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Everything posted by g7rta

  1. Hi, although I bought the download version I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong. You would think it’d add a desktop shortcut wouldn’t you? You can add one yourself though. Press your keyboard’s Windows key and start typing flight simulator. MSFS will appear. You can either launch it from there, or if you right-click you can “pin to start” If you right click on the start menu icon just created, you can create a desktop shortcut. Hope this helps Regards Steve
  2. Hi Roy, I hope I’m still around and using flight sims when I get to your age :) I used to use FSX with VFR scenery. All those addons get expensive don’t they? I always disabled autogen & simply used the vfr scenery. Flying around the UK was brilliant, although I often suffered from blurry tiles & shimmering graphics, even with a high end pc. However, although for the MSFS scenery is based on Bing maps rather than google maps (which I would have preferred) it is still absolutely stunning! I’ve never seen flight simulator scenery like it. I presume you will have seen the various YouTube videos showing it? I really recommend you take a look. Some of the buildings are unrealistic but it’s still so much better than we’ve ever had before. Regards Steve
  3. Just checked mine, & my cursor is also larger. I can’t say I’ve ever noticed before though and hadn’t until I read these posts. I seem to think it’s always been like that but I might be wrong. Regards Steve
  4. Are you running the sim at a different resolution to your desktop? If so, then the cursor will look different. Maybe MS have purposely made the cursor a little larger on purpose, ready for when it’s released for Xbox? Don’t know why it’d CTD though. Regards Steve
  5. Just a thought... have you got “show hidden files” on? I can’t remember if some of the folders are hidden. If they are then that’d be why you can’t find it. Regards Steve
  6. I think the OP was asking the differences in performance, not which you would recommend. I too would like to know, as I have just ordered an i9-10900k (& a new motherboard etc) to replace my i7-7700k Regards Steve
  7. I read a suggestion in the official forum.. move your view so far forward that the gauges can’t be seen, then save that view. I don’t know if it works but you might want to try it. Regards Steve
  8. Hi Kurt, I was first introduced to flight sim with FS4 (someone put it on a floppy disc for me). I was blown away by it! LOL I bought 5.1 and have had every version since, including the CFS ones, not to mention Xplane & P3d. However.. this new MSFS is absolutely the best we’ve ever had, despite the bugs. I love it! I spent a fortune on addons myself, mainly VFR scenery for FSX.. but I don’t care. The scenery in MSFS is much better than all my old addons! Also with FSX for example.. I always had blurry textures.. or tiles... and scenery would often flicker. In fact I re-installed FSX again recently, just to compare it. I was still getting flickering etc, even with my more upto date pc. However.. with the new sim I don’t get any of that! What’s more.. I can see for miles! Plus the virtual skies are now filled with planes, with other virtual pilots at the controls! We’ve never had it so good :) Regards Steve
  9. Hi, no you won’t have to buy it again. You would simply login in & download it again :) Regards Steve
  10. Hi Mathias, which edition of Windows 10 are you running? Your pc specs certainly look good enough to me. Strange that you aren’t seeing any 3D buildings? That sounds more like flight sim’s graphics settings are set too low (level of details etc) Regards Steve
  11. In the camera menu click on showcase, then try the external views (you may have to drag the bottom of the menu to enlarge it) you should see about 10 or 12 presets listed. Two of them will be passenger views (depending on which aircraft you’ve chosen) Regards Steve
  12. You’re welcome John. Glad it’s sorted :) Regards Steve
  13. Hi, sorry to hear of your problems. I used to use two Saitek throttle units with the Alpha and they both worked fine. I sold one one of the units (I upgraded the yoke to a honeycomb) but I am still using one of the Saitek throttles & it works perfectly. I don’t know what was causing you’re problem. Maybe someone else here could help. Presumably you tried different usb posts? I know some devices work better with usb 2 rather than usb 3 - which were you using? Regards Steve
  14. Press the windows key & start typing flight simulator. The sim come up. You can either launch it from there, or if you right click it you should see an option to add to start menu (I think.. I’m at work at moment so I can’t check) From the start menu you can add a shortcut to the desktop. You won’t already have a desktop shortcut unless you add one. Hope this helps Regards Steve
  15. Just a pity other players can’t see your call sign. Anyone else notice the black rectangle on the plane, covering up where the callsign would be? Regards Steve
  16. I don’t think your accusations are really called for, neither is the constant shouting (use of capitals etc) Like many others, I for one haven’t had any download or installation problems at all. You haven’t said what your actual specs are. What is your internet connection like for example? Regards Steve
  17. Hi Xray328, have you switched on developer mode? Go into settings/general & click the developer tab. With developer mode on you’ll see a small menu bar at the top left of your screen. One of it’s options is to display FPS.. but it also displays more info. It may say something like “GPU limited” or “mainthread limited” (cpu) I have medium-high end pc and run most settings on ultra (render scale 100 though) and I display across three screens in 1080p in windowed mode. I get 30-40 FPS. I do occasionally get a total freeze though. Usually when I first launch the sim.. it sometimes locks up completely for several seconds before take off. After that it’s fine though. I think it’s down to the program (or MS servers?) rather than my hardware. However last week I messed with the resolution. I tried to use nvidia’s surround setting, which changed the resolution to 4K. MSFS became unusable.. with the FPS 1-5! What resolution are you running at? Did you update your ram to 16? I think 32Gb might be a better option. Regards Steve
  18. No problem. I agree a key command would be a better option though Regards Steve
  19. I know Aerosoft are only supplying it on disc to Europe, but surely there must be other sources. I don’t know if Amazon UK would ship it to the US but they are certainly selling it over here (albeit at an inflated price) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Microsoft-Flight-Simulator-2020-Premium/dp/B08D193VQT Regards Steve
  20. Hi, I get it sometimes with the weather setting. I click the far right one with the cog symbol (custom toolbar) & then “reset panels” That usually fixes it Regards Steve
  21. To be fair.. Xplane does have a demo mode , so you could try it for free. (Not that I would anymore) Regards Steve
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