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Everything posted by g7rta

  1. If it’s not showing at all then it certainly appears it hasn’t installed, or not correctly at least. I’m pretty sure you can install/uninstall as many times as you want. Maybe logging off from MS Store & logging back in might help? I don’t know the procedure for installing the discs as I went for the download version. One suggestion though.. if you do manage to reinstall, I would set aside a separate folder (or preferable a different drive) and install it there. You can’t change the first bit of the installation but you can tell it where to install most of it. For example, mine is on d://msfs It makes it so much easier to find the files later Hope you manage to sort it and start flying :) Regards Steve
  2. That’s a strange one. I’ve just booted up mine to check if it downloads anything but no, it launched as normal. I don’t suppose you’ve logged in as a different user? Or maybe deleted / uninstalled anything? Regards Steve
  3. Hi Paul, I presume you are simply trying to launch the sim.. what happens when you press the your keyboard’s Windows key and start typing “flight simulator”? Regards Steve
  4. Not yet. There are many posts on the official forums about this. Most people want it so I'm sure it'll happen with one of the updates. We just have to wait. Regards Steve
  5. Hi, this new MSFS looks completely different to all previous sims. What screen are you seeing when you launch it? It usually takes two or three minutes to launch, & you have to "press any key", but when it's finally ready, you should see this screen... the welcome page (or "start screen" if you will) Are you seeing this? regards Steve
  6. Good morning, you don’t have to install an additional launcher. If the new simulator has been installed, then you should be able to launch it from the way we’ve said. Regards Steve
  7. At least it’s working now :) Glad you’ve sorted it Regards Steve
  8. see previous thread https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?325393-Could-not-start-FS2020 Regards Steve
  9. As for multiple monitor support.. nope, not yet. It will be added in an update though & there’s another update due soon.. so? In the mean time you can drag the main view across multiple screens but I guess you already know that. I use three screens. My two side screens are stretched & a bit distorted. If you have seven.. well it’s not really an option is it? Let’s hope we get multi-screen support soon :) Regards Steve
  10. Good morning, press the "windows key" on your computer's keyboard... and start typing flight simulator (or Microsoft flight simulator) You will probably find that as soon as you start typing it will appear at the top of the list. you can either launch it from here or if you right click it, you will see "pin to start". If you do this, an icon will appear on the start menu. again, you can launch it from here (by clicking the icon) or you can drag it across to your desktop... and it will then add a shortcut on your desktop! :) clicking the desktop shortcut will launch the simulator of course (it usually takes a few seconds for anything to happen) you will see the Asobo logo, followed by a couple more... then a screen which says "press any key to start" press a key... wait a bit longer (music should be playing) and you will eventually see the welcome page... (start screen) Hope this is a little clearer (I was going to add more screenshots but it’s not easy) Regards Steve
  11. Yep you’re right Tim, cheers. That’s the one I didn’t check LOL Regards Steve
  12. Mark, your system is easily enough to run it (i currently have i7-7700 although it’s going to be upgraded very shortly) Can we tempt you to buy MSFS now then? :) ps: which plane were you flying when you took the photo? LOL I’ve done more searching & found nothing quite the same Regards Steve
  13. All I can suggest is that you reinstall MSFS, unless anyone else has any suggestions Regards Steve
  14. Anyone else might want to guess? I’ve spent ages googling and checking out various cockpits.. from 707s to B52s ... I give up! LOL Regards Steve
  15. You can either click it, or press “Escape” key I run the sim in windowed mode.. & often just press the X at the top right. Regards Steve
  16. Do you mean you can see “developer mode” in the options/general page & you can set it to ON but nothing then happens? No menu bar at the top left of your screen? Regards Steve
  17. Just checked my community folder. In it, I have several other folders. For example.. liveries-747 liveries-a5 Liveries-a320 .... etc. (There is no mega pack folder.) I think you need to open the mega pack folder & place the contents straight into the community folder. Regards Steve
  18. Hi Vern, the Alpha/beta testers weren’t allowed to upload any videos (or make them for that matter) Plenty of reports were sent to Asobo. Some things were fixed but it’s all down to priorities. They will (hopefully) fix more bugs & problems as time goes on. They’ve promised plenty of patches and updates :) Regards Steve
  19. Hi, developer mode works fine on mine, but then I made sure Windows was up to date before installing MSFS. You may have to reinstall MSFS I’m afraid. I didn’t even know about the F11 assignment, but yes it’s there by default but clearly doesn’t do anything. You can change aircraft the developer menu of course (once you’ve got it working again) Regards Steve
  20. I think for another player to see it, he or she must have also downloaded it. It’s the same with liveries. Only those who have downloaded them see them. Regards Steve
  21. Yes but it’s a fantastic bing map explorer! You can’t beat exploring in the C152! :) Regards Steve
  22. I presume you unzipped the file & put the contents into the community folder? (Not just put the zipped file into the folder) If so then as Kapitan said, you chose an aircraft and then select your livery of choice. Some planes don’t have many (or any) liveries yet. Regards Steve
  23. Thanks for that Tim! I actually reported this months ago to zendesk but I guess they have other priorities. I’ll try your solution later. Cheers Steve
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