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tiger1962 last won the day on February 3 2023

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About tiger1962

  • Birthday 02/12/1962

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    Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK
  • Occupation
    Courier driver


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    MSFS, good food, good wine


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  1. Maybe they're using Windows 11? As long as the yoke and quadrant work as they should, I wouldn't worry about what the system labels them.
  2. I agree with Microsoft support - but if you've changed all your power settings to maximum performance, then you need to check that your PC's BIOS power settings are also on maximum performance.
  3. A CTD on startup is usually due to your Gaming Services and/or Xbox Credentials being corrupted. To repair Gaming Services on your PC using the Xbox App: Launch the Xbox app for PC. Click your Profile picture. Click on Support. Click on Gaming Services Repair Tool. Click on Start repairing. This takes about 30 seconds on my PC and fixes the issue until next time it happens, usually after a CTD. If the Gaming Services Repair Tool doesn't change anything, it's possible that your Xbox Credentials have become corrupted. These "credentials" are your digital proof of ownership files and they are checked every time you launch MSFS. They can become corrupted after a CTD for example, but they're fairly easy to re-set. First of all, log out of your Microsoft Store account and your Xbox App account. Then, in the search window on the taskbar, type credential manager. In the Credential manager window, under Manage your credentials, select Windows Credentials on the lower right. There'll be quite a list of entries, and most of them will begin with "XblGrts". These are your MSFS credentials. Click on each XblGrts entry and select Delete. Don't worry, once you've deleted them all they'll be automatically re-created when you reboot Windows. Once you've rebooted Windows, log back in to Microsoft Store and your Xbox App and MSFS should launch as normal.
  4. If you're going to use Windows anyway, I don't see what difference it makes - I used Apple computers at work for over 10 years, but would never have one at home.
  5. You can download the manual and checklist on the official forums here: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/how-to-operate-boeing-747/598716
  6. Unless you're developing an add-on right now, you shouldn't be in developer mode because some important functions will be disabled. MSI Afterburner is also known to cause issues with MSFS so I wouldn't recommend that either. I use the Shift+Z Stats mod to show FPS and a lot of other useful info - just make sure that you don't have Shift+Z assigned to anything else!
  7. Yes it's a global issue, the current status at 21.12 GMT is "Resolution Pending".
  8. There's a sticky note at the top of the FS2004 forum with step-by-step instructions for installing FS2004 on Windows 10/11: https://www.flightsim.com/forums/topic/33534-installing-fs2004-into-windows-10-amp-copying-fs2004-from-your-old-pc-to-your-new-pc/
  9. On the main screen, open the World Map window and then open the aircraft window in the top left corner of the screen.
  10. This issue could be due to a corrupted Gaming Services app, which is causing incomplete download and installation. To repair Gaming Services on your PC using the Xbox App: Launch the Xbox app for PC. Click your Profile picture. Click on Support. Click on Gaming Services Repair Tool. Click on Start repairing. This takes about 30 seconds on my PC and fixes the issue until next time it happens, usually after a CTD. If the Gaming Services Repair Tool doesn't change anything, it's possible that your XBox Credentials have become corrupted. These "credentials" are your digital proof of ownership files and they are checked every time you launch MSFS. They can become corrupted after a CTD for example, but they're fairly easy to re-set. First of all, log out of your Microsoft Store account and your Xbox App account. Then, in the search window on the taskbar, type credential manager. In the Credential manager window, under Manage your credentials, select Windows Credentials on the lower right. There'll be quite a list of entries, and most of them will begin with "XblGrts". These are your MSFS credentials. Click on each XblGrts entry and select Delete. Don't worry, once you've deleted them all they'll be automatically re-created when you reboot Windows. Once you've rebooted Windows, log back in to Microsoft Store and your Xbox App and the MSFS update should be available to download again.
  11. The minimum specs should be the same as for FS2020 because FS2024 is better optimized even though it has more features than FS2020.
  12. The South Oak Co. "Traffic In Sight" add-ons include helicopters, microlights, gliders, hot air balloons and drones which are all visible in-flight only - they don't land or take-off.
  13. Stuck on the searching for updates screen can be due to corrupted Gaming Services data. This is easy to repair and takes just a few seconds: Open your XBox App, it should be on your taskbar. Click on your user name at the top left of the window. Click on Support in the drop-down menu. Click the Gaming Services Repair Tool button. Click the green Start repairing button. Once the repair is complete, close the window and re-launch MSFS. If the Gaming Services Repair doesn't fix it, it could be that your Xbox Credentials are corrupted. You can delete them and restart your computer, when they'll be regenerated automatically. To do this, type Credential into the taskbar search window. Click on Credential Manager. Click on Windows Credentials. Click on each entry beginning with XblGrts and select Remove - there are a lot of them, but it beats a full re-install! Close Credential Manager and reboot your PC.
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