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    San Francisco, California
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    Work?? What's that!! Like Mick, I'm on the world's longest coffee break!


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    A safe landing!

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  1. You can, at least, believe in his helpers!
  2. AVSIM tech just reset the system......finally! Library is working!
  3. Site owner and Tech were advised and both have visited the site to confirm the problem. Always seems to take longer over the weekends to get it smacked with a hammer!
  4. OK, sorry! I mistook your pic thinking it was what you wanted and not what you already had!
  5. Confusing, is all! Why show a pic of the UPS texture, then?
  6. @f16jockey_2 ?? Did the UPS texture bite the bullet??
  7. Looks like this one, Wim! FSX/P3D Boeing 747-8 F2P UPS over at Simviation https://simviation.com/1/browse-Civil+Jets-55-1 scroll down the page! OK, this download is a full aircraft and not just a texture! I would just download this and install to the SimObjects/Airplanes folder.
  8. Do you have a new texture in mind? Are you looking to put in a pre-made paint that someone else created or are you looking to do one yourself?
  9. I sent the tech a quick email yesterday late afternoon! He can throw a hammer pretty far!
  10. All I can say is SOMETHING is coming, so sit down, buckle up and hang on to your butts!
  11. mrzippy


    Try it and let us know how it works!
  12. The site has been having server issues the past few days! Our tech has been advised and the Root Admin is aware of the situation. Hang in there!
  13. Watch out for these!
  14. Yeah! The other site had an all day server problem too! Dis ain't normal on my planet! OK, never mind.......my mistake! Didn't notice those little thingys that change the style of the forums!
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