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Everything posted by leuen

  1. Excepted Bristol Sycamore! Bernard
  2. Thanks your replies. I will try to modify the contact poin ts as suggested by Tom. Curiously I let flying a Junkers F33 as AI too using the same waterstrip, and it takes off correctly. Meanwhile I face the same problem with Denis Simanaitis' Benoist XIV. Bernard
  3. I liked the 3DAGS version. However, I didn't found it anymore. Bernard
  4. Yes, I used them newly. Curiously they are both high wing aircraft. I also tried to use different air files, but that has no impact. Bernard
  5. I use several flyable floatplanes as AI, and up to now they work perfectly. But I got some issues with some specific mdoels, like the Dornier Wal or Benoist (St. Petersburg–Tampa Airboat Line). They correctly taxi out to starting position (take-off 2), but remain immobile and don't move for take-off. There aren't any errors in the ADE. Does anyone know what could be wrong or should be modified? Thanks for any advice. Bernard
  6. Did you collected or created them yourself? That's quite different. And member "Sampa" is obvisouly searching for a suitable world wide package and not just pattern flights. Furthermore it probably should be more or less actual. Not very easy. Bernard
  7. Building an own AI traffic with some legs is ok, but a world wide one? Sorry, that's quite utopic! Regarding UTL, the statistic screenshot at Aerosoft site seems showing no European traffic. So be careful. Bernard
  8. Interesting indeed. But it seems to be no GlobalFreeMeshX package at Flightsim. Went through all Mesh uploads. Bernard
  9. I searched for such a package too. As I'm backdating a lot of default aiports it would be much easier to open the Afcad from a folder than go through the default scenery files. Bernard
  10. Or Flight1 AFX. It's payware, I agree. But it has an interface and therefore a very useful "WYSIWYG" to.
  11. Finally could find and download the very small scenery over Wayback Machine. Stll a very useful website. Bernard
  12. Meanwhile I did. See what happens.
  13. Thanks for replying. The link to the site has been ok before, but not this one: http://"https://bluegrassairlines.com/feature_of_the_month/2007/bgas/hangar/2k4/Arriaga_1934.zip Bernard
  14. Does anyone still have "Arriaga 1934" scenery? This was available sometime ago on Bluegrass Arilines site. Now the link ist down. Thanks for any advice. Bernard
  15. It seems to be somewhere in Northern Scotland. May be you lost an HP9xxxxx.bgl file in Scenery\Eurw\Scernery folder Bernard
  16. Thanks Robin. Some months ago I posted a thread in CalClassic forum about this package. Then it was winter:cool: Bernard
  17. Have you tried "show objects from all BGLs..." at the specific place ? If you get no results, objects simply aren't recognized. Bernard
  18. Thanks for your advice. I know this site and installed several sceneries and aircraft. Bernard
  19. Thanks Robin. I know that you still are one of the very few GW aficionados. You already said that on other sites. One of the main problem with GWE is the fact, that default GW traffic and some others use default airports. Let f.i.flying a DC-3 from Paris Charles de Gaulle to Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok is an absolute nonsens. Also I don't want to have all the modern airports in my GW world. Therefore I deleted all AB9xxxxx.bgl and AP9xxxxx.bgl files as well as the object files (OB9xxxxx.bgl).Regrettably I now miss all famous buildings like the Empire State, Buckingham Palace or Eiffel tower.That's the price. So finally I'm struggling with recreate basic airfields to allow the get the other GW traffic mostly included in scenery packages to run in a vintage environment. Needless to say that creating historic flights like those done by Alan Cobham, Chichester or Douglas World Cruiser will be a tremendous work. But at least it's fascinating to search, know and understand how the world was in the Thirties. Bernard
  20. As there isn't any site dedicated to Golden Wings and vintage era, I here try to get in touch with some people still using Golden Wings and working on it. On other sites the interest seems to be extremely little. I would like to share some experience and further extentions of the vintage world. Would be glad to get some feedback. Thanks anyway. Bernard
  21. leuen

    Sound for scenery

    My LAGO folder includes several WAV files of different environment sounds, like sound of people, at airport of or urban traffic etc. These sound files could easily be used and played with a cabin announcement tool. Bernard
  22. Sorry, but these AI aircraft are really awful. Then it wouldn't be worse to use default traffic or WOI. Bernard
  23. As LICZ was asking for a package or complete download, I'am curious what could be recommanded him. He obvisouly don't want to struggle with creating flightplans, compling etc. as I do the same way and teh same tool as alanmerry. Bernard
  24. And what about Flight School? Bernard
  25. To get more or less actual AI traffic you should use one of the payware packages. Unfortunately I can't tell you which might be the most suitable as my sim is running retro CalClassic traffic of the Sixties. BTW, certainly one of the most complete freeware package available (more than 900 different aircraft repaints). Bernard
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