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Everything posted by napamule2

  1. Like I said, am busy this week, so will get on it Monday or Tuesday. Will let you know. I also downloaded some of your other models you put out 'way back when'. :-) . The FDEs I have now can make jets go Mach 4.1 / 2500 kts yet land 5 kts. I had one go up to 600,000 ft and back down (no gauges). Crossed the Atlantic in 3 hrs (at Mach 3) while only using 80 gals of fuel (hehe). Real? No! Who cares! Cheers. Chuck B Napamule
  2. Andy, I am honored! I dug this up from 2008 because I was working on VTOL FDEs and, guess what? They fit th e Transformer. They need a little more work but I almost got it 'right'. People just don't appreciate how much work it takes to make something like this. I do because it would take me YEARS to learn - that I know. I am 79 yrs old now - 'old dog..new tricks', and all that. Thank You for this marvelous model. I enjoyed having it in MY stable and working on it. Will make another video when I get it 99.9%. Busy right now but next week will finish the job. Check this: it actually has JET engines and it does 450 kts! Not 'real'? Too bad because MY transformer (in airplane mode) goes FAST, can float, and lands at 5 kts (in transformer mode). Too much fun already. Cheers. Chuck B Napamule
  3. The original F-35, by Twaites, was for FS9 (model=2004) so that model won't show in FSX. Then Dino Cattaneo re-worked the model and textures to work in FSX. BUT... only in FSX Accelleration or Steam and is called Version 2 ( 'f35v230.zip' (184 mb)). Chuck B Napamule
  4. FSX model of Transformer by Andy Johnston doing it's thing. Video shows FDE work for accurate (almost vertical) landings. Not perfect so no upload of FDE yet. 20Feb05. Link: Chuck B Napamule
  5. Evidently his real life 'Day Job' was a script writer for ANIME movies for tv and web streaming to as late as 2011 in Japan. He has a twitter account (Diary) but it's in Japanese. Magnificant modeler. Chuck B Napamule
  6. Various models (Model credits are in video Description) doing true vertical landings. 20Jan30. cb. Link: . Chuck B Napamule
  7. Or, you could just get another panel that 'fits' and then you won't be worrying about 'Shift+5' and what it does. This is a legitimate 'work around'. We have all done it at one time or another, for whatever reason(s). I myself don't like 'un-orthodox' panels, etc. KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid (my motto). Why worry. Do a work around. Chuck B Napamule
  8. It doesn't HAVE to be the trike. It can be the C-172 at any airport. The trick is to make THAT the 'default' flight THAT LOADS WHEN YOU START SIM. Solves a lot of problems. Also Sim should not be installed in 'Program Files' folder but on root of HDrive (whether C or D, E, F, etc drive). Also having joystick AND yoke / pedals both plugged in may not work as expected due to 'xyz' (can of worms). Reality trumps Expectations (everytime). Chuck B Napamule
  9. This is just the usual malarchy. They throw modern hardware at an ancient PC, hook it all up to a amplified USB hub, and nothing works. Dah! And what are your sensitivities and nulls? Do you jiggle the yoke to 'find' the '0' position? If the software can't find '0' position it doesn't know what 'full' left/right is as it doesn't have a SET '0' reference point. Yada, yada, yada. Drivers? Windows 7,8.1,10? Version of FSX? New or Used yoke? Using both joystick and yoke? Plugged in at same time or one at a time and plug the other AFTER the 1st one is aligned and working good? It's a craps (roll of the dice) game sometimes. Cheesh! Chuck B Napamule
  10. C172: GWt: 2550.......................Mooney: 3662 " 4 Pass/400 Lbs..................." 4 Pass/700 Lbs " HP: 180............................." HP: 270 " Spd: 115 (163).................." Spd: 180 (195) " Flaps: 4 Pos........................" Flaps: 3 Pos 0, 12, 25,38...............................0, 8, 33 The HP of engine(s) is the significant difference. But, like most 'default' aircraft in Sim, the cfg and air values (ie: missing or incorrectly set by MS) makes a difference in Sim, compared to the performance of the specific aircraft in 'real' life. Chuck B Napamule
  11. You can do turns (right, left, back to straight at Rnwy) and reduce speed that way. You can also make sure you land into the wind. Ever try doing an ILS landing using AP to use as a 'teaching' tool? For crying out loud - the Mooney is practically a Cessna but with 2 engines. Doesn't make sense that you 'can't slow down'. Something (we can't tell WHAT) is amiss here. Did you 'soup' the Mooney up by changing engine values in cfg or air? Did you change ANYTHING in cfg or air? Fess up dude! Chuck B Napamule PS: you can be doing aproach at 500 kts at 1 NM out in a heavy or military jet and slow to 120 kts to land. How? DRAG: gear, flaps, spoiler settings in AIR file. It would not be 'real' but it can be done. But the MOONEY? Come ON!
  12. Another Windoze X user. They should of named it Windows PC (Permission Crazy). You install as USER. Win 10 does not have to listen to you. Admin yes, you no. HA. So you install and uninstall, again and again. HA. You install to Program Files. HA. You don't restart PC after install, or defrag. HA. You cruised at 65 in Win 7, and now you should cruise at 85 in Win 10. HA. You scenery doesn't look good at 8 FPS. HA. You use 3rd party 'commander' program ('WHY' is unknown) and ut may not be compatible with Win 10 64 bit - only 32 bit. HA. Have you stoped beating your wife yet? HA. HA HA HA
  13. Actually you do not have to do anything. I flew it and it is a little sluggish. Takes a while to get up to speed but otherwise it is PERFECT as perfect can get as is. Payware quality. Case closed. I believe your problem is not having the C-172 as your 'default' start up flight (when FSX first loads). Chuck B Napamule
  14. Son diferente. FSpilotshop tiene mas que un ano que no responden. No compres porque pierdes ese dinero y no es possible el revolso. Los que compraron el ano pasado todavia no pueden usar por la razon que no trabaja el 'download link' o 'password reset'. Muchos developers tambien no recibieron pago. FSPS diho que los servers fallaron pero a mi se ase que mienten. Pero todavia venden productos (que te quitan dinero y no te dan nada ni repuesta a emails) asi que no compres. FSCom no tiene nada que ver con ellos. Chuck B Napamule Trata de usar English en este site. Usa Google Translation.
  15. You did not say which zip file name you are flying. There were 2 zips. One for FS9 and one for FSX. 'stratojet_excaliber-1.zip' ......9,195 Kb, 01/19/2014........is for FSX. 'sj_ex_2.zip' ......................12,743 kb, 10/22/2006.........is for FS2004. I have this jobbie. Did not work on sicne 2014. But for starters the MOI's are thus: empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 250000.000 empty_weight_roll_MOI = 200000.000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 200000.000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 5000.000 Try those. Also do you have this: [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant = 1 pitot_heat=1.000000 I will fly it tonight. Got chores right now. Will report back tomorrow. The last time I flew it (2018) it was perfect as perfect can get - for being freeware. Heyart and Walert (spelling?) did top notch job on this one. That is why I mentioned FS9 -vs- FSX version. Get the right one then try it. Cheers. Chuck B Napamule Edit: And another thing: If you don't have the C-172 as your Default Flight (loaded at FSX start) then that WILL be your 'problem'. Believe it!
  16. Oh? So you were talking about yourself here?: 'Mine is 6 years old but it gives me 30 fps in FSX and I am not going to buy a new PC.'. Or here? 'Look at my specs and start looking for something similar on the internet..'. And you repeated this: 'Ohale sepas Ingles para que defrutes mejor lo que hay aqui.' with the English translation - this: 'Ohale, you know English so you can enjoy what's better here.'. Your post was word for word what I said. Call it what you want you are still dis-respecting me. What's the point? Chuck B Napamule
  17. APD Harrier, orig for FS2004, by Adam Preece, showing off NEW FDEs in FSX Accel. With 5 kt head wind it lands at 5 kts (so, actual is 0 kts?). All hand fly and no gauges used. Hope you like and enjoy. CB. 20Jan11. Link: Chuck B Napamule
  18. Hey Robin, Well the Thunderbird 1 works in FS2004. Don't know if the original FDEs will work but the FSX FDEs that I am using work good in both Sims. FS2004 only requires that you increase the MOI's or it will shake. Other than that it works good. The file name is 'thunderbird1.zip', 6025 kb, circa 2001. CUL8R. Chuck B Napamule
  19. Ok Buddy. If you don't check in and report what you want/need by tomorrow sometime I will drop you like a lead ballon. I got the TB1 working good. Does Mach 4.400. Lands 0 kts. Can you ignore that? I hope not. I intend to have fun doing this IF you are interested. If not then I will bow out. Have a nice day. Chuck B Napamule
  20. I am with Hans on this one. I also believe you have a defective keyboard. Nothing else makes any sense. Chuck B Napamule
  21. I'm BAAAACK! Here is a short video showing it flying level then droping on it's tail (hand fly). It is easier to fly then the Harrier! YouTube Link: . To me it's amazing that it can do this. It's due to the modified dynamics (orig for the B-1B) but not sure who owns the FDEs. Nice find for me. To much fun already! Chuck B Napamule
  22. I got it to land on it's tail (made video-posting later tonight) but since the model does not have 'cnt pts' there, it just flipped over onto the skids but did not crash. If you add 4 WHEELS (not skids) to the model's tail I imagine you COULD land it on it's tail. Even on water (there is NO water on Mars - hehe). Fun project for me. CUL8R. Chuck B Napamule
  23. Well the Thunderbird 1 (circa 2001 not 2011-hehe) did ok on it's trial run. I changed the cnt pts a bit and it lands good. The skids produce SMOKE (?) which is not right but that can be fixed. I got it to go fast but it could go faster. The flaps need work (only 2: 0 and 80 so needs 0, 20, 40, then 80 for smooth approach and handling). I guess we can go do this via EMail if you like. I will PM you my email. I also want to know if you want it to land on it's tail, and if so, what do you use to make the MODEL tip to vertical? Flaps is what is usually used. Otherwise it will take a lot work, using Shuttle FDEs (?), to hand fly/land. RCB Gauges is what is usually used for best results with tail landing. Although it can be done without RCB Gauges if the model tilts with flaps like the POGO. Right now it VTOLS at 0 kts but on the skids, not the tail. More later. Chuck B Napamule
  24. If you use Google it will find it for you. I entered 'is there a F-35 for FS2004' and got links. It's at Simviation (Military page 54). Also a couple other sites. But beware of rikoo, etc sites and those files may contain virus, trojan, etc. Chuck B Napamule
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