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Everything posted by g7rta

  1. Thanks for this! I’m going to try it now too. Obviously not everywhere will be an improvement (as he says in the video) like the carpark seen in the video as 2min 41 seconds. It looks better in bing maps. Anyway, I’m going to try it :) Regards Steve
  2. That’s what I would do anyway. I’d wait until the new update is available later today though :) Another thing.. you’re wanting to install it on an external drive? How is this drive connected.. usb 2..usb 3? You may find it’ll bottleneck. An internal SSD would be better. Regards Steve
  3. That’s just what I was thinking too Regards Steve
  4. Hi, if they were bought/downloaded via the marketplace then you can remove them via the content manager. Some addons will be simply sat in your community folder and removing them from it will remove them from showing in the sim (once you exit the sim and relaunch it of course) You may have installed some addons via an external “installer” - you would been to go into the “add/remove programs” in windows and uninstall them. All addons will still show up in the sim though if it’s still running, until you exit the sim and relaunch it Regards Steve
  5. Which setting did you have the Bell 47G set to? Try setting it to “easy” or “medium” first. Regards Steve
  6. I’m not sure why a VPN would fix it, but I certainly wouldn’t pay that much for one there are many VPNs for a fraction of that price and there are even free ones. Which VPN did you get? Regards Steve
  7. Hi, I’m not sure if you can simply copy the sim across to the new drive. I seem to think others have managed it, so maybe. As for your joystick.. the settings are stored in the cloud, so you shouldn’t lose them :) Regards Steve
  8. Hope you're right :) One of the posts on the official forum was by someone saying windows defender was blocking it.. so it could be true about Norton. Regards Steve
  9. Hi David, I’m sure you’ll already know, but there are loads of posts about this on the official forum. Many are saying it’s to do with your internet connection. Some say rebooting your router may help. I’m not sure myself. Take a look.. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/please-insert-disc-digital-version-help-please/281258/5 Regards Steve
  10. Do the updates appear at the same time with Steam or is there a delay? Regards Steve
  11. There is a glitch with msfs in that the music always plays loud while the sim is launching, but this only happens for a second or two. If you reduce the music to minimum (or even mute completely) it will always come on loud during the load screen, albeit briefly. I’m guessing your problem is connected with this, Regards Steve
  12. I know you said the sim’s master volume keeps going up.. but what happens if you reduce the other volume sliders? (Engine sound..voices..etc) I take it your pc speakers doesn’t have a physical volume knob? That would be the simplest solution of course. Regards Steve
  13. Sorry you’ve had so many problems getting it to install. Glad you’ve sorted it though and thanks for sharing how you did it. These sort of posts are always appreciated. Regards Steve
  14. No problem Kevin. Another problem solved :) Regards Steve
  15. You could try plugging it straight into the pc, but the powered hub should be ok. Don’t bother looking in the device manager… instead, look at devices and printers. Go into the control panel.. under the heading “Hardware and Sound” you should see “view devices and printers” - you should see the keypad listed, if it’s working in Windows anyway. Regards Steve
  16. Hi Kevin Yes, I’ve got mine set to a switch on the Bravo yoke. Im at work at the moment so I can’t tell you anymore, but you can set it. Regards Steve
  17. And you can change of course.. I personally use a button on my yoke. Regards Steve
  18. I have my cursor keys set up so I can move my position back/forward and left/right. Pressing space bar (or F) resets to default, but I think you are wanting to setup this “default” view so that your view is as you want it when you start a flight? I reckon there must be a way to do this.. but I don’t know how. Regards Steve
  19. I actually re-installed X-plane the other day, out of curiosity to see how it looks now that I’ve upgraded my graphics card. It looks awful compared to MSFS and getting it to work in VR was so awkward. I had to download/install Steam and then it took me ages to set it up. I think it’s safe to say I won’t be going back to X-plane LOL Regards Steve
  20. I know. Always makes you wonder doesn’t it? Regards Steve
  21. Where did you buy the discs? If they are faulty then you should return them. Regards Steve
  22. No, there’s no chat option. Only way is to run some sort of external chat programme. Regards Steve
  23. I’ve noticed this a few times lately in VR. I lean back pane reset my view or move my view forward, so I can’t see him. It’s happened a few times over the past week or so. Regards Steve
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