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BillD22 last won the day on August 28 2023

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  1. Some shots of iconic Allied aircraft in the skies over Normandy on June 6, 1944, in the famous black and white stripe D-Day paint scheme 80 years ago today. In memory of those who gave so much and to whom we owe so much. Note: These are not MSFS aircraft. They are from the IL-2 series of sims which has a much greater selection of WWII aircraft. These are posted in this forum in hopes of getting a wider audience view for the recognition that those who flew these deserve. USAAF P-47 Thunderbolt USAAF P51 Mustang RAF Typhoon RAF Spitfire USAAF C-47 Skytrain USAAF P-38 Lightning
  2. For those who may not have seen them yet here are a couple of pre-release videos of upcoming AI ATC add-on programs for FS2020. The Programs are "Say Intentions" (SI) and "Beyond ATC." (BATC). SI has a planned release on January 15 and (I believe) BI is shooting for an end of January release. Currently, SI is U.S. VFR only but will eventually be IFR. BATC is (currently) U.S. with a planned extension to Europe and both VFR and IFR. These are very realistic programs and an alternative to VATSIM + a vast improvement over the default ATC. Here are a couple of BATC and SI demo videos:
  3. Thanks. I'm not sure there's a downloadable version anywhere. You have to convert the FSX airplane to FS2020 using a conversion tool. That's what I did. One caution: the cockpits don't work. In my opinion, the best current sim versions of the Electra are in X-Plane 12. These are also FSX conversions (already done for download) and feature very good exteriors and accurate (mostly) working cockpits as well as an extensive library of liveries. Here's a link to a YouTube video with a "how-to "guide for FSX to FS2020 conversions. As an alternative, there is a downloadable FS2020 version of the FSX P3 which was a derivative of and closely resembles the Electra. It uses the FS2020 B747 cockpit as a stand-in to get over the cockpit problems with the conversion tool. I think you can download it from flightsim.to Hope this helps. Good luck! Bill
  4. Some shots of a Zantop cargo airline converted passenger L188 Electra "freight dog" on a sunrise flight from Zantops home base at Willow Run airport (KYIP) in Ypsilanti, Michigan to Dayton Ohio. Back in the day, Zantop operated the largest fleet of Electras in the world. Something like 28 airplanes. Early morning on the ramp. Like most freight dogs these airplanes are a little battered and beat up in external appearance but still reliably good to go. In the cockpit and engine start up with the rising sun at our back. Here's our X-Plane 12/FSX/P3D sim cockpit. Compare with the RW Electra cockpit below. Take off and climb out. Looking back at the #1 and #2 engines at cruise altitude. Our Allison D-501 turboprops are very similar to the T-56 versions that power the P3 and C130 military airplanes. On the approach to and landing at Dayton. Just after the touchdown shot X-Plane 12 decided to crash (possibly because of a hard landing!?) so screenshots came to an abrupt end. Anyway, welcome to Dayton!
  5. Thanks, Phrog - yes, on the second shot we would have been about directly over the Iwo Memorial. Also flew in and out of DCA as a passenger many times. Another sight to the upper right from the second shot would be the Navy Annex and USMC HQ overlooking the Pentagon. On that topic, I spent several years at the Navy Annex right down the hall from MC HQ. Greatly appreciated use of the adjacent well-equipped USMC Gym!
  6. Some shots of a Piedmont Dash-7 passing famous Washington landmarks while landing at Ronald Reagan National Airport (KDCA) in today's rainy RW weather. Current and former DC area simmers will recognize familiar sights. On the RNAV Rwy 15 approach with the Potomac River on our left. To the left of the window frame, we can see the Roosevelt Bridge across the Potomac with the Kennedy Center, and the Watergate Complex along the shoreline while to the right the Memorial Bridge leads from Arlington National Cemetery to the Lincoln Memorial with the Washington Monument and National Mall in the background. The runway comes into view as we pass the Pentagon (aka "the Panic Palace"). Beneath us are acres of parking lots for those lucky enough to get an individual Pentagon parking pass. Also visible in the upper right are the office buildings and condo complexes of Crystal City, home to many defense contractor companies. In the second shot, we pass the 14th Street bridge with the Jefferson Memorial, Tidal Basin, and Washington Monument visible to the left. Heavy rain is falling over Haines Point across the river in the upper right. We cross DCA main Rwy 01/19 on the landing roll and then again on the taxi to the terminal. Taxi to the commuter ramp.
  7. Macro & JK - thanks for looking and the good words.
  8. Some shots of a Piedmont de Havilland Dash-7 commuter operated by Henson Airlines on a flight from Norfolk, Virginia (KORF) up to Washington National Airport (KDCA) in DC. Back in the day, I made a RW round-trip from DC to Norfolk in an identical airplane. Line up and take off from ORF Runway 05. Climbing out past the entrance to Hampton Roads. The Norfolk Naval Base and Norfolk Naval Air Station (KNGU) are visible in the distance at our eight o'clock position behind Willoughby Spit. On the opposite side on the climb-out, we get a view of Cape Charles and the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay. Cape Charles is at the southernmost tip of Virginia's eastern shore. Leveled off over Virginia's middle peninsula at our cruise altitude of 15,000 feet for the short flight to DC. Turning North over Richmond, Virginia to join the IRONS-7 Arrival into DCA. The runways of Richmond International Airport (KRIC) are visible behind the right wing and the tall buildings of downtown Richmond and the winding James River are off the left. Beginning our descent into the DC area we pass some famous military facilities along the Potomac River. In this shot, the Dahlgren Naval Surface Warfare Center and Weapons Test Range are visible just above the #3 and 4 engines. Lots of high explosive ordnance gets test-fired into the open waters off our right wing. A bit farther along. If the viz was a little better today we could see the runway of Quantico Marine Corps Air Station (KNYG) across the Potomac River off the left wing tip. Gear down, turning, and lined up on the visual approach to Runway 04 at KDCA per MFSFS ATC clearance. IRL this runway is not used at DCA. Roll out At the gate. Welcome to Washington. Watch your step! This also applies to exiting the flight deck which sits several steps above the cabin level.
  9. One of our missions was looking for stray bergs in the area south and east of Cape Race, Newfoundland - the same area where the Titanic went down.
  10. THULE was an interesting place. My most vivid memory is of walking out of the Q at 0300 local into broad daylight! On the USCG C-130 A/C's fall, the story was there was ice on the stairs - supposedly no beverages were involved.
  11. Thanks, Michael. Yes -some low ceilings up there that can hide icebergs that go up to 100 or more feet. I had the occasion to fly a couple of similar Missions IRL in Baffin Bay looking for open water for the annual supply ship convoy up to Thule AFB in NW Greenland. Normally a Coast Guard mission but the only CG C-130 qualified AC in the area was out with a broken leg suffered when departing the O Club bar via the stairway. Took them a while to get in a replacement. Saw lots of polar bears.
  12. Some shots of a Transport Canada de Havilland Dash-7 flying out of Iqaluit Airport (CYFB) on an ice surveillance patrol in Frobisher Bay, Nunavut.
  13. It's here! A few quick and dirty sample shots of the long-awaited PMDG Universal Flight Tablet for their FS2020 B737 series. Now available via the PMDG Ops Center app. The aircraft is a B737-800 with a planned flight from Miami (KMIA) to San Juan (TJSJ). The Home screen Current KMIA weather, flight plan from SimBrief, and takeoff performance data calc. Navigraph Charts display for the KLADA 2 RNAV departure.
  14. Thanks, Tim. Haven't had time to do much more than download and do a quick cockpit scan and "walk around." Nice external visuals. Cockpit OK. Haven't seen any reviews so not sure what gripes may be out there. There isn't a manual per se that comes with it but there is a Quick Start guide with checklists, cold engine start procedures, and miscellaneous buttons for doors, etc. Enough to get you going. I managed to find and download a RW Dash-7 flight manual so will see how that lines up with the FS2020 model when I get some flying time. Currently executing a lengthy list of "honey do's" so no flying in the immediate future Been waiting for this one for a while.
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