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Everything posted by KiloWatt

  1. Side note on your first point - I think I saw that FBW had some issues with the marketplace (licensing issues or something like that), so they discontinued support via that channel. That might explain your issue with their 320. But I think you should now download via their third party channel, presumably their website? I happened to get this info purely by coincidence, since I don't fly the airliners, but just look into it. Anyway, I love how you use the sim. I'd probably do exactly the same if I were you!
  2. Yes I absolutely stick to planes that have good mods, only to correct flight model deficients and improve the systems. I'm an engineer, and a nerdy one at that, so I love a good set of avionics and aircraft systems. I shunned the airliners after I took a few flying lessons in a 172 many years ago. I just don't identify with them since then, even though I enjoyed them in the FS2002 days. The biggest I can currently see myself in is a Kingair.
  3. Hi all, I'm curious how other people use the aircraft in the sim. Do you focus on a single type, or do you like to try as many as you can, or something in between (like a stable, I guess). I currently fly the Caravan 90% of the time, in order to become proficient enough for its bushtrips. So I take it as seriously as 5 hours a week allow, i.e. I at least try to follow the correct procedures and fly it "by the numbers". I did the same with the DA40 a while back, and the 172 before that. By the end of the bushtrip, I'm quite proficient, but bored, of the plane and I'll try something different - like a twin, or a taildragger, or something. The cycle then repeats. The other 10% of the time I'll just dick around with something esoteric like a Pitts or floatplane or something. How about you?
  4. I'm not going to buy it either - partly because I'm not interested, but also a little out of spite for not fixing year-old bugs and missing features (some quite simple). I will happily support the team by buying their products when the core sim is up to standard, but the Reno thing kind of shows their priorities are slightly misplaced. So my support will stay at the Deluxe version, which I bought in 2020. But don't get the wrong impression, I'm not bitter and I'm mostly enjoying the sim. I just won't reward misplaced priorities. Not that they'll lose sleep over me, haha.
  5. Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing? Bank manager might disagree, though... ;)
  6. According to the Official MSFS forums, it was released a few moments ago.
  7. I see you have a Ryzen CPU. Have you heard about the Ryzen slowdowns on Windows 11? Seems to be quite significant. I knew something like this was going to happen...it always does. Which is why I'll be staying on Windows 10 until I'm forced to or 11 offers increased performance. And frankly, I can't afford to lose any performance, haha.
  8. Hopefully this helps: Looks like it's more a fly-by thing...
  9. Ugh, I'm so jealous of you all. I haven't flown in a while because I've so much crap to do around the house. :mad: I'm supposed to be learning the C208 in preparation for a bushtrip. I've flown GA for the last decade, so it's fun to do something new (provided that I have the time). - Bitter kW
  10. Hi DLR_41. Like others have mentioned, your graphics card will have a rough time driving that resolution; probably in terms of VRAM and processing power. You also mentioned freesync. The vertical refresh rate range for that monitor is 48 to 100 Hz; I believe this is essentially the bounds of the freesync range - yes, there is a lower limit to freesync refresh rate. You'll need to judge if you can achieve at least 48 FPS on your GPU at that resolution with your settings. Personally, I think you may need to jump for that 1080 if you go for this monitor.
  11. I'm lucky in that my PC is dedicated to MSFS, so I spend a minimal amount of time navigating the OS and using its flashy features. Therefore, unless there is a very good performance reason for me to update to Windows 11, I will wait until the dust settles. I remember the stories of MS forcing windows 10 down the throats of perfectly happy and unsuspecting Windows 7 users; my boss at the time was bewildered one morning when he woke up to windows 10 without approving it. I've therefore disabled TPM 2.0 in my UEFI, to avoid the same thing. Sorry for the major tangent tomavis.
  12. Hi Lorben. I don't think this is forum will be much help, since we're mostly users and not developers. Head over to the official MSFS forums. I think they'll be able to help you a lot better than we can. Here is a link to the Third Party subforum: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/c/third-party-addon-discussion/216 And here is one to the SDK subforum: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/c/sdk-discussion/179 Good luck!
  13. I use a Thrustmaster T.16000M joystick. It uses Hall-effect sensors and is VERY precise; as in, I use a deadzone of zero. I combine this with two sets of saitek throttle quads. I hope to get some pedals as soon as money allows.
  14. Never mind. After doing some forum archeology, I found out that “nearest” on the MFD isn’t implemented yet. I’ll have to pass on the nxi until this is added.
  15. Hi everyone. When using the G1000nxi, I've noticed that the options in the NRST menu (such as Airport, VOR, NDB, etc.) of the MFD are greyed out. This seems to be the case for all aircraft which uses this system. Can someone tell me if I'm missing something? Or has this aspect of the nxi perhaps not been implemented yet? I know that nearest airport is available on the PFD, but if I want to look up, say, a VOR, then that doesn't help me.... Other than that, I think it's pretty good! Thanks, and happy flying!
  16. Haha, you're quite welcome. I was the proud owner of a blazing 75 MHz Pentium I, with 4 MB of RAM and a voluminous 700-and-something MB hard drive. FS for Win 95 ran at a perfectly acceptable 22 FPS. Fun times.
  17. On a side note, are you sure about that RAM spec in your signature? I’m going out on a limb that you learnt to use computers in the 90’s….:p
  18. Ha, yes. I happened to catch that particular fine print before I gave them my money. They definitely could have made the process more transparent.
  19. Yup! I bought the Deluxe version for the steam gauge 172, the Baron and Cape Town Intl. It also includes the DA40TDI, which has steam gauges (but it's not fully featured, like many of the extra aircraft).
  20. I also saw the 5-10% recommendation and just stuck with that. I've no idea why the traffic in the Dardanelles was inaccurate. I've only looked at two ports which I'm familiar with (Halifax and Cape Town) and what I saw seemed about right using 10% density. I guess you could contact the developer if you this if you want; but personally, if you found a setting that works, I'd say just stick with that and let it be.
  21. You're very welcome. I haven't seen wakes yet, so not sure how you managed to do that! But I know it is/was in the pipeline, as is landable ship decks. And to think it's for free! Surely, the creator should be knighted...
  22. I don't know about the OrbX shipping traffic, but I use the free Global AI Ship Traffic mod and it's great. It adds global ship traffic on realistic routes (except mid ocean, I think) with appropriate vessel models (so no ferries in around the Cape of Storms). The developer is currently porting his FSX models into native MSFS format, but even so a huge variety of vessels are included. As a plus, I haven't noticed much of a performance impact. See here: https://www.flightsim.to/file/9529/global-ai-ship-traffic-msfs-v1 I'd put this mod squarely in the "must have" category.
  23. Just a small caveat with community recommendations about PC specs: It all depends on what you can live with. There was a time in the flight sim community, where anything above 20 fps was considered a luxury (i.e. the good old days); however, nowadays many will complain bitterly if they get less than 60. The same general argument can be made about resolution and level of detail... If you're in the camp that will be satisfied with lower settings and framerates, then that's great (I mean it, PC hardware is expensive) and use what you have. I'm generally in the middle of that and am satsified with a steady 30 FPS, 1080p, clouds that don't look like marshmallows and a reasonable draw distance. My 970 delivers most of that. Nevertheless, try the $1 game pass for a month. As they say "to measure is to know".
  24. In general, the pc looks reasonable, but that GPU will hold you back significantly. The minimum spec for GPU is a GTX770. However, a 1050 Ti is somewhat less powerful than that (despite what Nvidia's confusing naming convention would suggest). See this link: https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GTX-770-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1050-Ti/2174vs3649 I actually ran it on a 4GB 770 for a while and it was reasonably enjoyable, but not ideal; I had to turn a lot of settings to low/medium. But heck, even my 970 is not ideal... To be on the safe side, try out the $1 game pass trial. No risk and you'll have your answer
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