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6 Ways to Lose Weight While Staying in Your House



Trying to shed some pounds while stuck inside can leave you feeling frustrated. However, it doesn't have to be a confusing process. Learning about what tactics or methods you can use to get moving and help jumpstart your weight loss can help you make the best choices possible for your lifestyle.

1. Use Your Stairs

It can be hard to work out when you do not have any way to get to a gym or any workout equipment at home. However, in most houses you do have something that can allow you to get your heart rate up and work out: your stairs. Walking is one of the easiest ways to exercise, and going up and down your stairs works just as well as any elliptical or stair climber machine. Setting aside time during the day to break a sweat on your stairs is a cheap and fun way to exercise and eventually lose weight.

2. Choose Your Snacks Wisely

Since you are likely not going out to eat as much outside the house, you are probably storing more snacks and food ingredients than ever in your pantry. Although this is helpful for making homecooked meals, it can also mean you are more tempted to snack on and buy unhealthy food. Continually eating bags of potato chips or tons of candy can cause you to gain weight.

In order to keep your snacks healthy, you may want to pre-make them the day before. This can help you have something healthy to grab when you are hungry, instead of looking for the first available tasty treat. You can even look up thrive reviews if you want a source for more nutrients that is easy to use.

3. Play Around

While playing around on the schoolyard at recess may be a distant memory now, it does not mean that you cannot use the same kinds of games to break a sweat and exercise. Getting active outside near the front or back area of your house can help you get fresh air and get a workout in. Kicking a soccer ball around your yard with your children or doing jumping jacks are two methods that you can use to have fun and work out.

4. Get Dancing

As long as you have a television and a way to hear music, you can put on a dance party for yourself and anyone else in your house. Dancing is a great way to get your heart rate up and your body moving, and even a half-hour of vigorous dancing can leave you feeling great afterward. Pick a music video or use a video game with a workout option, and you can enjoy moving and dancing.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

While it may seem tempting to crack open a can of soda that is sitting around your house in the fridge, you should stick with water as your main drink of choice if you are trying to lose weight. Having a water bottle sitting on your desk or near you as you go about your day can help remind you to drink more. Getting refills during the day has also never been easier!

6. Start With a Solid Breakfast

Rushing to get out of the house in the morning may have left you skipping breakfast, which can ultimately harm your weight loss goals and make you eat more later on. Now that you are home, you can add in foods that have more protein or other healthy ingredients like oatmeal, fresh fruits, and whole milk, to your first meal of the day. With a bit of extra time in the morning and a bit of effort, you can transform your normal breakfast into one that can help you stay full longer and avoid eating junk food.


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