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    Chicago, IL
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    cooking, fishing, target shooting, touring motorcycle riding

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  1. I saw a Nov 19th date mentioned on their website.
  2. Thankfully within the next 5 months it WILL be made official by Microsoft and we can all know for sure where our systems stand.
  3. Huzzah! XBox is back up and running again. Was able to do the new updates without a hitch.
  4. Trying to start MSFS getting error message - We couldn't sign you in to box live, try again later. Xbox website says Major Outage?
  5. To really appreciate the state-of-the-art technology we now casually enjoy and maybe even take for granted, it is worth noting from whence we came.
  6. And I AM old enough to remember being simply dazzled by version 1.0. How far simming has come. It does provide some valuable perspective. History of MS Flight Sims
  7. I've had this happen, opened task manager and ended the MSFS task then restarted in 'Normal' mode. The tip on the Xbox repair tool is great and super easy and quick to do. Thanks for sharing the info.
  8. Nope -I updated to 11 back in 2021 and it runs just fine for me. One hopes it will still work in Windows 12 late in 2024 or '25.
  9. MSFS 2020 is in its waning times. Since you've held off purchasing for four years already, you might want to wait a little longer till November 19th when MSFS 2024 is scheduled to be released? All of my various hardware addons were recognized and function fine in MSFS 2020.
  10. Thanks for sharing the updates. As a GA piston aircraft only simmer all that airliner stuff holds no interest but hopefully any new flight dynamics and scenery improvements will benefit my VFR world?
  11. I just now took a quick triangle flight - Meigs-O'Hare-Midway - a scenery dense location. No issues, but I would guess any major city area is pretty demanding of PC resources?
  12. Huzzah! I just now opened up the sim and all the airplanes have returned... so Yay! I'm pleased the programmers fixed the bug.
  13. Thanks a million - I was going nutz trying to figure this out. lol I LUV my new Piper Tomahawk and try to fly it ever day.
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