Educate your employees and inform them to not open suspicious emails or click on links in emails, and remind them to always use strong passwords.
    2. Use Strong Passwords and Change Them Regularly
    One of the simplest ways to shelter your business from hackers is to use strong passwords and change them regularly. Make sure you encourage passwords that are complex and include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Never use the same password for multiple accounts, even if you're using the same password for all of them.
    If you have trouble remembering complex passwords, consider using a password manager. Password managers store your passwords in an encrypted database and allow you to access them with a single password. Finally, be sure to change your passwords regularly, even if you only use them for a single account.
    3. Install Security Software
    Another vital step in protecting your business from hackers is to install security software. Security software can help protect your computer from malware and viruses, which are often used to hack into businesses.
    There are many types of unique security software available, so it is important to choose the right one for your business. Be sure to go over reviews and compare features before selecting a security software.
    Once you have installed security software, be sure to keep it up-to-date to ensure that your business is protected from the latest threats. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software to gain access to systems. By keeping your software up to date, you can close these holes and make it more difficult for hackers to get in.
    4. Stay Up-to-Date on the Latest Threats
    It’s also important to stay up-to-date on the latest threats. Hackers are constantly evolving their tactics, so it’s important to have the latest security patches and updates installed on your computers. Cybercriminals are also always looking for new ways to exploit vulnerabilities, so it’s important to be aware of the latest threats and how to protect yourself.
    One way to stay up-to-date on the latest threats is to subscribe to a security newsletter or blog. This way, you’ll receive timely information about new exploits and vulnerabilities and tips on how to protect yourself. You can also follow security companies or thought leaders on social media for the latest news. Additionally, attending security conferences and webinars can also help you stay abreast of the latest trends in cybersecurity.
    By following these four steps, you can help protect your business from cyberattacks and keep your company information safe and sound.
  24. kevgardner83
    Photos can serve many different purposes, from pictures you use for your job to capturing your life's best moments. Whatever their function, it can be devastating to lose them. Therefore, it's essential to know how to protect them. Losing them can be disastrous either sentimentally, financially or both. Fortunately, there are multiple simple ways to protect all of your photos from the unthinkable, whether digital or print. Each storage method has its own pros and cons, so the best choice is to utilize multiple forms of backup instead of just one.
    Upload Them to the Cloud
    Uploading your essential files, including your photos, to the cloud is one of the most critical and secure storage methods. The cloud is similar to having an external hard drive, but some differences make it more beneficial. There's no need for any equipment aside from the device from which you access the files. They can be viewed, uploaded and downloaded from virtually any device with internet access. You can often get free cloud storage, but you can also opt for subscription plans for more storage; some even offer unlimited storage. Cloud storage is also great because it keeps your files off-site and includes cloud monitoring as part of the service. If a disaster occurs and your computer or other devices are destroyed by situations such as a virus, electrical surge, flood or fire, you can be confident that you still have your files safely backed up in the cloud.
    Store Them on External Hard Drives
    Uploading your digital photos to an external hard drive can be one of the best options for safely storing them locally. You can get external drives of all storage capacities that offer safety features to keep your files more secure, such as password protection and encryption. These drives are also small, making them easy to carry with your computer or tablet. You simply plug them in via a USB cable to use these hard drives. You will want to protect this hard drive, possibly even have one off-site for more protection. Either way, your photos are safe if something happens to your computer.
    Save Them on Memory Cards or Flash Drives
    Memory cards and flash drives are ultra-portable, but sometimes they can prove to be too small. They are easy to lose if they aren't inserted into your device. However, they are good options if you want multiple backups of your photos and plenty of storage space.
    Burn Them to CDs or DVDs
    An older but still good method of backing up your photos is burning them to a CD or DVD. Although it is definitely not the only backup you should create, it can serve as an extra layer of protection. After all, you can never have too much security for your meaningful memories. CDs and DVDs don't have as much storage capacity as other methods and are more time-consuming to create, and you need to make sure you have access to a CD or DVD burner. You can get portable USB versions if you don't have one installed on your computer.
    Print Them
    Getting prints of your photos means having tangible copies you can display as a decoration in your home or office. You can also simply keep them safely stored in a secure container. This is always an excellent option to preserve your best memories in addition to your digital files.
    Whether a graduation, wedding, a dream vacation or simply a fun day out with friends, your photos hold a lot of meaning and sentimental value that can never be replaced. Begin today using these methods to ensure these invaluable personal memories are secure wherever you go. There are multiple inexpensive options available that require practically no time to create. Your investment will definitely be worth it in the long run.
  25. kevgardner83
    Aeronautics is an amazing field devoted to studying, expanding, developing and enhancing travel through the air. The science of flight involves designing airplanes and other modes of flying machines and therefore requires precision and in-depth research. If you are interested in aeronautics, here are some ways to get into the field or to learn more about the next steps you may need to take.
    1. Education
    Aeronautics relies heavily on physics and the physical sciences, so many of the available paths require high education levels and specialized training. Multiple degrees are often required, meaning that students will need to plan accordingly for their finances and most likely rely on reasonable student loans to help them achieve their dreams. Schooling can be expensive, especially if the student aims to pursue a doctorate degree. Focus, motivation, superior study habits, time management and financial funding, can help make this dream a reality. Some examples of jobs in aeronautics that require high education include weather station manager, psychologist, program manager, molecular biologist and mathematician.
    2. Job Training
    Most jobs require a bachelor’s degree at the very least. However, there are paths that do not require higher education but instead utilize very specialized training to prepare the individual for the job. Learning on the job is a different approach to education with an emphasis on the importance of hands-on training. Some examples of such jobs can include engineering technician, physical science technician, and software engineer. Summer internships, vocational schools, volunteer work, summer camps and other forms of experience can help an applicant with no related work experience or specific degrees stand out in the pool of interested people vying for that job opening.
    3. Exposure
    Choosing a career path can seem like a daunting task. Some opt for careers they have seen their parents, family or friends do well in. Some know exactly what they desire to be from a young age. The majority of individuals do not know and choose based on which subjects they excel in, educational experiences they have enjoyed or a variety of other reasons. Introducing children and young adults to multiple career paths can broaden their horizons, expose them to careers they had no idea existed and inspire them to pursue a new or challenging field. NASA released a guide filled with careers in aeronautics that specifically targets students in grades 5 through 12. Jobs are explained and students are given suggested courses to take to see if they enjoy the topics covered in this line of work. An interest section provides students with questions to answer to see if this would be a good fit based on their interests and abilities. There are sections to specify the education or training needed and areas of specialty, if applicable. Initiatives like this to educate the youth population on different potential jobs can help to motivate the students to do well in school.
    4. Areas
    The design process of aeronautics is fascinating. There are four main areas of design. They are aerodynamics, propulsion, materials and structures and stability and control. Individuals must understand how the air flow around planes works and affects the design to increase efficiency, safety and more. An understanding of the engine helps understand the power of the plane for takeoff and flight stability. Materials must be used in an efficient and appropriate manner, Lastly, controls for speed, altitude and direction are necessary for stability and safety. The sciences play a large role in each of these areas, so engineers can specialize in fields. There is also a large need for scientists, technicians and other fields. Examples include avionics, electrical, fabrication, modeling, pattern making, environmental and more.
    Final Thoughts
    A career in aeronautics is exciting, important and engaging. These jobs can be highly specialized. Often, high salaries, good benefits and prestige come with the position. Education is of extreme importance. Increasing awareness in young adults can help inspire them to follow a career path in aeronautics.
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