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Everything posted by Rupert

  1. Great series and also a fun description Aharon! Well posted! Michael
  2. Nice shots and nice livery as well.
  3. I think that's true of every rotary recip.
  4. Though thankfully you'll probably not see one very often today, I'd add any early model MIG as well as he old HH-37. The HH-37 was the smokiest aircraft I'm even seen fly. And sadly the same was true even in the cabin! Where a 5 gallon pail was always placed under the main transmission to collect most of the leaks and keep them off the cabin floor.
  5. Okay? I guess that is a POI in the 4th shot. IMO It still takes away from what would have been an excellent shot.. BTW: I should have mentioned how great that "Star Wars Canyon" shot looks.
  6. Nice shots Darryl. Reminds me of wonderful trips to Scotland and visits with relatives of both myself and my wife. I really like the twin bridges in the last shot. Michael
  7. Sweet flight Darryl! I'm not familiar with the ANA brand.
  8. Nice Barcelona shots Nels! It appears you're really enjoying the low and slow chopper flights! Having said that, the pop-up in the Museum of Art which appears to show where the airport is, really looks out of place. I hope you can turn those things off as well. Michael
  9. Great tribute Phrog! Looking at the H-21 again I'm reminded how spindly the landing gear looked!!
  10. You're a poet and don't know it. But your feet show it, they're Longfellows! What I fun series Phrog!
  11. I certainly agree with both of Phrog's statement!s Glad I never had to try and swing a 747 RW on that approach! It's certainly not a doodle to try and sim it with out pausing the action!!
  12. Interesting shots. And yes I have some great old age memories of FSX and P3D flights as well.
  13. .92 Mach is really moving! I notice it doesn't appear to have a drop down rear stairway AKA the Boeing 727.
  14. Shalom Aharon! I always enjoy your flights! And I got a real tickle out of the "sneer" on the "Shark face" in that paint job! Michael
  15. I agree! Having said that, it's obvious those two countries were working together much earlier than most of the world realized. Despite all the drawbacks of its' use. It is a very interesting and attractive aircraft
  16. Looks great Phrog! Sorry it took me this long to notice it.
  17. Great series Darryl. Reminds me of trips I took when working for BMW in and near Munich.
  18. Great flight. And as Phrog noted, that storm is very worrisome! As to the flight length in a big plane. In Japan 747 flights of less than or just over an hour were pretty common when I was last there in the 1980's. People boarded a 747 to do their holiday shopping or buy clothes just as people in New York take the subway. Michael
  19. Scary!! Mean!! Which means it;s perfectly done. Thanks JK
  20. There is a ton of add on scenery available both for free and for purchase. I personally am a huge fan of ORBX scenery, which is mostly payware. It fills in a ton of gaps with detail. ORBX scenery is not as impressive as the new Microsoft scenery. But it's very good and much more flexible to use, Plus you don't lose hours at a time waiting for updates as often happens with the new Microsoft. Plus you cvan continue to use the control inputs you already are using with FSX, P3D, etc. Go to the ORBX site online and wander around. You'll find several areas around the world available as freeware. This will help you decide whether to invest in their payware. And either way, you can keep the freeware. Michael
  21. I agree with Nels, Choppers are another whole world to explore! And at least when I was in the Corps, learning to fly choppers, was like going to a pilot's graduate school. We had already gotten our wings. Then we had to learn another totally different form of flying. A hover, side-slip, and even flying backwards were all alien to what we had learned. And what you have learned as a fixed wing sim pilot as well. And yes, those actions are all controlled by you, not an autopilot. Even if you only "fly" fixed wings there are so many different landing areas all over the world to explore. High altitude, short field, water landing, IFR weather, etc. Not to mention a ton of different aircraft to learn. I also enjoy flying to airports I hear about on the news or read about in travel brochures and especially Flying magazine. As well as destinations I've visited throughout the world. How about a flight around the world in a small aircraft?? That challenge will take a ton of planning for such things as planning fuel stops etc. if you do it accurately with failures enabled!!
  22. Well Done Darryl! I've been there a couple of times but not at night or in the rain. And from the appearance of these shots, that's not bad thing.
  23. I've been through Narita a few times on business. I'm always overwhelmed by the crowds everywhere. You must have caught the trminal during a real off time!!
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