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5 Ways To Help Your Homeschooler Stay Active



Are you thinking of homeschooling your child? Perhaps you're already homeschooling but are looking for new ideas. Staying active is essential not only for meeting the curriculum requirements but for having a healthy and happy student. Luckily there are plenty of ways that you and your child can stay active even when the weather is rainy or cold.


1. Have Your Homeschooler Join a Sports Team

If your homeschooler loves sports, have him or her join a local sports team. Doing so not only provides your little one with plenty of exercise and socialization, but it can also count as his or her physical education requirements for homeschooling. Grab some youth baseball gloves and head down to the local recreation center to join a Little League team. If there isn't one in your area, see if you can find other homeschooling parents who would like to have a pickup game once a week or so.


2. Go For a Walk or Run Together

Spend the morning or early afternoon exploring your neighborhood together by going for a walk or a run. There are several benefits to going this route. If you're the type to go for a run, it will help your homeschooler to run out some of their energy before you start your lessons for the day. If you'd prefer a more leisurely pace, going for a walk can be combined with science or basic mathematics by having your child look for specific plants or animals or by having him or her count how many of a specific item you see during your walk.


3. Join a Gym or the Local YMCA

Another great way to get your child's physical education requirements in while helping them run out of energy is to join a local gym or YMCA. Your kiddo will love spending time on all the cool exercise contraptions at the gym and depending on how old your child is, you may even be able to join an exercise class or two together. For a more family-oriented environment, check out your local YMCA. In addition to plenty of exercise equipment and classes, they often run children's programs and usually have pools for those who love to go swimming. Many YMCAs also offer discounts for low-income families, making them a good choice if you're on a tight budget.


4. Let Your Homeschooler Check Out Virtual Reality

When the weather is cold or rainy, you'll still need a way for your homeschooler to let out some of that extra energy. Why not invest in a virtual reality set? Your kiddo will love it because he or she will get to play video games during school time. You'll love it because you won't have to trek out into the rain or snow to help him or her get physical activity in. There are a wide variety of kid-friendly games that let your kiddo jump around, dance, and more. Just remember to clear a safe space so nobody trips and falls.


5. Head To a Playground

Helping your homeschooler to stay active is often as easy as heading to the local playground. Let your son or daughter run, jump, and climb to his or her heart's content while you relax with a book or even get up and play with them. Is the weather cold? Check your local area to see if there are any indoor playground options available. This way, your kiddo can still exercise without the worry of getting too cold.


Whether you're going for a walk or trying out the latest virtual reality game, physical activity is important for maintaining overall health as well as for ensuring happy mental health. Be sure that your homeschooler is getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.


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