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Everything posted by g7rta

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=msfs+handcrafted+airport+list&prmd=misvn&sxsrf=ALeKk03nXjWgq7HN0K1kcRgFqVjYpkXfhA:1597287923220&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiExZGamZfrAhX3ZxUIHQUmD1QQ_AUoAnoECA8QAg&biw=1024&bih=666#imgrc=2xlesWHKtPZRlM Regards Steve
  2. That’s what I was referring to when I said you should be able to dual boot 73 de Steve G7RTA :)
  3. You can buy from either as you know. Both versions will be identical. Multiplayer will work with both versions. If you buy using Steam, then you will need to have the Steam client software running along side flight sim. If you buy directly from Microsoft you don’t. There is no monthly subscription with either method. There maybe some large upgrades in the future (I eg: helicopter addon?) which will require additional payment, but the updates to the sim will be free. I personally have ordered it directly from Microsoft as I’m not a huge fan of Steam Regards Steve
  4. just found this video on flight controls... Regards Steve
  5. What about the main 90gb+ of the flight sim, which you can install anywhere? Of course it’s designed for PC Regards Steve
  6. I think it will depend on how you intend on getting Windows 10 If you go for the FREE update then I would say no. You won’t be able to keep Windows 7 If you decide to pay for Windows 10 & install it as a separate operating system, then yes. I think you probably will be able to dual boot. But then.. who is to say you will have to re-install FSX & P3D anyway? They will both work in Windows 10 and if you go for the upgrade option then in theory they should still work. At worst you would have to reinstall them. I do think though.. once you’ve had a flight in the new MSFS, you probably won’t want to go back to FSX or P3d, even if you do have loads of addons. Regards Steve
  7. I believe if you’ve got the game pass, then you get to download the beta. At least that’s what I’ve read. The actual retail version will be avIlable to download on the 17th/18th (depending on your location) Yes it is available on discs (10 discs!) from Aerosoft, but only in Europe for the time being. (You haven’t said where you are) If you bought the disc version then you would need to have disc one in your drive whenever you want to fly. Also, you will still need to download updates & additional content anyway. Regards Steve
  8. I wouldn’t try flying with a keyboard & mouse myself. A joystick with built in throttle would be better. I was surprised when you said everywhere is out of stock of the Saitek yoke, but yes you appear to be correct. Amazon for example says currently unavailable. I sold mine on eBay a few weeks back. The Honeycomb yoke is probably one of the best, but it’s not cheap (worth it though!) and they are releasing a fantastic throttle unit in October. Again, it’s not cheap but it looks superb. Regards Stevd
  9. I don’t think it’s just down to time zones, but they are purposely releasing it in different stages depending on where you live. Assuming it’ll be released in the USA on the 18th.... here in the UK we are 7 or 8 hours ahead (not the other way round) but my confirmation says available on the 17th
  10. My order confirmation said available on 17th, as does my payment confirmation email. I believe they are staggering the release so to not overwhelm the servers. I think you should be able to download (& install) it on the 17th Regards Steve
  11. Unfortunately we can’t answer due to the NDA. Only a week to go though Regards Steve
  12. When I click it, it says “you’re too early” (or something like that) Regards Steve
  13. Can’t answer I’m afraid, due to the NDA Only another week to go though Regards Steve
  14. Another thought... on which website were you trying to order it and had you entered your credit/debit card details? You may have another problem Regards Steve
  15. I maybe wrong, but I would think the pop up had nothing to do with Microsoft. It’s more likely to be a fake/scam popup? Did the popup include a phone number to ring? (ie: scammers claiming to be Microsoft) I can’t image Microsoft would want to stop you from punching the sim anyway, whatever your pc specs are. After all, you maybe planning on installing it on a new pc later. In fact come to think of it, I think I placed my order from my iPad, not my pc. I’m pretty sure they don’t ask/check what specs you have when you order. Besides, your specs look good to me anyway. Regards Stevd
  16. Previous versions of flight simulator have always worked better when installed on a difference drive to the C drive. I’ve always had Windows on one drive & kept FS on another. It’s probably best if you can install the new sim on your D drive. You’ll get away with just 150gb at first, but you’ll probably need more with each update. Is getting a separate drive an option? There are other things to consider.. what sort of drive do you have... is it a standard HDD or an SSD for example? The best option would be to have a separate drive.. say 250gb or 500gb for flight simulator only and for this drive to be a solid state drive (SSD) you’d get better performance this way. There is even a new type of drive.. “M.2” which is even better as regards to performance, but it all depends on whether or not your motherboard has a socket for this. Regards Steve
  17. Yes, you will be able to install it on any disc where you’ve got space. There will be small download first (which will go on your c drive) .. & then the main installation, for which you’ll be able to browse/select a location Regards Steve
  18. Mathijs Kok (Aerosoft) has said that the disc version will only be available in Europe, for the time being anyway. He also confirmed that you will need to have disc one in the drive everytime you run the sim. He added that this is not down to Aerosoft, but Microsoft have insisted on it. I can’t comment on the beta, but he was taking about the finished product. Regards Steve
  19. Microsoft allowed the press & several YouTube “influencers” to have a play with the new sim. Alpha/beta testers are still bound by the nda though. Regards Steve
  20. Oh thank you so much! :) I’ve been panicking. I’ve even just been out and bought a cheap wired keyboard, in case y wireless one was the reason I couldn’t get into the bios. I found the jumper & did as you said. I am now in the bios! Update: all sorted and my new M.2 drive is working too. Thanks again for your help! You don’t know how stressful these last three hours have been :) Best regards Steve
  21. Hi, I have an Asus Strix Z270 motherboard & I was trying to install an M.2 drive Somehow while in the bios I must have switched on Raid mode. When I try to boot, you get the usual “press DEL or F2 for bios” but this isn’t doing anything. Except I then get “press ctrl+I” - this only appears for a second. If I press it I get the raid menu. It’s stuck in a loop Can anyone help, please Thank you Steve
  22. Sorry, we’re still bound by the NDA Regards Steve
  23. It was £639 the other day when I ordered it. But I wish I’d ordered it last week.. when it was over £100 cheaper! Regards Steve
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