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5 Things That Pilots Do When They Are Not Flying on Their Time Off



Being a pilot can be a very tough job for anyone. Of course, flying commercial airplanes has its benefits. You get to see many new places and meet new people. The job can be relaxing, as you're sitting on a comfortable plane enjoying the air conditioning and other accommodations. Not to mention the great salary and benefits. But again, it can prove to be a stressful job as well.


There is a lot of stress that comes with flying a plane and being responsible for the lives of everyone on board. Also, the job of a pilot can come with a tough work schedule, sometimes requiring you to work night shifts, and other times, needing you to do layovers and early morning shifts. Because of the stressfulness of the job, pilots definitely need their downtime. Luckily, it's not uncommon to find a pilot enjoying their day off. But if you think about it, what does a pilot actually do when they are not flying a plane? How do they spend their days off? Here are five things that pilots do when they are not working.


1. Getting Ready for Their Next Flight

It shouldn't surprise you that even on their day off, they might still be working a bit. Pilots have to get ready for their next flight. They have to understand their destinations, how much gas they will need and how many souls will be on board the plane. They actually don't just show up, hop in the pilot's seat and fly to a destination. Because of the way that the workforce is going today, many pilots are enjoying a hybrid workplace, where they work a bit from home or a hotel room and also in person on the plane.


2. Being a Tourist

Next, you can probably imagine that while they are in a new location that they might have never been in, a pilot will want to venture out and take in some of the cultures. This could be a new state in America or an entirely new country. They play the role of the tourist well and enjoy their surroundings on many occasions.


3. Getting Much-Needed Rest

Again, because of the craziness of a pilot's schedule, they are always looking for any chance where they can get some much-needed rest. Many times, they might find this rest in a hotel room where they are spending the night in a new location. When their shifts are always changing, it can be hard to get a good night's sleep. However, a pilot needs to be well-rested in order to fly a plane, so they do what they can to find rest.


4. Exercising

A pilot sits in a pilot's chair for much of their work. Because of the nature of the job, where they are constantly sitting, there is a huge need for a pilot to enjoy some quick exercise as well to stay healthy so that they can on flying planes. Exercise for a pilot can be found in many ways. You might find them exercising in their hotel rooms, at the hotel gym, or the local gym down the street. In order to stay in good shape, you can count on a pilot getting some much-needed exercise, as well.


5. Looking for Family Time

It's no secret that pilots spend a lot of their time away from their families and friends. The nature of the job requires them to be physically away from them for weeks at a time. Because of this, many pilots are trying to figure out ways that they can meet up with their families when they're enjoying their days off. You might find them flying coach or first-class themselves to get back to their families or traveling by car to get home.


Although the job of a pilot might be stressful and can seem overwhelming, there is always room and time for a pilot to get their downtime. It's interesting to think of the other ways that pilots might enjoy their days off.


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