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Blog Entries posted by kevgardner83

  1. kevgardner83
    When it comes to getting an aircraft off of the ground, there is a lot that goes into it. Not only must the airway be clean, organized and free of obstacles, but certain steps have to be followed to avoid disaster. When you're in charge of piloting an airplane there are a number of things that need to be assessed before allowing a flight to go through. One of the most important pre-flight checklist items though, is taking care of yourself.
    Pre-Flight Checklist Items
    Before going into self-assessment as a pilot and some of the ways you can keep yourself mentally prepared through reading and education and physically prepared through Tony Horton workouts, it can be helpful to go over other checklist items to see how self-assessment relates. Here are some of the most common pre-flight checklist items to cover before having a plane takeoff.
    Signal Inspections
    Signaling is extremely important when operating an airway. If signals are hidden or not working correctly, a pilot may be unable to land a plane or takeoff. You'll need to make sure these devices are checked regularly and that lights are bright and clear in the towers.
    The Federal Aviation Administration and Air Traffic Organization has specific rules set up to keep everyone in the air and on the ground safe at all times. If you aren't following regulations as a pilot you can get your license revoked or put those you are flying with in danger. Not only that, you could be subject to legal troubles as well. Stay current with practices and regulations to avoid this.
    Assess the Current State
    How is the airway looking? What's the weather like? Is everything on the plane in order? Is your staff ready, on time and well-trained? Are there any areas of the airport or flight plan that seem problematic? You'll want to be aware of any high-risk issues and take them into consideration before starting on your flight.
    Assess Yourself
    Last but not least, a self-assessment is crucial to the safety of you and those that are flying on your airstrip. As a pilot, you owe it to yourself and those that you are taking into the air to be on top of your game. When you feel your best, you fly your best. Here are some ways you can perform a self-assessment and keep yourself in ship shape for many flights into the future.
    1. How are you doing physically?
    Flying airplanes is a demanding task, both mentally as well as physically. If you aren't in great physical condition, you can expect some negative side effects from long flights. When not in the air, it's important to stay active and keep your body healthy. While life as a pilot may demand a lot of travel, there are still lots of workouts that can be done at home or in a hotel room that will keep you feeling your best. Combinations of sit ups, pushups, squats, burpees, and calisthenic workouts are things you can do quickly and just about anywhere.
    2. How are you doing mentally?
    If you're having a hard time getting through the long grind of a multi-hour flight without being able to stay focused, there are some things you can do to build up your mental strength. Reading, meditating, journaling, social interaction and sometimes medication can be helpful if you're having some mental difficulties.
    3. How are you doing emotionally?
    Before you fly, it's always good to do a self-assessment on your current emotional state. Are you in distress because of any recent events that may compromise your ability to make split-second decisions that could be the difference between landing the plane safely or crashing? Do you have good relationships with the other people you work with so as to not cloud your judgment while in the air? Make sure you are able to reset any negative emotions you have before stepping into the cockpit.
  2. kevgardner83
    Being the person responsible for maintaining an airway can come with a lot of responsibility. Not only must you make sure that the airway is clean and organized, a failure to take certain steps can also lead to potentially dangerous consequences. This means it is important for you to go above and beyond when inspecting, repairing, and maintaining the various components of the strip. Of course, it can always be useful to gain a little bit of guidance along the way. There’s a lot to remember, and some input will help you develop an in-depth understanding of certain processes.
    Whether you’re in charge of a small strip or you assist with a major airway with many planes arriving and departing at any given time, there are a few general points to keep in mind. Consider these suggestions on how to create a safe and efficient airway and learn what you need to do to get started.
    Assess the Current State of Things
    Before you can make any important changes to the airway, you first need to take a step back and understand the current state of things. Depending on how long you have worked on maintaining the airway, you might need to spend a good chunk of your time assessing its status. Specifically, you want to take note of any areas that seem problematic or like an accident waiting to happen. This can range from the way that devices are stored on the strip to the way that employees go about various safety tasks.
    Make note of any problems that you observe. As you begin to create a more efficient airway, you’ll want to start tackling each of these issues and find sustainable solutions. Try to prioritize the list in a way that makes the most sense for the needs of your airway. Any high-risk issues that could cause injury or loss of life should be handled as soon as possible. Failing to inspect or fix these problems could lead to far more complicated and expensive scenarios for you and the airway.
    Inspect Signaling Solutions
    A huge aspect of operating a successful airway is signaling. While modern communication techniques make it easy for a pilot to communicate with a tower, there are a lot of factors in play when it comes to making a safe landing. If a pilot is unable to see signals for one reason or another, he or she will not be able to land the plane in a way that is safe. This means you absolutely want to inspect your devices regularly to ensure efficiency and protect the lives of all involved.
    Take time to look over all signaling devices like tower lights. If you notice that the units are performing in a reduced capacity or that the lights are not as bright as required to reach the cockpit of a nearby plane, you need to take action. Repair and replace whatever parts are no longer up to the job and invest in new ways of signaling. With technology advancing at impressive speeds these days, you can easily find a signaling solution that helps your airway operate in a more efficient manner than before.
    Familiarize Yourself With Regulations
    Any real estate involved with the arrivals and departures of aircraft needs to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the Federal Aviation Administration and Air Traffic Organization. The standards set by these organizations are meant to keep everyone on the ground and in the air safe at all times. If you don’t follow regulations in a strict way, your airway could face some serious fines and legal troubles. Avoid this by staying current with your practices and dedicating time to understanding what is expected in terms of safety.
    Maintaining an airway is an involved and important job. In order to meet government standards and guarantee a safe experience for all involved, give yourself the chance to create a maintenance routine that checks all required boxes and provides you peace of mind.
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