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Everything posted by terrylawdinn

  1. Having similar fun trying to get the toe-brakes to work as IRL but I've only just got the pedals so still finding my way around them, (not least getting a good "working" position at my desk!) Make sure you're using the correct key-bindings as apparently there has been some messing about - mine got changed. On the T.Flight Hotas4 I use R-Axis Y- and X- But I've never had the parking brake come on automatically, has anybody else? What aircraft are you flying?
  2. Otherwise I don't think you can, without changing a config file anyway. International Aviation works off UTC so I would guess the developers didn't even consider making it possible. Just like IRL you'll have to get used to mentally adjusting the time yourself - here in the UK it's easy as we're already on UTC............................. (Sorry USA)
  3. I use an addon manager to keep things reasonable in the Community Folder. MSFS Add-Ons Linker is the utility which I use before each session so that the C/F is not cluttered up with stuff I'm not going to use and keep startup times to a minimum. There is nothing left "permanently" in the C/F. Not had any problems caused by capitals but I'll take a few minutes to scan the files, just in case. Fairly easy to do because MSFS Addons Linker provides a list of all items it's placing in the C/F.
  4. All these reports of CTD after a period of time is suggesting to me things are getting a little warm and eventually the CPU is shutting down. Can you check your temperatures during the flight and see if they are spiking? I use a little utility called "Speccy" which allows me to monitor everything that's going on "under the hood".
  5. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?21852-FranceVFR-Releases-France-VFR-Obstacles-VFR-Landmarks-For-MSFS I see France VFR has released an addon that includes 500,000, yes half a million, VFR "obstacles" in France including windmills, radio towers, power pylons etc. together with loads of VFR obstacles and reporting points. Is that what you're looking for? Only €40.
  6. I managed to accidentally shut the programme down whilst downloading, the bar told me I was about half way. Restarted the game, got the 1.09GB download again but when that was finished went straight to the sim without further downloading. Seems to work okay but I wonder if I've "lost" some of the update? Tried rebooting but sim just reloaded as normal, albeit a little slower than before and a bit of stuttering which I put down to one or two of my TP addons not now being fully compatible. Might just try reinstalling from MS Store, can't do any harm. Can it?
  7. That's interesting. Up until a couple of days ago I rarely saw any other traffic. Then, maybe coincidentally, I upgraded the graphics card driver - and on my next trip I was almost overwhelmed, being given THREE go-arounds which had never happened before! Most of my settings are on medium with just a few tweaked to high to give a better performance without loss of quality or FPS. Still can't get my head round things changing without any apparent reason!
  8. You've said you've checked all the settings but.... After an update I had some serious quality issues which I tried everything, like you, to fix. Just about to try a re-install when I noticed the screen resolution setting in the graphics option had been set to something ridiculous. Changed it back to my proper settings and everything was once again fine. The sim is still unstable; it seems any updates/changes are resulting in unwanted changes elsewhere in the programme which, not having access to every different combination of rig, the developers aren't catching every time.
  9. I'm half way round a tour which includes UK, France, Spain and Morocco. Whenever I land at an airport I'm always marshalled in by the same guy..................!!! :) (Oh and by the way he's a very dark-skinned individual with RayBan sunglasses - his mate on the pushback truck is a male white Caucasian, also with RayBans, so no racialism there!) :cool:
  10. For a couple of days after the USA update everything seemed to slow down a bit, with reduced FPS and even a bit of stuttering, which I didn't get before. But today everything is back to as before, perhaps a little better. I suspect that it maybe took a while for each individuals system to catch up whilst download speeds were affected. It might not have helped, for me anyway, that I cleared the rolling cache. Now going to experiment with tweaking the graphics values to see what difference, both in speeds and visuals, it makes.
  11. You Tube is your friend here. There are loads of vids on basics, try the series by "Squirrel". Unfortunately a lot of the offerings already assume you've half an idea of what you're doing. Also I think trying to learn from a handbook could be very frustrating, having been a PPL myself and introduced a lot of folk to flying.
  12. The interim MS flightsims were good, not that I looked at them until recently when I tried a demo version of FSX but the latest, MSFS2020 is so far ahead of the competition that it's got to be the prime candidate. Downsides? It's still brand new so not yet perfect (but weren't they all?) and you need a decent setup to benefit, otherwise it'll be a real disappointment. Oh yes, a decent broadband speed is pretty essential too - above 25mbps otherwise you'll be sitting twiddling your thumbs every now and again. It depends on your budget but in reality you'll need a decent gaming machine with a fast processor and good graphics card - with a minimum of 4GB VRAM - and at least 16GB of ordinary RAM, more is better. At least 1TB of SSD storage drive too - the newer NVMe drives are the way to go. MS do offer advice on what will work, but their "basic" suggestion is not really good enough and anything less simply will not run. In all honesty a laptop just wouldn't cope unless you spent a lot of cash on a very high-end machine - and you'd still need a good monitor. Here in the UK I bought a decent machine, Acer Nitro 50-110, which was adequate out of the box for around £650. A decent monitor is a must but unless you've got oodles of spare cash something like a £200 gaming monitor is good - I bought a 27" curved for under £100 as that's the only one that would fit in the space available but larger is nicer. Since starting to use the game I've upgraded the machine with 64GB of RAM (basically because I could) and a 1TB NVMe SSD card that's made a whole lot of difference to loading etc. The wife said that that's Christmas taken care of! I'm currently finding my feet (I held a PPL until around 20 years ago) with the small GA stuff but I intend to gradually expand my "expertise" to bizjets then maybe airliners although I originally bought the sim to explore the world, which I'm currently doing by recreating several long road trips. Hope my experiences help in your decisions, but remember this was to satisfy me, dedicated "simmers" want, and expect, a lot more.
  13. On a similar theme, does anyone know if it's possible to arrange for payware, e.g. from Orbx, to not get automatically installed in the sim? I'd like to have the opportunity of selecting it myself. Have just bought the London City addon and it's gone straight into the sim, not the CF as I'd hoped.
  14. Some say that resetting the keyboard to default in the options menu sorts it. Otherwise just rebind the keys - it's simple enough even I can do it! Known bug with the update, I believe it's being sorted. Incidentally if you name your post with the question you'll get quicker answers - I only spotted it by accident.
  15. It's all to do with aerodynamics. Without getting too technical the fuselage is shaped like an aerofoil (view it side on) which adds to the overall lift factor of the airframe. On it's own it would be insufficient to support the aircraft but it's a bonus for the aeroplane builder.
  16. I deleted them then re-installed from the original zip files, which I keep in a separate folder "just in case". I also use an organiser, MSFSAddon Linker, which allows me to move the files I want to use in and out of the Community Folder at will to avoid clogging it up and reducing load times. There are other similar programmes but this one is simplicity itself to use. Had no further problems with addons.
  17. Always worth going carefully through your settings after an update - seems changed a few, not uniformly either - different for each user.
  18. Well documented problem elsewhere - the latest update has changed the flight model from Modern to Legacy in the Options. Changing it back to Modern usually works.
  19. The trick is to taxi SLOWLY - too fast and you simply run out of room, exactly the same as IRL. On the odd occasion I've encountered another player in the sim I've noticed them taxying as if they were being chased by ginormous monsters! Even if you're using a keyboard it will make it much easier. Of course a decent joystick is much preferred - I use a mid-range Thrustmaster Hotas-4 which has rudder operation built in as well as programmable buttons which I use for toe brakes. Have to wait for Santa Claus to bring me proper rudder pedals!
  20. Liveriies addons, together with other items, seem to have been a problem after #5. Solution (well it was for me) is to remove everything from the Community Folder then re-install.
  21. Yes, it's simple to do. But you will find that not all the files are transferred and it's not just simply a copy of the whole programme. So it can be a bit of a pain if you're looking for a certain file. If you want the programme on a separate drive I believe it's best to download it there in the first place, don't just simply accept the default. Wish I had but I'm not going to delete and start again now that I've got it running okay!
  22. Yes, it's simple to do. But you will find that not all the files are transferred and it's not just simply a copy of the whole programme. So it can be a bit of a pain if you're looking for a certain file. If you want the programme on a separate drive I believe it's best to download it there in the first place, don't just simply accept the default. Wish I had but I'm not going to delete and start again now that I've got it running okay!
  23. I noticed this lengthening of startup time early on as I started collecting "nice to have" addons. There are a couple of third party programmes around, I use MSFS Addon Linker which is very simple and effective, which manage which addons are loaded into the sim at startup. They have to be run before starting MSFS as once loaded they cannot be changed. You can pick and choose what you want to use in your next session and Addon Linker also lets you choose presets so you can save your selection or use a different preset for something else. Works for all addons, not just airports/scenery. I've experimented a bit, found with no addons the sim loaded to the Welcome screen in around 1m 35s whereas with everything in I gave up waiting after 20 mins and manually shut it down through Task Manager - there doesn't seem any way to abort loading once it starts.
  24. Just a bit puzzled - why would you want to change the month, or even day? Time I could perhaps understand if you were, for example, overtaken by nightfall. I'd hazard a guess that it's not a situation the programmers anticipated - there must be plenty of others - and the sim itself is reacting to the situation as best it can (or in your case, can't) do, not having specific coded instructions. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Do a report to Zendesk about it, but meanwhile if it's bothering you, don't do it! As regards the CPU, I'm not a techie but I read elsewhere about the cores not sharing the load so I've got a little app called Speccy that lets me read what the CPU is doing. It's telling me that my Ryzen 5 CPU is sharing the load across all 6 cores equally, which is probably why I see the CPU often running at 50% and occasionally up to max when it's first loading up the sim.
  25. But with the greatest respect, I don't think this programme, as a flight sim, was ever intended for use solely as a substitute for real world flying or a training aid. From an economics point of view there would simply not be sufficient people interested enough to make all the work put into it a viable proposition. The makers need to attract as many buyers as possible and the "pretty views" as you put it are there to do just that - without them you wouldn't have something that is really highly sophisticated and streets ahead of anything else in its genre. But as it is so sophisticated, and probably put out before it was flawless to get some cash in, we've got to accept MS freely stating that it is still a work in progress and probably will be for a long time to come. Yes there are lots of things we'd all like to see and hopefully they will be taken on board (as long as they are put to MS in the proper way i.e. via Zendesk or whatever it's called). I fully understand your frustration, and perhaps your "piece of junk" opinion reflects that. But as my parents used to tell me (and still do actually) you can't just have everything you want straight away. I used to be a lowly PPL with a few addon ratings and am enjoying getting back into the swing of flying by trying to be as "real world" as I can - I'd love the all round view too but for now I'm happy enough with what we've got and will slowly rebuild my abilities - but still take the opportunity to look at the view. Finally, and again with much respect, if you are that disappointed I'd suggest you went back to a flightsim that does what you want it to do.
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