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Everything posted by Downwind66

  1. Very nicely presented, thanks for sharing! Rick :cool:
  2. Chris - Question, is there a reason you are still using FS98? Seems like you enjoy taking and sharing pics via FS98, but they are lacking in so much clarity and realism. Members are trying to help you make better, but, it can only go so far with you using FS98! JMHO! Rick :cool:
  3. Bill - I am so glad you are doing the flying and taking us with you! These are locations I would never find on my own, but you did a good job with the pics and narrative on both Parts 1 and 2!! Thanks so much for sharing! Rick :cool:
  4. Chris - You might want to take this pic over again! Rick :cool:
  5. Very nice Bill, thanks for sharing! Rick :cool:
  6. Very nicely done. Some of my favorite liveries! Thanks for sharing! Rick :cool:
  7. Thanks Michael! Yes, this one has been with me a long time and I still enjoy flying it and very nice to look at! Rick :cool:
  8. Been a long time, but I now have two of them! This is the Sabena; I also kept the L 'Air Azur! So far, very fun to fly! Rick :cool:
  9. Yep, Bill, you have to "idiot proof" everything today! I like the ones I see more often than not, a sign along a residentual pond/lake that says "Beware, Alligators!" and close by another sign that says "No Swimming Allowed!" Where would we be without signs to guide us along the way? DUHHHHHH! Rick :cool:
  10. Thanks Bill and Larry! Yes, it is Larry, I have had this aircraft a long time, still liking it more. Now I am using it for the longer cross country trips which I enjoy! Some are Charleston to Baltimore/Washington, then sometimes on from there up to Boston! I can do these fast and they are nice challenges for me, both day and nightly trips! Thanks guys! Rick :cool:
  11. I can see why, the tail section is not connected to the rest of the plane and there is no pilot? :rolleyes: Rick
  12. The Dassault Rafale. Very fast, but very stable at the same time. And, fun to fly! This pic was taken enroute from Charleston, SC to Baltimore Washington Intl. Had to save the flight as the dinner bell is getting ready to happen! :cool: Rick :cool:
  13. There's always YouTube videos such as Oshkosh 2022 or Sun 'n Fun 2022? That should keep you busy for a while!
  14. ENROUTE CRUISE, Savannah, Georgia to Raleigh-Durham, NC, perfect weather to fly this beautiful aircraft! Rick :cool:
  15. Bill, that bright orange should get anyone's attention! I like it! Rick :cool:
  16. To answer your question Jan, NO, gear not down in the cruise. Cruise was actually from Savannah, Georgia to Charleston, SC. This pic was taken after the turn to final RWY 33 Charleston! In the future, I will try to be more specific as to what exactly the aircraft is doing at the moment the pic was taken!:rolleyes: Rick :cool:
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