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Everything posted by Rupert

  1. +1!! What the heck is that you're flying? Michael
  2. I wondered about that point too. At the risk of sounding like I don't know, which I don't, where are you flying? Michael
  3. What he said!!;) And believe me, we don't often agree!! Welcome!! We look forward to many more of your posts!! Michael
  4. I agree with David. They do look awesome, just like a painting! Having said that, I also noted the prop wasn't turning and the plane still was on dry land!! TBTG YOU HAVEN'T SO FAR DROWNED YET ANOTHER WONDERFUL AIRCRAFT!! :p:p:p;) Thanks for the still shots!!! Michael
  5. I am learning to fly the MILVIZ Turbo Otter. I also just received a free download of the Iceland demo from ORBX. So I had one of those duh moments. If you're shooting touch and goes, etc. in a new STOL aircraft why not do it while viewing the new Iceland software. These are a few random shots taken doing touch and goes at BIRK in Iceland using surprisingly Springlike RW weather. Michael
  6. Thanks for that input!! To be honest I've never flown any A2A bird. I guess I'll have to burn Jan's credit card again and get a few examples!! ;) Right after I buy that next case of Highland Park of course!! Michael
  7. JAN THERE'S NO WAY THAT'S ONE OF YOUR PLANES!! It's parked, apparently after landing, in an area which only has puddles of water!! Even the planes I "borrow" from your hanger from time to time are always wetter than that!! :p Michael BTW: That last case of Highland Park you "bought" me is about to run out. Don't be surprised to see another purchase on your credit card! statement!;)
  8. +1!! I have tried several P-51s and Spitfires with a FlightSim. I've enjoyed almost every one. Though, among those I've tired my favorite is the Dunkirk Spitfire. Perhaps because my mother always talked about being up all night during the Dunkirk Little Ships evacauation and listening to live coverage from there on the radio! She said she was so nervous that she washed, ironed, and generally got the whole house cleaner while listening to that radiocast than it ever was before or since!! Being primarily a rotary wing guy RW, the closest I ever got to flying either was a T-28. But a now deceased neighbor of mine flew P-51s during WW11. He said the biggest issues newbies had with either the P-51 or the Spitfire was applying too much prop torque before getting up enough air speed across the wings caused them to flip upside down on the runway or at very low altitude during takeoff. On my first flight of every P-51 or Spitfire I've simmed, I've tried to make that takeoff flip happen. (After all, while simming it's not expensive to crash and you don't end up dead for doing it either.) ;):D I've not been able to duplicate the takeoff flip yet. I've had many an engine die but as to this date, no flip. Michael
  9. It probably is in the head upchucking from your aerobatics!! I thought Jan & of course the 747 now showing on the Dragon flight screen, were the only people doing those stunts in a conventional passenger plane!! :eek::eek: Michael
  10. Yes, in Vietnam we chopper guys were huge fans of the F-8!! It and the A-4 were the most effective Marine aircraft for putting down approach and landing cover. The F-4s were just too fast to be of much help. After all when flying CH-46s, we were really kicking it at 130 knts on a hot day!! And when flying the H-34s we never made it to 100!! :o:mad: Michael
  11. +1!! It's a dammed good thing it wasn't a 737 Max!! They apparently can't even fly well with a functional rudder!! TBTG! My only real world experience flying Boeing aircraft was the USMC CH46! It had neither a rudder nor an electronic flight control override. Having said that with an engine shot out or gunshot caused hydraulic leaks, it wasn't really a picnic to fly either!! Michael
  12. Interesting change of pace!! A different plane and Portugal! Looking good! Though you should be aware, by landing with your plane totallydry atop that tanker, you failed the Van Peerhoven landing class!;):p Michael
  13. Hey snow is pretty! As long as you don't have to drive in it. Having said that, I just posted a string of shots from Tasmania. That's about as far away from the Arctic as 99% of us will ever get. ;) Michael
  14. Hey ORBX provided a free demo version of their new scenery in Tasmania. So I downloaded it and tried out a plane I hadn't flown before. Killing two birds with one stone??:rolleyes: So these are a few shots I took while learning to fly the Model 42 Cheyenne III and "touring" with the demo. I think the demo has some damned good scenery in it!! Of course while multi-tasking I probably didn't portray it as well as I otherwise might. Anyhow, Enjoy! Michael
  15. We usually have a Thunder Over Louisville with air shows, fire works, etc. over the Ohio River each year two weeks before the Kentucky Derby. One of the neat things is, a a veteran with friends in the local Air Guard, I usually spend at least a day wandering around the parked aircraft, talking with crews, and occasionally hitching a ride on some of the military birds there.
  16. Nice shot! And yes, I found the radial recip. furnace we sat almost atop of on the front of my CH-34 put out a lot of heat! Sadly I was in Vietnam or near Yuma most of the time I experienced it! :o Michael
  17. Hey!! Anytime Jan lands without his plane getting wet, he awards himself a citation!! I'm much more interested in landing dry, unless I'm flying a plane that is certified for water landings!! IMHO, :D Michael Yes, I admit, I've posted so many inflight pictures I sometimes don't remember which color of plane I was in at that moment!! Having said that, changing colors is a well established form of keeping inflight security against the enemy!! While serving in the USMC, I'd probably have won an award for creativity! Michael BTW: Thanks for the catch!!
  18. Having recently read Davidstraka's round the world leg into Goose Bay and the cold, I had to check it out. Bad call on my part it was 8*F when I landed in Goose Bay with lots of clouds. Thankfully only a few snow flurries. So just to get a better look at things, after stopping for lunch I continued on to CCZ2 Rigolet, which is on the coast. Here are a few shots of the trip starting with landing at Goose Bay. BTW: I just purchased the MILVIZ Turbo Otter. It comes with skis as well as floats. If I ever learn how to fly it, my next snow trip will probably be using the skis and avoid some airport landing fees. Right before I took this shot, my pitot tube froze over so I had to turn the heaters on. DUH! We've had several days in the 70*F range here in Kentucky. And frankly, I can't recall it got down to 7F this winter at all. So you tend to forget how cold it sometimes gets. BTW: Shot #8 labelled On Downwind obviously was downwind to Goose Bay not Rigolet. Sorry bout that :o Michael
  19. Nice shots! So glad it's bad there and not here!!! :cool: Having said that, I think I'll fire up and take a look myself. Michael
  20. I've not been there RW, however I agree from what I've seen in depictions, it certainly isn't!! Michael
  21. Thanks Larry!! Frankly I'm ready for Spring!! I'll not hang around here longer than must be!! Michael
  22. Nice shots!! I really enjoy when aircraft we don't see posted every day on this site are featured!! Thanks!! Michael
  23. True enough!! Vago and the Faroes isn't part of any regular country. So most regular rules don't apply there. Luckily I've always been special!! ;) Michael
  24. Hey Darryl, Great looking plane. Man I'm soooo glad we're not suffering with that weather!! Michael
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