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Everything posted by Rupert

  1. Hey Aharon! Good to see you're back with your signature snow scenes!! Over the top good as always!! ;) Michael
  2. I love the cloud formations is the first series!! And yes from time to time I've found elevation issues in a lot of scenery. I recently landed at an airport where all the AI aircraft had landing struts but no sign of any wheels. You've got a great series going on!! ;) Michael
  3. +1!! BTW that Twinkie is flying awfully close to the water without floats!! :eek::eek: I hope the rescue services are alerted! Michael
  4. Funny you'd mention that. RW my first flights were based from a grass strip airport several times smaller than that one. ;) Michael PS: As always, thank everyone for your comments.
  5. Before the RW interfered we had just landed at EGLA. Now we're finishing the trip to EGHQ (Newquay) via EGHD. For the sake of the series we're still operating on RW weather from the other day. I didn't even check to see what today's weather was. I hope this wasn't too disjointed!! As usual I'm leaning heavily on the ORBX scenery. In this case UK. Michael
  6. Good job pulling it out!!! I never flew outside the plane until I started flight simming. It's surely not as easy as it looks!! As I'm sure you've already discovered Mae Ling and Mama San now a lot of good places to eat outside the US. ENJOY!! Michael
  7. Thanks to all!! I'll continue the flight soon. And David, yes that is an oil tanker. Michael
  8. Jan, Rick calls it "Nice!" I call it MEAN!! As in, I don't want to be flying about where it is!!:eek::eek: Well done! ;) Michael
  9. This time of winter when it snows in South Carolina, US it's fun to enjoy some sunshine and warmth in Penzance, UK. Even though Penzance is about 960 miles further north, the Gulf Stream usually keeps it very warm year around. And yes the Palm Trees there are native. Life just got in the way!:mad: So I'll stop here in Plymouth. I'll continue when I can, probably tomorrow. Enjoy this now. ;) As usual, this is ORBX scenery, obviously UK. Michael
  10. I assume you realize there is a difference in accessing 16GB and 64GB of RAM. And working with 8 cores at once helps as well. Years ago I thought 128K of ram in my Apple II E computer and a 7 segment dot matrix printer was all I'd ever need. I've moved along since then.
  11. Great shots as usual David!! Love that Honda as well! ;) Michael
  12. Beautiful shots!! Where'd you get the Sport? Payware, freeware? Michael
  13. Hey RW pilots have to go out and get Metars, NTAS, VFR and IFR supplements, etc. I use the AOPA site and others for that info and have done so for years. If you choose to truly "sim," that's what I suggest you do. You don't need to wait for FS 2020, P3D, or anyone else to do it for you. IMHO There are probably a ton of people out there with no desire to pay for all that immersion. Including it in the price would really drive up the price and limit the market. Rupert
  14. I can't argue with your concept. Having said that, I like being able to access all my ram, 64 bit processing, etc. And you can't go there in the Microsoft world without using 10. I'm not thrilled about the ads!! Nor do I like all the stupid "updates either." But it seems to be the price we have to pay unless we choose to stay in the distant past of Microsoft computing.;)
  15. Holland has tons of wet airplanes in the drink! And most of those were obviously landed in the drink by Von Peerhoven and didn't come equipped with floats, bicycles, or canoes!!:p:p;) Michael
  16. Sure! Mae Ling is very adept and many functions!! ;) Michael
  17. That was an interesting response from the Netherlands in the first place. I know of one person from there has who dropped airplanes, golf carts, etc. into waterways, rivers, oceans, fairway water hazards, etc. for decades. I wonder why no one from the Netherlands ever asked that person to not fly over their house or especially their gold course, boat, and/or ship?? BTW: That's a great looking fuel drop tank shown attached to your plane!! I'm sure you're aware that during long distance flights the "drop tank" is often disposed or (dropped) when its' contents are exhausted. Perhaps a specific area in the Netherlands would be a good spot to dispose of your tank when you decide it is empty. ;) Michael
  18. Nice work G'erard!! And we should all be aware we're just one serious hack away from losing GPS or cell phones either locally or possibly even world wide!! I don't even take a long distance automobile trip without hard copy charts, maps, etc. of where I'm going! ;) And yes, I know I sound like a "Tin Hat." But as the old song goes "Country Boys Will Survive." I flew, boated, and drove in several countries and bodies of water long before GPS and cell phone were in use. I've also flown across North America and parts of Asia at lower altitudes than long range VORTAC was available at. I still can navigate in each medium using paper and a manual plotter. IMHO, We all should be able too as well! In fact on several recent auto trips in various places in the world including much of the West in the US and Northern UK I have found "No Bars" on the cell phone to not be unusual at all. As I understand it, that's hugely true due to weather issues in the UK right this minute. Michael
  19. Great shots again David!! That little Honda is still probably my favorite freeware aircraft!! Glad you found it!! Michael
  20. Hey David God Speed!! I'm thrilled you're doing this as well! And I'm sure Mae Ling is enjoying the new adventure as well!! :cool::cool: I look forward to seeing all the upcoming legs!! ;) Michael
  21. Where's your screen capture or two???? Michael
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