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Everything posted by terrylawdinn

  1. My main enjoyment of the sim is the ability to sightsee and as well as just enjoying different aircraft in my local area I like to do extended trips - I've "done" Route 66 across the US, followed a couple of road trips and currently enjoying a tour of European Capitals. I've also got the old BOAC route to India lined up. a South African Bush Trip and a tour of Canada too, all places I'll never get the chance of visiting for real. For sightseeing, VFR is definitely the way to go and the aircraft I use depends on the length and complexity of the flight. For VFR touring I prefer the Beechcraft Bonanza, a relatively easy machine to operate but with excellent performance. But even the lowly C152 has it's uses - I "rent" one at my European Capital stops to sightsee the local area as I'm using the CJ4 to get around. Which brings me to IFR. As an ex-PPL I never got around to finishing my instrument ratings so the opportunity to improve myself is one I also enjoy also. The CJ4 is a bit of a handful to learn IFR (I occasionally due a bit in the BE36) but I'm getting there! Not really interested in the airliners though, too much new stuff to learn in my more mature years! I like to make everything as realistic as I can, not appreciating until now how much I've missed my actual flying days. But my overall point is you should try a bit of everything, be it just bumbling around or taking 300 passengers trans-continental. But whatever you finally decide on, the important point is to ENJOY IT!
  2. Also make sure the propeller pitch is set to fully fine - blue lever fully forward.
  3. Why do you have to right-click the programme and then click Open? The main icon should appear somewhere on your desktop and you should open it from there. Sounds like your opening method is indeed opening two copies of the sim which would make shutting down a laborious process I would guess.
  4. Have you unzipped the package? Once unzipped then place the unzipped file into the Community Folder.
  5. That looks like the stock CJ4 you're using. With the greatest respect it is rubbish. Download the Working Title CJ4 (free from flightsim.to) which is so, so much better with almost everything working as it should. Just goes in your Community Folder. And there is also a manual for it................
  6. Would recommend you use an addon manager, such as MSFS Addon Linker, to look after your addon files. It's amazing how quickly you accumulate "stuff" in the Community Folder, which in turn leads to longer loading times. Technically there's nothing to stop you "cutting and pasting" but once you've set up the addon manager it's a breeze just loading what extras you are going to use. Also helpful in emptying the C/F ready for updates which although not strictly necessary is nevertheless recommended. There's a link to a useful video on the MSFS Addons Linker site to help seting up. Of course other addon managers are available - I just happen to use it and am used to it now.
  7. I know it's cheating, but you could always "add" some fuel in-flight - there's an option in the toolbar. I, of course, would never dream of it, always making sure I've got enough fuel before I take off .......................!:p
  8. Some problems overight with X-Box (again!) but according to the site all is now okay. Haven't tried it myself yet (second monitor just died, going out for a replacement)
  9. Make a note of the original bindings before you change anything, then another note of what you've changed them to! I lost track of a few changes I made and had to reset defaults and start over again!
  10. Out of interest - does the weather in the game match up with the in-game met reports? How about an externally sourced metar for the same place? I ask because I "fly" with whatever info I've received. When you fly in the real world you have to take what you're given so what does it matter if real world weather doesn't match in-game? To be fair I find UK weather tends to be quite accurate vis-a-vis real world/in game - I actually live over the fence from my local, thus base, airfield and it's usually very similar. I understand, though, that this is not the case everywhere, particularly the USA. Unless I'm doing something specific where I need particular weather, such as a light breeze straight down the runway on a sunny day, I'd rather just use the real weather settings and pit my wits against whatever it throws at me. This is, of course, only my opinion and I'm happy to respect other points of view.
  11. I hear what you say, but addons have a habit of multiplying - i've got over 300GB now! - and letting them fill up your Community Folder results in slower loading times. Also it's recommended you empty the C/F when upgrades etc occur and a good addons manager will nake things so much easier. I use MSFS Addons Manager which was one of the first. It's simple and straightforward, you just need to organise your addons library a little first. Renaming addons makes it even easier to use. You won't regret it I assure you.
  12. Patch released today has gone a long way to sorting it out. Not perfect yet. If using the Store version, update MS Store first to get the patch. Once installed there'll be a smaller upgrade within the sim.
  13. Also had the FPS not show up all the time, but usually appears at the more critical times. But there has been a patch issued today that addresses the stuttering etc. Hasn't completely solved it but things appear to be much better for the majority of simmers.
  14. An alternative, now that they've fixed it, would be to set up a manual cache of the area you usually fly around in - you won't use any data then until you fly outside of that area. That's when the rolling cache comes into play. Been several discussions on how big you should set your rolling cache, some saying they never use it (i.e. turn it off) in which case all scenery is downloaded all the time, others using a large number. If you've got oddles of spare storage on fast media, such as a fast SSD, a large number is fine. I use 32GB. It has also been suggested though that too big a cache can affect the overall performance when the game has to search through huge amounts of stored data to find what it may or may not have stored. There's no hard and fast rule, just opinions. As said already it's very much down to how you play the game!
  15. Have just done a flight in the Bonanza - same Garmin 1000 - heading bug worked fine for me. I used the FLC mode to change altitude rather than switch off altitude hold and manually try to climb/descend. I think I see what you mean, the autopilot is trying to maintain the attitude (not altitude) it already is set on. Sorry, don't know if that's how it's supposed to work or not. Been a couple of weeks since I flew the C172-G1000 but it's exactly the same unit as in the Bonanza and I operate it the same.
  16. Did you do a file scan or just use the normal update? Although i was "offered" around 155GB, it actually only downloaded about 135mb. However as you seem to have had a lot of corrupted or non-standard files maybe the installer decided you needed the lot. Hard luck there friend!
  17. Straightforward installation, MS Store Update first (1.09Gb) then about 135mb download in the sim. Download speed back to my max, which is not fast but it was crawling before. Steam users seem to have a bigger in-game download. Quick flight seems a lot smoother, scenery looks better somehow although not a big increase in FPS. So far so good. But a lot of reports on the official MSFS forum of varying success. It obviously hasn't cured everything but made good inroads into the performance problem. No doubt they're still working on it, be further improvements in SU4 which I believe is releasing with WU4 together. That'll be an interesting update!
  18. The beauty of LNM is that if you hover over a command a box pops up telling you about it and usually also offers a link to the on-line manual. I did have problems loading in the Scenery Library because mine was in a non-standard place - bit of searching got it sorted though. Once you've got LNM installed properly you never have to worry again because all the setup data is stored away from the programme so updates etc just go looking for that. I use it all the time, even if I'm not actually using a flight plan, just for the info it gives me. Oh yes - it also keeps a log book of all flights which is much better than the in-sim one.
  19. Select heading mode (press the Heading button), adjust the heading knob to whatever heading you want then select autopilot. Works for me every time. If you don't want altitude hold make sure that function is set to off. Note, hovering over the button will tell you what you are about to select, not what is already selected which sounds to me like what is happening.
  20. MSFS Addon Manager is another good programme to have, especially if like me you start "collecting" addons. It allows you to load just the addons you want, avoiding filling up your Community Folder and increasing loading times. You can get it at flightsim.to
  21. Doesn't the Waves option in General/Graphics make any difference? Ive got mine set to low to help the overall performance but never noticed flat calm over the ocean - I actually did a Caribbean tour and didn't see that.
  22. All the addon files are there, Points of Interest, scenery etc but the actual tours are not. Someone posted a flightplan of the Japan Tour which I've got somewhere but haven't seen anything similar for the US or UK updates. Correction - there appear to be a couple of files on flightsim.to. Might be what is wanted?
  23. Not in my Content Manager. Seems when a new World Update is released MS decides to remove the earlier ones. Don't know why, maybe it's something to do with the sim changes released at the same time? Just a thought.
  24. I had exactly the same after installing SU3. After quite a bit of testing, reinstalling aircraft etc. it turned out to be the CoPilot addon causing the problem. For now I don't use it until the dev can come up with an update - he has been told.
  25. Hi, was that you at 1400ft that ATC kept warning me about (I was at 2000ft in the Bonanza)! I don't do aircraft labels so no clue there. Shame about the bridges though - perhaps someone will do a remodel of them?
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