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Blog Entries posted by kevgardner83

  1. kevgardner83
    Gym exercise is an essential part of most people's fitness routine, and there are a lot of different kinds you can try. You can do cardio machines or free weights or mix them up. The important thing is to find something that works for you.
    We've put together some tips for people new to the gym, with a few suggestions on how to make your first visit go more smoothly.
    1. Bring a friend
    Having someone with you can be an enormous help for a lot of reasons. They can spot you if you're lifting weights, offer suggestions on how to work out safely, and keep you company- all things to help keep up your motivation level over the long haul.
    2. Be flexible
    It's pretty easy to work out when you're feeling motivated. But sometimes you have to work out even when you don't feel like it, and that's what makes fitness a lifestyle rather than something you fit in whenever you can manage it. So if something gets in your way, be flexible about changing your routine or working out at another time. The important thing is that you keep going.
    3. Wear layers
    Whether you've got AC or not, a good rule of thumb for the gym is to wear several layers. Not only does it make for a more comfortable workout, but it will let you adjust as necessary once you get to the gym and start working out. It's hard to maintain a good workout level when you're cold or too hot, so keep that in mind.
    4. Know your limits
    New gym-goers often have unrealistic expectations of what they can accomplish on their first visit. They may think they can bench press 200 pounds or run a mile in under 10 minutes. All of those numbers are great and certainly should be a goal for beginners. But remember that these are long-term goals rather than short-term goals. Even if you exercise all the time, chances are you won't reach them right off the bat.
    5. Don't worry about the weight.
    Again, you may have some unrealistic expectations of your first visit. The gym is not the place to push yourself for a personal best-you'll find that out when you work out with a personal trainer. No matter how great you feel doing an exercise, don't even think about pushing yourself that hard. This will help keep up your motivation, especially once the short-term results start rolling in.
    6. Drink lots of water
    This is especially true for people just starting off with an exercise program. When you exercise, your body loses water. So stay hydrated! It will keep you from feeling woozy during your workout and help you recover faster once you're done.
    7. Take care of your body.
    For some reason, many people take their first trip to the gym as an opportunity to wear something completely inappropriate. Nothing is worse than a shirtless guy in a full sweat suit working out next to a lady in yoga pants and high heels. Trying to be fashionable while exercising is a great way to get hurt.
    8. Prioritize consistency over intensity.
    You'll see far better results in the long run if you're doing something regularly than if you're doing too much very occasionally. So start slow and work your way up (add more weight or repetitions, for example), rather than pushing hard one day and then taking it easy the next.
    9. Don't skip your warm-up and cool down.
    You'll find that you've become more conditioned, and your body will stay in better shape if you pay a little more attention to those first few minutes of your workout.
    10. Take glutamine before and during exercise.
    Taking glutamine before and during exercise helps to reduce joint and muscle soreness, enhance recovery and enhance an athlete's performance. With these glutamine benefits, it makes perfect sense to include it in your workout regimen. Because of its benefits, glutamine is used by bodybuilders and people who participate in endurance sports, such as marathon running or cycling.
    Just remember that getting in shape takes time. These are beginner tips, so obviously, this won't be enough to transform your body overnight! But if you make a few minor changes here and there, you'll soon find that your exercise routine is a lot more enjoyable.
  2. kevgardner83
    The best person to tell you how to be a good and supportive parent is not an expert or guru. It's your child. A child can tell you the best way for them to grow up and become successful adults--listen. Parents should recognize the qualities their children need to grow up healthy and happy, then mirror those qualities on their children as often as possible. Your job is providing care that makes your kids feel loved and teaching them skills that could make all of their hard work worthwhile in the future.
    Parents are an excellent book for helping their child's best advocate and follower. It's about learning to listen and teach your children so you can help them learn new skills and make better decisions when they are older. The book does not talk about parenting in the objectionable way that some readers do; instead, it focuses on teaching better habits and helping your kids learn how to make hard choices.
    1. Respond to your children's feelings and needs.
    Please don't ignore them or make them disappear by changing the subject with something else or telling them they are unimportant. Instead, acknowledge their feelings and discuss why they have those emotions. Listen to your child during an encounter and give them a chance to be heard. Acknowledge their desire for attention, for approval, for being understood, and unjudging listen to what that means to them.
    2. Let your kids know how much you care about their future.
    Tell your kids how much you appreciate how hard they work--for the most part--and what a big part of that hard work is. Most importantly, tell them how important it is to learn what they need to know to grow up happy and well-adjusted adults. Too often, we are too worried about our kids' immediate needs and what their future might bring, forgetting that the present is the best way for us to influence the future. Your kids need to hear you express appreciation because it lends credibility to their choices later in life.
    3. Talk to your children about their choices.
    Talking about making choices is a healthy way to help your children learn decision-making skills. Tell your kids that they are in charge of how they want to live their lives and how they want to interact with other people, that you will always be there for them, but it is up to them what they do. Please discuss the pros and cons of different choices and the good and bad things that might happen from their decisions. Take their concerns seriously, but make sure that you are not overly worried about whether or not you think one choice is better than another.
    4. Teach your kids how to be patient.
    Show them patience when they are young by telling them they need time before they become adults--and teach them what it means to wait. Show them that it takes time to get what they want, to grow up, and climb the ladder of life. Teach them by example and show them how things work to help them understand that they can't do things the same way as everyone else.
    Shoulder workouts for parents is an excellent book for helping parents be their child's best advocates and followers. It's about learning to listen and teach your children so you can help them learn new skills and make better decisions when they are older. The book does not talk about parenting in the objectionable way that some readers do; instead, it focuses on teaching better habits and helping your kids learn how to make hard choices.
  3. kevgardner83
    If you're like most people, the thought of managing your finances probably isn't at the top of your list of fun things to do. But as a pilot, it's important to make sure your finances are in order. After all, you never know when an unexpected expense might come up or when you might need to save for a big purchase.
    Here are five financial tips for pilots that will help you keep your finances on track:
    1. Make a Budget and Stick to It
    Any good financial plan starts with a budget. Knowing how much money you have coming in and going out each month makes it easier to make informed decisions about your spending. There are many ways to budget, so find one that works for you and stick to it. The most important thing is to be honest about your income and expenses. Once you have a clear picture of your finances, you can start making changes to ensure that your money works for you. If you're unsure where to start, plenty of resources are available to help you create a budget that fits your unique circumstances. With some planning and discipline, you can get your finances on track and achieve your long-term financial goals.
    2. Invest in Yourself
    Investing in yourself is one of the best ways to secure your financial future. A college education is one of the best investments, but it's not always affordable. That's where private student loans come in. By taking out a personal loan to cover the cost of tuition, you can ensure that you'll always have the skills and knowledge you need to succeed. Additionally, taking care of your health now will save you money down the road. Investing in your health means eating right, exercising, and staying up-to-date on vaccinations. By taking care of yourself now, you can avoid expensive health problems in the future.
    3. Live Below Your Means
    For most people, the dream of becoming a pilot is a dream. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it through flight school and become licensed to fly commercial aircraft. But for those who can achieve their goal, the rewards can be significant. Not only do pilots tend to be well-paid, but they also enjoy exciting and interesting careers. However, it's important not to let the lure of a high salary tempt you into living beyond your means, and like with any other job, saving for the future is important and living below your means. Set aside at least 10% of your income to cushion unexpected expenses. Doing so will help ensure you can enjoy a comfortable retirement, even if you decide to leave the cockpit behind.
    4. Have an Emergency Fund
    One of the most critical aspects of financial planning is creating an emergency fund. This reserve of cash can be used to cover unexpected costs, such as a job loss or major repair. An emergency fund should ideally have enough money to cover three to six months of living expenses. This may seem like a lot, but it's important to have a cushion in a financial crisis. One way to build an emergency fund is to set aside a fixed monthly amount. Another option is to save up windfalls, such as tax refunds or birthday gifts.
    5. Make a Plan for Retirement
    Retirement may seem like a long way off, but the truth is that it's never too early to start planning for it. If you don't have a company pension, you'll need to ensure you're putting enough money away each month to provide for yourself in retirement. A good rule of thumb is to save 10-15% of your income for retirement. The sooner you save, the more time your money will have to grow. And, if you're not sure how much you'll need to save, plenty of online retirement calculators can help you figure it out. So don't wait - start planning for your retirement today!
    By taking these steps, you can ensure that you'll have the financial resources to manage your money, develop a successful financial plan, and reach your goals.
  4. kevgardner83
    Flying can be a complicated endeavor. A knowledgeable pilot takes a plane up and safely land it. Fortunately, there are different types of technological equipment. All these technologies need to work together perfectly for a safe and smooth flight. Let's take a closer look at each one.
    1. Avionics
    Pilot assistance systems help pilots fly the aircraft and make decisions. They include autopilots, flight directors, and Heads-Up Displays (HUDs). Accounting document management systems can be used to help with this by automating tasks such as invoicing and bill payment. This can allow the pilot to focus on other tasks, such as flying the plane. In addition, accounting management systems can help to improve accuracy and reduce mistakes. This is because the system can double-check for errors before any documents are sent out. As a result, accounting management systems can be a valuable tool for pilots who rely on pilot assistance systems.
    2. Flight Control Systems
    One of the most important aspects of aviation is networking security. Much data is exchanged between the various flight control systems and aircraft systems. This data includes things like position information, speed, and altitude. If this data were to fall into the wrong hands, it could be used to hijack an aircraft or commit other acts of terrorism. That's why it's so important that security is up to par. There are a lot of security measures in place to ensure that data doesn't fall into the wrong hands. These measures include things like encryption and authentication. By making sure that security is up to par, we can help prevent acts of terrorism.
    3. Navigation
    Navigation aids are essential for pilots, helping them find their way from one place to another. GPS is perhaps the most well-known navigation aid, but ground-based beacons and flight management systems play important roles. Navigation aids help pilots to determine their position, plan their route, and avoid potential hazards. GPS is beneficial for long-distance flights as it can provide real-time updates on a plane's location. Ground-based beacons can also be used to help pilots find their way, especially in cases where the GPS signal is lost. Flight management systems are highly sophisticated tools that combine information from various navigation aids to give pilots a clear picture of their surroundings. These systems are typically only found in commercial aircraft, but they provide an added layer of safety for both pilots and passengers.
    4. Pilot Assistance
    Pilot assistance systems help pilots fly the aircraft and make decisions. They include autopilots, flight directors, and Heads-Up Displays (HUDs). Pilot assistance systems can be beneficial, providing pilots with information and guidance that they might not otherwise have. They can also help to reduce pilot workload, making it easier for pilots to focus on other tasks. However, pilot assistance systems can also create some challenges. For example, if a system fails, it can create a dangerous situation for the pilot and the aircraft. Additionally, pilots may become too reliant on pilot assistance systems, leading to losing skills and knowledge. As a result, pilots need to understand both the advantages and disadvantages of these systems before using them.
    5. Aircraft Engines
    Aircraft engines are responsible for powering the aircraft and keeping it airborne. There are three main types of aircraft engines: turboprop, jet, and piston. Turboprop engines are powered by propellers, which are turned by a turbine. Jet engines work by igniting fuel in a combustion chamber, which creates hot gases that spin the turbine. Piston engines use pistons to compress air and fuel, which is then ignited in a combustion chamber. Each engine has its advantages and disadvantages, but all three can provide the power needed to keep an aircraft in the sky. Aircraft engines are complex machines, but understanding how they work is essential for anyone who wants to fly.
    These are just five technologies it takes to fly an airplane. Of course, pilots must undergo a lot of training to make these technologies work together. Without training, a plane is just a silver tube sitting on the ground.
  5. kevgardner83
    Flying can be a complicated endeavor. A knowledgeable pilot takes a plane up and safely land it. Fortunately, there are different types of technological equipment. All these technologies need to work together perfectly for a safe and smooth flight. Let's take a closer look at each one.
    1. Avionics
    Pilot assistance systems help pilots fly the aircraft and make decisions. They include autopilots, flight directors, and Heads-Up Displays (HUDs). Accounting document management systems can be used to help with this by automating tasks such as invoicing and bill payment. This can allow the pilot to focus on other tasks, such as flying the plane. In addition, accounting management systems can help to improve accuracy and reduce mistakes. This is because the system can double-check for errors before any documents are sent out. As a result, accounting management systems can be a valuable tool for pilots who rely on pilot assistance systems.
    2. Flight Control Systems
    One of the most important aspects of aviation is networking security. Much data is exchanged between the various flight control systems and aircraft systems. This data includes things like position information, speed, and altitude. If this data were to fall into the wrong hands, it could be used to hijack an aircraft or commit other acts of terrorism. That's why it's so important that security is up to par. There are a lot of security measures in place to ensure that data doesn't fall into the wrong hands. These measures include things like encryption and authentication. By making sure that security is up to par, we can help prevent acts of terrorism.
    3. Navigation
    Navigation aids are essential for pilots, helping them find their way from one place to another. GPS is perhaps the most well-known navigation aid, but ground-based beacons and flight management systems play important roles. Navigation aids help pilots to determine their position, plan their route, and avoid potential hazards. GPS is beneficial for long-distance flights as it can provide real-time updates on a plane's location. Ground-based beacons can also be used to help pilots find their way, especially in cases where the GPS signal is lost. Flight management systems are highly sophisticated tools that combine information from various navigation aids to give pilots a clear picture of their surroundings. These systems are typically only found in commercial aircraft, but they provide an added layer of safety for both pilots and passengers.
    4. Pilot Assistance
    Pilot assistance systems help pilots fly the aircraft and make decisions. They include autopilots, flight directors, and Heads-Up Displays (HUDs). Pilot assistance systems can be beneficial, providing pilots with information and guidance that they might not otherwise have. They can also help to reduce pilot workload, making it easier for pilots to focus on other tasks. However, pilot assistance systems can also create some challenges. For example, if a system fails, it can create a dangerous situation for the pilot and the aircraft. Additionally, pilots may become too reliant on pilot assistance systems, leading to losing skills and knowledge. As a result, pilots need to understand both the advantages and disadvantages of these systems before using them.
    5. Aircraft Engines
    Aircraft engines are responsible for powering the aircraft and keeping it airborne. There are three main types of aircraft engines: turboprop, jet, and piston. Turboprop engines are powered by propellers, which are turned by a turbine. Jet engines work by igniting fuel in a combustion chamber, which creates hot gases that spin the turbine. Piston engines use pistons to compress air and fuel, which is then ignited in a combustion chamber. Each engine has its advantages and disadvantages, but all three can provide the power needed to keep an aircraft in the sky. Aircraft engines are complex machines, but understanding how they work is essential for anyone who wants to fly.
    These are just five technologies it takes to fly an airplane. Of course, pilots must undergo a lot of training to make these technologies work together. Without training, a plane is just a silver tube sitting on the ground.
  6. kevgardner83
    When you are taking a flight, whether for business or for leisure, it can be challenging to make sure you have remembered every last detail. Far too many travelers take off just in time to realize they forgot to take care of something important in their hometown. This list will help you avoid these kinds of errors by teaching about four common things you can check before taking a flight.
    Take Care of Things at Your House
    Whether you own a home, rent an apartment, or live in some other type of property, it's critical that you ensure everything is taken care of with your living space before you take off on a flight. If you are wondering how to sell your house or make another major change, doing so before a flight is important. Similarly, smaller more domestic tasks should also be at the top of your list.
    Do you have a porch door or another secondary entrance that needs to be locked and secured? What about turning off all necessary lights and unplugging your devices so that they are not sucking up unnecessary energy when you are away on your trip? Thinking about minor details such as these can really serve to ease your mind once you're in the air.
    Check Your Luggage (Again)
    Checking your luggage is another necessity before you take off for a flight. It may seem bothersome to go through every last item, but when you fail to ensure you have what you need for your trip, it can be very difficult to fully relax. Check your large pieces of luggage, and your smaller carry-on items to reduce your anxiety before taking off for your trip.
    When you are thinking about how to double-check everything you packed, it can be helpful to implement a checklist to remind you of everything you need for your adventure. The right checklist will include your necessities, along with toiletries, clothing options, and other items that you need for your trip.
    Notify Your Bank and Credit Card Companies
    When you are planning to travel to a new area, especially a new country, it is a good idea to be certain that you let your financial services know about this activity. Sometimes if you are making lots of purchases in a new area, your credit card company may halt the transaction. This is because financial activity in a new area can appear to be fraudulent.
    Many banks and credit card companies are used to dealing with high cardinality in their systems. They are also used to placing travel notifications on accounts. Some of them even allow you to do this from your online banking portal without having to go into a physical location. Make sure you inform your bank of the locations you will be visiting, along with any planned expenses and the duration of your travel.
    Check Your Flight Information
    Finally, before you are getting ready to leave, it is a good idea to check in on your travel and flight information. Sometimes air travel can be a tricky proposition, as there are several details that can cause delays and other complications. Being prepared for these kinds of issues is a great way to reduce stress before you head off on your next trek.
    Several airlines will allow you to regularly check the status of your flights using a mobile app. Others may require that you call to check in before the flight. In any case, staying on top of your flight status and information will help you make any necessary changes as quickly as possible before you head out.
    When you are getting ready to head out on a trip, it can be tough to make sure that all the tiny details you need to verify are secured. Remember to reference these tips the next time you are unsure about the status of your travel before boarding a flight.
  7. kevgardner83
    The airline industry is one of the biggest in the field of transportation. Today almost 4 billion passengers chose to travel in an airplane. This number is quickly growing every year, which means that the airline industry is becoming increasingly more competitive.
    With an increased number of airlines worldwide, the industry must improve its operations to reduce costs and optimize profitability. New technologies are also being integrated to help today’s airlines achieve these goals. Low code and no code development and Artificial Intelligence are making airline operations more efficient, flights safer, and allowing environmentally friendly flight routes.
    Here are five new technologies that are reshaping the airline industry today.
    1. Biometrics and Digital Identity
    The Happy Flow was one of the first biometric projects in airports. It took place in 2015 in Aruba. This was the use of technology to get travelers quickly and easily from the door to the gate. A digital biometrics system controlled check-in, bag drop, security and immigration, and boarding. Passengers never even had to talk to anyone while completing the process. It boasted a more stress-free, fast process. While most airports haven’t applied this level of technology, different programs and apps are augmenting the efficiency of check-in and control of passengers around the world.
    2. Robotic Airport Assistants
    Robotic assistants in airports are becoming more and more popular every year. They are a common sight at the Munich airport and in Japan Airlines and EVA Air, among others. These robotic assistants were designed to be autonomous delivery machines to help passengers order contactless delivery from any location. They also assist in guiding people through the airport; some can even carry luggage.
    3. Artificial Intelligence
    Artificial intelligence is gaining popularity in many industries, and airlines are no exception. From chatbots to voice-based tools, AI is currently improving the flight experience of millions of travelers worldwide. Airline companies understand how vital Artificial Intelligence is in helping them to achieve their profitability goals and enhance customer experience. One great example of Artificial Intelligence applied to the airplane industry is AirHelp, which allows for quick and accurate assessment of delayed and interrupted flights. This technology quickly assesses whether or not passengers are entitled to compensation for delayed and canceled flights.
    4. Blockchain Technology
    Although the blockchain is often related to cryptocurrencies and the financial market, this technology can also be applied to airline operations. The blockchain is a digital ledger in which the information is protected by cryptography. This can be used in airports to provide safe storage of digital passports and improve the security of the identification process. However, it still needs more research to be applied and used to its full potential in this field.
    5. Sustainability
    AI and new technology help with sustainability as well. With an increased number of flights worldwide, airlines have felt the need to invest in new technologies to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. Although the deployment of electric or hybrid engines is still not a reality, we can be sure that it will be something real in just a few more years. Being more environmentally friendly attracts many of the younger generations, helping airlines not only to profit but to be greener.
    Technology for a Better Experience

    At more than 100 years old, the airline industry is being reshaped. This is due to several factors, such as the growing numbers of flights worldwide and the advent of new technologies. Statistics say that new technologies applied to airline operations have a positive impact and are well received by users, which could mean we should expect more changes in the future.
  8. kevgardner83
    Being a pilot can involve flying for long periods of time on long routes and spending lots of time away from home. When there are two shifts of pilots on a flight, the relief crew is allowed to rest in a special section of the plane that has crew sleeping quarters. However, it can be difficult to get good quality rest with the bumps and noises involved with powering a jet through the sky. In addition, spending nights in unfamiliar hotels can contribute to not getting a good night's sleep. For these reasons, it is important that pilots have ways to relax after their long shifts. Here are some ways that they can do this.
    Working out is good for the mind and body, and pilots who sit for long periods of time can especially benefit from physical activity after their shifts. This can be something simple like going for a walk or swim, or it could mean playing a team sport like tennis. Many hotels have fitness facilities and indoor or outdoor swimming pools, and people can also choose to place inground swimming pools Virginia on their own property. Because no special equipment is required to get a good workout, exercise is accessible to most people regardless of where they are located.
    Meditation involves sitting in a comfortable position and letting your thoughts flow through the brain without causing worry or stress. Meditation can either be silent or guided, where the meditator listens to a recording of someone leading them through a meditation session. There are many different types of meditation, so it might take some practice before finding one that suits someone best. However, it can be very rewarding to find something that helps with becoming more calm, relaxed and focused. Meditation is best done on a regular basis to see the most profound results over time, rather than just completed when feeling especially stressed or anxious.
    Watching Television
    Sometimes, it is necessary to simply unwind in front of a favorite television show or movie. There are many streaming services out there to choose from, and most of them contain a wide variety of genres such as action, comedy, documentary, and many others. Pilots need to remain focused and not distracted when they are in command of a plane, so it can be very beneficial to focus on someone else during their downtime by watching a good show or movie.
    Practicing Deep Breathing
    Deep breathing is somewhat similar to meditating but may be more approachable and less intimidating to some people. Deep breathing is a simple exercise that can be done anywhere and at any time. This is a good way to relax and unwind after a long day.
    Listening to Music
    Like watching television, listening to music gives people the opportunity to focus on something outside of their own minds and day-to-day lives. Listening to music can also be combined with other relaxing activities like going for a walk outside or taking a drive through the countryside. Music without lyrics such as instrumental music can even be good to use while practicing deep breathing or trying to fall asleep at night.
    Spending Time Outdoors
    Spending a lot of time indoors in crowded settings like airports can be quite stressful. For this reason, it is important for people to take time for themselves. One of the best ways to do this is by spending time outdoors, especially in the sunlight. The sun provides several physical and mental health benefits, including greater vitamin D absorption, lower levels of stress and improvement in mood. If someone is in a crowded city where it is difficult to get away from large groups of people, consider finding parks or areas slightly outside of the city where people are less likely to congregate.
    Whether someone is a pilot or an employee in another industry with long hours, they should consider these ways to relax once they are off their shift.
  9. kevgardner83
    As a team leader, one must be able to motivate and inspire their team to achieve common goals. They must be able to delegate tasks and responsibilities, and hold team members accountable for their performance. Here are some ways on how to lead a team.
    1.Communicate openly and effectively with team members.
    If team members feel like they can openly communicate with their leader, they will be more likely to come to them with problems or concerns. This allows the leader to address issues before they become bigger problems, and also allows the leader to get to know their team members better so they can be more effective in their role.
    2.Be clear about expectations and goals.
    When team members know what is expected of them, they are more likely to perform at a high level and meet the goals that have been set. This clarity also helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objectives.
    3.Encourage team members to share their ideas and suggestions.
    When team members feel like they are able to share their ideas and suggestions, they are more likely to be engaged with the team and the work that they are doing. This engagement leads to a better understanding of the work that needs to be done, and it also allows for better communication between the team leader and the team members. Additionally, encouraging team members to share their ideas and suggestions can help the team leader to identify areas where the team may need more clarification.
    4.Help team members feel supported and valued.
    When team members feel supported and valued, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and feel invested in the success of the team. As a result, they are more likely to be productive team members who are willing to contribute to the team's success. As a leader, you can foster a sense of support and value by being a good listener, being available to answer questions, and providing feedback that is both positive and constructive.
    5.Be open to feedback and willing to adjust your leadership style as needed.
    When you are open to feedback, you are able to learn about the areas in which you need to improve. This allows you to make the necessary adjustments to your leadership style so that you can be a more effective team leader. Additionally, being willing to adjust your leadership style as needed shows your team that you are committed to their success and that you are willing to do what it takes to help them reach their goals.
    6.Reward team members for their successes and always maintain a positive attitude.
    When you reward team members for their successes, it shows that you are paying attention to their hard work and that you appreciate it. This encourages them to keep up the good work, and it also sets a positive tone for the rest of the team. Maintaining a positive attitude is also important because it shows that you believe in the team's ability to succeed and that you are confident in their abilities. This positive attitude will rub off on the team members and help them to stay motivated and focused.
  10. kevgardner83
    Choosing an aviation school
    Aviation school is a four-year program that prepares students to become professional pilots. The program includes aeronautical engineering, navigation, aircraft operation, and aviation safety training. Aviation schools may also offer coursework in business administration and marketing.
    What are the different types of aviation schools?
    Aerospace engineering schools offer programs leading to a bachelor's degree in aircraft engineering. These programs typically include aerospace science, engineering mechanics, and aviation management coursework. Some schools also offer concentrations in aeronautical engineering design, propulsion, and aircraft operations.
    FAA-approved programs generally last about four years. After completing an undergraduate degree in aircraft engineering, students may be eligible for various aviation jobs, including working as a research pilot, an aircraft engineer, or a flight instructor. Many aerospace engineering graduates earn degrees in related fields, such as mechanical engineering or business administration.
    How much does aviation school cost?
    Airlines constantly strive to keep costs down, which is why aviation schools have become so affordable in recent years. With the cost of tuition hovering around $9,000 per year, many students are wondering if aviation school is a good investment.
    That's a total cost of attendance of roughly $24,000. On average, students spend around six months earning their degree. Getting your pilot's license could be as low as $9,000! That's an incredible saving compared to the average cost of getting your license through a traditional school. If you are passionate about pursuing a career in aviation and have insufficient funds, you can consider private student loans as the best way to get started.
    Choosing the Right Aviation School for Yourself
    Choosing the right aviation school for you can be a daunting task. Several factors to consider, and it cannot be easy to know where to start. Here are some tips to help you choose the right school for you:
    1. Do your research
    Before you even think about choosing an aviation school, you should do your research. Talk to friends, family, and professionals in the field to learn as much as possible. This will aid you in understanding what types of schools are available and which will fit your needs the best.
    2. Consider your goals
    Once you know what type of school would work best for you, it's important to consider your goals. Which areas of study interest you the most? You'll want to ensure that the school you choose offers the courses and programs to help you reach your goals.
    3. Consider your finances
    Another critical aspect to consider is your budget. Not all aviation schools are created equal; some will cost more than others. Private student loans for aviation students can be a great option for those looking to further their education in the field of aviation.
    The decision to start thinking about aviation school will vary based on various factors, including your current aviation knowledge and experience, career goals, and budget. However, suppose you are not currently pursuing an aviation-related career and are interested in learning more about the profession. In that case, it is generally recommended that you consider aviation school around the time you reach your mid-20s. This is because aviation school can be lengthy and expensive, and it is important to have enough financial resources available to support you while you are studying. Most aviation schools can be expensive but passion can get someone to high places.
  11. kevgardner83
    While many people have the option to go to a gym for their exercise, teens often don't. Many commercial gyms have an adults-only age limit, leaving teenagers unable to train their bodies for school sports or personal goals. Rather than not exercising, many youths have decided to do home workouts to improve their fitness. If you're trying to design a home workout plan that works for you, here are some things to keep in mind.
    Set Clear Goals
    The first thing you need to do when designing a home workout plan is to set clear goals. Are you training for fun? Is there a sport you're preparing for? Are you working to improve your overall strength and fitness? All these questions will help you design a workout program that works for your body. While it's easy to set overreaching goals, that may be detrimental in the long run. When designing your home fitness program, you want to keep your goals achievable. Without an objective that you can reasonably reach, you'll lose motivation and hit burnout quicker than you want.
    Similarly, you need to decide what kind of workout you want. Some people love cardio-based plans, while others hate them. On the flip side, some teens can't do strength-based workouts. When designing your home exercise plan, you need to balance what your body can do with what you want it to do. A great way to do this is with a high volume workout a few times a week. These training sessions work on strength without exhausting you, which allows you to keep your motivation. No matter how you like to work out, you must set clear goals.
    Evaluate Your Space
    Once you have your goals set, it's time to evaluate your space. The tricky thing about exercising at home is that you don't have as much room as you would in a gym. Your space needs will be a factor in the moves and exercises you do, so find a spot to work out early. If you have a garage or open living room, that would be a great place for strength workouts. If your goals are geared more toward flexibility, you may only need a few feet on your bedroom floor.
    Once you choose your space, do your best to set boundaries with your family. While it's not always possible to get people to leave you alone during the day, letting them know you're going to be exercising may give you a few minutes of peace and quiet. If you can, schedule your training sessions for when your family members aren't home. Without the added familial pressure, you can let loose and get a good workout in. No matter what your goals are, choose a space that suits them.
    Pick Up Necessary Equipment
    Finally, pick up any necessary equipment for your chosen workout method. While the beauty of home workouts is that they often don't require weights or gym gear, you may want some small accessories to elevate your session further. For instance, grab some dumbells from the store to add intensity to your strength workouts. If you do a lot of bodyweight movements, resistance bands can help tone your muscles even more.
    Along with gym equipment, ensure you have proper clothes for your workouts. Gym clothes will not only help you move better, but they'll also motivate you to work harder. Additionally, any sort of outdoor exercise will require proper shoes. If you plan on running as part of your fitness plan, make sure you have well-fitted footwear. Having the right equipment will elevate your home workouts to the next level.
    Overall, working out at home is great for teens. If you don't have access to a commercial gym, don't be afraid to design your own workout with these steps.
  12. kevgardner83
    Plenty of people incorporate regular exercise into daily routines. After all, working out is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Others may regularly work out to achieve their desired physique and increase personal confidence. Whatever your case may be, investing in an at-home gym is ideal for any individual who enjoys working out. If you are considering buying exercise equipment for your home, consider the following benefits of creating a residential gym.
    Save Money on a Gym Membership
    If you have a gym membership, you know that gym memberships can be quite costly. Depending on where you live, gym memberships may cost you several hundred dollars annually. Gym membership costs go up even more if you have children and factor in the cost of childcare. While gym equipment may cost money upfront, the amount of money you will save in the long run is usually well worth the initial costs.
    In-Home Gyms Offer Much More Privacy
    Community gyms can get quite crowded and may invoke anxiety or feelings of intimidation. In fact, gym-induced anxiety is quite common. Many people who experience gym anxiety claim that they worry that other people are judging their form, seem unathletic or look weird while working out. A reasonable fix to gym anxiety is creating an in-home gym as they naturally offer much more privacy. While at home, you can focus on your giant set workout routine without anyone attempting to talk to you or watch you work out.
    There are No Wait Times for Gym Equipment
    Besides fostering anxiety, crowded gyms lead to long wait lines. Long wait lines may make your workout less productive since most people designate a set chunk of time to the gym and struggle to incorporate working out into their daily schedules. With a gym located in your own home, you will no longer wait in long lines and may even be able to save time in other ways. For example, the commute to your gym and back may last from 30 minutes to an hour. You may also spend some time prepping for the gym. With a private gym, you can avoid wasting valuable time.
    At-Home Gyms Offer Creative Freedom
    Community gyms do not foster creativity in the slightest. After all, community gyms are laid out more for functionality rather than aesthetics. If you plan on creating an at-home gym, you get to decide on the design. You may purchase equipment that you like, and create your very own dream gym. You can skip out on equipment that you rarely use and invest in equipment brands that suit your workout needs best.
    In-Home Gyms Encourage Routine
    Sticking to a fitness routine can be difficult, especially when you take into consideration the time it takes to get ready to go to the gym and the wait times at equipment. If you are honest, you will also admit that sometimes you will skip out on going to the gym because you did not feel like preparing and driving out to your community gym. If you have a gym within walking distance and in the comfort of your own residency, you will have an easier time managing and sticking to your workout routine.
    Additionally, you may even relieve yourself of sticking to a schedule. You may plan on working out an hour a day at a time that is convenient for you. With equipment in your home, you can pretty much work out at any time of the day without consequences.
    Enjoying Your Own Gym
    As a health-conscious individual, you probably have committed to going to the gym. With an at-home gym, you can easily incorporate your workout routine into your schedule and take advantage of creative liberties.
  13. kevgardner83
    Today, businesses are looking for ways to streamline processes and reduce costs. As a result, an increasing number of companies are turning to the cloud as a solution. Cloud computing offers several benefits for businesses of all sizes: it’s easy to implement, flexible, secure and inexpensive. Here's some info on understanding this technology and its benefits.
    What Is Cloud Technology?
    Cloud computing is a model for using computers and other devices to store and deliver information over networks, rather than managing information on-premises. Cloud providers typically take care of things like server management, data storage, network connectivity and maintenance tasks — leaving you to focus on your core business operations.
    With cloud computing, you access or “lease†computing resources as needed, so you don’t need to worry about scaling up or out as you do with on-premise hardware. You can use a service to run your online operations, then shut down when you’re done.
    What Are Hybrid Services?
    Hybrid cloud solutions mix cloud resources and shared hardware and software. They let companies achieve the best of both worlds: the agility of the cloud, with the control of on-premises resources. Hybrid services enable companies to take advantage of the benefits of cloud technology without giving up the structural advantages of on-premises resources. Hybrid solutions give organizations the ability to access new business models in ways that weren’t possible before.
    What Are the Advantages?
    Cloud computing has many advantages over traditional methods of computing. One of the most valuable is that cloud computing can lower operational costs. Since cloud providers handle the complexity of operations, they can often offer services at a lower cost than maintaining the resources yourself. And because providers can be located around the world, you can access resources from almost anywhere in the world.
    Cloud providers also offer flexibility in terms of scaling up and down resources, depending on demand. This allows companies to tailor their resources to meet changing needs. When demand for resources falls, you can scale back, saving money while retaining access to the data you’re storing.
    How To Decide If Your Business Needs a Cloud Service?
    There are several factors to consider before deciding to adopt cloud technology. Start by determining the scope of your operations. If your business involves a high degree of variability in its workloads, cloud services can help you manage your operations more effectively.
    Next, consider how your current operations compare to your business goals. If your current operations are sufficient, but they’re not as effective as they could be, cloud services might improve your overall business performance. If your operations could benefit from additional functionality, the cloud might be an appropriate solution.
    Finally, evaluate the financial impact of cloud services. In some cases, the upfront costs of migrating to the cloud can be higher than the cost of maintaining on-premises resources. But in many cases, the long-term operational costs of cloud services are lower than traditional computing models.
    How Do You Get Started?
    If you're curious about how cloud services work, or if you're thinking of making the switch, an easy way to try them out is with a cloud trial. This gives you access to a provider's services for a limited amount of time. This is a great way to test out different services and see which ones might be a good fit for your business.
    The cloud represents a new way of thinking about how to deliver IT services. It enables businesses to access services and resources on demand, so they don’t have to worry about whether they have sufficient resources to meet demand. The key to successful adoption of cloud technology is understanding what it is and how it can help your company.
  14. kevgardner83
    Have you ever considered the possibility of having your own backyard pool? Other than simply being fun, having a pool has myriad benefits and may be closer to becoming a reality than you think. Let's take a deeper dive and look at these seven reasons why you could (and should) add a pool to your backyard.
    1. Beat the Heat
    Having a pool can help you turn your humble backyard into an outdoor oasis fit for a beach resort. A cool pool to splash in can allow you to enjoy your outdoor space in the sweltering heat of the summer months and maximize the utility of your property. Who wouldn't love to chill poolside instead of being stuck inside?
    2. Save Money with Staycations
    Staycations have become more popular in recent years. Without a refreshing outdoor space, though, staying home is a lot less fun and requires a lot more creativity. If you're concerned about the size of your budget, consider financing a pool. An investment in your own pool can pay long-term dividends when you consider the cost of summer trips to the water park or long-distance adventures to a tourist destination. Why not create a way of living that doesn't leave you feeling like you need a vacation? A pool can help you accomplish this.
    3. More Time with Family
    Picture a relaxing afternoon of sun, fun and games together with the whole family in your backyard pool. It might sound too good to be true, but this idyllic scene is not far from reach. Adding a pool to your yard can also encourage your children to spend more time at home by offering them an additional space where they can be active, study or relax. If you create an inviting space, you might even encourage out-of-town family members to come for a visit.
    4. Connect with Neighbors and Friends
    In addition to creating a space for your family, your backyard may become a beacon for fun with friends and neighbors. After installing a pool, your home will instantly become a cool hotspot for hosting pool parties and get-togethers. You may even save money on booking venues when you party poolside.
    5. Maintain Mental Health
    A backyard has so much potential to become a peaceful escape from the hustle-and-bustle of everyday life. Spending time in nature can reap dramatic benefits for mental health and, in the heat, it's important to have a cool place to enjoy the outdoors. By building a pool oasis, you can put the stressors of life on the back burner and just exist.
    6. Improve Physical Health
    Being physically active is hard enough, but can become unbearable when done in the heat. More than just a place to relax, a backyard pool can be a place to exercise while staying cool. Water resistance can help you build muscle strength with minimum impact on your joints. Swimming, walking or water aerobics are all great options to help you improve your physical health in a safe, cool and fun way.
    7. Increase Your Home's Value
    While you may never want to leave your sweet oasis, you should still consider the influence a pool can have on your home's value. Most people love pools, so having one may make your home more attractive to potential buyers, should you choose to put it on the market. Your home could be worth up to 10% more with a pool than without. Combined with all the other benefits listed above, installing a pool may be an easy decision for your family.
    Incorporating a pool into your backyard living space is more than just a luxury reserved for the rich. It's an accessible, enriching investment that can pay for itself over time. Life is too short to have a boring backyard. If these seven benefits make a pool sound like an awesome addition to your family home, start planning today! Your family, friends and health will thank you.
  15. kevgardner83
    There are many ways to travel and get from one place to another. Cars are the most common form of local transportation; however, planes are the preferred method of transit when traveling long distances. It is easy to get confused and caught up by airlines that offer incentives to fly with them. However, taking the time to research and follow some basic protocols can help ensure you find the right flight and airline company.
    Flying several thousand feet above the earth's surface can create tension and anxiety. Knowing that the airline you choose provides quality and safety can help ease your fears. Many companies use a customer data platform to help offer the best service to their clients. This means that airlines often collect data to help make improvements and correct mistakes. The U.S and European governments have a blacklist to keep track of airline companies that are unsafe or non-compliant. If an airline is on this list, it must make safety improvements and is not allowed to create any new services. Before selecting your airline, doing basic research can help to ensure your airline is on any of these safety lists.
    Being acknowledged for excellence is a major accomplishment. One way to find the best airlines is to research any awards they have won. Awards are sought after and considered benchmarks by the airline industry. Award categories cover just about every aspect of commercial aviation, and you can check the last time an airline won an award and in which category. Choosing an airline that has won awards allows you to feel comfortable and confident that you are choosing a reputable company.
    Avoid Social Networks
    Social networks are indeed a great way to communicate; however, not all disseminated information is authentic or beneficial. People tend to focus on and exaggerate singular events that may not be accurate. This can unfairly influence others to decide not to choose a particular airline. No airline is perfect and every company has made mistakes. Using government data is a more reputable approach to checking the efficacy of an airline than using social media platforms.
    One factor in deciding on an airline is cost. People want to find the best deal possible when shopping for airlines. One caveat that people need to be aware of is fees. Companies often add fees to try to reduce liability, such as losing bags. Therefore, bag fees encourage people to bring less luggage, which reduces the risk of airlines losing passenger belongings. Airlines may offer a low base price, which seems attractive, but then charge fees for everything from baggage to snacks. These unassuming fees add up quickly and can put a dent in a travel budget. Being aware is the first step in making smart choices to avoid unnecessary fees.
    When whittling down your search for an airline carrier, you may want to consider the amenities that are offered. While there are fees for just about everything, you may be able to absorb some of the cost by using airline points. These points may entitle you to certain amenities such as better seats or seat location, entertainment, and food. Aside from basic amenities, airlines also offer more opulent choices as well. Some airline's international flights offer double beds and shower suites for overnight flights. These amenities can make any long-distance flight less stressful and more pleasant.
    Finding an airline that is affordable with competitive amenities can be a challenge. Research allows you to narrow your airline choices and stay within your budget. Following a few basic steps can ensure you get the best price for your flight.
  16. kevgardner83
    Living with debt is a common experience, and you can take control of your finances. Many people feel overwhelmed when they think about managing their debt and building a strong financial foundation. Taking steps to pay off your debt is important for making progress toward your other life goals. Debt can weigh you down and add stress to relationships, but smart debt management decisions can set you up for success. Consider the following points about refinancing as you create a debt management plan.
    1. Pay Off Education Loans
    A substantial percentage of college graduates enter the next chapter of their adult lives in debt. The cost of higher education is attainable through loans for many young people. Talk to your lender about student loan refinance options to optimize interest rates and possibly extend the repayment schedule as you climb the career ladder.
    2. Leverage Your Existing Mortgage
    Homeowners can refinance their mortgages to pay off debt. There is more than one model of mortgage refinancing, and they all ease the pressure on your bank account. You can use refinancing as a tool to help pay off credit card debt or other loans. Think about creating cash flow for monthly medical, student, and car loan payments.
    3. Build Equity
    Put in some work to build equity and increase the value of your home before you apply for mortgage refinancing. Different lenders and varying requirements for access to equity. You may be able to use equity to make loan payments in cash.
    4. Provide Proof Of Income
    Refinancing applications require proof of income. Save pay stubs and other proof of employment so that you can make the strongest case with your lenders. Refinancing your mortgage is more likely to be approved if you have a well-established steady income or an increased salary.
    5. Optimize Your Debt-To-Income Ratio
    Your debt-to-income ratio is based on the amount of your monthly income compared to how much you owe each month. The items that you owe include your existing home payment and credit card. Any other debts also factor into this ratio. Increase the amount that you earn each month and decrease the amount that you owe in order to achieve a better ratio.
    6. Protect Your Credit Score
    Your credit score is important for the refinancing application, too. The score reflects how consistently you are able to pay off your existing debts. Typically, the most common type of home refinancing requires a minimum of a 620 credit score.
    7. Budget for Closing Costs
    A refinanced mortgage will have closing costs, just like when you first purchased the home. This is the cost of your access to cash. Generally, closing costs for refinancing are 2-5% of the total amended loan. This should balance favorably with lower interest rates.
    8. Take Advantage of Low-Interest Rates
    Watch interest rate trends for new mortgages. You may want to refinance when interest rates are lower than they were when you bought your property. Lower interest rates can give you more financial flexibility over time.
    9. Streamline Refinance Government-Insured Loans
    VA streamline refinancing and FHA refinancing may be available for some recipients of government-insured mortgages. This can be an accessible debt consolidation option for people who want to avoid closing costs and a new home appraisal.
    10. Consider Rate-and-Term Refinancing
    Rate-and-term refinancing is a long-term plan for financial freedom. Your existing loan is paid off before establishing a different loan term or interest rate on an entirely new loan.
    11. Consolidate Your Debt
    Cash-out refinancing is the option that pulls cash from your home equity line to pay off other debts, like credit cards. You then consolidate those debts under your mortgage and pay them off at that interest rate, which may be lower than continuing to make payments on existing credit card debt.
    12. Forecast Your Financial Future
    Go beyond this period’s paycheck and project your expected monthly income. Forecast out for several years to decide whether you should refinance now.
    Start your debt management plan today.
  17. kevgardner83
    Understanding which programming language to study first in 2022 requires determining which type or types of programming paradigms you will be working on. Some languages are suitable for only one kind, and some are excellent for multiple types of coding. The paradigms you will work with will largely depend on how the industry you work for uses software programming and what kinds of applications or solutions you will create.
    Procedural programming languages are suitable for sectioning the programming into functions, variables and conditional operators to provide a set of commands. For instance, when creating the software for a Professional Employee Organization, or PEO, company, you will need an excellent procedural programming language to create a well-structured list of procedures for composing the program. This structural programming paradigm will help your team develop one process or step list and be able to build customized solutions for each of the PEO solution company's clients. Notable languages fitting this category include JAVA, C, and BASIC.
    Functional programming languages construct programs by composing and applying functions, also known as a declarative programming paradigm. It is important to note that this paradigm does not support loop and iteration statements such as "if-else." Well-known functional programing language examples are Scala, Haskell and SML. This programming language type helps create and maintain a customer data platform because the information being handled is easily translated into functions.
    The objects used in object-oriented programming languages are data and code in the forms of fields and procedures, respectively. Also called OOP, this type of coding language specializes in valuable tools such as encapsulation, abstraction and inheritance, which allows for the use and reuse of code packets with minor alterations and varying configurations. Java, Python, and C++ are languages well-suited for this type of programming paradigm and can be found in the code of everything from gaming applications to web development.
    Scripting programming languages do not require a compilation step and are written for interpretation and run-time environments. The lack of a compile stage makes these languages well-suited for plugins and extensions for existing apps, web development, and multimedia applications. In this category, you will also find web development and system administration scripting languages such as Ruby and Python. These include languages for server-side scripting, like Javascript, and client-side scripting, like AJAX.
    With the logic programming paradigm, the coding does not tell the machine how to do something but rather puts restrictions on what it can consider doing. PROLOG and Datalog are popular languages in this coding paradigm, particularly useful in data management, knowledge representation and machine learning applications such as the development of Artificial Intelligence. This paradigm is rarely seen outside knowledge representation applications, making it more of a niche paradigm than others.
    Common Threads
    Looking at these brief category descriptions of the programming languages used these days, you may notice that some languages pop up more than once. Python, for example, can be used in multiple paradigms and is considered the easiest to learn, especially for its versatility in applications. Java is another popular one for beginning programmers to learn, mainly because it has been in use for quite a while and has an extensive library of open-source code. Each language will have unique pros and cons, so your best bet is to look at the fields you are in or want to go into to see the best-suited languages for that type of work.
    Many coding languages fall into multiple paradigms because of their popularity and ease of use. Many different programming languages are used today across various specialties and industries. It can be challenging to determine which ones to start learning for beginners and which are excellent educational investments for experienced coders. By narrowing your options down to the programming paradigm you will be primarily working with, you can find a short list of popular languages to start with and expand from there.
  18. kevgardner83
    Car buying can be exciting, stressful and expensive. In addition to finding the right car for your needs, you also want to stay within your budget. Whether you love or dread car shopping, the following tips will help you save money during the process.
    1. Shop Around for the Best Interest Rates
    A quick look at how interest rates affect your monthly payment reveals the difference a percentage point or two can make on a new car. After all, with vehicle prices of $40,000 or $50,000 common, the interest rate could mean savings of thousands of dollars over the repayment term.
    Since many new car purchases are financed, it only makes sense to shop around for the best possible rate. You can start with your current bank, but don't overlook others — or even online lending services. Some banks even offer discounts or programs like a customer car buying service that can save you even more.
    2. Check Into Dealer Incentives and Discounts
    Once you have an idea of your interest rate, you can start shopping around. Check into available incentives and discounts. Most major auto manufacturers offer these throughout the year, so if you know a special is coming, it might be a good idea to wait on your purchase.
    Don't limit yourself to one or two automakers just because they have a solid reputation. Find a few cars that fit you and are in your price range, and then research their reliability and owner satisfaction to make an informed decision. This could save you thousands of dollars when dealer incentives are figured into the picture.
    3. Ask for Insurance Estimates
    A significant cost that many car buyers overlook is insurance. After your purchase, you'll be paying to insure your new vehicle for years. If you choose one with a low safety rating or high theft statistics, you could pay significantly more than you need to. Over time, that can add up to a considerable amount of money you could have put toward a more comfortable or reliable car. It's a good idea to get an insurance estimate before you make a purchase.
    4. Fine Tune Negotiation Skills
    Many people dread the idea of walking into a car dealership and facing the salespeople. They are generally known as a tenacious group that will try to sell you features you don’t need. However, just like every stereotype, many salespeople do not fit this mold. In fact, with many dealerships moving away from straight commissions, there is little incentive to try and upsell.
    Instead, it is often smarter to build a relationship, so customers return for service, repairs, and their next vehicle purchase. You can use this to your advantage when purchasing a car. Be friendly and nice to dealer staff; it will usually get you further than a more aggressive stance.
    5. Do Your Homework Before You Go Shopping
    Pre-purchase research is easier than ever. So, before you even think about heading to the dealership, look into things like what the dealers pay for vehicles, what incentives manufacturers are offering, special financing rates and other perks.
    Sometimes the same car can vary in price between dealers due to things like sales volume discounts. Other times, perks and bonuses make one seller look more attractive. For example, some dealers offer lifetime warranties on cars, which could help offset repair costs if you plan to keep the vehicle for a long time.
    6. Be Smart About Trade-Ins
    Finally, be smart about your current vehicle. Trading a car to the dealer has a few advantages. For example, you won’t pay sales tax on that portion of the vehicle price, which could save you significant money if you have a newer car. However, if your vehicle is older or has a lot of miles, then you may be better off selling it privately.
    There are several ways to save money buying a new car. Look into dealer incentives, be willing to consider different brands, and look at hidden costs like interest rates and insurance to maximize your buying power.
  19. kevgardner83
    Working as a flight attendant requires a diverse skill set. Most of all, you need to be good at managing interactions with people. To succeed in this role and also enjoy your time at work, you need to genuinely enjoy connecting with people. You’ve also got to be ready to handle some situations that are going to be less than enjoyable with tact, competence, and compassion. Here are some of the finer points of in-flight etiquette for flight attendants that industry professionals try to stick to on every one of their flights.
    Do Bring the Right Energy Levels

    Be sure to get plenty of rest the night before your departure. Without enough rest, you’ll probably look bleary-eyed and stressed. If you’ve got a red eye or a flight that leaves in the wee hours of the morning, you’ll probably need to adjust your sleeping schedule and go to bed at an hour that will give you enough rest.
    A moderate amount of physical exercise is another good way to keep your energy levels up. Right before a flight, it’s best to steer clear of extreme exertion that could make you overly fatigued or intense weightlifting that could leave you feeling a little sore and beat up. A few minutes of strength training with your own bodyweight is a good option for a quick workout. Swimming is an excellent exercise for toning up without overdoing it. If you want swimming to be part of your regular preflight ritual, you’ll probably need your own pool. Check out options for getting affordable inground pools in your area. Whenever you’re heading out or returning to your home city from a layover stop, try to take full advantage of a hotel’s pool before you check out.
    Make it a point to fuel up with healthy food. Avoid sugary snacks at the airport so your energy levels won’t crash mid-flight.
    Don’t Wear Heavy Fragrances

    When you’re spending your workday in close proximity to people, you shouldn’t wear strong fragrances. People tend to go nose blind to the fragrances that they wear every day, but they may be oppressive to the people around you.
    Don’t Wear Long Artificial Nails

    When you’re serving people, your hands need to look extremely clean and well-cared for. The right manicure for flight attendants is short and clean nails. Extremely long nails are impractical, and it’s not easy to clean your hands and other parts of your person if you’ve got to cope with long pieces of acrylic stuck to your fingertips.
    Do Project Calm

    From the time that the first boarding group walks on a plane until the last rows file out, flight attendants need to emanate calm and composure. Projecting a pleasant and relaxed attitude actually makes the people around you feel calmer and put them at ease. This isn’t to say that you need to be icy or robotic in how you greet and respond to people. Likewise, you don’t need to pretend to be exuberantly happy all of the time.
    A cool and collected exterior is especially important when you’ve got unruly passengers or some other type of disturbance to deal with. Remember that when someone isn’t conducting themselves appropriately, you’ve got to be the voice of reason. Don’t let someone else’s amped-up or negative energy affect your energy. Keep your emotions in check and apply de-escalation tactics to manage a challenging situation with passengers.
    Ultimately, part of your job is making people’s experiences better. Take your cues from your passengers and give them as much or as little attention as they seem to want from you. Every time that you leave for the airport, resolve to be patient, be kind, and do good work.
  20. kevgardner83
    Recent advances make it easier than ever for small and medium-sized businesses to level the playing field with their mammoth competitors. Cloud computing offers powerful online software run through an off-premise provider instead of an in-house program. Learn how online cloud services solve various issues in your company and help your business advance.
    Saves Money
    Music to any small business owner's ears is the cost-saving benefit of cloud computing. You can adjust features and add-ons as you see fit, trimming extras to save funds. If you become dissatisfied with your current service, changing solutions is as easy as canceling a subscription. Competitors are all too happy to find ways to help you transfer your data and onboard you with education into their service. The heavy competition between providers in spaces like lead generation allows you to negotiate for better deals in less stringent contracts.
    Keeps Your Data Backed Up
    Manually backing up your data and storing it off-site is time-consuming and easy to forget. Cloud computing lessens worries about a program being corrupted on your computer. You can have your service back up your files periodically, and many companies provide extra security by saving your data in various centers throughout distinct locations. In the case of a disaster, power outage, or on-site system failure, you can access your files quickly without losing much time. If human error ruins data, you can restore your system to a recent version with minimal damage.
    Remains Up-To-Date
    Cloud software companies continually ensure that their programs work with the most recent hardware and software. You won't have to worry about waiting for a new version to be released or sinking costs into a program that is going obsolete. Your provider shares automatic updates, keeping you competitive and providing better service.
    Provides Access to Better Support
    Some business owners hesitate to use cloud solutions because the services are offered on a subscription model. However, most local software requires purchasing an updated version every other year, if not every year, to access compatibility with the latest operating systems and security. When you have no IT department, you must rely on support from the software provider, which can be slower with on-premise software. Providers of cloud-based services maintain support and IT staff to resolve issues quickly.
    Expands Easily
    When an opportunity strikes and you need to expand quickly, you'll likely struggle to research and purchase the exact solutions you need. Sometimes you only need expanded capabilities for a brief time during peak seasons. Cloud-based resources allow you to make adjustments as needed with a simple modification to your plan. At a moment's notice, you have the tools to handle an immense workload, so you'll never leave clients frustrated and waiting on you.
    Communicate and Collaborate Efficiently
    With cloud computing, you can bring on freelancers and contractors to work with you from anywhere worldwide. When team members need to move on, changing permissions and access is as easy as changing administrative settings.
    Team members can simultaneously work on documents and projects while communicating over integrated teleconference and video call communication. Clients and vendors can join in on meetings in many cases.
    Increases Your Flexibility
    Would you like to be able to take an extended trip overseas or have the flexibility to work from the comfort of your bed? Since your company software is always available online, an internet connection is all you need to run vital tasks. More and more cloud companies provide mobile apps with enough functionality to handle routine duties.
    Cloud computing has multiple benefits and has become standard for small businesses that need solid protection and flexibility at manageable prices. If you haven't yet adopted cloud-based software into your company's tools, investigate where you can take advantage of its usefulness.
  21. kevgardner83
    Selling puppies is a lucrative business, but it can be challenging for new entrepreneurs. To succeed, you need to make sure that your sales pitch is compelling and professional. Even if you’ve grown up around animals your entire life and have the experience necessary to raise a litter of puppies with ease, starting your own business still requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips that should help you sell your puppies successfully.
    Use the Right Technology
    From creating a website that showcases your services to offering online payment methods, technology can be used to your advantage in a number of ways. For one, it can help you streamline your sales process, saving you time and energy when you’re busy with customers. Start by creating a website that highlights your business and sales pitch in one easy-to-navigate hub. Be sure that your website is professional and easy to understand so that it attracts the right customers, and make sure to include any relevant certifications or licensures. You can also use social media platforms to get the word out about your new puppy business. Lastly, you can use sales software such as a sales forecasting program to make your strategies more efficient.
    Establish Reputable Practices
    If you’re selling puppies in a commercial setting, you want to make sure that you’re meeting or exceeding all relevant regulations. This means things like following health and safety regulations, preventing pests and vermin, and disposing of waste properly. It’s important to avoid doing anything that could endanger your puppies or other animals in the area. This could include breeding during certain times of the year, feeding your dogs a good diet, or making sure that the litter is kept warm enough. When prospects can tell that the puppies are well taken care of, they'll be more likely to buy from you.
    Use High-Quality Photographs
    Puppies are adorable and will sell themselves if you take care of them properly, but you still want to take special care when taking pictures. Depending on the type of puppies that you’re selling, you may need to use special photography equipment to get quality images. You also want to make sure you’re taking pictures in a way that’s ethical, safe, and sustainable. There are many online guides on taking proper puppy photos, so be sure to do your research. If you’re selling online, high-quality pictures are even more important. This is because potential customers may not be able to visit your location and get a hands-on experience. You want to make sure your photos are engaging and show off the puppies to their full potential.
    Consider Your Location
    The location of your business can make or break your sales. If you run your business out of your home, you’ll want to make sure that there are no potential zoning or regulatory issues that could put your business at risk. If you’re selling puppies out of a storefront, you’ll want to make sure that it’s easily accessible and you have plenty of parking. You don’t want to make prospective customers turn around because they can’t find a spot. Make sure that your location is visible enough to help draw people in. Consider things like nearby landmarks that customers might recognize, nearby businesses, and other areas where people might be looking for something to do.
    Selling puppies is a great way to make extra cash or even start a full-time business. To succeed, though, you must know what you're doing and have a compelling sales pitch. By following the right strategies early on, you can start your own puppy business with confidence.
  22. kevgardner83
    Starting your senior year of high school means you’ll soon be preparing for college. While that may feel like a scary proposition, you’re also one of the most prepared individuals to go to college as a senior. That’s because your responsibilities and obligations are at their peak as a high schooler. You’re probably taking challenging classes, meeting with advisors frequently and completing all necessary documents to graduate before June. Now is the perfect time to start researching colleges and creating that application. However, there are many details involved in applying to college. High school seniors have certain considerations they wouldn’t have if starting their first year of college. Some of these details include SAT/ACT score requirements, transcript recommendations, private student loans application to finance one at school, and secondary essay prompts, to name a few.
    Create a checklist of everything you need to do
    You’ll need a to-do list for every part of your life, particularly if you’re a high school senior applying to college. Keep in mind, however, that your list will change based on your college timeline. For example, your deadlines during your senior year will likely be different than those during your junior year.
    Start by gathering the requirements for each college you’re considering. This includes GPA requirements, ACT/SAT score minimums, and essay prompts. You can apply for private student loans in case of a finance shortage.
    Start early and be organized
    Don’t wait until the last minute to begin your college application journey. Many universities recommend submitting your application at least six to nine months before the start of the semester. While that may seem like a long time, leaving enough time for the entire application process is crucial.
    You’ll want to work on your application early if you are a high school senior. You’ll need to take the SAT/ACT, meet with an academic advisor to determine your course load for your last semester of school and get recommendation letters. You’ll also want to start researching the colleges you want to attend. Visit the college websites and read any FAQs or blogs they may have on their application process.
    Research your colleges of choice
    Particularly if you’re a high school senior, you want to ensure the colleges you’re applying to are a good fit for you. One way to do this is to visit their websites and read through the “about†page to learn more about the college’s history and curriculum. You can also check out the “about†page of the department(s) you’d like to major in.
    Next, visit the admissions page to determine how early you can submit your application. Some colleges accept applications as early as October. This can be helpful if you’re a high school senior since you’ll have more time to complete the application process.
    Don’t stress too much about the standardized tests
    Some high school seniors may be stressing over the time left to take the SAT or ACT. While taking the test (or tests) to submit your application is important, you don’t have to stress about it. Colleges don’t look at these standardized tests as much as you think. Many universities only require the SAT or ACT if you apply to certain programs.
    While taking the test is critical, don’t get too wrapped up in studying. Most test prep companies will tell you to do practice tests and not worry about the results. If you’re worried about the score you’ll receive, make sure to take the test during your senior year. The majority of seniors have already taken the test. In addition, the SAT has a “retake-ability†feature.
    Get involved in extracurricular activities
    High school seniors have the opportunity to take part in a plethora of extracurricular activities. While some of these activities may not relate to your major, they’re still important. Colleges look at extracurricular activities as a way to learn more about you as an individual.
    If you want to be accepted into a competitive college, involve at least two extracurricular activities. These activities will be even more important if you’re interested in pursuing a scholarship. Check out scholarship websites to see what activities/skills are being looked for.
    Another thing to remember is that you don’t have to participate in the same extracurricular activities your entire high school career. Try something new, get involved in your community or find something that interests you.
    Meet with your school’s counselor—and an academic advisor
    Your school’s counselor has likely worked with high school seniors for years and can provide sound advice on the college application. They may be able to help you decide which colleges to apply to and provide feedback on your essay prompts.
    Ask your principal or another staff member if you don’t know your school’s counselor. Your counselor is most likely free if you’re attending a public high school. If you’re attending a private high school, meet with your counselor during office hours or find another way to contact them.
    Secondly, make sure to set up an appointment with your academic advisor. Your academic advisor may or may not be the same person as your counselor. Regardless, meeting with them will allow you to get help with your course load and graduation plan. This meeting is also a great opportunity to ask questions about the college application process and receive advice.
    Ask for recommendation letters early
    The best time to ask for recommendation letters is when you have a specific application due date. While you may have time for your teachers to write you a letter, it’s best to get it done as soon as possible. Generally, recommendation letters should be written within two or three weeks of you requesting them.
    The best way to ask for recommendation letters is to write a letter on letterhead paper. In this letter, ask your teachers if they’d be willing to write you a recommendation letter and when they can send it to you.
    Create a resume and portfolio of work
    As soon as you graduate from high school, you’ll want to start building a portfolio of work. This includes your extracurricular activities and other things you did during high school. You can also add any relevant volunteer work you’ve done.
    Creating a resume and portfolio of what you’ve done during high school will help you stand out in colleges. Plus, you can use your self-created portfolio as a tool to show what you’ve done with your time during high school. Colleges are more interested in your ability to think critically and solve problems than your ability to take tests.
  23. kevgardner83
    Attending your dream school is more than just a wish. It's a mindset that you need to embrace. The right attitude will set you apart from the crowd and make your higher-education dream come true. Here are some tips for attending your dream school.
    Student loans

    To attend your dream school, you may need to take advantage of the private student loans opportunities that are out there. Remember, though, that student loans are not all created equal.
    Make your application stand out

    For example, you could highlight service and community work or any unique accomplishments or extracurricular activities through which you have helped others or made a positive difference in the world. Maybe you've volunteered in some non-profit organization, worked as a mentor for kids, or held an event to raise awareness about an issue. Your extracurricular activities could include the research you have done for school, an internship you have been doing at a local business, mentoring a kid in another country, etc. You could also include your GPA and recommendation letters.
    Dress appropriately

    You could also emphasize any unusual talents that you might possess or the unique experiences that you've had which may make you stand out from other applicants. For example, maybe your background is in community service, but your skills are in singing or playing a musical instrument. You could also highlight awards or honours that you have won.
    Be prepared for the interview

    A college counselor can be a great resource when preparing for the interview portion of your application process. Ask about what subjects might be covered. There might even be opportunities to do mock interviews with available counselors beforehand.
    Prepare for the written portion of the application

    If you are applying early and haven't had time to visit the campus, then understand that your application will be reviewed without seeing whether or not you truly have a fit with that college. You will still have to submit high school transcripts, for example, and high school counselors can help guide you through this process. Ultimately, it's up to you to present yourself in your best light on paper.
    Get a college counselor

    If possible, get a high school counselor to help you with the application process. A college counselor can tell you where you may be in the process of applying to colleges and what type of questions might come up.
    Don't be afraid to ask questions

    If your counselor doesn't seem to know how to answer a question, don't be afraid to ask. By asking, you're getting advice from someone who has been through the college application process. Plus, your chances of getting an answer that helps you are much higher if you ask a question than if you apply because it's what everyone else is doing.
    Use social media

    Social media is an excellent tool for information on colleges and admissions events. You can also post important information about yourself on social networks like Facebook. You can post your accomplishments, especially if they are unique or significant enough to catch the attention of admissions offices. The more information you put out there, the better your chance of getting noticed. It's also a great way to promote yourself to others and use it as a tool for gaining exposure.
    In conclusion, these tips are great for anyone who wants to attend their dream school, but you need to know that it is not an easy process. You will have to work at it and put in the time and dedication required to make it happen. It is a marathon, not a sprint.
  24. kevgardner83
    Getting your pilot's license is a significant undertaking. You will have invested time and money to accomplish this task. As a pilot, you will be free to operate aircraft that can take you anywhere. Here are some tips to follow as a new pilot.
    1. Continue With Your Training
    Although you have just completed a significant amount of flying time and studying, you need to keep up to date on your training. You need to be aware of updates to techniques and equipment as you embark on your flying adventure. A basic pilot's license does not include training on all instruments. It would help if you continued to get certifications on as many instruments as possible to further your skills as a pilot. As you complete more training, your experience level will rise, and you will gain confidence in your abilities.
    2. Follow All Procedures
    Every aircraft has an essential safety checklist that must be followed for its operation. You should have a standard list that is similar to your training materials. You can keep an electronic version handy on your smartphone through cloud computing. You probably took some notes on the basic procedures during your training that you will also want access to. You must follow all the designated guidelines to ensure any aircraft's safe operation and passengers' safety.
    3. Plan Your Trip
    For every flight you take, you should have a detailed flight plan. You should study this plan and your route. In addition to learning the route, you need to review all projected weather conditions for your travel, so you know what to expect. You should also be aware of the type of terrain you are passing over to ensure a high enough flight path.
    In addition to the actual flight, you should prepare for the time you will be on the plane to ensure you have all the essentials you need. This may include food or beverages for sustenance. If your trip involves overnight travel, ensure you have what you need for that piece of the journey.
    4. Do Not Take Off in Bad Weather
    Inclimate weather is a significant cause of severe plane crashes. You should avoid flying in bad weather at all costs. It would be best if you got a weather briefing from the flight tower before taking off to ensure that conditions are good and not expected to become hazardous during your journey.
    5. Protect Passenger Safety
    If you have passengers, one of your duties as a pilot is to protect their safety. This includes ensuring a safe travel route that is as free from atmospheric disturbance as possible. This also involves giving a safety briefing to the passengers, so they are familiar with the safety protocols to follow in case of a mishap. The passengers should also be educated on the life-saving equipment available on the aircraft and the proper instructions on how to use it.
    6. Inspect the Aircraft
    Before any flight, you should inspect the airplane you will be flying. This includes a survey of the exterior engine and parts. You want to make sure there is no visible damage. You also need to inspect the instrument panel to ensure you are familiar with everything and that they are in good working order. You should review the airplane's maintenance logs to see if all routine adjustments have been made to determine the repair history.
    Becoming a pilot involves taking on significant responsibility for a complex machine. You also are responsible for any passengers and bystanders who could harm the aircraft's faulty operation. If you follow your training and procedures, you should be successful.
  25. kevgardner83
    Online-only businesses are quite popular and for good reason. They offer customers a better selection, immediate service, fast delivery, and greater convenience. Businesses also love eCommerce for the lower operating costs and wider customer base. When done smartly, a virtual business can be an amazing success and a wonderful venture for an entrepreneur. Here are some top tips to help you get started on the right foot.
    Research Your Niche
    You can't expect success unless you start with a great idea. Think about your existing skills and talents and how you can use them to solve an existing problem or create value. These are types of ideas that attract and keep paying customers. Decide on your target audience and find out what kinds of products are already in existence and what trends are the most popular. Use the information to perfect your idea so you stand out amongst the competition and make both a memorable and favorable impression.
    Form a Business Plan
    Every good business needs to create a plan to follow. These are the practices and methods you follow in your day-to-day operations to keep everything on track and running smoothly. Consider everything from your sales operations to your shipping and distribution to your customer service. Think of the experience you want your customers to have from their first introduction to your products to the follow-up after the sale has been completed.
    Use Multiple Platforms
    Sell your goods and services on as many b2b ecommerce platforms as possible. Since you are making your sales online, you can branch out and sell to more customers when you have a wider reach. Create your own website and list your products on popular shopping platforms that allow users to create a shop or webpage.
    Source and Develop Products
    If you plan to sell products that have already been manufactured, then you need to find inexpensive and reliable sources for these products. Establish a good relationship with manufacturers and distributors so you build trust and benefit one another. It's also good to have a few alternatives available in case your main source is running low on the products you require or has another problem.
    Businesses that make their own products need to focus on development and testing. Always test your product for defects and look for ways to improve upon the design. Have testers give their unbiased opinion after using your products and implement their ideas and criticisms before you settle on a finished product.
    Market Your Brand
    You won't make sales if potential customers don't know about your brand and what you have to offer. You must interact with your customers, promote your brand, and build a relationship with your audience.
    Advertise everywhere you can. Sign up for social media, take out print ads, and send out emails. Try to get influencers and established businesses to feature your products or offer a recommendation. Start a conversation and get involved in community events and online discussions. Make your brand stance and mission known. The more exposure your brand has, the more people will visit your product pages.
    Gather Customer Feedback
    The feedback and reviews that customers leave you are a rich source of information. Gather data from your website, social media, and other sources to discover the reaction to your products. Listen to your customers' reactions and respond accordingly. This is a great way to get insight into future product ideas and ways to improve upon your current offerings.
    Launching and maintaining an eCommerce business takes some effort, but the rewards can be more than worthwhile. Follow these tips and take the time to thoroughly research and plan your business in advance. The more informed you are, the more likely your business will be running smoothing and producing revenue in a short time.
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