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Everything posted by Rupert

  1. When we departed the Cotswolds it was sunny and warm. By dark, arriving at EKVG was cold, dark, and gusty!! But, since it's so far North and it's only March, we shouldn't have been surprised!! DUH!!
  2. Yes, After the B-17 I'd think the Queen would be a change!! Enjoy!! Michael
  3. Sweet Shot! Though frankly there's probably a few places in the world with people that really nervous about military birds like that flying over, even if they are now for"civilian use." I know looking up at the low pass flyover of B-17s etc. on the mud banks of Memphis Tn., complete with open bomb bay doors, sure scared me!!!! LOUD LOUD LOUD AS WELL Michael
  4. OK G'erard, the next time you need a good 1st officer contact David or me. We'll try to hook you up with Mae Ling. She's a great pilot and certainly better eye candy!! ;) Michael
  5. No need to. Jan owns it and the worst which could happen is it gets crashed. Jan does that all the time with his planes, one more or less really won't matter!;):p
  6. You got that right!! Mae Ling and I tried for months to give her the slip!! :mad: And yes, she's Mae Ling's mama sanh. Michael
  7. Yes it is! ;) Check out the Wikipedia article and the close ups I took courtesy of Peerhoven Air in my newest posting about it! Molly and I went through it in a canal narrow-boat our last trip to Scotland. We'll probably be up that way again this summer as well. Michael
  8. Well, I had 2nd thoughts. I went back to get Jan's plane. I've got some other risky flights planned. I'd rather crash a Peerhoven plane than one of my own!! Michael
  9. Sure, they even sold some to France. ;) And yes, they look good even in blue. Michael
  10. I was thinking, My pictures of the Wheel didn't really do it justice. So I thought I'd land nearby and get some better shots. Of course there's no runway at the Wheel, just some parking area and a fairly smooth hill. Not wanting to risk hurting my plane, I decided to "borrow" one from Jan's hanger. After all if I crashed it, it'd be no worse than Jan landing it in a river or ocean someplace. These are the closeups I took. Happily, the flight went off without a hitch and left Jan's plane at EGPG. The next time I'm in the area I might remember to fly it home. OH DURN! I forgot to close the side hatch and luggage compartment! It'll probably get rained on a few times before I'm back there. In fact, now that I think of it, since it's parked in a taxiway, they'll probably tow it away. I guess I don't need to worry about it after all!! :cool: Michael
  11. I've mentioned the Falkirk Wheel in Scotland a couple of times. It basically moves a 70' long narrow-boat either up or down about a 65' height from one canal in Scotland going North-South to another going East-West or vice-versa. The "wheel" is said to use less electricity operating than an electric coffee pot. It does it that cheaply because the narrow-boat or narrow-boats displace water in the moving chambers so the weight is always equal whether a boat is in a chamber or not. On our last trip to Scotland we traveled on it and it's really a cool thing!! Here are a few shots of the wheel as shown in Scot Flight for ORBX. The airport shown in the first is EGPG Cumbernauld it's just a few miles away and near Loch Ness Michael
  12. I don't blame you for concerns about flying in the middle east. They're probably very ill at ease with someone flying over in a bomber!!;) Since many of them are bombers themselves! :rolleyes: Michael
  13. Be careful what you say to or about Mae Ling out loud!! Mama Sanh is a really good listener!!!:o:o:mad: Michael
  14. Now we're moving along into Ireland and the Hebrides. Rainy weather, which is about 90% of the time there anytime of the year. Michael
  15. Beautiful shots!! Lots of great planes as well. Michael
  16. Actually I almost always buy these on sale. Having said that, I haven't bought anything lately. I'm waiting to see what works with the new, if it ever arrives, Flight Sim. All my ORBX scenery was bought at least a year ago. Most much older than that. If anyone is really looking for good scenery of Scotland I heartily recommend Scotflight!! They also have a version which was designed to complement the ORBX scenery. Lots of great scenery. They corrected many others' scenery errors, show the canal system very well, and even have the Falkirk Wheel!! They're a couple of college professors who do scenery as a side thing. Great to work with!! Michael
  17. They're the two under quarantine for the virus!! DUH!! Michael If I'm not mistaken that was an old Braniff Airline ad.
  18. Nice shots, great plane! I'm enjoying your trip. Michael
  20. As many of you know, I love low level flying! For one thing as an old chopper guy, that's what I'm most comfortable doing.;) So I'm in the process of stopping at various airports from New Quay, through Ireland and eventually ending in the Faroe Islands. Since it's too early in the RW to see any color in Feb. and March I've taken the liberty to select Spring like weather. This is the first installment. If I live long enough and don't get too sidetracked, we may make it to Vagar one of these days. Michael BTW: I'm spending us into the poor house buying ORBX scenery all over the world. What you'll be seeing in these episodes is more of the same.
  21. Hey Rick, Nice Shots!! I've actually made that trip more than once RW, though only during warm weather, and it is a lovely trip!! BTW: ORBX does an excellent show of the Falls area as well! Check it out!! ;) Michael
  22. So say we all!! Having said that, yours are a great example for the rest of us! Michael
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