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Everything posted by g7rta

  1. Just a thought… I presume you know to quit and restart the sim after installing / updating via the content manager? Regards Steve
  2. This is probably unrelated, but I’ve just been flying the Baron around the LPPT area. I then quit, to go back to the main menu.. when I had a CTD! First one for a while. I did press the “exit VR” button a second after clicking “main menu” though, so it’s probably down to that, rather than Lisbon. Regards Steve
  3. Are you saying you can land ok at Lisbon (LPPT) sometimes but other times it crashes to desktop? (or is it another Lisbon airport whixh causes the crash?) I don’t usually fly the big planes but I’ve just landed the A320 at Lisbon (LPPT) ok. Does it CTD with another aircraft? Regards Steve
  4. Hi, it’s not an airport I’m familiar with, but I’ve just been over to check it out… the default scenery looks different to the screenshots of addon. How do the advertised screenshots look compare to what you’re seeing? What graphics settings have you got the sim set to? (buildings etc) Of course if the addon is poor quialiry.. it’s not really a fault of MSFS. Regards Steve
  5. Have you clicked the “get updates” button? Regards Steve
  6. Did you get the MSFS from the MS Store? If so, then launch the store and click library (bottom left) then click the get updates button ( top right) Then when you launch the sim it will update a bit more. If you have the premium or deluxe version, you will then find extra updates in the content manager. It really is simple. If you bought it via Steam then someone else will have to advise you, but I presume it’ll be similar. Regards Steve
  7. Thanks Tim. I’m working tonight but I’m off all next week, so plenty of time to fly :) Regards Steve
  8. I don’t save / load flights very often myself, but what happens if you simply press “Escape”? (So the menu pops up) I presume that will pause the time? Then press Escape again to resume. I don’t think just minimising it pauses anything. Regards Steve
  9. I don’t want to get involved with this one.. but for the local area (while the servers are down) I just look out of the window and adjust the weather in the sim to suit LOL Better still.. I tune into Leeds/Bradford’s ATIS on 118.025 Speaking of which… why is it listed as 118.030 in the sim? :) Only just noticed that the other day. Regards Steve
  10. Happy new year! Are you loading a saved flight by any chance? If so, then that’s the reason you’re unable to change the time or weather. It’s always been like this. If you’re not loading a saved flight… then I’m guessing it’s a bug Regards Stevd
  11. I bought two different VFR scenery packages for FSX years ago. They were both impressive.. but of course only covered part of the UK (no USA, Europe or anywhere else) despite being on several DVDs. They were expensive too. All obsolete now of course, because the scenery on the new sim is far, far better and covers the whole world. Just shows how things have moved on. You could try the month’s game pass trial (for just $1) as suggested earlier, but if your signature is still correct, then you would have to upgrade to Windows 10. Probably not worth the hassle. Happy new year. Regards Steve
  12. Why not pay $1 for the month’s gamepass trial? (remembering to cancel before the month is up) That way you can try the standard edition of MSFS for yourself. Regards Steve
  13. If it’s meant for MSFS (which is a completely different sim to all other versions) then it won’t work with FSX Of course there may be other versions of the aircraft that will run on FSX? Regards Steve
  14. Hi Mark, I know what you mean about vr being around a while but not really taking off.. until now at least. The headsets are much affordable nowadays (most are anyway) and have come a long way in terms of resolution etc. VR isn’t for everyone though. Sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy your go. Flight sims are perfect for VR and MSFS works rather well with it. Even xplane looks good in vr :) Regards Steve
  15. I bought three 43” screens shortly after becoming an alpha tester for MSFS (see ) the immersion was fantastic Then came… VR and I bought a Reverb G2. My three screens became obsolete. I could never go back to using the three screens after trying VR. I personally could never go back to using 2D screens. Mark… which VR headset did you try? Some are better than others. I find that the G2 certainly works well with MSFS (maybe one day you’ll try both? :) ) Regards Steve
  16. Has your graphics card driver been updated by any chance? The latest nvidia drivers (497.09) have been causing CTDs for a lot of people. If you’ve got them installed, try going back to older drivers Regards Steve
  17. Also bare in mind how you’re connecting the external drive. If you’re using usb 2 for example, there would be a bottleneck Regards Steve
  18. If you are using the latest nvidia graphics drivers then that might be the problem (many are having issues with it) Try going back to the previous drivers, as Rod said above. Regards Steve
  19. Hi Kevin, just checked mine..& gear down is below gear up. However.. it does disappear off screen sometimes. If I drag the bar down, it stops at gear up. If I use the mouse wheel, it goes a bit further..and gear down can be seen (although not completely) Regards Steve
  20. I had one of these flights a few years back. It was brilliant! Was worth every penny, especially as I didn’t pay for it :) Regards Steve
  21. Also I’d check if you’ve got a duplicate binding for it somewhere. Regards Steve
  22. I think they changed some of the control settings with the last MSFS update. Make sure you use the setting "Mixture Axis (0 to 100%)" It works for me. I don't actually use any of my Bravo levers for mixture, but instead use my old Saitek throttles. That shouldn't make any difference though. Regards Steve
  23. I downloaded the drivers ages ago and never had any problems with the LEDs not working. Just checked the honeycomb website and the link works fine for me https://flyhoneycomb.com/pages/drivers If the above link isn't working try this one.. http://www.steveharding.com/AS_HONEYCOMB_MSFS_5.zip Regards Steve
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