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Everything posted by g7rta

  1. No problem :) Unfortunately there’s no way around the updates, besides always flying in offline mode. The updates are mandatory because we all need to be using the same version. Regards Steve
  2. Hi, welcome to the forum :) This might help.. Regards Steve
  3. I fly in VR now, but I also have three screens. You wouldn’t believe how often I would accidentally click outside of the main screen and then wonder why the mouse isn’t working. I’d remove my VR headset, only to find I’ve opened MS Paint, or sending an email LOL I did some searching and found a freeware program called DMT (dual monitor tools) That now launches with Windows and stops my cursor from leaving the main screen.. and flight sim! It’s a simple program but it does the job :) Regards Steve
  4. Dave, I bought X-plane some time back, but I never use it. I did try it again briefly a couple of weeks ago, just to see how it would look with the Rtx3090… I quit after a few minutes. Despite the problems, we’ve been spoilt with FS2020. No other sim looks as good. Also if you want to fly VR in X-Plane you’ve got the hassle of installing Steam-VR. Might not be an issue for you, but I’m not keen Regards Steve
  5. So the only way to exit the sim is to call Greg Davies? (Taskmaster) sorry LOL I know you meant task manager, but could resist. I presume you’ve gone into the control settings page to see if the keyboard bindings have changed? Is the escape key on your keyboard working in other programs? By the way, if you sim is in windowed mode (press Alt+enter) you can always exit it by pressing the X at the top right. Not the best way, but better better than using the task manager Regards Steve
  6. Hi, from which settings page did you disable the tips? You need to go to the assistance settings and disable all the notifications Regards Steve
  7. Thanks for that! I can’t wait to try it.. but I’ll have to wait until the weekend (due to work) Regards Steve
  8. Sorry to hear that. Mine is almost finished the additional stuff in the content manager (35gb done out of 37gb) Mind you, I do have VM 200gb internet :) Regards Steve
  9. So true LOL I started my reinstallation at… something like 3.45pm? It’s on 97% as we speak (5.53pm) Not bad going for a Saturday afternoon. Still got the additional stuff to install of course Regards Steve
  10. You couldn’t be more right Dave! I think I’m going to try another reinstall too (the sim only this time) You never know, it might work. VR Flight Sim Guy posted a video three days ago (before Su7) saying how the latest version of OpenXR has stopped all these crashes… but it looks like Asobo have got other ideas LOL I’ve just launched the sim again.. gone into VR.. exited VR and tried to get back in.. but the message popped up of course.. THE INITIALIZATION of VR failed (initialisation spelt wrong too! LOL) Regards Steve
  11. Hi Robert, thanks for the info. I didn’t know about Kronos but I shall certainly check it out. There are loads of comments on the official forums by people who have updated OpenXR and are having the same issues. It could of course be all down to SU7. Either way, us VR users are having problems now. Regards Steve
  12. Wish I hadn’t updated OpenXR I actually wiped everything and reinstalled Win11 and MSFS - obviously this gave me the latest OpenXR which presumably is why the sim keeps crashing and saying “cannot initialise VR”. When it does work, my view keeps going weird. some things, (like other users gametags) keep still when I move my head, while the rest shake and move erratically..then usually CTD Regards Steve
  13. I think parking parked on has always been there. I use a throttle lever to hold / release it. I have to say though, it didn’t work after the update until I had set it up again. Regards Steve
  14. Go into control settings and make sure your mouse is set to “default” - not mouse profile etc Regards Steve
  15. Same here, but then it’s been crashing constantly for me since the update. This is mainly down to VR in my case though (and many others - see the official forums) Regards Steve
  16. Correct. All the “assistance settings” are now set to easy by default Steve (Aptosflier) asked about this in a previous post and I’d already replied. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?335034-Crash-realism Regards Steve
  17. Have you got the crash disabled? Go into the assistance options page. You will find that all the settings are set to easy…. Flying tips… notifications… assisted rudder.. assisted take off….crash detection… etc They have changed the settings with the update. Regards Steve
  18. Mike, I already answered in your other post.. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?335029-MSFS-Update-1-21-13-HUD Regards Steve
  19. Have you looked under…. Assistance options/user experience? (bottom tab) If you scroll down you should see instrument heads up display..chase cam and also cockpit cam Also there’s a new option at the very bottom… “End flight when aircraft shuts down”. - I’m guessing that if you disable this, then the logbook won’t keep popping up when you switch off :) Regards Steve
  20. Thank you… but I have decided not to bother now. I’ve had a few CTDs with the new update, mainly while switching to or from VR. A few moments ago I launched the Google maps mod and the (updated) sim.. it crashed straight away. It might not have been the mod, but I’m going to remove it anyway. Tim made a good point earlier that both MS and Google will want to disable the mod & probaby will at some point. When you launch it, a message appears, reminding you to stop the mod before exiting MSFS otherwise it won’t work next time… well my sim crashed before I could stop the mod. I could have a problem now? We shall see. Actually it appears to be loading ok. I might do an uninstall and reinstall tomorrow. Good chance of removing any problems. Regards Steve
  21. “ i have 'moved' my sim to : K” Maybe that’s the problem? If you want to move it, I think uninstalling first, and then reinstalling to the new location is a better way of doing it. Regards Steve
  22. Is it on the options / assistance page? You might find that all the notifications..flying tips…assisted rudder etc are all turned on as well Regards Steve
  23. I updated without any problems. I noticed that all the assistance options were set to “easy” Auto rudder.. notifications…flying tips.. all set to ON I’ve switched them back off now of course. I’ve also had a couple of CTDs. Both happened when switching from VR to 2d mode. Both while flying the Super Hornet. First time.. I was disabling VR because my view started moving around/shaking erratically. I see the DX12 beta is on the pc options page.. but not on the VR options page. Anyone know why? Regards Steve
  24. I’ve had a quick fly around with the Google maps mod. I don’t know if I’m imagining it but the sim doesn’t seem quite as smooth (reverb G2). I need to do more testing. In fact I’ve just come out of the sim, so to relaunch it…. but it appears SU7 is now available! I have to update first :) Regards Steve
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