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Everything posted by chicagorandy

  1. This test will confirm your PC's ability to run the sim - https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri
  2. If you're really a fan of TIGHAR's so-called "proofs"? Let me tell you about the Bigfoot I've been chasing in my local forest preserve. It's been a struggle for sure. They ran out of fuel over the open ocean, hit the water and sank. Not as great a tale, but IMHO reality doesn't always make for a captivating tale. :rolleyes:
  3. I briefly thought my screen had frozen watching the scenery around me, then I saw the speedometer - lol
  4. Just bought the download in Euros - after battling with my desktop to allow it to download that is - will be firing it up soon. Fingers crossed. Update - OK, just a short hop from Meigs to Midway but quite the hoot if I do say so. VERY sensitive to the rudder pedals and I needed to change the cockpit camera to 'Pilot-Close' to get myself in the seat rather than hanging off the left wing - lol But 'visibility unlimited' would be an understatement. But flying this rascal is a real treat. Low and slow to be sure. The flight reached a top speed of almost 50mph! And it lands someplace in the high teens I'm thinking. Takes off at about 30. Sounds kinda like a Model T Ford in the air. Well worth whatever the heck 15.5 Euros is in 'real' money. lol
  5. Great to hear you've resolved the issue. Also happy to hear it had more to do with this sim's substantial learning curve than a fault in programming. We're all in this thing together.
  6. My Logitech throttle quadrant and my Thrustmaster rudder pedals plug into the Logitech yoke system and then its 1 USB cable to my desktop. It does not have the necessary power to add the PS3 controller I use for the drone so I plug that into a separate desktop USB port. No conflicts, power or control issues, works great in fact.
  7. Just my 'dumb guy' suggestion. Go to that controls section and un-assign Throttle Axis L. The Re-assign that same quadrant lever to it. If there are any conflicts the screen will display them. Save changes and see if that helps? That's all I got, sorry.
  8. Hold down CTRL key and the "2" key on your number keypad to release brakes. You might also consider changing the 'Assist". At lower skill levels that info pops up on screen.
  9. I'm lead to believe that the graphics card you use has a much bigger impact on MSFS than the CPU, so which card is in your machine?
  10. yeppers, and I say kudos to Asobo for concentrating their resources now on function before form. Once all the birds are flying properly and the controls all work well, giddy-up on all sorts of scenery enhancements. I'm having a ball seeing the world I will never be able to visit in person.
  11. I live on dah Souwess side, near Midway Airport over by dere.
  12. Be sure to also click on Grass Monkey's "Profile" section and download their custom one for MSFS 2020. It works wonderfully. really smooths out the viewing.
  13. Can't image why a head tracker, which only ties into the camera views, would affect throttles? Might want to send an inquiry off to whatever company makes your IR device?
  14. " I wish to get back the FSX way - real instrument on outside view." Easy fix, go back to flying FSX? Other than that Asobo MSFS ain't FSX.
  15. I take it you are in Europe? The 'device' it is seeking is which physical hard drive/M.2 SSD you want to use. Unless that is specified I would presume nothing will happen? I'm lead to believe those using the physical CD's version also need to keep Disk 1 handy to run the game?
  16. "And using FS9, FSX, P3D etc. I could still do that using yokes, rudders, throttle quadrants, etc. which we always used while RW flying. I also could use three (3) monitors,one straight ahead, one to the left, and one to the right to look out to the world as I did and everyone even today does while RW flying." I don't understand the tense used in your complaint sir. There is nothing preventing you from still sim flying in your other sims of choice. Just not THIS one at THIS time...... yet. As to the multiple monitors? Heck, ditch the monitors and go full-on VR and never look back. Or... wait for Asobo to first clear up important functional issues before addressing purely cosmetic ones. My yoke, quadrant and rudder pedals all function just fine & dandy in MSFS as I must assume do yours? And I simplified my life and use an IR head tracker rather than multiple monitors. Although a tiny part of me suspects that you just might like whinging about MSFS? And that, while tiresome, is indeed your right. And always remember, MSFS 2020 is only a game, not a cure for a major illness and THIS is merely another internet forum open to all.
  17. A nice reminder for ME was watching this short cockpit-view video of two real-life RV aircraft doing some formation flying and a few take-off and landings. I had just finished a C152 sim flight from Meigs across Lake Michigan landing at South Michigan airport when I dropped by a Light Sport Aviation forum I haunt and watched the vid. Makes me appreciate why in MSFS the air seems sometimes 'choppy' and 'bumpy' in the little Cessna. It's a tribute to how well the sim is seeking to replicate the real world.
  18. Might as well give a free plug for the IR head tracker I'm enjoying - https://grassmonkeysimulations.com/
  19. I suspect that this forum would have to start charging a membership fee to buy more memory storage if most of the 2 MILLION + owners of MSFS 2020 who ARE flying it and ARE pretty happy started responding to the 'naysayers'?
  20. I heartily agree with the use of IR head trackers. Mine works very well (Grass Monkey Odyssey) and at $75 it remains a 'best buy' for my sim experience.
  21. A relaxing little coffee run - Meigs to Gary - Gary to Midway.
  22. She's probably angry at you for not letting her have a seatbelt - LOL
  23. If you mean aftermarket aircraft for sale? Several are available in the sim's "Marketplace" section. Reports indicate that perhaps as many as 100 more are in the aftermarket pipeline? As yet, no Pilatus Porter is for sale. Also please understand that this sim is NOT a 2020 'version' of any previous flight sim, it is a new and unique offering created by Asobo studios in France.
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