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Everything posted by chicagorandy

  1. I should add that when using my upgraded 'mini-cockpit' that FV Trim wheel makes precise trim control adjustments a breeze.
  2. I'm again delighted to note that today's mandatory update to build went very smoothly. A reminder to also check your Profile-Content manager to complete the update.
  3. I have the same stick. For elevator trim I assigned the two larger buttons atop the joystick for up/down incremental trim. I use the two smaller buttons for left/right aileron trim duty.
  4. If you are getting a solid 50 FPS? Please rejoice and enjoy a sim experience most will never see on their rigs.
  5. Google came up with several options for changing your Microsoft account primary email address. Not sure how that would apply to your situation.
  6. I very much appreciated the update process enhancements. It's now truly just a 'one click' affair. No muss or fuss. The way any software upgrade should be. Sincere kudos and thanks to the team. Mine went quite smoothly I am very happy to report.
  7. " I got the middle version because I wanted a steam gauge 172" Same here. In my case these old eyeballs and glass cockpits are not a great match -lol I too STRONGLY feel that Microsoft is missing an golden opportunity for quick sales by not offering a low cost version upgrade to current sim users. Would I pay them another $20-25 to go from Deluxe to Premium? In a heartbeat. Is it worth near a hundo to me? Heck no.
  8. Yep, sounds like a wrong forum post - but to the OP - Welcome home brother, I spent my 1972 'wearing the OD Green' in that country too.
  9. Glad to hear you found a solution. This remains my fav flight sim, warts and all, but it can be frustrating at times. Then again, so can I, just ask my ex-wife-LOL
  10. I wish I still had my trusty Commodore 64........ no I don't, that's a lie.:pilot:
  11. I've been with the franchise since '82 and it was a a bit of a grim reminder of just what "State of the Art" technology was in the early years....which were NOT that long ago. I use a signature line on some forums that goes "The older I get, the better I was." lol But I well remember sitting in a bar marveling at the miracle of tech in gaming and shoving my quarters into a square table game thing called Pong. No way on Earth did I comprehend how they were able to achieve such 'magic'.
  12. I happened across this fun 'time machine' review on YouTube and thought it worth sharing. Enjoy the history lesson.
  13. Good news, I had to check my system and Google. DX12 is built in to Windows 11, so my latest Windows upgrade must have given me the capability/features it offers?
  14. Thanks for the reminder about the Marketplace. I had completely forgotten that very important step.
  15. I'm again delighted to report that another 'one click' update worked flawlessly and quickly.
  16. Just another vote for using the MS Store - one less middleman in the process? Steam can always blame Microsoft for any problems- lol
  17. Which aircraft? On some, like the 152, the compass at the top center of the windscreen is hard to see. I usually just go out to external camera mode which clearly brings up all the various pertinent info. Compass, speed, trim, flaps etc. I dedicate a button on my joystck and yoke to that quick function.
  18. I use a wireless mouse all the time - no issues. Should be the same for a keyboard?
  19. Happy to report the updates went quite smoothly and quickly. With my internet connection it took just under 10 minutes for the main update and then about 4-5 minutes for the 14 package updates I found in the Profile-Content Manager. A couple quickie varied test flights showed all to seem to be working just fine and dandy.
  20. There is an online website that can test your PC for compatibility with MSFS 2020 - https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri
  21. Just tried it for the first time - I needed to use 'R' then CTRL + or CTRL- . With my kinda mediocre desktop PC I couldn't advance it beyond one or two clicks without the flight turning into a slide show. But I'm retired anyway so I'm not really in any hurry - lol
  22. Update - I tried a few twin engine planes and the Fokker and Junkers tri-motors. Thankfully their throttles all responded to the default Throttle assignment for my quadrant and joystick controls and disregarded the Throttle 1 assignment. So if you opt to make the one-time additional assignment for Throttle 1 axis for your controllers (yes, two functions -Throttle axis and Throttle 1 axis - will then be assigned to the same controller input without creating any conflicts) you can then return to flying the Nemeth 103 with ease. I did send off a request to Nemeth Designs to go back to the way their plane's throttle was originally created, but this easy mod is a simple work-around until they do.
  23. I can where it 'could' create an issue flying a multi engine aircraft. But it's easy enough to temporarily remove the Throttle 1 assignment. I'll try the Junkers at some point tomorrow and report back.
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