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Downwind66 last won the day on July 17

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About Downwind66

  • Birthday April 6

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    South Florida
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    Sim flying, Golf


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  1. And, I'll drink to that too, Charlie Brown!
  2. Just about gave up on it, but too darn hard headed to quit! Found another download on another site, a Thomas Ruth A340-300, downloaded it and another with the same info, both fly great! It's got to have something in the airfile that helps the aircraft with the landing? I've deleted many A340's that I could not straighten out, but these two I will keep! File name for both is Toma340.zip found on the FlyAways site. One is an older Lufthansa and the other file that I attached to the Lufthansa was the Gulf Air Airbus! Whew, I am done, thank God! No complaint from me on the 380's yet, but yet to be seen as I have been devoting time in trying to get a least one A340 to land correctly! As Sweetd31 correctly put it, "Haha I understand this statement so much!" You may have yet another laugh when I get back to flying the 380's !? So far, "Life is still good!" Rick (Downwind66) Oh, the Boogey Center gear is what has created all the damage to the runways. Supposed to help the aircraft, not hinder it (not doing it's job). Maybe the modeler just has troubles adapting to the change in the A340 needing the center gear to better distribute the excess weight and the loading of it? Probaby why I am not a modeler?
  3. Before my time, but a lot of fond memories and stories to go with them i am sure! Rick
  4. I am finished with the Airbus A340's. They change daily and I am tired of trying to figure out the landing solution, if there really is one with a permanent fix. For now, I have a nice Airbus A330 AerLingus which flies the way it should, lands without issues, DONE DEAL! So far the 380's are continuing to fly just fine, they will be next if they should start acting up! Bottom line, I have too many nice aircraft and I am spending all my time on aircraft which aren't worth the effort in trying to get them to fly like they should! Rick (Downwind66)
  5. Just an update as to settings, The 380's are working fine! The 340's for some reason, the rear wheels tires appear to drop below runway, but it's only for a split second! Definitely better than they were! One aircraft setting went from original -2.000 (which I know had to be wrong) and it was that setting that prompted all this! To go from -2.000 down to 0.000 is a big change, and that change helped tremendously! It was definitely digging a trench down and towards the "Mason Dixon line!" Like I said above, the change works for me, may or may not help you? It is probably not the way the Flight Sim designers intended for that entry to be used in that way...................., but, oh well? Rick (Downwind66)
    Thank you Luciano, appears to be "spot on," still have to flight test it. You done good, My Man! Rick (Downwind66)
  6. OOPS - looking at old notes, here are the revised settings! Sorry about that! A340 = 0.000 A380= -0.300
  7. This just about drove me nuts trying to sort this out. Found one article written by a seasoned simmer/help rep on Flyaways site, ElkinAllen! Elkin found a solution to the problem of "forward trail" and "bogie" landing gears trying to dominate the landing processs. His cure was to add lines to the contact points section of the aircraft.cfg, a little more complicated for this old mind to absorb. My fix is a whole lot less complicated (I think)! Elkin's fix might be the right way of fixing the problem, my fix may not be "politically correct," but works for my Airbus birds! Ever wonder what the entry of "Static_pitch was for? I have and to this day, still don't know what is was intended for, but, I do know it helped me in solving my Airbus landing problems! On the A340's revise the entry to 0.100 (all 340's, don't care if they are pink or green) On the A380's revise the entry to 0.300 (all 380's, don't care if they are red or blue) Like I said, this worked for my 10 birds, hope you will have the same luck as I did! In addition to the above, be certain your aircraft are within the weight and balance envelope. These 2 lines of aircraft will carry lots of fuel and all 10 of mine were overloaded! Do this and you will not believe the difference in performance! Good luck and happy flying! Rick (Downwind66)
  8. Thanks, never cared much for the 747 line of aircraft, until the new liveries began to appear. This one I could not pass up! Rick
  9. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/crackling-popping-sound/524001 Try this, another person who had the same problem?
  10. Jan Peerhoven? You should know Michael, you confiscated most of his aircraft?
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