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6 Smart Ways To Prepare for Your First Triathlon on a Tight Schedule



So, you're on target for a healthier you, eating well, sleeping better, and working out, and now you want a goal, a challenge. In short, you want a triathlon. If you are wanting to complete a triathlon but don't have a lot of time to prepare yourself for the event, following these tips can help you reach your goal on a restricted time budget.


1. Work Hard and Rest Hard

Working out is important to preparing for any physical challenge, but don't underestimate the power of a good rest. If you do not have at least one rest day built into your training schedule you are missing out on the restorative benefits of allowing your body time to integrate and recuperate. When you allow your body to rest you will be able to face the challenge with adequate energy levels.


2. Fuel Your Body Properly

Especially when you are training hard, it can be a challenge to make sure your body is getting all of the nutrition it requires. Be sure to adequately supplement during the entire period that you are preparing for a triathlon, and don't forget to have nutrition on-hand at the actual event as well. You may want to look into patch style nutritional supplementation, just be sure to read reviews like thrive reviews, and choose one that fits your body's needs.


3. Stretch Your Body

It can be tempting to just focus on swimming, biking, and running when preparing for a triathlon, but your body and your performance level will benefit immensely from cross-training. This means adding activities that move your muscles and joints in different ways, therefore reducing repetitive strain injuries while at the same time building overall performance of your body. One of the best cross-training activities for a triathlete is yoga. It builds strength and flexibility as well as body awareness, all of which greatly reduce your risk of injury. Incorporate a little yoga daily into your training regimen.


4. Up Your Running Game

Sometimes it's not about running more, it's about running smarter. Change up your running routine to incorporate sprints and hill running 2–3 times per week. Running up hills is one of the best ways to increase your stamina and get ready quickly for a competition. Sprints also help you get in shape faster and they work your muscles differently than distance running, which again helps to avoid injury and build your muscles for all-around performance.


5. Use Swimming Restoratively

Not every trip to the pool needs to be an intense workout. Try to use swimming as a recuperation method by following a hard run or bike ride with a gentle swim at the pool. When using swimming as a restorative exercise focus on your breathing and stretching your body. Your breathing should be calm, deep and steady, so slow your pace down accordingly. With each stroke, stretch and relax your muscles in a way that feels good to you. Not only will this help you recuperate from a hard run or bike ride but it will still help you train for the swim, even if it's not an intense swimming workout.


6. Train While You Work

If you have a flexible work schedule that allows you some time working from home, consider training on an indoor bike or treadmill a couple days of the week so that you can take your work with you. As unappealing as it may sound to work while you workout, with the right setup you might actually enjoy it. Choose exercise equipment that has a generous platform to place a laptop or other items you may need for work. Also, it's best to plan a moderate workout when multitasking like this and save your intense running and biking for another time.

If you still don't feel ready for the triathlon when the day arrives, just keep training and choose a different triathlon to complete at a later date. You could also consider still doing the triathlon, but at a slower and gentler pace. Or, if teams are allowed, just do one of the events as part of a team instead of all three.


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