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5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Mobile Website ASAP



Today's world is on-the-go. Nowadays, people spend an average of 5 hours per day on their phones or tablets. As a result, the smartphone has become more useful than ever, providing easy access to work, school, entertainment, shopping, and banking options.


As a business owner, it's probably safe to assume most of your customers likely own or use a mobile device daily. So here are just a few reasons why your company needs a mobile-friendly website.


It's a Better Way to Browse


Have you ever tried browsing a department store using the desktop site on a smartphone? If you have, then you'll know how quickly a shopping experience can turn frustrating. You have to deal with too-small icons, zooming in, and constant scrolling to find what you're looking for. Those things make it hard to find what you need, and they can quickly lead to a customer abandoning ship.


The best way to avoid this for your customers is to provide a mobile user experience that suits their needs. That experience should include intuitively-designed apps and websites with mobile responsiveness. This will put the content your customers want to see on their screen with little effort.


It's Where Your Customers Are


In 2021, e-commerce accounted for $469.2 billion worth of sales. $359.32 billion of that was completed on mobile devices.


Incorporating a mobile-friendly user experience into your business and marketing plans is essential if you want to increase sales or engagement. Designing content for a desktop site is necessary, of course, but having content that responds to a mobile site will reach your customers where they spend most of their time.


Fortunately, creating a mobile responsive website isn't complex. Most content management systems have built-in functionality for this. If you hire someone to manage your online footprint, they'll be able to handle it for you.


It'll Make You Competitive


Everyone is online these days, including your competition. And, helpful as the internet might be, it makes comparing products infinitely easier than it would've been pre-smartphone. So, you need to take every step possible to ensure you're not falling behind. This includes a mobile website.


A mobile website and app will help keep you on par or even in front of your competition. Customers, especially newer ones, will likely expect you to have mobile capability. If they're comparing options and see that your competition is mobile-user friendly and yours isn't, they may not give you a second look.


It'll Boost Your Visibility


A mobile website will also boost your online visibility. In a day and age when an online presence is expected, boosting yours with an excellent mobile user interface will help increase your visibility to your target audience.


A streamlined mobile experience will also make it easier for users to share your content on other platforms. And most importantly, mobile-friendliness is a factor for SEO ranking on Google. In other words, a mobile-responsive website will help you rank higher in Google search results when someone does a search related to your content.


It'll Hold Customers' Attention


The internet is filled with distractions, and online shoppers are no stranger to them. Whether it's due to poor attention span, a long to-do list, or forgotten errands, people will flit from one app or website to another constantly. Your goal is to get them to stay on your page and ingest your content before moving on to their next task.


That means you'll need a site that loads quickly and is user-friendly. Both of these are hallmarks of a good mobile website. In addition, streamlining your content and appearance is an excellent way to bring in new clients and retain your existing ones.


Final Thoughts


As the e-commerce world moves further into the 21st century, it's crucial for business owners to follow suit. New technologies and capabilities emerge regularly, and it's wise to take advantage of those that'll help give your business a boost. This is especially true when it comes to your clients' mobile experiences with your company.


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