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Everything posted by Rupert

  1. What is the speed of your computer? How much add on scenery do you want to view at any given time? Do you care about accurate scenery and are you concerned about frame rates? Those all are questions concerning your simming experience. [ If all of those answers from you are a yes, I'm happy with what I'm doing and enjoy it!! That's great for you!! But I hope you don't won't dump on those of us who are looking for something more!! [/i] In my case,I'm all over P3dV4.5 until the new FSX comes out! To each his/her own!!\\ rupert
  2. I feel your pain!! It takes a ton of power to fly with that much data!! And I agree. I always check the RW weather and the charts before I fly as well. That's the main reason I still belong to AOPA. Michael Michael
  3. They were probably looking to steal her airbag. The down side of making cars that run way over 100,000 miles with almost no mechanical issues is the the body parts wear out before the power train does. Hence the theft issue. Michael
  4. Yes the Around the World in Eighty Days jaunt was based on the book. A site that sells software, I don't remember which, set it up and entrants had 80 days to make the trip. They had to visit every spot that Phileas Fogg and his valet visited. Pictures, screen shots, film clips etc. were all submitted from posters who actually lived all over the world. The "contest" was available to people simming trains, planes, boats, etc. and there were some entrants using each option. I use the word "contest" because we could vote on who did the best presentation. But there was no "prize" except for the fun. Probably 100 posters entered and about 45-50 finished. I believe the fastest recorded finish was a guy in a SST. But I can't remember the slowest, but I do remember one poster used a sloop, train, a bicycle, and camels. It was great fun to go online and see where everyone was in the world at any given time!! We cheered, complained, and just generally had a great time. I'd love to see someone, say Flightsim.com do a similar event. All it cost was data space. As to Jan's account number/s, I'm not telling! I recently scored a case of Highland Park scotch he probably hasn't even been billed for yet!!;);) Michael
  5. I agree!! I also found the 747 to be a great plane as well. Though I promise you I'll never willingly fly RW in a 737 Max!!!!:eek::eek: Michael
  6. This is the 2nd of her series. Oregon, especially with ORBX scenery, including "Portland City," is very well presented. I flew in that area several times RW in the 60's and drove through there in my convertible last year. The scenery depicted is IMHO as close to accurate as any I've ever found. I and a few others responded to the first post strongly and that's probably why it's back. I hope others will join me in encouraging a #3 edition as well. Michael
  7. Yes Mae Ling and I have logged a ton of hours together. Mama San sits in the cabin so the distraction factor is down somewhat. Our longest flight series was the "Around The World In Eighty Days" challenge a couple of years back. I enjoy a theme to my flying so that was a great series. She also was with me during some of my series of flights in search of the long time offline Jan as well. We got lucky!! We not only managed to not find Jan but also to drink a ton of good beer and wine on his tab!!!;):p In fact he's probably still getting bills from that trip!! :cool: Michael
  8. Rw I certainly will! Having said that, this series is based upon RW flying of a RW pilot who is working on increasing her certifications! Michael
  9. Hey David, welcome to my world!! This is my favorite freeware download ever!!!! I'm thrilled you have finally found it!! And the rest of you who haven't downloaded it, shame on you!! Michael
  10. You're right! Those are some great takeoffs!! Just make sure you don't let Jan near the sticks!! He specializes in water landings!!:eek::eek:;) Michael
  11. Thanks Larry, That's become my favorite virtual cockpit. While flying I sight see out the two side views on my two side monitors. It's as close to a RW cockpit setup as I'm willing to buy. Michael
  12. She's working on her RW commercial and instrument ratings in Oregon. They've done two clips of VFR flights she took last summer. They list all her stops, headings, VOR, etc. RW. This is my sim reincarnation of one of those two flights. Michael
  13. Great shots Rick! I'm pretty fond of Boeing products. In fact I have a ton of RW hours in a Boeing CH-46. ;) Michael
  14. So say we all!! Having said that, I do enjoy building a new computer from time to time. That way I know exactly what I have and if any piece doesn't suit me I just return it and install another I like better. In fact I'm very interested in seeing the recommended specs for the new Microsoft sim, if it ever comes out. I've almost always used Intel CPUS and I've heard they're designing the new sim around the AMD chip. So I'll have to see how it flies with my current i-9K based build. Michael
  15. Hey Rick, Great shots!! The Lear is one of my favorite planes as well. Having said that, if you want a slightly smaller but hugely fast bizjet go to the download files on this site and get the freeware Honda Jet. It's hugely satisfying and has lots of interior details etc. In fact I've flown several payware aircraft I don't like nearly as well as that freeware plane. ;) Michael
  16. Yesterday I flew the route in Oregon shown on the home page under ONE FLIGHT CHICK #2. I also shot a bunch of T&GS at other airports where she didn't land. As usual my software is ORBX both the regional and the Portland City. Michael
  17. +1 My favorite time to fly, RW or sim is at night. I love the extra fine detail you can see without all the blinding glare!! However, whether RW or sim, it's always hard to portray what you see with a picture or screenshot so others can grasp what you're enjoying!! Michael
  18. I agree, both are great planes!! Having said that, you might want to find the freeware HondaJet in in this site's download section. It's my favorite "freeware" plane so far! Michael
  19. Owning a ton of ORBX scenery, a hand built computer designed for FSX and P3D v4.5 as well, I'll probably hold onto my card for a while too. ;) Another good reason for having patience is what I call the Corvair or Vega factor. TBTG I didn't join a lot of Chevy fans and jump on either of those autos when they first came out!!:eek::eek: Hind sight is 20/20. Foresight is much more accurate with a little dab of patience!!;) Rupert
  20. Great shots John!! I love the scenery. Where did you get the bird? Michael
  21. Great job David!! As many times as I've flown across the country either in the Corps or as a passenger, I'm still amazed at the contrasts! Your post shows them very well! Michael
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