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Everything posted by g7rta

  1. Hi David, you could park up at your favourite airport.. press escape, followed by the spacebar... & “save flight” Then next time.. load the same flight :) Regards Steve
  2. I put a new PSU & a new graphics card in (RTX2080ti) earlier in the year. Also added two M.2 drives in recently, so yes I know the benefits of a custom build Regards Steve
  3. Your RAM speed might be a hold up. You’ve got 32gb which is good, but it’s only 1600mhz. I don’t know if the pc can take 3200mhz? Might be worth looking into Regards Steve
  4. You’re quite right, but it’s not just business pc’s I bought my (gaming) pc three years ago and it doesn’t have a CD/DVD drive. I have since bought an external one which plugs in to (two) usb sockets. Regards Steve
  5. I don’t think you can download onto a drive of any sort so to install later. It downloads & installs a small part onto your Windows installation drive & the rest of it (about 90gb) is then downloaded and installed to the location of your choice. There’s no “download now, but install later” option Regards Steve
  6. I personally haven’t found the ATC chatter to be too much, although I’ve been flying around smaller airports rather than the big ones. I would like to hear other players ATC too. It’d be so much better if we were all connected in that way, so that when you have clearance you know the runway is actually clear & someone else isn’t going to suddenly appear in front of you. I know what you mean about them repeating the whole callsign. mind you, I tend to use my own callsign (G7RTA) & have been surprised to hear my copilot & the ATC referring to me as “Romeo tango alpha”, missing off the G7 - now that bit is realistic. I’ve heard this happen many times. Regards Steve
  7. Is this a Steam only feature? I’ve never seen such an option Cheers Steve
  8. or if you’ve got the latest XBox Gamebar installed, you can press Win+G to display the FPS (it’s a bit easier than using developer mode) or of course there are other programs like frapps etc Regards Steve
  9. I don’t know if the new graphics drivers would fix it. Can’t say I’ve had any problems though. I haven’t noticed the clouds being too bright anyway. The latest “msfs ready” drivers are 452.06 (only released a few days ago) Regards Steve
  10. Just checking.. you’ve gone into this bit & clicked live traffic? & assuming under the options page..under DATA... Live real world traffic is on also under Traffic.. traffic type is set to Real-Time-Traffic? other than checking those I don’t know what to suggest Regards Steve
  11. Hi, sorry to hear you haven’t been able to install. Firstly have you checked which version of Windows 10 you’re running? It needs to be the latest release... ref 2004 If you’ve got an older one (eg: 1909) and Windows Update isn’t updating, then google “Windows 10 update assistant” & download it from the Microsoft page. (I had to do this last night after reinstalling everything) Second thing.. is everything else up to date? (Graphics card drivers etc) and of course.. what are your specs? Presumably you’ve got a good enough system? or wait until this week’s update as Loki has just said :) Regards Steve
  12. When I installed it, I created a folder called MSFS on a separate drive. My community folder is simply within that. I simply unzipped the livery file & put everything in the community folder. However, I take it you installed it using the default settings? If so, this might help.. Windows Store install: C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Local\Packages\ Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\ Steam install: C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Local\Packages\ Microsoft.FlightDashboard_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\ Note: On Windows 10, the AppData folder is hidden by default. If you don't see it in Windows Explorer, go to View, and look for the checkbox that says Hidden Items, and click it. Hope this helps (I had to google it for the info) Regards Steve
  13. Really? I’ve never seen the wake. Maybe it’s my settings then. Certainly if you put the wind up to max you’ll see the plane going under water? I’m going to have to check a few things now :) Update: Most of my settings are on ultra. The “water waves” setting has always been on “high” (there is no ultra) Just increased render scaling from 100 to 200 & tried the I5 in two locations.. the Mersey (Liverpool UK) and also Toronto. I still can’t see a wake behind the A5 & in strong winds the plane lifts out of the water and sinks below it. Anyone else see this? 73 Steve
  14. I agree. Even FSX had more than one amphibious planes... it had the Cessna Caravan on floats for example. Microsoft/Asobo need to sort out the water first though. At the moment there is no wake behind the A5 as you take off or land etc. Also in high winds the plane sits still while the water drops several feet below the plane & then goes up, submerging the plane completely. Also if you’re sat in the plane when this is happening you see some horrible grid lines. Totally unrealistic. Regards Steve
  15. The sim will actually display the FPS itself, although it means first enabling developer mode. A simpler way is to simply press “Win+G” and select the performance tab :) Regards Steve
  16. Many of us also thought there would be a patch out today, but it appears we all got it wrong. They actually said... details & the release date of the patch would be released today. It’s supposed to be quite a big patch & I gather we won’t see it until next month. However as of yet, these details still haven’t been released. I’m guessing the patch will be sometime next month & will probably include VR support, to coincide with the release of the Reverb G2. Just a guess though. Regards Steve
  17. I use three screens at the moment but I’ve had to run it in windowed mode, with the window stretched across all three screens. Of course this means the left & right screens look a bit distorted. Hopefully MS will add multiscreen support soon Regards Steve
  18. Switch on developer mode & a menu bar appears at the top left of your screen. From here you can switch planes without having to reload & you can also change locations :) Regards Steve
  19. CDkeys were offering it at a discounted price even before launch. I remember reading several posts regarding it & many people advising not to buy from them. Some say CDkeys & the like, buy from countries with poor economies, where the sim is cheaper. Some say they that they get them from illegal things like stolen credit cards. Regards Steve
  20. MSFS can display the FPS when in developer mode, but the easiest way is to press Win+G then click the performance tab. You can even capture video using this too. Regards Steve
  21. You’re not wrong LOL it’s absolutely chucking it down here in Bradford at the moment, not to mention the winds. I daren't even take off at the moment :) (in live weather anyway) Regards Steve
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