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How To Get a Great Tan While Still Protecting Your Skin



Spending time in the sun has many benefits including increasing your serotonin levels, producing vitamin D and lowering your blood pressure. It can also give you a glowing tan. However, there are also dangers from too much sun exposure such as the heightened risk of skin cancer and premature aging. That being said, there are steps you can take to make sure you are taking care of your skin even when in the sun. If you’re looking to get a great tan this summer, here are some ways you can do that while still protecting your skin.

Use the Right Sunscreen and Reapply It Often

Many people use tanning oil when they’re trying to get a tan, but if you want to tan with less risk of damaging your skin, use sunscreen that is broad spectrum, meaning it blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Look for a sunscreen that is SPF30 that blocks these rays and remember to reapply it every two hours. By doing this, you can safely be in the sun and slowly tan instead of trying to do it all at once.

Don’t Use Tanning Beds

Never use tanning beds. Tanning beds are very bad for your skin, speed up your skin’s aging and significantly increase your risk of skin cancer. This is because they generate large amounts of high intensity UV radiation. Subjecting your skin to this is a terrible way to try to get a tan. If you want a tan year round when tanning outside isn’t an option, try fake tan instead of dangerous tanning beds. You can also look into pool builders in Las Vegas so you can lay out in the sun next to the pool on a lounge chair instead of in a tanning bed that can damage your skin.

Limit Your Time in the Sun

Spending too much time in the sun puts your skin at risk of being damaged by the UV rays. So next time you want to spend the whole day in the sun, make sure you’re finding shade throughout the day too so that you give your skin a break and you reduce your risk of sunburn. This can help your tan last longer as well. Also remember that the sun is hottest between 10am and 4pm, so avoid laying in the sunlight for too long during those hours. If you will be in direct sunlight during these hours, make sure you are wearing sunscreen and something to cover your skin.

Include Supplements and Antioxidant Rich Foods in Your Diet

There are some supplements and foods that can help you get a healthy tan as well. For example, taking a beta carotene supplement can help protect your skin from UV radiation and help with your skin health. There are also lots of foods that can help you keep your skin healthy and protect it from the sun. Foods that have the antioxidant lycopene may help your skin’s ability to protect itself from the sun. It’s found in some red fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, red carrots, grapefruits, papayas and watermelon.

Hydrate Your Skin

Part of getting a great tan is making sure you take good care of your skin after you’ve been in the sun as well. When you are spending time in the sun, make sure you are drinking enough water. Also, make sure you are hydrating your skin after you’ve been in the sun. This will soothe sunburn and help you avoid inflammation and blistering. Hydrating your skin after being in the sun will also help your tan last longer.

Spending time in the sun is fun and relaxing and has many benefits for your mental and physical health. However, it can also be dangerous for your skin’s health if you don’t go about it the right way. If you want to spend time in the sun and get a great tan, use these ways to get a great tan while still protecting your skin.


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