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Everything posted by chicagorandy

  1. OK, I admit it, I was grinning like a school kid when I jumped into my C152, took off from Midway and headed East. When the Meigs POI flag appeared a little over 5nm out I was filled with anticipatory delight, landed at Meigs landed and taxied over to the little terminal building and at once realized all was again well with the world. Mega-thanks to ichankal for the creation and even more thanks for the free download.
  2. Thanks for the link - just downloaded it and will fire up MSFS to give it a look-see.
  3. Exactly, I went with the mid-price Deluxe because as a Chicago resident I wanted the fancier version of O'Hare Airport. Though I still wish they would have ignored realism and included my beloved (now defunct) Meigs Field on the lakefront.
  4. This might be worth reading... https://www.polygon.com/microsoft-flight-simulator-guide/21405607/all-airports-list-get-new-standard-deluxe-premium
  5. I'm in the sim right now - NO movement of any kind on the dots - they are all solid as a rock for all three levers on the throttle quadrant - X, Y and Z axis.
  6. Just a wild thunk, though I have the Logitech quadrant and have never seen any jitters. Try plugging the quadrant into a separate USB port on your PC, rather than the port on the yoke? I dunno, just spit-balling an idea.
  7. That there is - lol - and I am as big an MSFS rookie as anyone else out there. This forum makes for a great venue to painlessly exchange ideas and learn together what truly is a highly complex bit of software.
  8. I'll presume it references Rotary Wing vs Fixed Wing aircraft?
  9. Just curious, are you running the sim graphics at Medium, High, Ultra? And what resolution? I only ask as I'm lead to believe the GPU and internet speed is more important than the CPU for MSFS. I could of course easily be mistaken.
  10. I have the same Logitech hardware and have not experienced any difficulty flying multi-engine planes controlling all the engines with just the one lever. Not as exact as being in any of the real cockpits with multiple levers for each engine, but the sim planes still fly just fine.
  11. Especially for those who get the 'woozies' using VR, a much lower cost alternative to full VR goggles would be one of the IR Head Tracker systems. No motion sickness potential since it simply eliminates the need to use a hat switch or keys to look around in the sim. Less immersive perhaps, but IMHO a great option. One of the best $75 PC gizmos I've used of late.
  12. "Sometimes" troubleshooting issues comes down to the simplest cause. I WELL remember the near full hour I spent MANY years ago troubleshooting a living room lamp............ only to finally notice the durn thing wasn't plugged in.
  13. I would contact Amazon and the seller - it IS always possible you simply received a faulty unit. I have every confidence Amazon will make things right. I've returned items in the past and received swift credit or replacement.
  14. I just took a brief flight in the 152 using only my gaming controller (bought solely for the drone) as the primary flight controller. WOW - do I ever appreciate my yoke/quadrant/pedals even more than I already did - LOL Yes - I was able to take off-fly-land again in one piece after a circuit around Chicago's Loop from Midway airport (once I learned what all the various paddles, buttons and joysticks do)....... but to say it wasn't a clumsy struggle for this old timer would be a lie. Maybe with a lot more practice I could do something vaguely resembling a smooth flight, but the immersive experience of my 'real' controls is not something I shall give up by choice anytime soon. That said, I can 'suggest' that those under a tight budget now flying with the keyboard & mouse only, would benefit and greatly enjoy adding this $15 gizmo to their sim experience. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CGR4SDP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  15. No upgrade as they are two totally different unrelated sim products. But YES, I would not hesitate for a second to buy and fly the MSFS Deluxe package again. It is a truly wonderful new flight sim experience that the creators are constantly improving. One caveat - decide which version you really want carefully, because the cost to change your mind and later 'upgrade' to a Deluxe or Premium version is cost prohibitive at this point. I do hope Microsoft changes their policy for those who opted to buy the Standard sim to make it more enticing. I closely reviewed the aircraft and airports included with each version before opting for the 'Deluxe'.
  16. I have not found the need to download any drivers for my Logitech yoke, throttle quadrant or Thrustmaster pedals. MSFS recognizes them automatically.
  17. IF I understand your question correctly? When you load the sim it automatically checks for any updates and links you to the site from which you can then download and install them. It's a very painless process. Many suggest buying direct from the Microsoft store, so that's where I got mine. With over 2 million copies sold to date I'd say it's pretty much out of the original "Beta" phase, though we are indeed not unlike an army of 2 million 'testers' when it comes to finding any potential bugs and glitches not caused by our own unfamiliarity, hardware or internet connections.
  18. IMHO and worth EVERY penny you just now paid for it - lol - nobody buys the old style mechanical SATA hard drives anymore as the technology is just this side of obsolete. That Dell would include it in such a pricey machine is kinda surprising. As to the rest? You 'might' be looking to buy far beyond reasonable and practical need. In 3-5 years whatever you buy today WILL be considered 'ancient' compared to the latest offerings so I wouldn't rely too much on today's PC being future proof at all. I have to believe that you can get a simply OUTSTANDING PC for MSFS at half the price of what you're considering now? But hey- it's YOUR money not mine and what makes ME happy has no bearing on what floats your canoe.
  19. I may be misusing the term? I'm just a geezer with new-fangled electric toys, I ain't no techie ner nuthin' - LOL. I don't personally care for the "Ultra-Wide" monitor 'look' with a short but very wide screen. I prefer the slightly taller screen. I suspect it's a potayto-potahto situation and related to the type of games I play. Pretty much just Flight Sim and the 1st person puzzle genre with games like Myst and House of Da Vinci. NO interest in the 'shooter' or 'online team' games.
  20. I prefer the curved HD monitor with normal aspect ratio to a curved ultra-wide one or any flat screen, and IMHO get as large as your budget will allow for the most 'immersion'.
  21. I reckon Bing needs to recognize the airfield first? I have NO idea if Asobo or an aftermarket creator can do much to add the few airfields across the globe that Bing has missed?
  22. "I don't understand this tolerance some people have for long wait times." 1st I should note that contrary to your apparent "insult"(?) I am neither 'political' in any way, shape or form nor can I recall watching Fox 'news'. My post is NOT an attempt to slam any particular comment you made, more my attempt to clarify why I don't view 4 minutes as being either 'long' or a situation requiring 'tolerance'. If you feel I did otherwise or were hurt by my words? I sincerely apologize. However I only gotta keep ME happy and that is how I approach life. Life is too short to sweat what is only a trivial game.
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