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Everything posted by g7rta

  1. Hi, go into settings...general... camera... & scroll down to the bottom where you should see “instrument heads up display” on/off Regards Steve
  2. $500 for the yoke? I paid £225 back in May from Amazon (UK) They are now showing it as “currently unavailable” and there’s no price. Amazon.com aren’t even listing it, as I’m sure you’ll already know. It’ll be interesting to see how you get on with the RTX 3080. I only bought my 2080ti four months ago but the 3080 is tempting. The Honeycomb Bravo throttles aren’t due until mid October now. Enough time for you to persuade the boss? :) Regards Steve
  3. Great, no problem. Glad it’s all working again Regards Steve
  4. It’s one of the options when you click the data tab. You will see a whole list of things Regards Steve
  5. Hi Manfred, I personally didn’t know this existed. I’ve just looked on YouTube & yep, there are plenty of videos of it. I’ve added a link to this thread on one of them. Hope they all get removed. Regards Steve
  6. Great video Kapitan, thanks for the link (even if I did struggle to understand what was being said) He was certainly fighting that yoke wasn’t he? Still it was a good landing & better than most of mine LOL Regards Steve
  7. “the disc version requires the disc be inserted in the drive while playing” Apparently not anymore. Someone on this forum (I forget who, sorry) figured out a workaround. I think it means creating an iso file of the disc and keeping it on your hard drive somewhere. Regards Steve
  8. Go into the options menu & select General. You will see the data tab on the left (along with graphics..Traffic..etc) If you click on the data tab several options appear. Hope this helps Regards Steve
  9. Is data (online functionality) switched off for some reason? Might be worth checking. Also check if data limitation is on, as this could be stopping the scenery from downloading. Probably worth checking things like Bing Data World Graphics too (under Data tab) & also Photogrammetry Regards Steve
  10. Hi Mike, go into Options, General, & click Traffic tab on the left. You should then see “Show Traffic Nameplates” (On/off) Regards Steve
  11. The version you were downloading was not for Xbox, as that one doesn’t exist yet. Chances are that was just the initial installer/setup program. You run that & it asks where you want the rest of it to be installed.. then that is the big download. I presume after buying the sim, it appeared in the MS Store and you clicked on launch/install? Regards Steve
  12. I personally use this one... https://events.flighttracker.tech/ Regards Steve
  13. Mine updated through the ms store. It was quick & painless. No problems here. Regards Steve
  14. or if you want to make it so that the callsign stays on that aircraft by default... while not using the sim, open windows explorer and find your aircraft’s config file which will be somewhere like this for example... d:/msfs/official/OneStore/asobo-aircraft-c152/SimObjects/Airplanes/Asobo_C152 open “aircraft.cfg” with notepad... and find the line which says... atc _id = “ASXGS” ; tail number. (you may want to make a backup copy of the config file first) you can replace ASXGS with the registration of your choice. Whenever you launch the sim and fly that particular aircraft the reg will still be set to that. I’ve done this to a couple of my planes, but apparently not all of them have the aircraft config file Regards Steve
  15. For the price you’re not going to get a brand new plane! There’s bound to be a few scratches here & there LOL Glad you’re enjoying it :) Regards Steve
  16. Hi Don, no I’ve actually got just the one screen in front, with one to the left at 90degs and the other to the right at 90 degs. I think it’s a bit of an illusion LOL I have now looked up the 3080 graphics card myself & I'm wondering if I should get one when they’re released. I may have to wait a while. I’ve only recently bought the 2080 & that was expensive! As for the controls, I bought a Logitech/Saitek yoke earlier in the year (plus an additional throttle unit) I then sold the yoke on eBay two months later and bought the Honeycomb yoke (whixh I should have done all along) I have got the Honeycomb Bravo throttle unit on order with amazon. Not due till about October 23rd. The “Charlie” pedals are not due out for some time though & I don’t even think there is a release date yet. I currently use my old CH Products pedals, which I must have had for about 20 years! :) They are rock solid & still work well though. Regards Steve
  17. This is my current setup.. The sim showing is actually x-plane as I took the photo a few weeks ago. I'm not using x-plane now of course :) When I upgraded my GPUs to the RTX2080ti I also had to get a new psu as my old one wasn’t quite up to spec. I don’t know how much power the 30 series will need but it’s worth getting s good psu (& at least 700w) Regards Steve
  18. Hi Don, nice to talk to a fellow Yorkshireman (even if you are in the States now) I’ve been through Saddleworth many times over the years. Of course the moors there are famous for something else but we won’t go into that. I currently have a I7-7700k 32mb ram RTX2080ti & three 43” Panasonic TVs I’m at work at the moment so can’t give you more specs but can later. I have the Honeycomb yoke which is excellent, plus some Saitek gauges but they don’t work fully with MSFS yet. I’ll let you have a photo of my setup later (just tried but can’t seem to do it on my phone) Regards Steve
  19. I saved a flight.. on finals for landing. Easy way to practice Regards Steve
  20. Hi Don, welcome to this fantastic hobby! I actually use three (Panasonic) 43” 4K TV’s. Although I now have an RTX 2080ti I used to use a GTX1080 (not ti model) & it worked ok. It’s all down to level of graphics settings etc. Even though my TVs are 4K I don’t run it at such a hi-res so to keep frame rates up. If I switch to just one tv though my fps increases. As for ram.. many people run successfully with 16gb. I personally have 32 & I’d go for that if poss Regards Steve
  21. Hi Dominic, thanks for the clip. Yep, it still looks good offline doesn’t it? To say this is the default scenery with no addons Regards Steve
  22. “The Xplane with Ortho4xp is absolutely accurate for VFR familiarity, photoreal, and needs no Internet connection“ MSFS will also work in offline mode. It’d be interesting to compare them this way too. I bet MSFS will still look better :) Regards Steve
  23. How & where did you buy it? Microsoft Store? Are you saying it won’t download.. you don’t know how to download.. ? What spec is your laptop? More info required Please advise Regards Steve
  24. Wow, I see what you mean. It looks a bit blurry. It should look a lot, lot clearer than that. As you say, there has to be something wrong with your setup. I’m not sure what though. Hopefully someone else here can help. Maybe you could post a screenshot of your graphics settings? Regards Steve
  25. Your screenshot still looks better than FSX to me. A lot better! But yeah, without data being on you will get the offline (basic) scenery. Regards Steve
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