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Everything posted by Rupert

  1. I Loved the comment about MAD, Mad, etc., etc World,! I won't be flying anything as cool as a Model T. I'll just stick with a Beech Craft or two. Probably a Bonanza or maybe a Baron using P3D V4. I don't plan on doing the TSD portion, at least fully, but i Will attempt to at least do a Touch & Go at every airfield listed, And yes, I'll probably have a brewski or two as well. I know that's a ton of landings, but hey I'm not paying any landing fees at the airports and THE FUEL IS FREE!! Besides that's the best way to see how an airport is represented. And when drinking beer I like to stay fairly close to the "facilities", I was never a fan of the "Pilot Relief Tubes" we had back in the days!! I haven't RW been down under since the 1970's so it'll be fun just to see how P3D and ORBX portrays it. Michael
  2. You also have at least one Scot. So says this Colquhoun.
  3. Rocky and Bullwinkle!! what a wonderful series!! Regardless of the viewers' age, there was always something of interest.
  4. When discussing sim platforms don't forget P3D! It's been around for decades and works very well using the standard controls of most other sims. Though I have several other sims including the new one, I prefer P3D and it works well with all the ORBX scenery I bought over a several year span.. P3D is what I now almost always fly. As to anger, I used to be mad, literally and figuratively because I got so shot up in combat that I was/am disabled. My US VA shrink taught me to "fly" over Vietnam, where I was flying when I got messed up. Guess what the grass still looks green there, no one has shot at me lately, I despite being sim limited, I can still fly almost anywhere in the world without leaving home. ANGER AND THE ATTENDANT BULLYING HAS NO PLACE IN ANY SIM EVENT! A SIM IS FOR FUN! If anyone here gets mad, they, I, etc. can just find another site to sim. Michael
  5. For the sake of simplicity why doesn't someone just list the start and end location of each leg and any specific routes required (if that is the case), Then just set a start date, finish date, and we can all commence the event after the holidays are over. The event, whatever it's called, can then evolve based on each entrant's desires. Some may just want to simply fly and look around, others might choose to keep exact charts noting time fuel etc., while others might choose to give lots of commentary and/or pictures. Since it's all in fun, I see no wrong answer.
  6. +1 Very interested in projected start date! I hope to be able to make this one!! I'll probably use a Beech Bonanza. And yes, writing sure makes it more interesting.
  7. Nice little Turbo Prop! Turbo props were often the base models of air travel, like this one shown. They were usually first jobs for many new commercial pilots. Who sadly often don't or at east didn't make even minimum wages! Michael
  8. As always, Great shots Jan! The Sabre is one of those models that were around for some time but few ever noticed. A lot like the F-1 Fury. It's good to see this reminder. Michael
  9. Great shots Darryl! Did I miss something? When you posted this in early December, I and others remarked on it at that time. Now the only comment I see was "Posted 23 hours ago" I don't think I was the only earlier poster earlier. Either way, the series really looks great. And yes, cold. Having said that, I've spent many a day years ago RW in Colorado, including in and around Denver and seen a ton more snow than I see here. In fact I've seen a lot more snow than that there on Thanksgiving! "Global Warming" perhaps? HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!! Michael
  10. Been there, sung that, smoked grass, with Jerry Jeff and Willie! Rally is a pretty generic term. It does include TSD (Time Speed Distance) events, measured mileage events, fuel economy events, gatherings of like minded people or equipment, groups with the same interests traveling together, and open events where people congregate, etc. I'd be in favor of a list of places for entrants to visit and post their views, yet allow the entrants to fly there in their own manner and time. As well as change aircraft or even sims if they so choose. If it is to be a timed event I still think it should exclude people choosing to set their autopilot and go watch the tube, sleep, or exceed the fuel load of the aircraft they are flying. But I'd much prefer allowing their time and energy to be spent exploring places of interest enroute. There are lots of different scenery packages available on tons of different formats As long as everyone completes the event within a set time frame of days or weeks. The Around The World In Eighty Days event from a few years back never actually ended because a ton of people dropped out or disappeared and the "judge" hadn't set an end date!!
  11. I've enjoyed this whole event while watching "from a distance." I hope another "open" event will occur in a time frame in which I can participate. Either way, KUDOS to PhrogPhlyer and FlightSim etc. for all the effort and digital space that went into the event!! It was very apparent the entrants had a great experience! And I'm sure many more people such as myself, enjoyed it from the sidelines as well! Michael
  12. Thanks for the try! I hopes he's busy playing with his commuter train terminal and not holed up in a hospital somewhere. Michael
  13. I just noticed your post included an Isle of Mann shot! In fact that is the Isle of Mann tail logo as well. That shot brings back sweet memories of visits there. In fact the "trike shot" by my name in this site was taken at a pull off on one of the public roads where the Isle of Mann Tourist Trophy is held each year. While we were touring the route our guide said you had to qualify with an average speed of over 100mph for a whole lap to even enter the event. The TT is held every year on the narrow crooked roads that crisscross the island. And even cuts through the several heavily populated areas. And no, other than wrapping the occasional tree with padding, there are almost no rails or any of the safety precautions installed like there on almost every other motor speed event. It's run where everyone drives the rest of the year. What a fun place to drive or ride and tour!! By law on the open roads all over the Isle, no speed limit postings are allowed or enforced!! Though the towns often have posted speeds as you would expect. Think you're cooking along at 80 or so on a out in the country straightaway? Better watch your mirrors!!! You might get passed by several others before you hit the next curve or even while in that curve!! The motor vehicle parking area on the Isle of Mann Ferry often, especially on weekends, sports some of the most outrageous high speed yet street legal vehicles you're likely to see anywhere!
  14. A real slick set of shots and different aircraft! Great as always JK!
  15. Nice shots Darryl Having said that, Colorado doesn't look that cold. I've seem a lot more snow than in any of those shots by Thanksgiving over a huge area of the Northeast alone. Michael
  16. I was "Lucky," back when I was flying a lot they really qualified needed butts in seats to send to Vietnam. So the powers that be were reluctant to do more than verbally beat you up. Calls to the tower or even early 02:00 or 03:00 morning butt busting from a base C.O. for breaking some silly rule really didn't carry the weight they otherwise would have. I mean what could they threaten you with? Getting sent to Vietnam to get shot at?? Their fear is they wouldn't be able to send you to Vietnam to get shot at.
  17. I was referring to your comment about the phone call from the tower. RW: I racked up a bunch of "CALL THE TOWER!" messages over a period of years, and they always involved threats. And yes, it was always because I was accused of doing something in flight that they wished they had the nerve to try to do themselves. And for the hugely most part, their accusations were correct.
  18. Threaten. That's what those who wish they had do, instead of actually doing anything! It's a world wide annoyance. BTW: Great paint on the Spit! Rupert
  19. After time at MCAF Santa Ana and El Toro in the 60's, I tend to agree. It was often a real bear to drive home after Night Flying From Santa Ana when the fog was heavy! I once drove about a block on the wrong side of a large and high highway dividing median before I noticed the railroad crossing gates I spotted were on my left side rather than the expected right!! TBTG the locals stayed home that night!! However I still have fond memories of San Diego. As long as you don't venture too far on the south. And who, other than Navy Seals, can ever be unhappy when visiting "Admirals Island?" (Having said that, I much preferred it before they built the bridge!)
  20. I love the P-40! Though they are all sweet! And no one should be able to resist any Spitfire.
  21. Sad to say I'm not good at remembering the ramps and such of most commercial airports. Including most that I've flown into myself, much less been flown into. Having said that, as usual your sots are always great and a joy to see. Thanks Darryl!
  22. GREAT COMMENT!! And as far as I can tell GA Conversion is alive and well in Ky. I know several pilots for DHL and other airlines, as well as the Air National Guard, who own or fly GA aircraft on their off-time. In fact a friend of mine, who recently retired from DHL often commuted from his farm in central Kentucky to work at CVG in his Piper.
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