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Everything posted by napamule2

  1. He doesn't have a model problem, he has a flight dynamics problem, so it's ok to post here. I could help. I had the Pogo working good a few years ago. It was turbo prop (max 460 kts). Your model would have to have flaps and spoiler in order for me to make it VTOL. I just downloaded Thunderbird 1 (circa 2011) to see how it behaves. Will work on it tonight. Then make a video so you can see what I did/did not/could not do (hehe). I love working on these type 'sim objects'. But sometimes there are limitations. Chuck B Napamule
  2. The i7 950 max turbo is 3.33 ghz. How are you able to get 4.2 ghz without frying it? What brand of cooling do you use? Is it 100% stable? I want to oc my i7 2600k. I get 30 fps in FSX on modest settings but only because I tweaked the fsx cfg. I use Win 7 Pro 64 bit and am NOT going Win10!! Not buying a new PC either. Or getting FS 2020 (XBox). Chuck B Napamule
  3. Translation: Welcome. Sounds like you enjoyed all the past sims. Do research on web for good PC. Best to use English. Good luck. Donald J Ringling. Don't copy/paste MY post. What is the purpose of doing that? I don't get it. This is not the screen shot forum, you know. Explain yourself if you please. I'll BE BAAAACK. Chuck B Napamule
  4. Installshield Error 1628: Failed to Complete Script-Based Installation The following error message can occur at run time when you are trying to uninstall, repair, or update an installation. Error 1628: Failed to complete script based install. This error message is caused by the Windows Installer Service and is often caused by the installation itself. Possible Cause 1 ----------------------- This error message is often caused when the uninstallation log file becomes corrupt. This can happen if the installation is somehow corrupt. Fix: In the Windows Task Manager, end the process that is running IDriver.exe: Right-click the Windows Task bar, then click Task Manager. On the Processes tab, click the Image Name column to sort it alphabetically. Review the running processes to see if idriver.exe is running. If idriver.exe is running, click it or right-click it, then click End Process. Run the installation again to see if the error still occurs. Possible Cause 2 ----------------------- This error can also occur if the Windows Installer Service is not properly configured on your computer or if the installation is created with a newer version of the Windows Installer Service than the one on your computer. Fix: To fix this issue, install the latest Windows Installer Service on your computer. Instructions and download links for the Windows Installer are listed below, sorted by operating system. Windows XP: Windows XP contains Windows Installer version 2.0. You should not have to install the Windows Installer Service (MSI engine) on Windows XP. Restart your computer and run the installation again to see if the error continues to occur. Possible Cause 3 ----------------------- This error message may also occur if a file in the Temp directory is conflicting with the files used by the installation while it is running. Fix: Delete the entire contents of the Temp directory: Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop, or right-click Start, then click Explore. Navigate to the Temp directory, for example, C:\Windows\Temp. Click in the directory, then right-click and click Select All (or CTRL+A). On the toolbar, click Delete or right-click the selection, then click Delete (or CTRL+X). A confirmation message appears. Click Yes. Run the installation again to see if the issue is resolved.
  5. I come in here just to co-miserate with you. I KNOW how stressful not making Flt Sim work can be. It just ruins your whole YEAR! But there is hope. You need to take a deep breath and then realize that you might have to START from zero (again) - it you want to prevail! You just have to read and read some more to prevail. Myself I have Win 7 Pro 64 bit. THAT would be a good starting point for you. Win 7 Pro 64 bit from Amazon is fairly safe and is where I got mine. I can point you to the exact one (see pic). They (MS) says it no longer supports it, but I don't care about that. All I know is that Flt Sim works with Win 7 AND that they can't DISABLE Win 7- so I'm good. Then start with clean HDrive. DON'T install to C/Program Files folder, install to C/FS9 (or C/FSX). Read on steps to install Sim. Then read on tweeking Cfg (lots of forums with tips on all of this). When you prevail you will feel like a million dollars and no one can take THAT away from you. We ALL had to sweat the details to OWN the Sims. Write things down that you do, setp 1, 2, etc and use it as a guide as you MIGHT need to do it AGAIN. Good luck. Chuck B Napamule
  6. HAPPY, MERRY, WHATEVER! :-) .... From California.
  7. Like it was said: it would take code hacking. Not possible. But with a little typing you can GROUP the airports to where they (essentially) would be 'highlighted'. Re-Name your ADD ON airports (ONLY) using N_, S_, E_, W_ and to further group you could use 'N_xxx, NE_xxx, E_xxx, SE_xxx, S_xxx, SW_xxx, W_xxx, NW_xxx', where 'xxx' is name of airport. For the USA those directions would be from some central airport (Dallas?). For Europe you can pick some 'centrally located' airport. So this 'system' would apply ONLY for/to your ADD ON airports! HA! IE: there are no default airports named 'N_xxx', etc. Then when you go to load the airport, and start typing ('N' for example) all the 'N_xxx, NE_xxx' airports would be grouped and you would then just scroll to pick the one you want. Just an idea. Good luck. Chuck B Napamule
  8. Learn to fly a helicopter. That will liven up your nervous system and stimulate your brain cells. Not sure how old you are, or what version of FS you have, but even FS2004 is good for learning helicopter flying. I also drive race cars in FSX. Then there is the carrier OPS (FSX has moving AI carriers) using the F-18 Hornet . That should keep you busy all of 2020. Chuck B Napamule
  9. Bien Venido Carlos. A segun eres bueno para el simulador. No tengo X-Plane pero you tambien tuve FS98,FS2002,FS9 y ahora FSX Acceleration. Este 'juego' es bastante complicado por el requisito de tener una buena computadora. La mia tiene 6 anos pero me da 30 fps en FSX y no pienso comprar una PC nueva porque questa demasiado y no gano mucho mas. Puedes gastar $5,000 si quieres. Yo compre las partes separadas y la construi yo mismo, pero no todos pueden, y le temen, que es justo. Mira mi specs y comiensa a buscar algo igual en las redes en el internet. Tienes que estudiar y leyer mucho antes de decidir. Buena suerte. Ohale sepas Ingles para que defrutes mejor lo que hay aqui. Carlos B Napamule Translation: Welcome. Sounds like you enjoyed all the past sims. Do research on web for good PC. Best to use English. Good luck.
  10. Maybe this will help you. • Double click the MSKB928080.exe (Or, right click on MSKB928080 and choose 'Run as Admin') • When you’re prompted to accept the license agreement, click Yes • Extract the files to C:\MicrosoftKB928080 and click Run (or OK) • Click Start (On your desktop screen) • Type CMD and press Enter • At the command prompt type cd C:\ and press Enter • Type cd MicrosoftKB928080 and press Enter (ie: extraction created folder 'MicrosoftB928080') • Type resetsldl –All and press Enter You may have to do this in Safe Mode and temporarily disable your Anti Virus. Chuck B Napamule
  11. I have used Comodo Ice Dragon browser and AVAST free anti virus version for years and go anywhere, and everywhere, on the internet and have never caught a virus. They work together well. AVAST will update itself automatically in the background. I get 30 fps in FSX so AVAST stays quiet (it will not do any work when I am running a/any program in full screen). Don't have to worry when I am in FSX. I scan with malwarebites, etc , about every 4 months just to be sure. I love this combo. Chuck B Napamule
  12. It sounds like you are flying using the keyboard. You should get a joystick for best experience with flying Flight Sim. An excellent joystick is the Microsoft Sidewinder 2 (do NOT get the Force Feedback!!) which is USB connect so no installation of drivers is required. Plug N Play. This joy can be found on Amazon for $29 (used but ok - see pic). Don't pay $99 for a joystick that doesn't last due to mechanical problems, etc. I have had my Sidewinder for 15 years and it still work like new. Chuck B Napamule Edit: For easier throttle management get a 10-Keypad (see pic) and map F1 to F4 keys on it. No need to buy an expensive throttle quadrant. You will enjoy flying a lot more when you don't have to use the keys on keyboard. Fly in Style!
  13. Do you know that the FS9 FSRecorder and the FSX FSRecorder have different, or specific, installers? Are you trying to use FS9 installer in FSX? Won't work. Just my 2 cents. Chuck B Napamule
  14. We are agueing about other stuff. The OP only wants to know how to install FSRecorder for FS9. He says FS9 is running ok with Win 10. (Really?). We should wait for him to check back in shouldn't we? I imagine he went on tangent with FSX not running and then FSRecorder for FS9 not installing. We don't even know his specs. He has only 6 posts since joining in 2010. Maybe he is overwhelmed. It happens. Chuck B Napamule
  15. IF: af17478ssp.zip . In the comments it says: 'that one leans to the left'. And apparently nobody ever fixed that problem. Chuck B Napamule
  16. I missed that ('for P3d and FSX'). Of course they 'shouldn't' work in FS2004. But no harm in trying. It's your money. They will take your money even if you want to try them in FS2002 (ha). Reality sucks. Chuck B Napamule
  17. I found one for you available here at FSCom. File name af1b7478f.zip, 20.3 Mb, dated 9-29-2010. It's a POSKY model which is a good thing. Freeware. So don't search 'air force 1' or '747-800 af1' as you won't find it that way. It's a 747-8F. OK? OK! Good luck. Hope you have a program to un-zip the file. Get WinZip as it works good and is easy to learn how to use (YouTube how to video will do). Chuck B Napamule
  18. I did not find anywhere that it says 'For FS2004' OR 'Just for FSX' but it's available. Here is link: https://www.flightbeam.net/ksfo.html/ . It is still on sale $19.99 (reg $29.99). So HURRY down there and GET it (hehe). Chuck B Napamule
  19. If you would please post the below values from you problem airplane's aircrft cfg perhaps we could point out what may be amiss and make it handle better on TO. Chuck B Napamule //--------------------------------------------------------------------- [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position= 0, 0, 0 empty_weight_CG_position= 0, 0, 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------- [fuel] Center1= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, xxxx, 0 LeftMain= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, xxxx, 0 RightMain= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, xxxx, 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------- [GeneralEngineData] Engine.0= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Engine.1= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 //-------------------------------------------------------------- [contact_points] point.0=1, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, point.1=1, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, point.2=1, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, //------------------------------------------------------------- [airplane_geometry] oswald_efficiency_factor= 0.00 htail_pos_lon= 00.0 htail_pos_vert= 0.0 htail_incidence= 0.0 vtail_pos_lon= 00.0 vtail_pos_vert= 00.0
  20. Yeah. But be sure it also running Windows 10 and that the Windows has all the updates as the other PC. :-) Chuck B Napamule
  21. I might not be contact points or ref datum or CofG. It may be that he modified the 'Moments Of Inertia' section to make the P38 'more aerobatic' (better handling). That is the probable and more logical cause. Chuck B Napamule
  22. Kong Fooey? Soap Opera? There is NO SOAP OPERA in Flight Simulator!!
  23. There is unlimited 'shelf life' for power supply that has never been used (new in box). Put it this way: it will outlive YOU (ha). But under normal use they usually are good for from 5 years to 8 years (the length of warranty points to how well it was made (quality parts, printed circuit board, type/quality of solder, etc) and thus the length of the warranty period (years)). How did you determine 'it doesn't work'? It does not indicate anything if just plugged in and power switch turn 'ON" as it will detect there is no load present (not plugged into PC components) so it just sits there. New electronics can do that you know. If you plug it into PC, run wires where they belong on MB, and it doesn't do anything then you can say 'it doesn't work'. OR you can give it me for scrap and I will pay the shipping charges (hehe). Chuck B Napamule
  24. Or Van Dam. The Van is what they will use to transport you to the hospital when the scuba divers pull you out of the deep six. And in the van they will give you water. But just enough to drown your sorrows. And what about the Dam? Never mind about that, BUSTER (hehe).
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