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Everything posted by Rupert

  1. Thanks to all of you for your interest and comments! I'm trying to squeeze in enough time to be more active here again. :o Michael
  2. Back in the day, Ozark was one of the few airlines than gave much coverage in Appalacha. Nice shots!
  3. Hey Khalid, In the Corps we all put in many hours learning the basics in fixed wing planes. Choppers' per hour cost is totally out of the roof, even for the military!! :mad::o So yes I've always been comfortable with a fixed wing. In fact a buddy of mine had a Beech Bonanza that we tore the west coast up in. I don't "sim" rotary winged because I've never found a "sim" that responds even similarly to a RW chopper. I've got all the hardware, collective, cyclic, rudder pedals, etc. to perform a sim flight. I just have never seen software I could afford that made it accurate enough to enjoy. :( Michael
  4. As most of you know, I'm an old chopper jockey and therefore most used to low level flying. Some say we get nervous more than 3,000' above the terrain. And nose bleeds about 5,000' AGL. That's not 100% correct in my case. But even when RW GA flying in a fixed wing, if I was just out for the fun of it and not on a trip, I usually stayed under the 3,000' AGL. There's so much you don't really see when up high. These shots are from around Victoria British Columbia. And yes, they're real world weather according to the METAR. Even in January along the coast 40*F is not an unusual temperature. What is unusual is it being this clear this time of the year! Enjoy it when it's this nice, it might be another month before you see it again!! ;) And yes, props to ORBX for their wonderful scenery!! ;) Michael
  5. OMG!! Jan missed the water TWICE!!!??? Were you flying right seat?:confused: Michael
  6. Does that explain why you make so many water landings without flotation? ;) Michael
  7. Excellent shots "David!! Being, ever since RW flying, a night flying fan I really enjoy your night detail!! ;):cool: Michael
  8. Ouch!! Reminds me of driving through the wrong parts of LA late on a Saturday night. Or once in the wrong part of Baltimore early on a Monday morning!!
  9. Yes Larry, that is sometimes the case. If this occurs only occasionally , like in the RW, I'd take your point. But IMHO the key word here is occasional. I've seen many clouds when under a stationary front that for long periods of time were almost knife edge sharp as well. Having said that, I can live with funky clouds and other minor issues if the approaches, communications, etc. are portrayed much closer to RW! Especially when using payware, I sometimes wonder if anyone actually look at a sectional when portraying approaches in sims! Rupert
  10. Excellent point!! This old pilot couldn't agree more!! I would also hope, though it's not nearly as high a priority, that the radio communications are much more accurate as well!! Rupert
  11. Aharon, As usual you managed some great colors and lots of flash!;) Though I was surprised to see no ice or snow!! :) Michael
  12. "Thanks Larry glad you like the shots. Wouldn't mind visiting Bar Harbor but it is long way from the Texas Panhandle." Yes John, it is beautiful there! Even being from Kentucky, I've been lucky enough to visit a few times. One fall I made the mistake of arriving over a three day Canada Day weekend!! It was as packed there as at a MLS match!!:o:o Good Luck finding a place to eat lunch!!
  13. Great shots Jan!! How do you pair them like that??:confused: Is there a program or instruction to make them fly in a tandem?? RW, we seldom achieved that perfect a formation. Michael
  14. Great shot G'erard! Lots of planes in that flight!! ;) Michael
  15. Thanks Folks! It's annoying when life gets in the way of one of your hobbies!!:mad: I'm trying to find more hobby time.;) And yes, even in summer, it's always darkest just before dawn. I need to remember to put a few space lines between shots. Looking at them now, especially taken in the dark of night, it seems they almost all run together. Michael
  16. Yes John, The shots turned out very well! And I agree, Bar Harbor and that whole area are great places to spend time!!;) And I love the ORBX scenery there as well. Michael
  17. Thought I'd pop down to Sydney and enjoy the summer weather. (80*F@ 04:00.) This is the ORBX scenery package which I really enjoy. Having said that, in a place as detailed as this even at night the old 5.2G single core just can't keep up at a speed I can fly. So sadly, this is in P3d v4.5. After all the "upgrades," almost all the decent default aircraft were removed. (I guess they weren't willing to pay the copyright fees.) But they do have a couple of pretty good GA planes. This is one of them. Be aware! If you still have several good default aircraft in P3D, don't allow it to do "upgrades!" If it does, most of your favorite planes will probably disappear!:mad: Hope you enjoyed this approach! Maybe one of these days I'll have to time to do more flying again! ;) Michael
  18. IMHO, the "defining end" of any proper sim is to make the simmer better at what that simmer is simulating. To that goal, the purpose of a good flight "sim" is to make us better pilots. ;) Though I agree some might be more willing to put in the effort to become a better pilot if they received "awards" of some sort.
  19. Good point, that's why I don't! But I have to wonder why so many others do? Lemming attitude?;)
  20. That clip looks really good. But then I've seen some really good looking clips using the old FSX that I and everyone else couldn't actually experience while simming, unless maybe I/they were getting one second plus frame rates. Two questions, will it actually snow while simming? What will enhanced scenery and weather do to frame rates? I'm still glass half full. But also very anxious.
  21. Ok I see what you're saying about "the Insider" program. My next question is what do they want to know about me and who will they share it with? I know I'm old! But I know way too many people personally whose "private" information has exposed them to hoaxes. And I know one woman who suffered serious ID Theft and had to reapply for credit cards, voting, etc. It took years to get her credit ratings and retirement benefits straightened out!! So I'm loathe to put a lot out there especially if it involves tracking my touches and the info I access.
  22. +1!! That's much more RW than just having random equipment failures, which thankfully are really hugely low!! That process would also allow simmers to learn to THINK and REACT, rather than just "fly" by rote! Another good "failure" is incorrect or not enough weather reporting or observations. And the occasional "freak" weather change. But then again, I guess we're adding hugely to the work load of the project designers. So I wouldn't hold my breath for it to happen that way.
  23. Based upon my requests for "Insider Information" which continue to link me with XBOX and other pay to play games, I'm not at all sure of anything they say!!
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