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Everything posted by chicagorandy

  1. I've read that playing the sim 'off line' reduces the load time slightly? Personally, I start the sim, go take a bio break, pour myself a nice cup of coffee or tea, maybe grab a snack and head back to the PC for very little wait time indeed.
  2. Again KUDOS to Asobo/Microsoft for this easy, painless update. The onscreen instructions were super-simple and the updates ran quickly and smooth as glass. I'm liking it.
  3. "There's some kind of contradiction there. This IS a forum and I wouldn't want it to just be happy talk and feel-good spin." As I understand it, this is a forum FOR those who simfly MSFS 2020. Owners and users of the product have NOT been discouraged from posting pro/con opinions. Those who come on solely to post that they are NOT going to buy it kinda sound like me going on to a Ford forum to explain why I like Chevy and refuse to buy Fords. Or perhaps me strolling into Wendy's to loudly announce that I like Burger King and statoing my reasons. Strikes ME as rather counter-productive activity. But that's just me.
  4. To Snave - Thankfully in the free market world economy, as far as I am aware no one is being forced to purchase MSFS 2020 or anything else for that matter. If you don't want to try it, don't. Problem solved. No need to report back here why you aren't going to join the ranks of millions of happy flight simmers -myself included - who ARE enjoying all that MSFS 2020 has to offer.
  5. Just wanted to mention that once again the sim update went flawlessly yesterday. This was one was rather large, but even with the 16 updates I also needed in the Content Manager it was completed in about 45 minutes without issue. So thanks Asobo/Microsoft. FWIW I bought my Deluxe version from the MS Store.
  6. I wonder if that update will still require a disk to be in the drive of the PC for the sim to run? I dunno.
  7. I've seen this step - deleting the rolling cache - suggested frequently on the forums. Fortunately I've not encountered the various issues that this procedure helps. However... it is worthwhile to know how to do this. As I had NO idea I Googled it and found this simple tutorial that even I can understand -lol - so if it helps someone else too? Winner-winner, chicken-dinner. How to Delete Rolling Cache in MSFS2020
  8. Happy to note that once again a World Update went swiftly and smoothly, no issues to report. Today's is Update XII - New Zealand.... you can almost see Xena.-lol Don't forget to also do any updates in the Profile-Content Manager section.
  9. Sounds like a debate over semantics. Updating vs buying a higher level version? Financially there is no difference whatever you choose to call it. Going to a higher version of MSFS 2020 costs the same as not owning the sim and purchasing the version you want. Po-TAY-to or po-TAH-to. Either way you get a spud. Upgrade/Update/Buy New = the same $$ outlay. IMHO the most 'cost effective' choice is to buy the version with all the features/aircraft/airports that you want the first time. It's the same sim afterall. Happy flying regardless.
  10. For the record due to inflation, future use of one's "two cents" now costs a quarter. Just sayin'.
  11. I think it's nice that prospective MSFS2020 buyers have choices to fit their budgets and desires. All three choices are good and none are 'better' than the others. My only gripe would be the high cost of upgrading to a higher level version. Microsoft missed a customer service/fan loyalty opportunity IMHO. It shouldn't have been more than about $25-$30 to move up a notch..... again merely MY opinion. Other than that I'm luvin' the sim flight experience Asobo created.
  12. I went with the Deluxe to gain some aircraft but decided I didn't have sufficient interest in the 10 aircraft and 10 airports that the Premium Package added to warrant further expense. All three packages are the same sim of course.
  13. Here is how I us the pedals - https://forums.flightsim.com/topic/52957-wheel-stand-pro-s-deluxe-v-2/#comment-287190
  14. This is the model rudder pedal I have - Thrustmaster TFRP I'll give them 7-8 out of 10? They ARE mostly plastic sliding back & forth on metal rods. They function quite well IMHO given their price point. They are plug and play devices BUT they require a separate from the Yoke console USB port. Not enough power available on the open USB port of the Logitech yoke. I solved the issue by velcro-ing an economy USB 3.0 4 port hub to the front of my desktop PC. USB 4 port hub
  15. I'm reasonably happy with my Thrustmaster TFRP units. They were a 'compromise' purchase in April 2020 when I saw the cost for the really nice ones. I don't fly the sim often enough to warrant spending the big bucks. Last time I checked Amazon has them for $130 USD.
  16. Happy to report that the update went smoothly and reasonably swiftly this mid-afternoon. No negative issues. So...Yay.
  17. WARNING - CRANKY GEEZER CURMUDGEON RANT FOLLOWS - To those looking to bail, protest or in general have their undies in a knot over this necessary new forum software, I would respectfully suggest re-reading Adrian's first post when the conversion was made on Jan 13th....... a scant 18 days ago. "Please make suggestions here - It will take several weeks until we get the final design. Please stay civil, we are aware of missing features, they will come back." So...how's about we chill a little bit and give the good folks a chance to get everything migrated over? I'm mean really... we're not curing any major diseases or world problems, we're just playing flying games. END OF RANT
  18. NOTHING to apologze for. It must be a most daunting challenge to get everything necessary switched over to this whole new platform. It looks great by the way. Thanks for all the efforts.
  19. I just noticed that our profile Signature lines have disappeared? Being able to list what system we are running does help troubleshoot issues. Or am I missing where to add my sig in this new software?
  20. "As a result, I bought a larger 2k monitor and am considering going down the TrackIR route in the near future." I am a BIG fan of the economical GrassMonkey IR Tracking systems. Small company, great customer service. I run a 32" curved monitor and enjoy being able to also see my surroundings and keyboard...... AND my coffee cup- lol Grass Monkey Caveat - I realize that MY PC hardware would never be up to the substantial demands of a real VR system even if I could afford one.
  21. Interesting new layout - to quote FDR - "The only thing we have to fear.....is fear itself." It may take a short while to acclimate but Hey, if we can figure out MSFS2020, this should be a breeze. lol Easy-Peasey.
  22. Might not matter, but have you completely uninstalled the disk version from your PC? That 'could' cause a conflict.
  23. "Not unique, Randy-" Good info to have. Thanks Larry. I admit that in the intervening near two years since I made that post I kinda forgot I even made the statement. lol
  24. Holy necropost Batman. I posted back in April of this year about my purchase of the Brsimdesigns 415-C - a very fun plane to fly with a mod offered in July by a forum member. All the mentions of an Ercoupe can be found by using the 'Search Forum' function. https://secure.simmarket.com/brsimdesigns-ercoupe-415c-msfs.phtml Here is the mod info post making it more landable - https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?338910-BRSimdesign-Ercoupe-issue&highlight=ercoupe Happy flying.
  25. FWIW I am a huge fan of that yoke and throttle quadrant. Really adds to the sim-flight immersion. I also reckon you have discovered/confirmed why your unit was priced so low. Hope you get things sorted without too much hardship.
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