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Everything posted by napamule2

  1. How do I convert a DOCX file to PDF on my laptop? Steps Open the Microsoft Word document. Double-click the Word document to open it in Microsoft Word. ... Click File. It's in the top-left corner of the Word window. ... Click Export. This option is in the left-hand column of options. ... Click Create PDF/XPS Document. ... Click Create PDF/XPS. ... Select a save location. ... Click Publish.
  2. Sounds like intel (chip set) drivers. Download drivers from Asus site (NOT anywhere else) for 64 bit Win 7 and install them as administrator and that should set things right. Good luck. Chuck B Napamule
  3. You can upload any file type that is in a FOLDER as a zip file. You have to SAVE the zipped FOLDER file(s) (readme, jpg, id_diz) somewhere (desktop is ok). Then upload the ZIP to the FSCom library. It will be listed as a downloadable file for anyone that wants it. That simple. Chuck B Napamule
  4. It's everywhere! I went to my eye Dr yesterday and he said my vision was '2020'. (I know it's NOT). I asked my eye Dr: ''Have you, by any chance, been contacted by Microsoft lately?'' He just SMILED, said nothing, and walked out. HA! Chuck B Napamule
  5. It's everywhere! I went to my eye Dr and he said my vision was '2020'. (I know it's NOT). I asked my eye Dr: ''Have you, by any chance, been contacted by Microsoft lately?'' He just SMILED, said nothing, and walked out. HA! Chuck B Napamule
  6. Mark my words: it will be 2021 before the SDK will be available. Without it you got no developers. They modeled the REAL wind and the REAL effect that it will have on (only) the C-172. If, and when, I can no longer make a brick fly, then and only then, will I say the 'NEW' sim is an improvement and 'as real as it gets'. I don't think that's possible with our puny PCs. Chuck B Napamule
  7. They have bars where you can go get a beer. They have laundrymats where you can go do your laundry. They have librarys where you can go read a book. They have rollerinks where you can skate. They have massage parlors where you can get 'rubbed'. They have bowling alleys, and can join a league, along with the shirt with team logo, bowl, eat, have a beer and socialize. So, why can't there be some 'MS Pads' (Hangars?) where you can go in, rent a booth, and play Flight Simulator on provided top spec PC's, play 'online', eat, and get a beer, and socialize? I don't think MS is really doing any 'real' THINKING! Chuck B Napamule PS: You are grounded-go to your room-but DON'T play with your XBox OR with FS2020-you hear me!? Do your homework. Write a novel. Discover a cure for cancer. Take a bath. (hehe)
  8. What nobody is discussing is the fact that one model will 'handle' differently (ie: require more trim) than another. One C-182 should handle the same as another C-182 but they often don't if they are from different modelers. So, in the Sim, you get what you get. So one size does not fit all. What do I do? I use my method to find out just how bad it really is. Then I tweak it to make it fly right. Only way. Chuck B Napamule
  9. What USB 'device'? Joystick? Hub? Some devices are not able to function in USB 2.0 and must have USB 3.0. Some USB hubs have this 'problem' that require a POWERED USB 3.0 jack. Some USB jacks are just signal jacks (ie: the one in front of PC). So, try another jack, possibly the one(s) on the back of the PC and not the ones in the front of the PC. Being there...done that. I got a powered hub and solved that problem. Good luck. Chuck B Napamule Here is some other info that might apply: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Fix the “USB Device Not Recognized” (Windows 7) Problem? Remove Power Supply. This is the easiest solution to the issue. ... Uninstall and Then Reconnect Your External USB Device. ... Update the USB Device Drivers. ... Fix USB Root Hub. ... Disable the USB Selective Suspend Setting. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix – Windows 10 doesn't recognize USB ports - Open Device Manager, go to Universal Serial Bus controllers section and find USB Root Hub - Right click USB Root Hub and choose Properties. - Go to Power Management section and make sure that Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power is unchecked.
  10. I use key presses to do 'auto trim' (manual but with assist). How? I press 'Z' key (activates AP) then press 'Ctrl+Z' (activates 'Set Alt at Present Alt') then wait 5 seconds and you're done! You do have a little 'leeway' (nose up/down) using joy or yoke BUT NOT MUCH or AP will 'let go'. Do it in reverse order to go off AP and take over with manual control. Trim is vital and very useful if used right so learn how to use it properly and the sim will be a pleasure and not a pain. Chuck B Napamule
  11. Yep, wrong forum. So 'Microsoft Flight Simulator' is for the up-coming FltSim and not for FS9 or FSX. You click 'VIEW', then RIGHT CLICK on text file, then choose 'OPEN IN A NEW TAB'. That might work. Chuck B Napamule
  12. On the interview someone (?) said ;...it may be called 'FS11' or 'FS12', not sure yet'. That makes sense. FSXI? Maybe not that. But, yes, it will most likely have a version title after 'Microsoft Flight Simulator'. They insist on including 'Microsoft' in the name as we most surely might expect (marketing!). I might just wait until 2021 to even consider buying it as you will only have a core with features slated to be added 'in the future' (months/year?) using feedback, etc. One thing sticks out: it's going to be multi core so that alone is worth A LOT! Call it what you want-it's going to blow your mind that's for sure! Chuck B Napamule
  13. I got one for you: How about waiting for FS11 (2020) to come out and then they can lock this thread as FS11 will be multi-core, won't load scenery and problems that causes, and be as real as the real world. You can find your street, and your house. It will be a game changer. Not everthing you want will be available right away as they plan to upgrade in stages as the software is developed (using feedback, etc). You won't EVEN think of FSX AND/OR FS9 once they put FS11 out. Chuck B Napamule
  14. Hey OK, How have you been? I see you 'embeded' my video link. I could do that but I prefer to go watch at YouTube so I can choose 'Quality'. And pause, etc. But, thanks anyway. How is the Nurburgring track going? It's been a year and a half. But maybe you should just wait until FS 11 (2020) comes out. It is going to be multi-core. But online play (Steam?) won't be available right away. Have you seen the graphics on that thing? It's amazing! Anyway I have $49 ($29?) saved for when it comes out. Or I might just wait until FS11 comes out and go race at the REAL LaMans track as the scenery is going to be 'real'- HA! Have a nice day. Chuck B Napamule
  15. The 1000+ HP Porsche 917K (Gulf C paint) by O.K. Daley (2017) at LeMans4FSX track (by O.K. Daley) doing 2 'hot' laps (2:35) and going 335 Mph. Video shows new cnt pts and new FDEs. I only got it yesterday so have not gotten familiar with it yet. Link: . Chuck B Napamule PS: If you Right Click on link you can choose to 'Open In A New Tab' and then be at YouTube to watch with view options (Quality, etc).
  16. Comodo Ice Dragon browser, a individual's (developer?) version, that is based on FireFox, has small footprint, and works good. I also NEVER use IE, which is garbage compared. My 2 cents worth. Chuck B Napamule
  17. FSRecorder will also allow making camera views (tower, etc) that you can place along a route, or at different positions around airport like for pylon racing. Or, like OK Daley, place along a race track and lock onto one race car and follow it around the course. Can those other progs do that? I doubt it. To change view you can't use Sim key presses but you can map your own (ie: shift+A , shift+S, etc). You have to 'read between the lines' and use the advanced menus to achieve what you want but the possibilites are endless. You just have to spend some time 'working' it to find out what all ('TONS') is there. Chuck B Napamule
  18. Unfortunately you don't have a 'Camera.cfg' in FS9 as you do in FSX. And it depends on what airplane you want to use. I tried the 172 and got left wheel view (pic 1). Then I tried 737 and got wheel view but not as close (pic 2). The 172 was using VC view, Shift+Backspace to move down, zoom set to 0.50 and then used '+' and '-' keys. For the 737 I could only use 'spot' view, 33 ft dist, 0 ft alt, and 0.50 zoom. Then I used joy hat switch to pan plus '+' and '-' keys. I don't have FSRecorder installed for FS9 right now (so couldn't try it) but I am willing to bet you can make a camera view that will stay there (until you recall view with a key combination) which would be when you are recording a video (like landing?). So I will install FSRcorder for FS9 and try it tomorrow (it's 2 am now). Good luck. This is an interesting topic (for me, anyway (hehe)). Chuck B Napamule
  19. I had FS98, FS2002 and then FS2004. I bought FSX Gold (Acceleration) and had to wait a year ($) to get an i7 PC. In that year I determined that I was going to master (?) FSX Accel even if it took 400 four hour sessions. I now believe MS put it out there to test our mettle. We showed them! I get 30 fps, love the carriers (F18), the improved models, etc. But I still have ACOF which only yesterday found out was not 9.1 so I dnld it and get 60 fps. So the MS 'junk' sims will test your nerves and make you spend $ to get a better pc. Why did I not stay with FS9? Ah? That's right! It's crazy! So I wonder just what 'TYPE' of insanity this is, and if me being 'crazy' helped (hehe). MS coming out with FS2020 isn't going to bother me too much as I ain't giving MS anything- not ONE MORE stinking copper PENNY!!!! Chuck B Napamule
  20. I tried to do system image (Win 7) and I got errors (missing files/services/etc). So I went and downloaded Macrum Reflect (free for Home Use - 100mb). Installed and ran. It took 8 hours to do image of 865 gb. But it solved my problem (stupid Windows!). It writes an *.xml file to 'My Documents' which I put on a USB for safe keeping. Now if my hard drive fails, or I want to get a bigger HDrive, I can use the Macrum Reflect to restore my BOOT drive © AND Windows instlal in a matter of hours. Hope this helps. Chuck B Napamule
  21. Boy oh Boy! How I wish it would rain! For 6 months. With thunder and lighting. And tornados. And power outages. And more rain. Oh well, one can WISH but it may not EVER happen. iRacing anybody?
  22. I got this from Cnet: Because the tool to create a system image is somewhat buried in Windows 10, let's shine a light on where it's located and how to use it. Steps to create a backup system image: 1. Open the Control Panel (easiest way is to search for it or ask Cortana). 2. Click System and Security 3. Click Backup and Restore (Windows 7) 4. Click Create a system image in the left panel 5. You have options for where you want to save the backup image: external hard drive or DVDs. I suggest the external hard drive, even if your computer has a DVD-RW drive, so connect your external drive to your PC, select 'On a hard disk' and click 'Next'. 6. Click the 'Start backup' button. After the system image is created, you'll be asked if you want to create a system repair disc. This puts your image on a CD or DVD, which you can use to access the system image you created if your PC won't boot. Don't worry if your laptop doesn't have a CD or DVD drive; you can skip this step and boot the system from the system image on your external hard drive. Chuck B Napamule Note: Even tho it say 'Windows 7' it WILL work for Windows 10 just the same. So 'Create System Image' in Windows 10 is 'hidden' in 'Control Panel'.
  23. I found the 2011 Extra 300 FDEs but not the 2012 FDEs. They might be the same one? At any rate..I just tried them and the Extra is almost too sensative but it did do knife edge (you can fly knife edge all day long). I will work on FDEs to see if I can make it crab (wind was 5 kts) so did not do it. I, myself, don't need to crab an extra (hehe). I ziped the whold thing, not just the FDEs, except for the panel gauges (mistake-mo!). Here is MediFire download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/d4800t6blbiuifu/E300Mods.zip/file . Let me know what needs done and I will tweak it further. Cheers. Chuck B Napamule
  24. I made FDEs for Extra 300 and Sukhoi 26 back in 2012. They could do just about everything (depending on pilot skill, of course). I made a video: https://youtu.be/9bodec2Ycn0 . I will look for the FDEs. I lost a hard drive in 2012. But maybe they were backed up. I could do an upload of just the FDEs. Give a day or two. I'll be baaaaccckkkk. Chuck B Napamule
  25. My pleasure Peter. Glad you tried it. Glad it worked for you. Happy flying. Chuck B Napamule
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